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Introduce yourself! Sticky

A topic by tesselode created Nov 30, 2015 Views: 143,492 Replies: 2,430
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Hey there!

My name's Spencer, and I make games with HTML5. I'm currently goofing around with the ImpactJS framework and the PhaserJS framework, both have their pros and cons, so I'm just trying to find the one I like most.

I mainly use pixel art in my games, through I do experiment with other types (text-adventures, hand-drawn, etc.).

Here's my Twitter if you want to see me babble about small stuff.

Here's my Tumblr if you want to see me babble about long stuff.

Here's my website where I post various things.

This community is super cool, it's crazy how inspired I get looking at everybody's work, keep it up!



Hi, my name's Ian and I've started working on Unity. I'm working on a game about cowboys and time travellers. I like Thomas Pynchon and art.

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Hi! I'm Michael. I'm a game artist and just recently started creating my own games. I used to do a lot of consulting work. Looking forward to sharing some prototypes in 2016!

Also I work at with all the game developers and artists. If you're making something 3D you can email me (michael at for some rad tips and use cases. e.g. I work with Blizzard, Gearbox, and a bunch of indies.

Lord of The Rings: Troll, Part 3 by Michael Calvert on Sketchfab


Hey Michael, welcome! I remember us getting an e-mail about Sketchfab and wanting to do more about it, was that you?

Anyway, the embed looks great, you should totally post over at the 3D section to let folks know how to do it, I'd browse that all day long!

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That was me! Here's how you can embed your 3D models with Sketchfab.


Hi everyone!
I'm Elias from Giant Enemy Labs, a one-man game studio from Chile. I've been coding and making games pretty much since I got my hands on a computer as a child. I also do some art (pixel art mainly) and music. I worked in a local game company for a while but then decided to go indie. It's been 2.5 years since then.

I currently develop my games in MonkeyX, but I've also developed games in Basic, QB, C, C++, C#, Unity and Construct. Even asm, really! There's no such a thing as a language unsuitable for games!

My currently released project -which I'm still adding content to- is ASDAD: All-Stars Dungeons and Diamonds, and while it's currently on Steam it was first available here, on!

This community looks great and I'm looking forward to seeing more of you all! You can also follow me on twitter if you like! (@battlecoder for my personal account, @GiantEnemyLabs for the studio).

Dev on!


Ah beloved B.A.S.I.C ! Great memories from the green screen world!

I'm Laura, I make text games by myself and sometimes with a group of my friends. So I also run the Plus Ultra account, which includes our group games.

The best game I've ever made by myself is Swan Hill; I'm currently working on a sequel and a few related short stories which I hope to release together in Unity for PC and tablet. I'm really into interactive fiction where the text changes systematically on the page.

I'm also releasing a collection of interactive short stories later this year or early next year.

My favorite group project was Slaughtertrain, which I made with Plus Ultra. It's a Snowpiercer simulator.

Hi, everyone. I'm Neil, and I make games with Javascript/HTML5 and am currently learning Game Maker.

I've got a dev blog at Some of my games are here on, some are hosted on my personal website. There's a list of games I've made here.

Hopefully sometime I'll finish a game worth selling (or at least accepting donations for) and when I do, I'll host it here on :)

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Greetings Humans! I am an emphatic music-robot from the planet germany. I love Ludum Dare, prototyping and creating small weird game. I also like discussing game design and problems, so talk to me on twitter if you like :)

I try to make games about the real world with my small studio Causa Creations together with @mercurylegba. We have released Totem's Sound on, a game featuring spirit animals, clams and tv commercials. We also have released Burn The Boards for mobile things.

Hi all!

I'm André, a former graphic designer, who had recently gone into OOP language to recall my teenage years spent in front of a green screen monitor doing silly B.A.S.I.C code. I also released Flamoos - a kid's game - and I am now designing a board game.

Nice to meet you all!


Me Miltage. Me make game.

Hi everybody! I'm new to, haven't even finished my first 'real' game yet. I've bee primarily using Unity3d for about a year an a half. I do pretty much everything on my games--programming, art, music--and it's a very fun creative outlet for me. I'm currently working on a platformer game called Last of the Light, a minimalist platformer that I started about 9ish months ago during my last year of college.

I also stream on Twitch (semi-regularly) and make playthrough videos on Youtube for some of my instrumental songs.


Hi there, I'm empty fortress and I make stuff, mostly short game-things you can find here, on gamejolt or glorious trainwrecks. I tend to rant a lot about accessibility, i18n and user-friendliness.

Nice to meet y'all!


Hey er'body! I'm Tons0fun, not a game dev but a lover of Indie games. I stream over on Twitch and have a budding YouTube channel where I have various series running, one recently started and hopefully long lived is checking out all of the great titles here on (First video from that series is going up Friday) Really excited about the new Press system and better connecting with Developers.

Feel free to reach out at for coverage or interviews. I'll definitely be reaching out to a number of you as I make my way through all the games in the Press system.

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Hey I'm Eva! I've been making indie games for a while. I used to post a lot on dev forums but not anymore, but this seems cool.

Hey Eva, welcome!

Out of curiosity, what made you stop posting on forums and how can we make sure this doesn't happen here?

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I think less free time and meanies.


Alright, we'll work on keeping out the meanies then!

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Hi kids.

I'm Chevy Ray (that's my real name), I've been making games for over a decade now. I think itchio is one of the coolest thing that's happened to indie games in that entire time, so I decided to make an account to hang out.

You can find out more about me on my website. I made a fairly popular Flash game engine a few years back called FlashPunk (there are probably lots of games on itchio made with it), and I also ran a Unity tutorial site called UnityPatterns for awhile. I can code every language under the sun, but I also spend a lot of my time writing and doing art and animation (both for fun, and for my own personal games).

Despite over half my life doing this, all my games are shit, so I'm hoping one day to make something real fantastic and I'll probably put it up on itch. In the meanwhile, I'll be playing & downloading all your lovely games. C:

Oh hello Chevy <3

Deleted 300 days ago

Stop this shit, once and for all! The world does not rotate around you and nobody is interested in "triggering" you. "Hi, kids" is a friendly manner to greet your pals.


My name is Grayson Evans, I am a Canadian born dev making small games out of Vancouver, British Columbia! I have been making games for a year but most of them have been taking down for various reasons (mostly because they are embarrassingly bad). I am mostly interested in making small, vignette style games about singular feelings but who knows maybe I will make something a little more mechanically deep. Check out Head Full Of Doubt if you want a taste of the kind of games I make!

you can find my twitter here

Deleted 6 years ago

Oh hi there *slow hand wave*

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hello i'm droqen! i make games. i bought an arduino yesterday. i'm happy itch has a forum now, because it seems like probably the nicest place.

i do lots of stuff (music, some pixel art, assist with sewing, tinker with arduino now that i have one??, still mostly games, etc) and hope to continue doing stuff.

* wow eva and chevy are right above me! i've met only one of you. i used to post on tigsource a lot and they were there too. i think i've been making games for a long time...

all rise for master jellyfish!


welcome to the itch zone

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Hey y'all! I'm Brian, and I make comics and games. Over the summer I made a little print and play card game called Tiny Swords and I just finished a Kickstarter to make a real-deal version of it! It's been super-exciting and kinda life-changing for me. I'm also slowly learning Twine to make an escape-the-room game with a friend, and am designing my next card game to release as print-and-play sometime early next year. I also have a webcomic called Stardust Slammers that's a mashup of roller derby and magical girl anime. The first chapter's done and I've got the next couple planned out- only a matter of when I'll have the time to finish drawing them.


Hi there! I'm Cullen Dwyer. I do a lot of work with Game Maker. My company is called Cowboy Color, and it's just a two man-team (me and my artist, Britt). Together, we made the versus-game, ChargeShot, and are currently doing contracting work to get by until we can afford to work on our next project.

Hey there, I'm Al Wyvern. I'm just starting out, made a little text adventure as a way of dipping my toe into game dev. Now hooked and learning Unity so I can make a proc gen arcade shoot em up with no guns :D

Hey!!! I'm Dante (@videodante) and I do games and writing and stuff. Most of my stuff is in 2D and real pixelly and now I'm trying to branch into weird 3D stuff too. I've got a lot of ideas and not a lot of time to do them. It's a blast

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hello, i go by yuzuki and i make music-shaped sounds. i work with @enichan as part of kitsune games as well as astral shift for pocket mirror. currently, i'm also scoring various visual novels, one of which is in development and on this site right now. sometimes i even stare at code intensely for long periods of time. nice to meet everyone!

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yo waddup im ditto I dont really care but i make games in colors and it's like woah, that aint pixel art, but yet it is kinda; what is going on there really, lol everythhing is sorta wiggling around, haha, that's funny lol, really tho; how the fuck do I pay rent?

Hey, I'm Veld. I make games, mostly the games i uploaded here are from gamejams.

I make my games in unity. Prefer 2D over 3D but that is mainly because I've been working with 2D ever since i touched code. I love role playing games and rythm games. I'm sure you'll find those elements back into some of my games sometime! Mainly i post progress over at and @velddev for a more casual version of my dev blog.

