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Share Your Progress Here

A topic by Dan Zaidan created Aug 24, 2019 Views: 7,932 Replies: 328
Viewing posts 1 to 166
Submitted (1 edit)

Hello everybody!

I'm making this thread so everyone can share their progress, get feedback and show what they are up to.

This is what I have so have (spent the last few hours working on the engine to render bitmaps):

The name for my game idea (I'm pretty sure I'm going to do this one) is Mummer's Cartography. Not entirely happy with the name, but it will do for now! :D

Can't wait to see what you guys are up to.

Submitted (1 edit)

Interesting thread! What language are you using, or what software? I'm using Unity. I rarely see good "pure" code software. (Like just Java, or C++)


I'm programming it in C! In my Youtube channel I have tons of videos showing how to program a game in C and C++.

It's a lot of fun!


Cool! I respect people who use the true programming languages!

And I'm coding in Java!

After coding the fundamentals, you will see faster progress. 


C# is basically Java clone - i made my game in about 20 lines of c# in about 2 hours, most of that was me breaking something in file system along the way!

But it's a quick interesting recursive idea!


I made a few changes - behind the scenes, icons, etc. I am going to add sounds since I have some time... maybe. It's a small little fun idea to show off a mechanic - someone try it and tell me if I should bother!

Cool little twist :)

I have finished my script (the story one not he coding one sadly), havent done a proper game really so it´s a story one, for now I only have somewhat of a script and now I will do a little cutscene


I'm working on my timeline, but I finished my player movement. ( :

Ok, so like half a day I was working on dialogues and then few hours on the pixel art, It´s still really bad and given that it´s  a story driven game I have a lot of things to do for improvement. I am hoping that once I learn the ropes I can just snowball it to the end but hey, it never woks like that does it?

Deleted 4 years ago

That's awesome!

The biggest tip is setting  the game's scope REALLY small.

Focus on one interesting idea and try to do that. ;)

Try to add Feature by Feature, and use help from the Internet as often as you're stuck

Working on getting the entire engine down before I do any real graphic art.


Awesome to see another adventurer doing with no engines.

What language are you using sailor?

Actually, I am using the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 engine. I am just building a platformer game engine within it

Submitted (2 edits)

I like this kind of thread, so I will share mine. I just got an idea right now. I am going to use Unity and Blender and make 3D tetris using "LIAR" blocks as below.(upper blocks are L, I, A, R and lower ones are l, i, a, r) 

I wonder if these blocks may not be good to fill a line, so I will probably add normal blocks too. Also, if I afford the time to do it, I will make some kind of "LIAR" effect (e.g. If a line is filled with using one of LIAR blocks, then some lines is added from bottom since you use a" LIAR" block. )

I would be happy if I get suggestions from you guys.


This is a really cool thread! I'm going to use python and pygame for this one.  Working on the engine atm. Interesting theme to say the least.

Making a geting over it like game

and it broke lol 


all part of the experience

Using the Unity Engine, making a game that's hard to explain. I am enjoying it so far. The theme really threw me for a loop haha


I love that kind of bird's eye view!

Looking forward to your game. ;)

I've decided to start a Daily DevLog for the Game Jam

That was an awesome dev log, man!

Thank you very much! I appreciate that!


I'm making a: Making Of video for my game.

Games finished for the most part. Here it is in all of its cliche goodness:

But I will add a few... things the game. Great to see the progress you're all making! Keep it up!

Working on my Main Character


Lookin' good, man. Congrats!

My Fair Game Of Pong Is Looking Lit!

im polishing mine up


Game looks bad right now but i'm working on mechanics first then art

Just began working on it ten mintues ago and I think I keep this as my Main Menu. Mabye changing some minor UI designs, like the colour of the title.

Is this a strategy? Please tell me it´s some management strategy! This looks so good!!!

Thank you! Yes, it will be in the direction of management and tactics. You are a vassal of a duke and have to manage a part of his city for him and support him in his battles.
If you played M&B: Warband, I have created a small section at the start where you can say how your (ingame) fathers name is / was (cause he is dead at the start of the main story), from what family he came, if he was a noble or peasant and stuff, and then your own name. Based on these options your Background Story gets created.

In this window you set up your father's name and your own name. Still looks pretty basic, but I just started :3
P.S. Ignore the top bar, it well get a better design and many values in it!

