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Grayson Evans

A member registered Sep 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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Oh hi there *slow hand wave*

Oh hello Chevy <3


My name is Grayson Evans, I am a Canadian born dev making small games out of Vancouver, British Columbia! I have been making games for a year but most of them have been taking down for various reasons (mostly because they are embarrassingly bad). I am mostly interested in making small, vignette style games about singular feelings but who knows maybe I will make something a little more mechanically deep. Check out Head Full Of Doubt if you want a taste of the kind of games I make!

you can find my twitter here

I am inspired by everything but other games, Films and music are my greatest influences. Most of the games I have made are only a few minutes long and are meant to convey one idea. Well the multiplayer game I made for a job interview at a Tea Shop but most of the time I want to say one thing with a game and then I obsess over that idea as I am making the game. It's probably not healthy but what can you do.