Thanks for the read and I'll see you later!

Hey everyone I'm Travis!

I like making games that are colorful and different. I'm pretty big into non-violence... more specifically not having violence as a main mechanic or influential element in a game. I'm on twitter, mainly.

Currently I'm doing contract work to keep myself afloat, since I don't like the idea of being chained to my games making me money. Instead, I prefer creative freedom and giving myself time to explore mechanics and game stuff.

Hope that this itch community takes off!


So... Hi.

I'm Daruu, I'm a Computer Graphics and Animation student, and I have made no games.

I see I'm an exception here... haha...

Well I support and love as a great platform to showcase/distribute games. I'm a gamedev enthusiast who has made a little of pixel-art in the past. Mostly contributions to Pixel Dailies on Twitter.

I suppose I can say I worked on some projects, but never finished any. Should focus on small things, haha.

Here's my Twitter. Mind one thing, I'm from Spain so I tweet in two languages.


Hey folks! I'm Charlie, and I make small interactive music experiences. There's a new one coming out this Thursday, in fact! I work primarily in Unity, and I've also been making a tool set for creating interactive music as I go along. The new feature in it that I'm excited about is a system of real-time synthesis modules that I can slap together to make a bunch of different synthesizers. Basically I'm a big old music nerd.

Hello all!

I'm Tim, or Objelisks most everywhere. I've made a bunch of tiny prototypes and game jam games over the past years and I'm looking into making some bigger, actually finished stuff now. Mostly I use javascript with three.js or Phaser, but I also dabble in Pico-8, too!

I'm on twitter, and here's my website with a bunch of things I've made. has always been great, and it looks like the community is living up to all expectations! I can't wait to work with some of you and chat about games!


I'm Lisa, I work with indie-crafty game studio Them Games in Paris
I do all things communication/press/marketing related! (also I study stuff)

Here on I look for games to put in lists. I love lists. So I slowly select, curate, classify things.
I've created the Jam Games List, which I update every 6 months because there are a lot of jams and I do it alone.

We've announced a new project, Yore: Slumbertime Fables, involving an old woman, an old house, a calm village, and many, many stories, most of which you will be the creator :D

There's a twitter and a facebook and an page!

See you and take care!


Hey! My name's Mike. In my day job I research new ideas for games, and then in my spare time I make games and put them up on I also run the Procedural Generation Jam here on! I love this place so much and it's great to finally have a place to chitchat with you.

I'm working on a bigger game than usual right now, and I hope to have stuff up on itch soon! If you want to say hi or talk about anything games or research-related, you can email me or hit me up on the Twitters @mtrc!


Age 3X. Adam "who?" Hartling, during a long and courageous battle with life, has developed games as a hobby for the past few years. Born in Nova Scotia, Canada, he has spent many years working in IT related jobs. Adam is a loyal master to a cat that demands food at all times of the day. He enjoys making weird little games of various types and collecting pencils while travelling. He is also an avid member of the Halifax Game Collective.

Anyone wishing to remember Adam can leave messages of condolences on his twitter page.

hi adam

Hi anna!

Hey, I'm Max Emerick. I've been making games for a couple of years now, and I work mostly in Gamemaker:Studio (though I'm currently playing with a thing in Unity). I love making games and I want more than anything to get better and better at doing so. I'm also a musician, experimenting with a range of types of electronic music. I made a game about looking up at the stars and a game about planting trees. Both of them are aggressively boring by design.

I tweet about my gamedev among other things, if you're interested.

I'm excited about this new itchio forum thing! You folks are lovely <3


Hi! I'm Mickaël aka Ylzor, a French dev. I work on Game Maker Studio and do some pixel art here and there.

I've done two free games so far, Save Point and GUILT and I'm working on a third one right now, hoping to be able to sell it so that this can actually become my job. Feel free to try my games out and to check me out on Twitter!

Aaaaaaaaand I have no idea what else I could say! Glad to meet you all should be enough, I guess! :D

Howdy, I am Alban Voss from Germany. I am doing Indie Game Dev stuff for some years in various quality and quantity. I never really published something until itch came along and it just fit like a glove. Love the website and hope i can find a home here with my stuff and me. Most of my time I am doing Art and Game Design.

I tweet here

My name is Eric, I live in Germany and am currently not so sure what exactly I'm doing. I studied Anthropology, didn't find any use for my degree and am now trying to find something else to do. I run a small German YouTube-Channel where I cover Indiegames on a regular basis. I also run a blog about abstract/artistic games.

However the main reason why I'm introducing myself here is because also started making my own games recently. I just made a game for Procjam and I should release another game within the next two to three weeks. I'm lacking any skill that might help me in regards to Game development, but I enjoy the process of creating games and I want to see how far I can take this thing.

I'm mostly here to learn new things and maybe meet a bunch of interesting people. There isn't much of a local games scene in the area where I live (Germany is a bit terrible in that respect), so I'm mostly used to doing stuff on my own, which tends to get exhausting from time to time.


(Oh wow, so many people here. I feel like I'm late to the party but here it goes)

Hi, I'm Jeremy. You may know me as @Ludonaut.

I've been making games for two years now. I started with Twine and moved to Construct 2 and also somehow managed to make some simple stuff with Unity. I love text art and glitch art (I've made some), I spend way too much time on Twitter, and I'm currently studying game design here in Germany.

My latest thing is this borb thing that I made as a birthday present for a friend.

I'm not good with forums and this might turn out to be my only post here, but this looks very promising. Thank you all for creating a nice atmosphere so far. ✨


Hi and welcome! Just discovered Borb and wanted to say I liked it =), both the concept and the lovely way it was put together!

hi everyone!

I've been making game since 2012, I started with flashpunk now stuck with unity. I'm trying to use phaser now, but still can't make anything from it. almost all my game are on my gamejolt page most of them are small games I make for game jam that I make for about 1 week long each. the biggest project I've ever created maybe this android game with a gameplay borrowed from wario ware games

if you see my games on gamejolt, a lot of them are shooter or shmup, yeah i've been wanting to create a proper shmup games, on my current project, I've already completed the sprites and music/sfx part. now I just need to code it or rewrite the code


Hi, I'm Kevin Cole from Massachusetts!

I'm a full-time writer/spriter/designer/developer and I work with my friends to make games that are weird and important to us. Our first game was a puzzle-platformer in reverse called Project Maiden and it took two years and a successful Kickstarter to make. Right now I'm working on a roguelike called Haque which was successfully Kickstarted in October!

I work in GameMaker and I use mostly free stuff like BeepBox, Bit Font Maker 2, Graphics Gale, and sfxr to make my games.

I started game development by doing game jams in college and I'd love to do more jams and make small games too because those are the games I love to play on itch!

I mostly lurk and I'm pretty shy, but this community rocks and I wanted to say hey! Thanks for bein' cool.

I tweet stuff too.


Hello! Name's Vadim. I'm a programmer from Ukraine.

I mostly make games and mods with online multiplayer support nowadays.
In my opinion there should be more of those.

Mostly working with GameMaker: Studio and Haxe.
Messing with other tools if they are more appropriate for the task.

I have a Twitter and a Tumblr.

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I'm Veselekov. You can call me Ves or V if the former is too hard. I live in Australia. But I was born in New Zealand.

I used to make animated YouTube videos. But I didn't like the general negativity around the general politics which came with it. So about 2 years ago I started coding and haven't looked back since. I am working on my first game Ghost Ranger 199X.

If you wanna contact me contact me on twitter here! My DMs are always OPEN!

Hello, my name is Justin and I am a software engineer from San Francisco, CA US. I've done a few games in Unity, libgdx, and Haxe, and am currently working on a strategy game that I've been paper prototyping for a while. Nice to meet you all!

I guess I'll do this. Everyone else is, and I want to be cool too.

So: Hi! My name's Markus, and I don't have much to show so far other than a few jam games, half of which are only half done. Currently I'm mostly interested Japanese RPGs, board games and computer graphics. Right now I'm working on a first person dungeon crawler, but it hasn't been moving very fast since I tend to get caught up in trying out interesting graphical techniques, but I'm hoping to get things going again before christmas.

What is itch and what is Controller Companion? I ended up with this stuff because I was trying to map an MS Xbox 360 wireless controller to keyboard keys, but I can't tell what itch or controller companion are or where to find out.

Hey Jerry, welcome! is mostly a marketplace where creatives can sell their games / tools / comics / soundtracks etc, you can learn more on our About page.

As for controller companion, I'm assuming you're talking about this tool? Never used it, but it looks cool!


Hello everyone! I'm Daniel, and I like to make games that explore unique or interesting mechanics. I'm a huge fan of game jams like Ludum Dare, and I've made just under 20 games, most of them jam games.

Hi Dan! I think I found in the first place because of Roguelight, so thank you! I love your style!

The master has arrived!