Again, thank you for the compliment!
Don't know how to bend the theme into it unfortuantely :/

Well it looks amazing and this exact category of games is one I love the most, I even tried creating a similliar game already, for the twist there could be a storyline in which you would uncover that you´ r father was actually the lord of the land but got murdered when you were young, you could then open rebellion on him or try to perusae him to get the country back. The lie would be that you would think that he is the lord while you were the lord all along

Well, honestly I already have a idea. I want this game to go atleast one hour and I've actually written a (story-) script with 20 pages already :D
I think that the only thing I really lack is the graphics. Just look at these two "things" xD

Is supposed to be a hell - creature

Is supposed to be a halberdier


Still better than my soldier XD


I definitely want to play your game!

Thank you!
Puh, finally done with the Tutorial battle^^
Programming can be so exhausting...


Awesome thread!:)

I'll be trying to make a Making Of video too, but I'll keep posting some updates here when I have some x)

Your games are looking good so far guys, keep it up and good luck!!


My current progress! Scene feels a bit empty still but things are moving forward.

Oh boy, it´s not E is it? :D

Literally what I'm currently adding to my game. :D



My current idea, make a simple trolly platformer with a bit of a twist fooling player in every possible situation. Most of the game is driven by the story, in which game talks to the player in an unfriendly manner. Let's see how it goes, I've already got some parts done so sharing ASAP. ;)


oh.. we are making the same game... haha




Finally started working on some gameplay!

Now you have multiple soldiers and you can select and move them! :D

(Also changed the name of the game to Liar's Map)

my idea is a dodge the blocks game, but you actually want to get hit. I might even add spikes that might or might not hurt you idk.


So I started from a point I'm not used to, that is the graphics first^^ But I think it was necessary for this game, at least the basic graphics for now:)
Now time for a break, and start working on this again this evening!


That looks really good!


Thanks man! :)


I couldn't draw that well in 20 years!


Hahah aw silly you..! ^^

Very nice pixel art, friend!


Aw thx dude! :)


It's going great! >.>


Implemented the win condition (getting all soldiers to the castle).

Now I'll try to do the fog of war.... :P

I'm currently making my tile set

Submitted (1 edit)

I'm making an escape room where you need three keys to leave. I implemented the first two keys:


I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm having fun :D

Nice xD


This is so great! <3

that's the point

(2 edits)

Download webm here

Artist is still working on assets so... you get a knob, and you get a knob, everyone gets a knob!

EDIT: Looks like I need to fix the video... too bad itch doesn't allow webm directly. They're so tiny!

EDIT EDIT: It won't accept the mp4 version and I can't make a gif tiny enough with the tools I have at hand so... you'll just have to download it I guess.


Ah, the knob, in its natural habitat, the prototype. ( ;

LOL! Yes, exactly. Don't have art assets for your game? Use knobs!

Submitted (1 edit)

It is called: The Knobist Movement,  of the art world. Like cubist but rounder!


Finished the fog of war system!

And where is the connection to the theme?


Have you played the game yet? :P

No ;(


i haven't made anything yet, but i'm thinking of making an rpg or platformer where you're told the controls, but they're the exact opposite, and the text appearing on screen keeps trying to convince you to turn on your friends or something

Making some weird character sketches


I'm probably going to work on my game's music and voice lines. (Got a lot of them) I'm procrastinating this one part where you have to log into a computer, using an input field. Not sure how to do that, though.

Im making top down shooter, just finished some basic things for it (guns, pickups, shooting, reloading)

Just erased my whole project, found myself uncomfortable in Godot, so here we are in Unity (after all I have loads of experience in C#). First Day - Wasted XD



Here's my main menu!

Day 2 of my DevLog!

The map system is (mostly) done! 

And where is the connection to the theme? :P




It's a strange Start! don't you think. LOL


What's the game about?

Submitted (1 edit)

It's a game that brings you in history of the video games, but there is a problem.

I now it's a little bit confusing, but it's also for us, we start to feel a total lost of control.


Who's we?


The developers 

My progress is none because i'm hating this theme help :(


Why do you not like the theme?

(1 edit)

sounds too specific, I spent an entire day thinking of ideas but they're all bad

Submitted (1 edit)

I see. Maybe you could try reversing the tropes of video games, like a auto-scroller platformer that goes left, but tells you to go right.

Submitted (1 edit)

I already have a small concept for a "troll" platformer! Basically you have to follow instructions.... or not


It looks really nice!


Yeah this already has some mood to it!


Created the first version of the battle system. Nicely chaotic! :D

Really nice

And where is the connection to the theme? :P


I still don't know what I am doing but I like it a lot :D


It looks great! How will it fit the theme?


