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Robert Brooks -

A member registered Apr 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Fantastic! I am very glad to hear that! Thanks to you

Hi riley11, there's only one potato in the pack. the red and white are the same just with a different skin. What Are you looking for.  Pm me on my discord if you need further help I don't connect as much as I would like on itch.

Noo the lifts get erractic after four three! Man this is a solid game!!

This looks absolutely stunning!!  and plays really smoothly! good job , it's extremely hard too.  aiming for floor four!!! Am I bad?

Yeah, Of course. You can modify assets. 

yeah, of course! The license should be included in the download. 

Shì de ,  yes

Ha! That's exactly what I say to my landlord every month.  You know this isn't a game don't you? this is a licensable piece of art work.  The price is for a license which will let you use this sprite in a commercial product that you wish to publish.

Aweeom! Thanks you

Oh Sorry man! Is the license not in the folder? Proprietary license- use in commercial and non-commercial - no redistribution o resale outside the scope of your project.  You can check out the full license on my site. 

I'll look into reuploading the folder with the download. 

You are welcome!

oh Man, most likely months. the main theme for the upcoming assets over the next month is certainly going to be food but for the moneht I'm working on platformer style food theme. food worlds and food characters. After that I'll be working on kitchen interiors, both in the house and commercial kitchens. then I'll be working on burger and pizza packs. so quite a way off still. 

(1 edit)

Hi guilemus, The assets included in the pack are exactly the ones you see on the image. 

small medi kit
medium medi kit
large medi kit
medicine pot
first aid box
antidote test tube
stim pack. 

other assets in the pack are just colour variations of these base items

Kind regards


(1 edit)

Thanks Guilemus, I'll be sure to let you know. I have a burger and pizza packs planned for the future. My partner Olga has a pizza pack on her profile

Sorry for the delay Cleve, I'm on holiday at the moment. That's actually another great suggestion, Some just normal proportioned characters would be brilliant for the site, Could you add them to the suggestions list? I will accept them for sure, I can't say how long it would take me to come up with them, I still have to finish the food pack, the egyptian pack  and the magic pack first, But some characters like that would definitely be a great addition to the site, and useful too! 

Thank you very much Cleve! And thanks for your purchase, I hope you do find a good use for both the box and the safe. I had a suggestion on the site suggestion board for more of these types of things, for an escape puzzle game, I think I'll be doing it soon!

hi Danger, yeah course you can use them in your game that’s what I made them for. Good luck!

ahh sorry for the late reply. I need to check if the license is in the file, the license is commercial use you can find it on my site if it’s not in the download file.

download the file, to a place on your hardrive, right click - > extract all.. or extract

Yeah sure you can! Good luck. Don;t forget I have  lot more assets on my site

Thanks for the heads up!

Another awesome animal! great work!

Oh Wow, Olga this is Fantastic!

wow this is amazing Olga!

No sordy this is only 100% top down, I haven't started making orthographic assets yet. 

Thanks Game2DOM very much I have already made most of the things you mention, They should be available on itch or from my site check them out!

I love them Olga. Great work

wonderful , I love it!

Hi rafman, thanks for your comment, I just released some zombie characters  over on my site. I've definitely got more biomes coming too , I'm just stuck on deciding whether to do things in orthographic view or 100% top down view.  

Thank you! Glad you found it!

Awesome Sprite

Awesome work!

Hi Dess, Yes of course, you can edit the asset, I include the original SVG which you can open with Inkscape to easily edit, If you know a bit about inkscape or illustrator you should have no problem dragging the objects around and editing the file. Png images are also included. 
Best of luck and thanks for the credit!

Awesome work! Looks amazing


Wow! So many assets Olga. Awesome work

Selling stock assets is difficult to make a living from, I find anyway. I'm by no means a good marketer, or business man so maybe I'm doing things wrong, who knows.  I don't make enough from selling stock assets alone,  there are very few game developers in the world and cartoon style assets is a niech within a niech. Fortunately I can boost my income with private commisions and with that I can get by.  I suppose I could make more in a normal 9-5 job but where's the fun in that?

Yeah sure, I see you can upload photos here, As you can see I don't believe in spending time on sketches! I normally just iron everything out in the vector render. 