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Heya! I'm Kai! I'm actually currently hosting Loading Screen Jam, here on! When I'm not hosting jams I'm usually just making games about wandering forever, cats with swords, or developing tools for Unity.

Hi everyone! I am Anamik, a solo indie game developer and I have been making games for about 5 years. My aim is to create new games based on some new awesome ideas. I make whatever I love to make.

I mostly enjoy creating my retro platform game and a cute small platformer. I am currently working on my retro platformer to expand it with new features!

I am really glad to be a part of itchio community and also nice to meet you guys!


hi i'm anna. i make digital games and tabletop games and i'm bad at sticking with online forums, but maybe this time will be different.

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Hello friends!

I'm Georg, some dude from Austria, and I'm 50% of this account! I'm quite late for the party that constitutes the current game design community, since I took a large detour via the arts, before starting out with political mods and games a few years back. My identity as a designer is therefore very much informed by an artistic practise and political convictions, not so much by commercial interests or current trends.

Since 2014 I am what one might call a professional game designer, mainly working with my company Causa Creations (together with the great @headchant) and the artistic collective gold extra. Recently we made the action RPG Totem's Sound and the mobile puzzle simulation Burn The Boards. I also tinker around with interactive fiction to broaden my portfolio as a narrative designer.


You all seem nice and interesting!

I just found this place a few weeks ago and only now made an account, I think what finally convinced me was the jams page. I was looking at it and my first thought was a very genuine, 'I could spend the rest of my life here'.

Anyway, I've been making games for about the past 10+ years, primarily in Unity with C#. I'm much more of a designer/programmer than an artist, but since I almost exclusively make games by myself I've picked up a few tricks here and there. I'd love to talk with people about game design, play test each others stuff, or really whatever comes to mind. I'm not great with social media, but I do have a twitter page, @MeantGames , and I do intend to be a little more active on it. You can also just email me, it's the same name

Dang this is getting long, but I do have to say, I live pretty close to Portland, Oregon and am partly a part of (and trying to get more into) the Portland Independent Games Squad and it's been very cool to see games by the people I've met there doing so well here.

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My name is Christiaan. I do 3D animation and make indie games. I made Guppy, a game about swimming like a fish, Rosetta about the deciphering of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic script, and I'm working on Hellas, a game about Greek mythology, which is not on itchio yet, except for a small environment test I did for procjam. I also made Pause Pirate with my brother, for molyjam.

Cool to see the site continue to expand and improve! I look forward to discovering many more interesting games and hopefully releasing a few more projects of my own.

@ninjadodo on twitter

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Hello I'm Dan, or thatguynm

I make small, odd games like Galactic Privateer, NTR, and Mystery House

I work with Gamemaker and Twine (currently trying to learn Unity for some 2d & 3d projects). Most of my games are 2d pixel affairs. I Also make good pixel art and trerrible music. I also like working on physical games and currently working on prototype card game about pitching bad movies to film executives.

I'm also trying to work on something larger than a small prototype, with some luck.

It's nice to meet everyone and finally have some fantastic community features! Feel free to add me on twitter (@thatguynm)


Hi =)

I'm Barbara from Germany (studying Digital Games at Cologne Game Lab) and I've been roaming the web as @monkeyotoshi for a year and a half now. I like to draw pictures and tell stories and try to do my best with both. Apart from that I want to do more games that use alt controllers and challenge the idea of tutorials.

That mentioned, to me, ideas are open source. If I ever say something that inspires you to create something from it, go ahead and use it, since I probably won't. And sooner or later you might have thought of it yourselves, you beautiful creatures.

B> borb and chill people!


Hey Barbara, happy to see you here! Just checked out your sketchbook, which reminds me I have to draw more... one day!

In the meantime, welcome to the itch community, I hope you'll enjoy your stay :)

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I'm Kate Barrett, or "TheWaether". I recently made my first full-length game, D.S.A. And its soundtrack. I put it on, because I love it.

I also made a few other small games, like Lift Of Dreams, and almost-popular youtube sensation Grand Theft Alto.

I also make mashups and draw a lot. Usually I make whatever takes my fancy at the time, sometimes under various pseudenyms. Most of it goes on my tumblr. I spend almost all of my time working on things.

oh, also I have a twitter (@thewaether)


Hi guys! We are team BrainyBeard, we are two university students in Plymouth, UK absolutely fascinated with Game AI and more importantly, pushing the field forwards :)

We are currently working on Project Swordfish, a multiplayer stealth game that explores how powerful AI can be via using a sensory input system, as well as how it behaves in an us vs you vs them scenario.

You can chat with us over at Twitter:
Or at our website:

I'm super happy that now has a community forum! I'm Daniel Sun - I make flash games :)

My name is Chris, I started learning to develop games in March 2015, as of yet no official releases so I have nothing to show you, but all in good time!

Big fan of itch, just having a gander through this new community now its great!

Hi there,

Im Marco, aka Stromvin a wannabe indie game developer from Germany. Im currently working on my first "for release" game Warp(i will probably have to change the Name) which i started as a side project of another game in July this year. Its made with Adventure Game Studio, although its not an adventure game. I try to do everything myself, but i discovered im horrible at making Music ;) Yeah so thats it for now i guess. Oh as you see i have no Avatar so far, but ill get one once i have decided for one ;)

Greez Stromvin

Hello, I'm Ivan

I usually make games with Unity, but I also like trying different things like LÖVE or haxeflixel/punk. I also love participating on jams!

It's great has now forums for the community, I'll try to be around often.

I'm Alex (@stv_alex) and I program games as a hobby with Unity - I work as a software dev right now working with js, c# and ruby. I moved to Glasgow from Norway a year ago. I maintain Voxelmetric which is an open source voxel framework for unity because I figured if I can't get my act together and release a game with the stuff I'm developing I might as well make it easier for other people to make voxel games. I have a ton of prototype projects some of which I hope to release eventually.

Hi! I'm Will. I work on a game engine called PlayCanvas. It's basically a Google Docs for making games. It runs in the browser, it's realtime collaborative - and fun to use too! :) Oh, and it's got really good support for WebGL, even on low end mobile devices. I've put a couple of our games on itch already. Check 'em out!

I've been making games and game tech for, uh, let's just say many years. I've worked on CoD, Max Payne 2, GTA3, DJ Hero and many more. Games (and making games) is a huuuuuge passion of mine. I'm a bit of an all-rounder except I'm colorblind and absolutely no good at composing music - but I get by. Hoping to put lots more of our creations on here!

Well hi! Im a really beginner gamedev/pixelartist that just figures out one year ago that games are not magic-make-things and since then im trying to learn programming and learn all about this craft to make games to maybe one day make it my living job, im currently in Spain doing an internship for a lab (im a material engineer) but would really like to change career path to a gamedev one since i discovered i do really like this medium.

I would really like to meet people and talk about games, about art in general and maybe science! If you are just a beginner as me can contct me via my twitter @Jeuiop, i post @Pixel_dailies and the progress of my gamedev, im trying to make little weekly protoypes with the most polished i can make them just to learn basic game design.

Have fun!

Hello everyone and nice too meet you,

I am Federico Sauret, but please call me Fede. I've been in the industry for about 8 years, and after being in both small and big companies, I decided it was time to create my own thing. Together with a friend we created a company called Titutitech.

Our goal is to make a living out of helping indie games makers by providing outsourcing. But we also like making our own games. And that's what we are actually doing (while trying to get into new projects). Right now we are making the game Oh My Godheads.

Here's our game profile:

Hello My name is Matthew and I have recently started making games (just a few months ago I released by debut game), despite programming as a hobby since the late 2000s. Although I was born at the end of the decade, my favourite games are the LucasArts adventure games of the 1990s, and those games inspired me to want to develop my own games (point and click adventure and otherwise).


I'm Josh, ex-AAA developer (former lead designer on Starhawk), founder of Kickbomb Entertainment, and co-founder of the Utah Games Guild. Right now I'm working on a mouse-driven side-scrolling shooter called Legacy of the Elder Star. (Here's its page.) I do all the design, code, writing, and music, and Erik Exeter does all the art and animation. We're just a couple months out from release and I'm currently stressing about how best to handle QA and whether or not to partner with a publisher. Game development! \o/

Hey everyone! My name's Austin and I work at a small game company in Dallas, TX called BonusXP. I'm a 3D Environment Artist by day, but I've been wanting to try the one man show thing in my spare time for awhile now.

Right now, I've been doing mostly writing on something I'm tentatively calling Project Melancholy. It will be done in Unreal so I've been trying to pick up as much Blueprint as I can while I resist the urge to make assets!

A lot of my day to day dev updates will probably be on Twitter so check it out when things get rolling!

Hi everyone. My name is David O'Toole and i make various free games for PC/Mac/Linux.

I really like the new community forum, i think this is a great idea!

looking forward to participating.

Hello there!

I am Nick,I'm 15 years old and I make 2D games in love2d. I'm currently working on one that I might post it on

Arg, this annoys me, I'm sure I've seen you somewhere on the internet before, just not sure where.

