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A member registered Oct 30, 2015 · View creator page →

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They have been added :)

Sure can do!

Hey! If you're planning to use any of the assets, and are willing to share your project, please link it below. I'd love to see what you guys are working on!

Hey! If you're planning to use any of the assets, and are willing to share your project, please link it below. I'd love to see what you guys are working on!

OOmpf I'm excited!

@Preece I've reworked the walljumping system alot of times, and you cannot go back to the wall, other than that you can still do anything you want. I'm most comfortable working with unity, and i've tried getting a pixel camera working, i'll see if i can improve that. Thanks, your sprites were a huge inspiration for my first game 6 months ago.

@Wabbaboy I know the UI bugs for some reason, i just have to find out why. hehe.

@SpaceDogGames I've taken notice of this door bug, i'll fix it soon, currently in my exams, so i kind of lacked time.

Pretty cool man.

It was really hard to play, even if you were constantly hinting me in the chat.

Good tutorial! would love to see more of this program

Game plays itself. might wanna fix that.

Hey, I'm Veld. I make games, mostly the games i uploaded here are from gamejams.

I make my games in unity. Prefer 2D over 3D but that is mainly because I've been working with 2D ever since i touched code. I love role playing games and rythm games. I'm sure you'll find those elements back into some of my games sometime! Mainly i post progress over at and @velddev for a more casual version of my dev blog.

Thanks for the read and I'll see you later!

Oh, hey! thanks man. I enjoyed watching you play. I've got a new update planned which adds controller support and a whole lot more. Stay tuned!

Didnt get to go past the first skurleton. fuck that guy

I thought it was a very cute game. would play again

the overall controls were nice, but i had to get used to the part where i didnt turn around while jumping.

Cool game! i love the background music, it's really soothing, but i never am sure if jumping on an enemy kills him. a few times it did. but other times it killed me instead.

Hey man, thanks for the feedback, i added the sound effects to the game!