Mostly with the story : the game will begin by telling you something but the more you play the game, the more you realize that it was a lie !


I hope you (the player) are not going to have to destroy the nice flowers and crickets because of the lie...  ) -:


Yaaaasssss this is awesome so far!  That cricket(?) that hops in on the left and is like "Nope" and peaced made me laugh.


Thanks ! Indeed that's a cricket x)

Finally added the best audio you've ever heard in a game to TCIAL! Hopefully, add that bit more to the game.



Ah, they will never find out!



I love it! :D

(1 edit)

Already got most of the main mechanic out of the way. :)


I wish more people would add an HTML build and a downloadable build, since most downloadables are for Windows, not Mac - what I'm working on. Then I could play the games! XD

(1 edit)

hi,  I work as at a fablab in a public library and we started a project today with some of the kids that are learning game making with us.

The game, called Battler for now, is kind of a very simplified total war concept in which the strategic map you move your army on lies to the player about the size of the ennemy armies. That way the player must make decision based on information he knows to be probably false, but he has no choice because... The game is a liar.

We did the navigation of the strategic map today plus a basic ai controller. We started the tactical battle map too (for now it will only be stupid ai charging each other but we'll see what we can do). Tomorrow camera control and battle manager to start tactical battles from the strategic map .

After a hard day of brainstorming I decided to do a dungeon crawler as main concept and add some mechanics to make the game a liar, just finished the fully customizable basic dungeon generator :D

Submitted (2 edits)

I finished the main puzzles of my game. Now I need to add the Stanley Parable like narrator. Who lies to you...


The gist of the engine so far... about time to get something actually happening to the dungeon.


Little dudes so happy to not have negative homies around to stab em...


Forever alone. | Lucky Otters Haven

I dont know what impulse I needed to fulfill making one of my enemies into this... but here... ?  Lol


Nice one! :D

After animating my character for like 3 hours i decided that my idea was trash so now im making an insult generator

I need to work on the repetition of the tiles, but overall I am very pleased with how this is going.

End of day 2

Looking pretty good so far, I think. Still waiting on the artist to finish some sprites, so its still full of knobs!



This looks awesome!!


That's REALLY cool! Congrats!

Can you go into how you made it?


Unity, photoshop, and unity's built in post processing effects. Also thanks, glad you like it


Looking forward to playing this!



"The Kingdom of Lyria, An Epic Tale" Just finished up the main character, but might add more once I get some more stuff done, already spent too much time on him lol.


we choose a watercolor look ...


This is awesome! I am looking forward to play the game you making with this!

I use also some "real painting" but then i modify it with gimp and inkscape. Currently i am using Acryl Color, but maybe i try some other technique as well.


Thank you!!... now we are working on our main character, it will be an 3D Mexican armadillo, also painted in watercolor 


Hoping to see some more 3d games!

A look at my game:


I prefer making 3D games too!

Yours looks so mysterious, here is a look at mine (haven't worked on character art yet :D ) :


I am also making a 3D game. Looking at all of our game photos, it seems that low poly is very popular!

Submitted (1 edit)

'Tis time for the many, many voice lines! 

im so jealous like everyone here has good progress and i can't get the health system in place (why is the canvas so big compared to my other sprites urghhhh)

Submitted (1 edit)

If you show us a picture, maybe we could help you.


Tip: put the Canvas in the Camera Space

Woah dude thank you so much! I was really on the verge of giving up because of this! <3 <3 <3


You're welcome! Have fun with the jam ;)

Thanks bud :D

(1 edit)

Hey guys just wanted to share my progress so far as well. Im doing a little 2d (game maker type) game :D

This is actually my first game i will hopefully finish and my first game jam as well. The gameplay is nothing really exciting, but i hope the story is interesting and fun.  I think i got a pretty good idea :D But i have a lot of work to do :/ (btw: Im using Unity)

Is it a marshmallow?

 Haha, i mean it could be :D But its just a placeholder :/

Submitted (1 edit)

Honestly, the art is better than anything that I ever made with Gamemaker or Unity. Are you sure this is your "first game"? XD 

"My First one i will hopefully finish", i started a few Games but never finished one :) And the Wall Design is heavily Inspired by one of Brackeys games.


I've think I've seen that one. Is it the "Love is Blind" theme?

That one has a similar Art style, but it is actually from the ludum dare 44 (Theme: Life ist currency).