Yeah, I remember you from GameJolt!

Ah, so that's where.

hello there. you can call me oz.

i've been dreaming games since i first experienced one. i love building ideas, digital and physical prototypes. i study as much as i can that's unrelated to games, to figure out how it can be related to games. i'm thankful for been a great place to find games and has encouraged me to start building games. looking forward to chatting with you all.

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I'm Zarkonnen or David Stark in human terms. I started making games as a kid by abusing FileMaker Pro. After a few years post-university doing sensible normal boring work, I once again make games. My current long-term project is Airships: Conquer the Skies. is a pretty neat place, and I hope this new community aspect will evolve into something good too.

Hi there! I'm Joe "Bonesy". I post a lot on TigS and frequently use IndieDB, but i thought I'd try to find other Indie communities. I'm a writer, programmer, and business owner, been making games since fifth grade! Granted I'm still pretty young though, haha. I'm a big anime/VN fan and fan of Hip Hop besides games.


i love this games . and my name is carlos . nice to exist .

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hi everyone,

This is Karlos I'm a freelance developer, mostly working with Unity, in my spare time I make more games or I try to find time toplay games... You know the drill.

See you around


Hi I'm Jay! I made that hugging clown adventure game, as well as a few other thingies that you can get free here. I also make trippy dippy music and practice some (apparently) weird strain of Christianity. Ok bye!!!

Heyo I'm Prince! I'm trying to be a great indie game developer!!! uh...i haven't really made anything noteworth yet XD

BUT i'm also trying to start a Webcomic. Uh...yeah....BYE!

Your post on Twitter led me here! I'm really thankful for it (and Dropsy <3).

Hi Jay! Dropsy looks great, I need to try it but I'm waiting till my girlfriend is less busy (we usually play point-n-clicks together).

How was your experience with Devolver Digital? Would you recommend them?

Hey there, I'm Helix! I'm currently working on my first game called Ellapse. I've been creating art since I was really young and have always been interested in animation. I am also majoring in Computer Science, currently in my third year of college. Now that I have delved into the world of game creation it feels like all of these random hobbies of mine actually have a way of coming together into one big project!

I just discovered this forum today and will probably be posting all over the place once I finish my probability and statistics homework, haha!

My name is Fallon, I make games and say they're made by Crazy Knuckles Productions, but it's really just me.

I made an interactive novel called The Ceramic Uncertainty in Twine; it's my first release (which you can find here on itch)!

I've spent 3 years learning game development independently. I like writing, design, and using Twine, but I'm really passionate about music composition (I tour and play live music for a living) and programming in Fusion 2.5. I'm always making prototypes and thinking about making games with other folks, but have no real desire to make games alone.

I'm trying to find folks who like to make games. Not just for collaborative purposes, but in general. I'm from a small town in North Idaho and while I've found some friends here and there who've taken slight interest in dev stuff, I know no-one who is really passionate about it on a personal level besides myself... I like to have fun with games, but I do take them very seriously as art :)

Fave games (in no particular order): Super Metroid (I have a Metroid tattoo!), Proteus, Telltale's The Walking Dead, Smash Bros. (all of 'em, especially Sm4sh & Melee), Metroid Prime, Super Meat Boy, Super Mario World, & Dropsy.

Hi! My name is Nabor. I'm a chilean software developer, I do mainly web stuff for work but love making games in my free time.

I haven't completed anything but my new years resolution will be make a game next year.

Hi everyone,

We're a two-man development team working with the Unreal 4 engine in hopes of creating a career for ourselves in the games industry.

It would be greatly appreciated to hear your feedback for our game. Currently it's packaged to run on 64-bit PC systems and we're in the process of packaging a 32-bit version as well as Mac and Linux ports. Right now one bug is that 1360 x 768 resolution is not implemented.

Here is a trailer, media gallery and a link to the demo,


media gallery

Wormhole City demo!iNoRGTaQ!i7nqftfApEJMB_C-ZqUdvSud5DURgvh3yI7nDhvWQlU

Oculus Rift Demo

Please let us know if you guys have trouble downloading or playing the game, we're in the process of trying new file hosting services.

Thank you and happy holidays

Hey! I just watched the trailer but the graphics are quite nice, you guys have clearly put a lot of work into it. I really liked the colors in the spaceship scene where everything is tinted aquamarine. Other scenes seemed too "realistic" colored to me and came across as rather bland/brown (that might just be my personal preference). I'd recommend doing a color pass over the whole game to try and just make sure everything's consistent. Awesome work though!

Hello! My name is Dejan Knezevic. I'am a indie game developer from Serbia. I love making games, apps and websites also playing games - all kind of. Unfortunately for now I have nothing to show you as far as games because i am very picky and my ideas preventing me to quickly make game. Right now i am interested in LibGdx and his great abilities(thanks to that framework i am here). itch io looks like great place and i see cool comunity here :). Feel free to add me on socnetworks facebook and twitter.

GG and keep gamer spirit


Hi everyone,

My name is Silviu and I am working on a Jedi TK controlled driving game called LEAP RACER

Please check it out (even if you don't have a depth sensor like Leap Motion) and let me know what you like/dislike about it.

Even Yoda is playing it :)



Hello people! My name is Cong and I'm from Singapore. Recently join the community to publish my competition game here!
The game is playable here:
I am also garnering votes for the competition! If you do like the game quality, do vote for my by liking the image here:

All feedbacks are welcomed! Thanks alot!!!!

Hello! I am Retyqui and i live at Quebec. I love racing game, FPS and platformer. I was a console gamer when i was young, but since i got a powerful PC, this has changed. The PC is now the only platform where i play my game. I don't make game, i want to just play the game in this website.

Hello friends! My name's Jake McGaw. I spent a lot of time with MMF2/Clickteam Fusion in the past, before switching to Unity in the past few years.

I've been publishing games on my website, but someone recommended I check out this site as a way to network and publicize my work.

I've put my favorite of my projects up on this site already, and my other games will follow. Nice to meet you all!

Hello everyone! I just joined the community, and I am extremely lost o_o

I'm an animation student currently working on Animagic, an action adventure RPG about animation and magic hahaha. Pop me a message on tumblr, i love finding new devlogs to follow!

Hello I'm Andy from Alberta Canada . I'm being working on game projects now close to 7 years. I devoted the first 4 working on a pretty cool mod but I really wanted to make my own stuff so I started playing around with Game Maker Studio. I have some games on here they are pretty obscure for the most part .

Hello everyone, I'm Wesley from Montreal.
14 years ago I was making games. But I had to stop because of no time and I didn't find a job in the gaming industry.
After a long break, I'm back in game dev and I was really surprised to find community like and tools like Unity … making games has never been easier !

I'm working on a 2D games inspired by Lemmings, do you remember ? ;)

Hello there!

I am Minitrope, a wannabe indie dev. I'm lurking the community for some time now and decided to give 2016 a go and try to make games :)

Hi everybody! My name's Brian and I've only been making games for a bit under 2 years, though I used to do ROM hacks of Super Mario World way back when. I also somewhat recently started bringing myself online and made a Twitter, and now I've decided to participate in #1GAM for this year! I'm not particularly great at asset making so I'm hoping to hone those skills a bit. I can do simple graphic stuff but composing music isn't something I've touched yet and I might give that a shot for one of my #1GAM games.

Hello Everyone, I'm Haydn Stevens,

I'm an Indie Game Developer from Western Australia.

I look forward to seeing everyone's Games/2Dart/3Dart/etc, and I hope you enjoy what I post as well. =]

My first game on Itch: Cards On Fire.



Hello everyone.

I'm Uranne, a french developer on .NET languages, android and sometimes web languages. I found superpowers by reading Korben's blog.

I'm used to discover languages and make my own experiments but I'm also used to have issues for things that would be easy for others. I made myself even if it is now my job :)

I want to use superpower to discover the art of game making and for fun to, it remembers me the old time of "Game maker" :')


Hey everyone :D

I'm 20 years old and i'm currently studying game design at university, i aspire on becoming a 3d modeller but in my spare time like to work on my youtube channel, which is why i mainly use this site, to browse and find games to play for my channel so if you're a developer and would like me to check out your game and post it to my channel then feel free to hit me up,

take care all!

channel -


Hey guys, I`m Badim aka Vadim Starygin =)

I`m a indie game developer for 8 years, or more. From Russia.

Used to be a flash developer, now - mobile/web games are my focus.

For last year was working on Royal Heroes, that will be like 10th title that I developed and published on my own. (Published is a strong word =)

Facebook and Twitter


Hi! My name is Sebastian. I make games under the name Ultimate Walrus. Just for fun I was looking for a forum where people share small creative projects, and someone directed me here. I mostly use Fusion 2.5 for my games, though I'm also well versed in Unity and used it to make Beat Bros. I also make music in Fruity Loops sometimes. I'm not a good artist but I try my best and sometimes people like it. My girlfriend is a much better artist and often does the art for my stuff.

