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A member registered Dec 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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¡Una pregunta!

Estamos adaptando un FATE para jugar con amigos y tomando ideas del PbtA que hay publicado en itch (Hogwarts RPG). Ese juego tiene una licencia CC-by-nc-sa. ¿Qué licencia tenéis, o en otras palabras, si cogemos elementos os importaría que pudieramos publicar nuestro hack mencionando a las autoras originales?

¡Esto es una maravilla! Me lo estado leyendo y es genial. Muy atento a todo lo que publiquéis.


I just discovered this software and oh my god it's perfect. My screen is very big and I have problems to read and see the icons. Is there some way to make the UI bigger (x2) like it happens to be on browser?

Thank you!

I actually laughed when he went into the forest and all the people died haha

The intro was amazing, and the combat system seemed promising, but the movement is so stiff and animations need more 'punch'. The effect when you block an attack is what your other animations need.

Main character was a douche tho.

The art is beautiful, but the controls are a little stiff. Be careful putting enemies right next to the start.

Hey, I couldn't jump. I don't know what the problem is, the character just moves to the right by itself and gets stuck in front of the first box.

Good use of the limitation and cool idea, but I struggled a lot to play the rogue part. Commands seemed not clear, I had to look at the comments here for a clue.

Love ya!

Hey! Great setting and well executed mechanics. Good job!

Thank you for playing!

We plan on adding music later on! There was no time for the jam unfortunately haha.

Not sure about the checkpoint thing, but we're analyzing feedback and we're gonna try to adjust the ghost phase difficulty a bit. Also right now enemy ghost can appear at your face (which was not intended and has to be corrected).

We're both on research projects at our uni so we don't know when we will be able to add things. But we plan to! 

Thank you for playing :)

Thank you very much!

The game is really beautiful, I liked the idea with the puzzle and the second part of the game :) Congrats!

Game throws a .dll error :(

As the game description is not shown here. Remember you can attack in the second phase by pressing X or C (or X and B in the xbox gamepad)!

I loved the card-based battle system at the end!

I loved the idea! I would have liked a bit of a transition within phases, some minigames started abruptly but I understand the game jam limitations.

Keep up!

Thank you for playing our game and for your kind words :)

Hey! Cool mechanic. We liked the idea a lot. The platforming was a bit clunky and buggy, but I feel this has to do more with how Unity handles physics than anything.

I loved the concept, and it was well developed across levels.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you for playing.

I uploaded a Windows build for now. I may consider exporting to other OSes if I can.

Hello! Thanks for the critique!

Yeah, I'm no sound designer (and definitely less of a musician, I'm glad you like it, but I really hate my music haha!), so I understand the complaints. Having options to configure screen-shake and controls is always a good idea, but I wanted to have a release date and commit to it, so... I had in mind one or two more enemy types, also, but I felt that would have taken me too long.

Thank you for playing again! <3 <3


I've been developing this game for one month, approximately. It's not perfect, but I think it's fun and addictive!

Rockslide is a fast-paced action game in which you have to dodge enemies and kick rocks, making them slide and hit them on the face!

Play it in

Thank you very much!

I shared your video on my Twitter.

PD: That platform room wait time design decision will haunt me in my sleep, haha

Yeah, you're right, and maybe add a breath to that fountain ;). Thank you for playing.

Hey! Thank you for your comment!

Some friend had problems with this section, too, so I recorded a GIF on how to beat it on the past weeks:

I think it is the section you refer too but feel free to ask for additional help if it is not.

Probably I should have designed that zone better.


I managed to finally finish a short game. It's called Last Breath. It was developed for a gamejam in Spain.

It's a puzzle-platformer with an interesting mechanic: you leave platforms when you die, and you can use them to progress.

It would be awesome if you played. The game is free! :)

So... Hi.

I'm Daruu, I'm a Computer Graphics and Animation student, and I have made no games.

I see I'm an exception here... haha...

Well I support and love as a great platform to showcase/distribute games. I'm a gamedev enthusiast who has made a little of pixel-art in the past. Mostly contributions to Pixel Dailies on Twitter.

I suppose I can say I worked on some projects, but never finished any. Should focus on small things, haha.

Here's my Twitter. Mind one thing, I'm from Spain so I tweet in two languages.