Oh, I see it now. But the art is still really good. I wish I could draw pixelart like that. I guess I'll just stick to 3d. ):

I have never done 3d Art xD Thank you :) I mean  if it works for you, just stick to it!


I like 3D, but I'm also a big fan of the look of Shovel Knight, and such. I guess I'll have to learn. ( :

Submitted (1 edit)

my first game jam, but so far, so good. ai isn't my strongest though so enemies might be a little painful to make. but i'm pretty happy with this. hope i can finish this so i can finally release my first game.


I love side-scroller shooters! Yours look really nice.


Thank you! this is the first time doing a shooter and i'm kinda having issues with how i want the enemies to work, but I'll try to sort that out. Can't wait to see what you manage to do! :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Our game (we are two) is, for this moment, looking like that: (that's a topdown beat them all ^^)


It looks like a lot of fun.

I definitely will play your game! :D

Submitted (1 edit)

Need Motivation!!!!!!!!!!!


I really liked your colors. :)


I'm going to make a beat em up styled game. I've got some of the textures in and the movement. I'm working on combat for the enemy variations right now.

I am thinking about making a game in which "the game" is a famous person and the plyer just found out where he lives, so he lies about the way to where he is, and locks the player up in the basement. But if you find out where he is... That's a surprise for if you play the game :)


Which one is it??? ;)

And where is the connection to the theme?


Done with the map
Probably going to edit the river a bit though, this cut at the bottom does not look well


I was sad you didn't comment on my last post :(


I can show you this character from my game (some more low poly, yay!). I should be able to show an actual "complete" scene tomorrow, but for now I mainly have Cube and cylinder. I was a lot more focused on coding the mechanics of the game (wich are far from being finished)


Here is a beekeeper who is harvesting honey ! (don't mind the numbers :p)


I really want to play this game! Tell me what the name will be so I can play it!


The game don't have any name for now but I will definitely post a link to my game page in this thread when it will be finished !


If you could, make the game for Mac, or HTML, so people on Mac can play it please. (I'm sad.)


I can't make HTML builds with the GameMaker license I have but I can try to get a Mac build :)


Oh, okay. Thanks! ( : (Gamemaker is wierd.)

this is my current progress and I'm having pretty much fun

Submitted (1 edit)

I'm glad you came through your animation hardships and stuck to your game! I'm having my own troubles with voicelines.

oh, you saw my post with animation problems?


I did. For me, 2D animation is harder than 3D animation, because I don't have the tools or patience to animate frame by frame. BTW, what software did you use? I use Gimp or Krita.

I use cs5 photoshop and sometimes gimp but I prefer photoshop


Photoshop seems really easy to use, but I like to use free stuff.

It is fairly easy, but once you a bit used to it, I needed around a month to figure out how to do this and that


Thanks for the info! I'll see if I can try to pixel art in Gimp!

Don't find the idea yet


Very cool!  Looking good.  When I see people writing in C I feel like I'm cheating by scripting in C#.


And I feel like I'm cheating by programming in C! :D

Submitted (3 edits)

This is what I've done for the past 2 days 
Here's a GIF.
It doesn't entirely fit the theme. Sine it's more about 50/50 item pickups but hey it's my first game jam it's something!

Your game has awesome graphics

Your game has awesome graphics


Thanks man! Your game is looking great too!

Day #2 Progress. I was thinking the letters could spell out hidden messages.

Submitted (2 edits)

Some updates on my side, doing the levels' design and animating the scenes...

DevLog day 3 talks about my tileset and everything I am working on thus far and what my plans are! It also shows my gameplay thus far

Tomorrow we're going to amp up the pace, having the character in game fully playable, and most of the leveldesign being done.
It's not much, but here is the result from today(the two on the right are the ones I'll use):


Great job!

Testing out the Tileset thus far. About to add a lot more, but wanted to see where I was at. So far, I am very pleased with it



Hello everyone 😃

My idea is a riddle, and, i'm not speak more 😂.

Here i show you guys the little progress i  already do today.

Psdt: the art is very difficult to me.


Pushed up my first playable build: lotta //TODO: in there but I got some menu's running properly and a music manager with placeholder tunes....


Hey peeps, my first gamejam, ive been learning coding from no prior knowledge for about 2 months now, and also during that time ive learned Godot. I am a game designer and my drawing/sound/music skills prior to this jam hadnt even been explored, so i am pretty much a beginner in the whole process except designing the game itself.