I guess I'm just looking for a place where, just for fun, I can share stuff and see what other people are working on without feeling like I'm in "promotion" mode (even though I did post all those links... have to work on that). Kind of like the old RoboSquid forums before they died, if anyone went on that back in like 2009.


Hi I'm Reid. I'm working on making a large text-based adventure using I frequently need help on it, but I think i'm finally getting the hang of it. It shouldn't be too much longer until my first project is ready for release.

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Hey Kenney and community,

I found this site by accident and, it happens to have exactly what I am looking for. I love the artwork, it's so much better than other available open source assets.

I downloaded some files to use for now, but I really like the whole idea behind the Studio and its templates. Like most here (I assume), I am a programmer, not an artist! I'll grab it soon. Anything that makes the drawing easier for me, I'm all for (and supporting Kenney).

FYI: the screenshots here are very dark and I cannot see them (I'm trusting to the quality of Kenney's other stuff to vouch for Studio).

I look forward to working with everyone.


Hello I am looking to make games myself soon, ill be putting up a proof of concept game in rpg maker 2003 but hope to port the assests to something like game maker to have more control.( assuming game maker will stop being as complex as it is with its lack of the tutorials i need).

Hi, Thanks for joining the fairytale jam. We're getting close to starting, and I'm trying to keep people up to date. Someone wanted to start building teams, so I've posted in the community.

Lone wolves are also welcomed.

I use C2 myself as it was easier for me to get into, but last game jam I worked with someone on Unity.


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Hi! I Won't Share My Name (Security Reasons) But I Am Happy To Make Some Games Soon Mostly I Just Play Games To Make Some Ideas To Make Games. (I Am Also An Internet Troll But I Take It Seriously Here)


Hello there! In ancient times I made games... and by ancient I mean I coded games in Basic, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Assembler... on these strange artifacts called Apple IIe, Atari 800, etc. It was, quite literally, like taking one's brain out and rubbing it against a rock expecting some sort of result with little to no insight outside the odd snippet of code posted in these things called "mah-guh-zeeens". (Seriously, you'd think books right, but game programming was this ultimate taboo secret back then. Like programmers were worried SHARING ideas would put them out of a job) I wrote tank games, maze runners, choose your own adventure text games, and even what could be considered a proto-visual novel on Mac.

Thankfully my programming teacher told me, "You'll never make games." Why thankfully? Because at the time I was torn between my love of programming and my love of art. So I became an artist. A bit funny really, as had I continued in programming back then I probably would have ended up writing dull programs for businesses and slowly turned into a robot. (No, not the fun transforming kind either)

So here I am all these years later... I draw, I paint, I sculpt, I make puppets... and now I want to get back into making games. Since I've never been good at doing only ONE thing at a time I also do a lot of Let's Plays on my Youtube Channel. I'll definitely be featuring games from here, as I think there's a lot of talented game designers here that need more exposure.


What a great introduction Puppet!

Thanks. It sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is. Fun fact... archaic 80-90's programming languages age as well as moldy bread. (That could also be 20 years of not using said knowledge) I've actually got a folder of game ideas I've jotted down since I quit programming, so at the very least I'm not starting 100% fresh.


Hey! We're Team Lazerbeam! We make punk games! I guess? it sounds cool at least.
We like to make weird personal vignette games. I'm very inspired by the work of Nina Freeman ^__^
In our human form we are three guys from Cape Town, South Africa!
Jay does sound/music, Ben does art/writing/design and I do code/design.
I'm also part of Free Lives, we made a game called Broforce.

Itch is super cool, really excited to be apart of it! I love the strucutre and customizability.
I'm a bit confused about how games get featured on the front page though?
It seems pretty static.


Hey guys. i make art and my brother is a programmer, we made some stuff and we'll probably make some more

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Hey my names Alfred and i'm just starting game making and would love to be in a small team or even just have a partner. I'm in the middle of making and RPG game but i need help making an attacking sprite for my character but i'm not the best at that(i already have an animating character but just not attacking). So if anyone can help please reply.

hey i just uploaded my first file its in very early access, check it out!

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Hello, my name's isn't really Del_Duio. It's what I go by in Internet land.I've been making games since 1987 or so when I started learning BASIC on my buddy's Apple ][e. Eventually I did a little Pascal and then Visual Basic 6 in the early 2000's. Since 2005 I've exclusively used Multimedia Fusion (on version 2.5 currently) and I really like it.

I've probably finished a grand total of 16 games ever, some being quite long. There are a handful that exist in my DXF Games website still.

My notable titles include:


Just a Cleric

Equin the Lantern

The Outlaw, The Drunk, & The Whore

Neil Peart- Mission: The Camera Eye

Hasslevania 2 (In progress)

Currently I am in Steam Greenlight Limbo with Just a Cleric. After that goes through I'm going to finish Hasslevania 2, which has been in development for 8 years now. There's a demo for Just a Cleric on my page here if you'd like to check it out:

I do all my own art, coding, music, testing and all that and I do not really believe in charging others via a Kickstarter campaign when it can be done yourself in your free time. It's just how I feel about that subject, no offense to you who have one for your projects.

I've played bass for 24 years and dabble in drums and guitar as well. I'm a giant Star Trek fan, especially DS9 and TNG.

I think that covers it

It seems we had a similar past with Basic, Pascal and VB6, around 2005 when I started using GNU / Linux exclusively at home I veered into Python, and more recently Lua and JavaScript. Nice to meet you Del Duio

Cool! The good ol' days of GOSUB, PEEK / POKE, and NOTRACE live on

Del Duio you rock!, We have been proud to support his work over at Clickteam. If you want to see some cool games make sure to check out the rest of his creations!


I work in Shanghai China and changed my job recently. I 'm working for a video game publishing company in Shanghai China. Rules and regulation are different. We publish on different platforms but mainly on PlayStation and we are looking for game developers with interesting games. We are a start up company but our the staff has lots of working experience in Unity. I'm the only non-Chinese (I'm from The Netherlands) in our company. Let me know if you think you have an interesting game.

Do you guys only accept PS4 games


for now we do. But in the future we will expand.

Hi everyone!, road(me) here.

I'm that boy who always wanted to do cool stuff but ended seeing those awesome things being made by others, now I want to make my own :) I'm pixel art lover (but can't do) really like good looking aesthetics, since I have no experience yet so I'll be trying to gain some EXP from here.


here the same. I think a good start is to watch the tutorial for the itch io software.

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Tnx, I'll try JPixel, it looks cool :) in the future probably superpowers, there are so many that I'll be old after lookin one by one XD.

How people do these stuff, you must be awesome to develop a tool for developers. ... I wonder how Tartle wiz did his RPG tool?

Tartle Wiz?! Hold on a second. That is me! I have never used JPixel but it looks really good. For the Tartle RPG Tool I did the art using an app on android called IsoPix. For the character generator, I then added some variation to the pixel colors for the character's hair using the burn tool in Gimp. I used an all grey pallet so that I could apply color shading using a script in Unit3d.The hair, eyes, silhouette, beards, and hats are separate sprites.

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Hello I'm in need of your help so please help me the game is called Business under Fire

Hey everyone!

My names kally, 20 years old and i guess you could call me a 'youtuber', i play a lot of games from this website so it'd be awesome if you could check out my channel or have a gander -

you can find me on twitter @kjwgaminghd

take care

Hi Kally! You look pretty cool (I.e. Not a stuffed shirt or whatever) do you accept requests to do indie games? (Like mine maybe?)

Hey you never know if you don't ask right? PM me at if this below looks like something you want to be a part of:

hey you have twitter please get in touch @kjwgaminghd

Sorry, I don't have a Twitter acct I do things super old school like smoke signals lol. Please PM my gmail account if you would, it's Thanks, miss

Hey there !

I'm Kobus vd walt and I am living in South Africa where I am studying Comp Sci. You might know me from a game called Cluster and more recently I made a procedurally generated shooter thing for #LowRezJam.


Hello everyone!

I'm Milena Green from AdoreStudio, a UK-based casual game developer. I'm actually a spokesperson and spreading the love for our games through various channels. Have some bizdev skills as well as experience in launching games on mobiles. Right now we're working on a cute endless tap'n'slash arcade game Ninja Dude vs Zombies. You can check it out here. (I've just discovered this website, so the game page might not look like cool one, but I'd really like to know how to get the most out of! Hope you guys will help me:)


I'm pretty new to this site too and I gotta' say it's really Dev-friendly. Like a ton. Better late than never, right


Greetings, Everyone!

I am usually called Vsio or NeithR. I am a pixel/oekaki artist and a solo game developer. I usually develop windows, flash, and PDF games.

I usually use Graphics Gale to make pixel/oekaki art, Game Maker Studio to make windows games, HaxeFlixel to make flash games, and Power Point 2007 to make PDF. Currently, I am moving to Phaser to make HTML5 games and Libre Impress to make PDF games.

I am also developing my new PDF game using Libre Impress and its quiz mode using Phaser. Wish me luck, Guys!


Good luck from an MS Painter all the way


Thank you and good luck for you too.


