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Forgotten Dawn

A member registered Mar 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Lovely game. I would pay for a fuller version with expanded story branches and more secrets. The light RPG elements didn't detract from my experience. I initially thought it was kind of impossible to lose, but I proved myself wrong after multiple runs. I think that this is one of the best interpretations of the jam theme that I've played so far. Charming artwork and soundtrack notwithstanding. I also appreciated how accessible everything feels. I can easily picture this game as an introduction to more challenging point-and-click story-driven games. Well done!  

Really interesting Pony Island-esque experience! I love meta-games like these. I found the puzzles well designed and never felt too frustrating or tedious. The final twist stole a chuckle from me. Bravo! 🐢

Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback! 🙏

One of the most relatable games I've ever played, haha. The de-stressing is everything. ❤️

Composer here. Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙏

This is really cool. I've never seen this Jupiter engine until now. Speculative, hypertext fiction like this makes for a fun "wiki spree" kind of ride. I respect the amount of writing that was done for this entry. I would definitely encourage you to keep pursuing this direction in the future.

I really enjoyed this experience! The chance-based gameplay makes it surprisingly addictive. I think that there definitely is a good foundation for an expanded storyline or even side quests, if you ever plan on either adding more to this game or create a spiritual successor of a sort. Well done!

Team composer here. Thank you so much for enjoying the music! :)

Thank you so much! This is a soundtrack to an imaginary game I made for last year's OST Composing Jam. In short, the game is the friends we made along the way. 😆

I really liked the short-and-sweet approach to your story! I've always had a fascination for micro-stories like these where you just interact with a few details in the environment and you either get more lore or hear your character's thoughts. While I did wish it offered more, I still felt like it sold its sentimental undertones well. I definitely encourage you to write fuller stories in a similar vein. Thank you for making this.

Thank you so much for your unwavering support, Riko! ✨

I got addicted right away. It's a really fun and engaging concept. Nice work!

I am happy to announce that we have finally reached a sizeable number of collaborators! Thanks to everyone who reached me out to join this jam. 🙏

As an added note, if you're a VFX artist and/or an artist who is well versed in pixel art and 2D graphics, feel free to add me on Discord.

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Hi, everyone! I am a Composer specialized in Ambient and Atmospheric music. I have contributed to various game soundtracks, including surreal exploration games like Yume 2kki. :) As a fan of dreamy interactive experiences like LSD Dream Emulator and Hypnagogia, I could not say no to this jam!

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Feel free to send me a friend request on Discord if you like what you hear and want to reach out! I look forward to working with you on your project! 🙏

Discord: @forgottendawn

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My childhood is back. Thank you for the hard work, sir. I'm sure it was well worth the wait. 🙏

You win. Take my money.

This sounds to me like it was written to be heard with environmental sounds, surrounded by nature. The sound of the wind sweeping through the fields and tree branches, birds chirping across the pond, gentle water streams... This soundtrack conjures this type of peaceful tranquility in my mind. Easily one of my favorite entries so far.

This has quickly become one of my favorite single-track submissions. Clean, well-produced, and with enough variance to never get tiring. The overall sound design in this track is pretty crisp and serves the "Tick Tock" theme fairly well.

I've rarely come across soundtracks that felt like a journey. I'd say this one ticks all the boxes. It didn't tire me one bit and it stayed engrossing from start to finish. Really great work!

Lovely chiptunes, very fun to listen to. They do remind me of 1st gen Pokémon music. It has been a very nostalgic listen, for me. Nice work!

Thank you very much for listening~ I think you've pretty much nailed what I was going for, so that makes me happy. 🙏

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Thanks for listening and sharing your thoughts! :)

I should have probably specified that Alternate Past was the title screen theme, at least in my head, so I understand if you wanted to get to the next track right away. Thanks for your feedback!

It's safer here :)

Thanks for listening!

Hey! Thank you so much for checking my work! ✨

Thank you! Yeah, I am not sure what's wrong with the ratings. Sometimes they save, sometimes they don't. I often make sure to click the button twice before tabbing out.

Beautiful soundtrack. Assembling 14 tracks in nine days is impressive, let alone composing something as touching as this while under pressure. I was worried that such a high volume of tracks would dilute the substance. I am glad to be proven wrong.

As soon as I heard the opening track, I thought I was in for something special. "The Endless Marching of Time" is incredible. Catchy, hopeful, frantic. It wouldn't sound out of place in an indie game like Deltarune. This pervading sense of overcoming hardship is conveyed perfectly through the music, which is crucial in a tower climbing game—you need the music to drive you forward through the hurdles, aiming higher and higher. Well done.

I love this. Presentation is great, the writing complements your audio pretty well, and the chiptunes are easily the star of this game that I really want to play right now! Thanks for including a press start / confirm sound effect right at the start of the soundtrack. It is such a simple and effective way to immerse me in your world, I couldn't not mention it.

Yeah, this was a really cool listen. There's some good variety without feeling all over the place, and you can tell that there's an underlining theme wrapping it all up. Nice presentation, too!

I found the music itself enjoyable and chill. I think that some more clues as to what kind of game did you imagine while composing your soundtrack would have helped me better contextualize it in my head. I can picture a short puzzle game or a casual platforming game with this music on. Keep it up!

I love how your soundtrack doesn't waste any time bringing in the juice. You're immediately hit with the boomy kick drum and percussive elements. I think that the theme correlation is the strongest bit here, as there's a pervading sense of urgency all the way through.

Sometimes the best art comes out of places that closely hit home. The somber, almost oppressive tone of this soundtrack really conveys that pervading sense of inevitability. Heartwarming message, as well.

Yeah, this is great. From the first note, I can tell that I'm in for something special. It just sounds so disarmingly honest to me. Easily one of my favorite entries this year.

Really interesting collection of musical ideas and themes. The musical variety is what I enjoyed the most out of this suite—it's cohesive enough to never stand out as inconsistent or corny. You love to hear it. Great job!

Such a lighthearted, fun to listen to musical suite. If this was a Nintendo game soundtrack, I would totally believe it. Well done!

I'm glad to hear, thank you!

Thank you so much for your time~

Thanks for giving it a try!