Hey howdy! I've been here a while, but I haven't really gotten into community stuff before. I mainly work on RPG Maker stuff and text game stuff, and I already have some stuff posted. I want to improve my sprite making skills and maybe learn how to code in the future (though I can never get a grasp on it).

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You might want to work o your handle too, It doesn't come across as very media friendly! X

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Hi hello, I'm jo-robo! My main skills are illustration and creative writing, and I'm trying to learn more about code stuff (slowly I will make sense of it). I made a visual novel, robo-tea:1cup!, and released it on Valentine's Day. Pretty much just here to share cute robot dates with the world.

As a friend described me: "[jo-robo] said she'd make a queer robot dating game and she DID."


I love these damn robots! Your game looks adorable, and I'm sure you'll do more awesome stuff. :D


Ahhh! thank you! ^w^ I'm working hard on delivering more stuff this june and next february!


Hello Wesley here. I'm a programmer by trade and make games for fun and as a creative outlet. I code in Lua, Python and JavaScript. I have entered a couple Ludum Dare comps. I like penguins and chip tunes.

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Hello. My name's David Smith. You can call me MowDownJoe. I've been itching to make games for most of my life. In kindergarden, my teacher challenged the class to make a board game for reasons unknown to me. My grade school friend introduced me to RPG Maker while I was in Middle School, where I (poorly) tried to wrap my young brain around such concepts such as level design and balance. And my college professor loved the little student game project that me and a classmate put together over a 3-day span. So, I've had an itch to make games most of my life. It's only about now that I tried to teach myself Unity and actually do something with that itch.

Prior to making games, I had a not very successful YouTube channel where I played various games I found interesting while trying to flex what knowledge I gleaned from watching Extra Credits and trying (but failing) to make myself feel superior to other people. The same could be said for my Twitch channel, I guess, though I use that more nowadays and may one day just stream myself doing dev stuff.

So... yeah. Games have been a part of my life since I was 3, when I got an NES and Super Mario Bros. I've always wanted to contribute, and now... 25 years later (God, I'm old), I'm going to actually do something.


If you think you're old at 28, boy do I have bad news for you later on :)

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Hey! I'm Kevin, I've done all kinds of game art, but mostly pixel art. I provided stuff for Starbound as a contributor -- the Synthesizer's armor was my design originally, as were some of the weapons. Besides that, I've done illustration, I'm not bad with scripting, and I like food and I play a liiiittle bit of piano.

Now I'm experimenting with making games all on my own. It's kind of hard, but it's a lot of fun! Thanks for being here and having awesome jams, itch. :)

Welcome, Kevin!

Glad to see so many still carry on with Pixel art! Not everything has to be super duper ultra realistic HD all the time :)

Thanks! Glad to be here! :) I dig lots of different kinds of styles, but pixels are so fun and approachable. And a little pragmatic for quick asset development too, I suppose. ;)

Hey everyone, I'm a software developer in Montreal who is cutting his teeth on making games lately. I mostly work with C# at work but I've been making 2D games in JavaScript. Soon to be moving onto learning Unity.

Hoping to connect and collaborate with others.

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Kisguri from Clickteam here. We are excited about being part of the platform. We over at Clickteam have been a long time supporter of the indie games movement. With games being developed on our platform like the FNAF series, The Escapists, Freedom Planet and a ton of others (Find more #MadewithFusion titles at ) we thought it wise to watch and see what happens here at Itch, However I meet folks from Itch at GDC this year and seeing as they were so cool we jumped the gun and listed Fusion here.

As we move forward feel free to contact me if you have any ideas how Clickteam can better participate in the experiment!

Best Regards,


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Well it seems I haven't quite introduced myself here, have I? To make it short, I'm a french student living the wannabe-indie nerdy life. If I'm not busy with school stuff (or procrastinating), my spare time is mostly spent trying to learn the ancient art of gamedev alchemy. I've been dev-ing for a bit more than a year as of this post and I've got a handful of gamejam games under my belt, although I would love to finish and release a bigger and more complete game. And that's why the great Cynicus and I are currently working on this bad boy which is still pretty early in development. Regarding my weapons of choice, I use the almighty GameMaker: Studio for the codey magic and I use a mix of the good ol' Windows Paint and PyxelEdit for the pixelley goodness.

That's about it for me, I hope we'll meet again some sunny day.

Until then, have a nice dev! :)

Tselmek out.

You can also catch me on Twitwit - @tselmek

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Hello every one. Trần Vũ Trúc from Vietnam. A robot dev into a very bad mobile game dev into an emulator dev. Nice to meet you all :)

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Hey everyone, I'm a computer instructor for people with disabilities.
Hackathons and game jams my hobby.
Special interests are: game accessibility and involvement
of people with disabilities in game development. Feel free to contact me Igal

Hello everybody, armature hobby game dev here, trying to slowly make my way from simple 2D games to more complex 3D games in the hope of someday becoming rich and famous (aka, teh ultimate supahstah!) But until then, I'm going to be dev-vlogging my stuff and playing new and interesting games and critiquing them hopefully to help both them and myself.


Just so you know, moving away from simple 2d games doesn't mean your game will be more successful. In fact there are a ton of 2d games that do extremely well sales-wise! Keep it in mind!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Stefan Smith, the C.E.O. and lead game designer from ALF Games; a small independent game studio based in Bury St. Edmunds, UK.

Our first project is "VIDEONASTY", a 2D 'Investigate'em' up (puzzle, adventure and platformer), set in the fictional northern England town of Gornich. Taking the role of police officers Tom Atkins or Ellen Sandweiss, you are on the tail of a serial killer whose patterns follow that of 'Video Nasty' horror films.

You can find further information and in game mock up screenshots on our GameJolt Page or page.

VIDEONASTY is fast approaching the prototyping stage and we are very keen to share it with you lovely people.

Cheers everyone!



Hello Everyone,

My name is Siddhant Dixit and I am the CEO of CRASS Infotech which is a Technology Company.

I am 18 years old and have entered the business world.CRASS infotech makes 2d/3d Games,Animated Movies,Apps,Music.CRASS Infotech has recently now released a game named Agent 777 which is available in Itch store.This is a game with intense action ,hope you all like it.



My name's Alex. I have a website at and make all sorts of games of all genres. Have a lot of experience making games on various platforms and throughout 10+ years I've made a lot of games for various publishers and individuals. Then I decided to start my own website and make my own games for a change. Most of my games are free, but some of my recent games are not. Feel free to check them out and let me know your thoughts.


I used Itch to host + sell my ebook, Philosophy for Any Life. I love how Itch allows products to be free but still accept donations, and to choose the 'cut' that Itch gets.

I'm not aware of many other books on Itch, so if you're reading this and would like to make a bundle to promote Itch for products other than games, feel free to reach out.


Scott here. Originally my goal in life was to make free games on the side of my work (doing TV animation), but I want to see if i can sustain my life for a little while doing something i love.

I like experiencing games because they capture my attention and i forget that death is real.

I've made a handful of small games like The Box Brigade which is a simple management game where you help cats pack a moving truck. There is also my first game, Lavi Quest, which is an hour long or so platformer where you play as a naughty cat that likes to knock precious objects from high places.

I don't just make games about cats.


Hi, hello. I'm a game artist. I go to the art institute of phoenix.

While I'm more used to working on regular 3d type art, i want to make more stylized stuff, or even try 2D/pixels, and also learn some minor programming. I was able to make my own space shooter and rolling ball game but i never posted them anywhere... figured i might make something from scratch but it will be a while cause i dont have a lot of time because of classes.. I like dark and gothic things and i hope to channel that into the mini-games I make. < my portfolio


Hi I'm Slam Daddy and I have no clue what I'm doing. Could someone please teach me to download a game please? I'm hella new to this platfrom and when i downloaded a game it was just a .rar file, I have no clue. Thanks


Hello am Dragonscud. I am an avid gamer and I plan to play many games as possible. :

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Hello, I create games in java. I enjoy sandbox games so that is the type of game I want to create. My main announcement place is my blogger at



I'm Kat, I'm a writer and have been trying to learn to code and create games more recently. Having been a player up until now I'm finding the begind the scenes stuff pretty interesting even if somewhat difficult. Still, I'm enjoying learning (or attempting to learn) new skills.



I wish you luck.


My name is Mike and after over a decade of making games for a hobby, I have decided to make it my career. I will be releasing my first game Wrong Dimension in just a little while. I've had many hobbies, but game creation is the only one I have gone back to time and time again. I plan to only ever make games that offer something new to my players. Such as Wrong Dimension, a platformer, with the camera facing down from the top!

I have a ton of great ideas that I know will be fun. Unfortunately many of them are so large they will need a nice sized team. So I am hoping to grow with smaller releases until I can get to that point.


Hallo! I'm CatDragonCandy, which combines my three favorite things. XD I like drawing, sculpting, and playing games. I took a few programming classes and I was like yoooooooooooooo, and then I tried out unity and I was like yooooooooooo, so I decided I'd try making a game. I'd love to make some friends who make games too, so that's why I'm here!


Hi all!

I'm a hobby game developer, and "apprentice mathemagician". I'm mostly into 2D gamedev with little to no frameworks, and don't really stick to a particular language (I've worked with AS3, C++, Python and more recently Scala). I like doing my own music, too.


Hey there everyone- I'm Kathleen of Queen Bee Games, a husband/wife team based out of Canada. We launched our first game, Onion Force back in March on Steam, iOS and Google Play- and in the last little while distributing the game via the cool storefronts like itch, indiegamestand, etc. We developed the game via Gamemaker with no prior coding experience. Nice to learn about the community here on itch. :D


Hey, Elderotter. Love this game though it does seem to slow down as I get further into it. Wondering how to stop autosave.


Hey everyone, i am Karim from Sengkala Dev. I have heard about is one of great selling indie games. i intrested with many games in this place and currently, i am developing game called Pedalahusa Fall of Bali (FOB)


Hey there!

I finally decided to get a little bit more involved in gamedev, as well as the community part of it. I've been stealthily working on my first tiny little game in GameMaker Studio in my free time and I hope to put it on in near future. I totally suck at promoting myself so nothing to share with you guys atm. But first, I guess I need to choose profile picture and stuff!

Hi. My name is Pavel and I live in London and Prague. I'm an economist-turned-game-developer. My first game, The President, has been influenced by my previous job. Yes, I do the coding myself. I love strategic games and simulations. As a lazy person I avoid fast action games.

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Hi! My name is Martin and I'm indie developer from Serbia. I'm here since 2015. After getting a lot of mails from fans that my official page needs more personality I decided to add my cat Koli in glorious 16-bit form :) Now you can see it everywhere on my official page. She is even here to say HELLO to you :)

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And of course, if you have some new ideas or constructive criticism just send a mail on my page! :)

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good day


Hello, I'm just a person struggling to learn Unity and Blender in hopes of one day learning to make my own games. Nice to meet everyone!



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Hello this is Jamie at Ellis Studios! I live in PA, and I love developing RPGS.

First let me thank my backers without you all I won't be able to get the right trailer and marketing I need to make this game well known.

I have found a good deal I will be getting a trailer and a promo trailer plus my logo intro all in one package, I will be paying about $300.00 and I will use the rest of the money to market and promote the game. It is looking good! And I am very excited.

Check us out on kickstarter: Humans and Monsters on kickstarter

Check the game out on Humans and Monsters on

Thank You!

Jamie Ellis

Ellis Studios


Hello! Space Mace is a new three-person studio in Minneapolis, MN currently working on Joggernauts. We are using Refinery for our closed beta!


Hey my name is mikkel and i have startet to make small games in unity 2D and 3D. i have postet my first game here on

im looking forward to get a steam greenlight licens


My name is John. I run a Let's Play channel with 3 other friends. I'm mainly here looking for new games to play on that channel.


Hello there! We are Storm Harted Academy. We have made games for over 3 years but we only recently joined Itchio. All of our games were made using Game Maker Studio 1. Our original name was Jelly Devil Gaming but we changed it because our mascot's name is Storm Hart.


Hi! I'm Ted and my studio is Hammertail (it's just me), and I'm from Iowa, US but I'm now living in The Netherlands. I've been making indie games since 2004 :o and it's been cool to see how it has evolved! I recently joined Itchio, and re-released a game/simulation/thing called Pixel Fireplace. I do the pixel art & animation for Crypt of the NecroDancer, co-created an experimental art tool called Hexels, currently programming The Aardvark & The Manatee, and working on a game by myself called Derbytown.

Itchio seems really cool and I'm happy to join the community :) Have fun making your games!



I'm hermann kayode , a 2d artist from africa

I started creating games back in 2009 , my first real games was star and light 1.0 by 2011

I came here and sold two copies of it back in 2014 (two buyers seemed happy , at least one fo them ), but star and light managed to get into steam

I'm still trying to re-create the game for releasing on steam and try to solve some problems linked with my bank account (since i'm in senegal , i guess they block everything from africa)

I try again to sell on , my new game Hammer Time

Hope i'll sell a bit more this time.


Hi there! I'm Stu @studenman and I live in Washington, USA. I've been making games for 25 years, but like some of you, I got tired of working on other people's games and so I started making my own last year. I love seeing all the cool stuff on and I'm thrilled to join this great community of small developers.

I'm working on something very different - a colorful physics puzzle game called Tiny Bubbles. I have some screenshots and a video on my website if you're interested. I also submitted it to IGF2017 ( *crosses fingers* I hope I can some day put it up on, I would love your feedback.

Keep making fantastic games and art!

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I am alex bochis from sweden and i am newly registered member here. Well i am game developer and publisher. Here is the list of my game stuff, paid and free stuff as well.


Some pretty clean digital art! I looked over your site, a lot of cool ideas. Makes me kinda inspired



If you want some of our free stuff. You can have it here:

Thanks man! I have a quick 2D project I want to work on with my son, so I really like the turnaround time that this background-generator provides, haha. :) Gotta finish up some other work first


Hi. This is MinsterJay/InstructorJay. I have been RPGing since 1982, and made my first campaign in 1983. I am a 2D game designer and 2D game graphical assets creator. I am moderator/admin for various RPG dev groups/forums. I love making 2D retro-style RPGs and board games.


Yo! I'm mark dearman currently working on a game called Birthstond:RAA .... Not much else to say about me HAHA :P


Hello my Names Matthew O'Kane

I designed a few games have a look play and comment. Leave a link to your game ill dl and comment too and pass it on to my friends

looking forward to making it :)


Hello I'm Nart, Year that is.

I just mess around with gamemaker studio, about 4 years by this point, as well as make pixel art, not necessarily the best.

Current the only "game" I have up is a top down "beat em up". Hopefully I'll make something more complete in the future.

- Nart


Hello, My name is Julian

Ive been coding with Python for a month or 2. The biggest project i have out right now would either be the Encryption/Decryption software or the beat up person game.

Haha, Great contrast, just made me chuckle a little. I work in IT also and it's definately using code for multiple purposes and uncovering other peoples projects to make sense of them code wise. I am just getting the hang of Python this year, to use with Twilio for like, text message passcodes etc, I used to do FTP with Encrypt / Decryption stuff also, that's pretty useful


Hey everyone. New here as well. After searching on the internet I stumbled on this site and it looks very cool. Also the community seems pretty cool after some lurking I decided to sign up as well :)

A little about me: Anime, gamer, noob letsplayer on YT, striving indie games developer, cats and kittens geek, no serious don't get me started on cats :3 Also like to post random things and memes. Been blogging for a few days as well :)

I don't think I've introduced myself yet, and if I have, it was a looong while ago.

Hi. I'm bluebirdplays. I'm a bird. Tweet.

Right now I'm in the planning process of making a new visual novel, but the only thing of note that I've made so far is a game about a Flamingo that saves the world, found right over heres.

I also have a podcasts that features indie games if that's your cup o' tea. And you can find that right on over hereeee

Otherwise, I'm a pretty simple creature. I looove indie games, but I think if I had to pick a favorite genre, it'd be adventure, point & click, visual novels, with platformers trailing slightly behind because I'm not that great a gamer! No thumbs is a bummer :(

Nice to meetcha all!


Sup, I'm Zero Fade (L8tin), I've been working on Java at work so it leaked over into my personal interest of graphic design and dreaming about making games since 1987 I think (Commodore 64). I just released my first game yesterday 12/29/16 called "Fly Squirrel Fly", it was over a year in the making, but I feel I learned so much and have a solid gaming engine now as a core for 2D platformers.

I'm interested in all kinds of music and games, and have 3 kids now, so my spare time is so limited, but I'm having a great time coding and using Adobe suite to create graphics Thanks, hope you have a great day!

Hi i have a tip fore the game the game is really funny. but the hai is not really strong my tip is make more see (monster)

giant octopus ore another sings, and that you can make a sail that you can go from the place and find little ilands ore somthing


When I start the game all correct but I do not get the background the screen is in a fuchsia color but the game keeps running


hey everyone! I'm Ben :) and I'm currently working on Proxy which is a programming game where you code a robot to defend you :) I made the engine myself!

Hi All. I'm Pixel Sword (Paul) and I'm a games developer based in the always awesome city of Glasgow, Scotland.

I've been in the industry now for 5+ years doing both full time work as a Producer and part time work on my own stuff when I can. Recently I was made redundant after Team Rock closed for good so I'm back to working on my own personnel projects full time. I'm currently working on a game called Pixel Raiders, that's a mash-up of old Atari shooters like Centipede and Space Invaders. I'm also about to re-release Squares of Black Space I worked on for mobiles back in 2013 as HTML5 game on

You can follow me on twitter or on Facebook to find out more about what I'm up too. I've even got a Tumbler if you want to get the latest and greatest news for my projects.

If anyone needs help with anything please let me know. I'm more than happy to rent myself out or lend a hand in the name of game dev.


Hi I am here because of thecatamites, give me all of your money.

Hi I'm Robert I can't believe I haven't introduced myself here before. I'm running an asset site with the goal of creating free and really affordable but professional 2d assets aimed mostly at indie developers, I'll be slowly uploading a load of my assets to the itch store but it's gonna take ages. In the mean time If you want to check out my assets here's the link

Hello, Robert

My name is Ioana Sima and I'm looking for a price offer and a time estimate for game icon, game title/logo (color and black&white) and cover for an indie game. The game graphic is complete and the game has been submitted to Steam Greenlight,I can provide screenshots with low poly characters and as a basis for cover.Cartoon-style is preferred.

Also if possible (not mandatory) to provide an invoice would be great.

For details, please contact me at

Have a nice day :)

Deleted 4 years ago

Nice, and welcome to the community. I'm looking for a composer for a team of mine for Game Development. Would you like to join? We need a composer lol

JustJohn and I purchased FreeRider so far. I am a consumer.

HI, I'm web developer / artist looking to create cool games using Lua.

I have a thread here around some issues I have came across and need feedback on.

Love2D beginner- why are Shape colors being applied images?


Hello, everyone! My name is Long. I go by 'longttran' in the game Antihero. I'm really enjoying this game so far, so I'll be looking forward to playing with as many of y'all as I can!


Hello, My name is Sybren. I have been a game-developer for 6 years now. In 2014 we (me and 3 colleagues) released the game Reign of Bullets. Last Global Game Jam we worked on Hyper Time: Disruptor with a small team. We decided to work some more on it and put it on itch. (

At the moment I teach a variety of students in the arts of programming.


Hi, My name is Wojtek. I'm gamer from Poland since 1996. I love all sort of good games from rpg, rts to fps.I'm really happy that exist and show people all over the world such amazing indie games. Best wishes to You all. Keep indie gaming going on.


Hello everyone,

I'm Rubeki, I'm a solo indie developer I do just about everything from modelling to sound effects, to programming. Music is tough however so I try to go public domain whenever I can.

I will try to use the blender game engine alone for all my projects, since I have a long history with it. Let's see how far it takes me!

I have only released one game so far, but I'm very proud!

Hey i love the fact that you know blender so well. So I know you're a solo indie dev, but would you be willing to team up to make games? i'm trying to get a team together. Whatcha say? Email me or just reply.


Hi all.

I don't remember why I didn't introduce myself when I joined itch, so I want to do it now. My name is Igor or Ingvar. I am 22 years old and I am from Russia. I like to create games. Also I am a web-developer.

Hey, I'm EdgieHippie! I am a small time Youtuber. I made a few simple games in YOYO Game Maker in middle school, and wanted to be a game designer, but then opted for a different path.

Hi I'm aStolenLife and I'm running a small youtube channel it would be awesome if you guys could swing by take a look, like and give feedback and ultimately subscribe if you like :D

I'm hoping to make some videos from soon so if you subbed you will get to seem them!

Check out my channel here Astolenlife Games!

Looking foward to any support given.



Hi. Stephen from Edinburgh, Scotland here. I've had an idea for many years, not a game more of a mechanic for first person games. Head to my project for more info. Astonished By Design


Stephen Palmer

Hey man email me when you can, but if you have some sweet ideas. Send them my way. Im a developer and is lookin gfor things like this, and i even use Unreal Engine anyways lol :)


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Hi I'm Rick! I used to participate in a lot of gamejams (17 so far) and make lots of little game doodles (as well as some bigger projects).

Now that I study Digital Games I kinda got out of it ironically :P But I want to get back to it and get to know more people of the Indie scene!

I enjoy nature in games and all things atmospheric. Besides making games I also make photos of tiny worlds.

hey let's talk sometime, i have a indie group and you could be a nice new member. If you're up for it :)



Sorry, I'm already involved in things. But thank you for the request :)

Hi there, I make stuff. :)

I'm a graphic design student and I compose music for video games and personal projects. I like designing games as well, mostly but not limited to adventures and narrative experiences. I've just published my early access game here on and so far I really like this website. Clean and simple. Just the way I like things.

I hope to make some good contacts here and I'm also open for music commissions. I have a pretty extensive portfolio (Newgrounds, Audiojungle) for anyone who's interested.


Hey contact me, you would make a great member in IdealistStudios. We have a game development group that you would go great in :)

contact me:

(1 edit)

Hi everyone,

My name's Chris, and I'm working on my first commercial game - Orbulus, a simple platformer inspired by the mobile game Bounce. I've done a couple of games before - another platformer, a small adventure game, and a game where you pop bubbles.

I'm also a cartoonist and a music composer.

You can find my music here:

My favourite genres of games are puzzlers, platformers/side scrollers, adventure and action/adventure games, and FPS games.



We are PixelCount Studios, formed by 2 ex-Lionhead devs who worked on the very marmitey but oft-cherished Fable series.

Team consists of Matt, our LA-based Community wizard who ran the Lionhead fansite, The Dead Hamster for many years.

Neal is the resident coder...working tireless on tools and everything else. Neal was at LH for donkey's years and did scripting on Fable 1 right through to tools support on Legends.

Charlie rounds out the team as designer and level designer, having worked on Fable longer than anyone and doing stuff like building the Albion of Fable 2 and 3, and pointing at the screen a lot during Journey, before actually doing some work again on Legends.

Our prototype is here...

Look forward to getting to know you and sharing more of our development chaos ;-)

The Dead Hamster is an interesting name.

Lionhead was named after one of the founders pet hamster :)


Hi everyone.

I am Nathan. I am a Computer Science student. I just started doing Game Development a couple years back. So far I have been making twine games. I have been particularly interested in creating less linear twine games. I have currently just posted Commander, but am in the late testing stages for the current twine game I have been working on, the Dream Dilemna. So far I have worked alone, doing all the music and writing myself.




Hello community,

I'm Sean Connolly, a freshman CS and Finance major at Northeastern. I don't plan on pursuing game dev at all, but, this past weekend, my roommate and me made a game, that is minecraft themed - we won an award. We would like some feedback from actual game devs. Mind you this game is only playable if ran in Eclipse, with a run configuration specified in its description.



Hello community,

I am a game design student at the New York Film Academy, I would love to receive feedback on my games as it will greatly help me develop my craft.

Hey, what are your game? Ill play them. And i even make games to, i dont have any out yet. But i can help if you wanted.


Hey friends, I'm Plum, an aspiring gamedev from the middle of nowhere.

I don't have much of a development community where I live so this is my attempt at trying to connect to one online. I primarily do game design and level design type stuff, but also I do a bit of programming as well. I'm honestly so early in the learning process though it doesn't really make sense to say I specialize in any one thing.

If you'd like to collaborate, or would like some feedback on a game, please hit me up! I am always looking for new friends/professional videogame colleagues

Hey you have a discord? Cause i have a small community that's growing with people like you. i've been learning to developing games for a while now and maybe we could help each other. and maybe make a game lol

I'm on discord as Plum, as well. Feel free to contact me there! (Anyone else reading this, also feel free to contact me :) )

Here join the idealiststudios Discord.


Hello, I am Macin and I am a programmer. I have finished a puzzle game for start, but always wanted to make FPSs. Now I have pretty much done first FPS engine but it looks 97-ish, so now I am dreaming about making my games look better and better! I am no hater of Unity, but its a lot more fun to program the engine myself, even if it takes more time. I can also design something if needed - I am sometimes 3D modelling and recently found out how to make nice textures. But my 3D modelling is grinding and slow and I like programming a lot more. So far I make games as a hobby, but I hope to get more famous later :D

Plum: Hello, you look like kind of guy Im looking for now. I need a 3D designer for FPS game, reply if interested :)

Same, but i'm not the best programmer. But i have a community on Discord who would love a programmer. You familiar with Unreal Engine


Thx for offer but I am making my own engine, which is far more fun and satysfying than use engine made by someone else. I will not join, I was more thinking about somebody joining me :) Good luck with your project.

and the best of luck with you too


Hey, it's 64 days late, but why not :), If  you still need a designer, I am very much down. My discord name is also Plum, feel free to message me there (Or here, but idk if there's pm functionality here)

Thats great! :D Sure I would still need a designer. But I have just spend 15 minutes by setting up Discord and trying to find where are PMs and how to find you there, and I refuse to rage anymore so we will do it this way - write me e-mail on:

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Hello people!

My name is Gabe. I'm a game designer, creative programmer and interactive artist who lives in Canada. I am always interested in experimental mechanics in small game projects that explore a single, focused and engaging idea. Most of the time I'm busy making prototypes of things that I think are cool or using javascript to make interactive art on the web (a woobsite should be coming soon...).

If you have any projects in development and want feedback or even some help (I don't charge for help), feel free to send me a message!

I exist here:

Hey dude, i would love to have you on my team for games. I own a small indie group called IdealistStudios and were making games, small ones for now. but i would love for you to join. :)


Hey community! :) I played a couple Twine games, thought they were cool and now I'm here. Have a good one :)

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