I am making a kingdom management game, here is a short clip of what i have so far


Wow looks awesome!


thanks mate


I keep getting discouraged and starting over but I'm sort of happy with what I have so far:


It looks like an interesting game!


Thanks! Here’s hoping it will be 


I trying to make my own mystery game outside of the Jam, but after watching the GMTK video on "Playing Detective", I'm going to have to retcon, reboot, and pretty much change the entire game. Hooray! Anyway, your game looks really nice, and I like the idea of the red color blocker-outer.

(1 edit)

Completed movement and shooting

And draw some characters


It looks really great !


I really like your art style !


So cute! But is that house a heart...?

Jam Host

It's really awesome to see what everybody is working on! Great job everyone!


Just posting mine now, building and uploading!




This thread is great my game has it's core mechanic, but progress is slow. fingers crossed I get it done in time



It looks great !




That's some solid art you made, congratz


Thanks 😊 

My progress incredibly slow so far. Hopefully I'll be able to post some progress soon. I don't have to work tomorrow, so hopefully it will be a good day for progress. I think my plans may be a little too much and I won't be able to finish in time, but I at least want something to show by the end of the week. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Here's my game so far. Got to polish it up, but it is almost done. 


How did the voice recordings go?


Good. The narrator is alive! (Finally)


Finished the main gameplay! Now I have to make it look and sound better. It will be tough. :P

May I ask... Nevermind. 


The second screen shot was just for you. ;)

I've been following this one on the thread. I'm really excited to play it! It seems fun!


A  low poly character design, is an.... armadillo!!


It's my first time posting in this topic. I am trying to do a Wolfenstein 3D similar game. I am ready to add enemies tomorrow and more lab objects as environment props. If you want, you can play the current state of the game:

Submitted (1 edit)

I have almost everything techincal done. I just need to add some missing UI elements, finish the game level and make the ending.

Submitted (1 edit)

So my game is going to have multiple endings and the first level starts with two different possible paths.

The first one is completely done! I'm only missing the second one, the voice acting (for a narrator) and a little introduction animation!

Get ready to follow some instructions!

EDIT: Also, if I'm too much out of time to complete the second path, I can just discard it. Better to have a short but completely functional game than a longer, unfinished product.


I love how much fun the blob is having with that sword! XD


After some time I finally got my first "play test" :)
Now it's starting to get real fun!


It’s not the kind of art I usually make but I’m liking how it’s going so far. 

Here's what my team has done so far. There's gonna be five levels, there's two done so far. The minimalism is just for not to spoil the game too much! 


I finished all the game art 😅✌️


What about a Quiz game where you have to lie to win?

That is what I've been working at. Basically you Jiminy Cricket is running through Pinocchio's nose while you are answering the questions. 
So Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies and you can keep running. But if you say the truth, you'll end up falling  down.

Music and sounds are still missing but at least I've managed to upload a first version.


That looks like fun!


My game so far. Don't know if I'll finish, but here it is.



Awesome job on the juice! :D




I'm really digging your color palette. Good luck on finishing!


My main menu is done!

(1 edit)

hey so im making a game in unity its gonna be my first game in a game jam and a first one ill attemt posting at all 

its a super busy time so im making somthing simple

the idea is to only let the color the game tells you in and if there is an infultrator (like the small one) in the circle the game will lie to you to let his friens in 

have so much stuff to do in 3 and half days. Gonna have to work in the a.m if I want to get it finished


Hey, when are you guys going to submit? I might try the day before the deadline.


Probably 5 minutes before the deadline :P


Archers are such cowards!!!

(Thanks to Upiorzika for suggesting that! :D )

Submitted (1 edit)

Hope you guys are having fun! Here's a sneak peak preview of the our team's game with a gif

There's still lot we have planned to implement - hopefully we can finish in time :D

PS - This is our first jam! We are enjoying it so much!


Nice ! I hope you will finish it !


Here is my main menu !

Now I only need to make sound effects, add music and finish the story ! And after that, add more feature until the deadline :)


I've already uploaded the game here but I've just finished it! (Or the base at least with 100 questions, maybe I add more later)

Aded some sounds and changed the clouds (the ones in the image where from google as placeholder) for ones done by me.

How are you guys doing? Having fun? Hope you all finish it before deadline!


GREAT WORK everyone. I submitted my first submission to a gamejam

It was done in 2 hours after getting a flash of inspiration

It's a breakout clone... with a lie. there is no escape, and the further you go, the more you realize how futile it is... and the more the lie is revealed! That's it, check it out, 2 minutes, windows, mac, linux, just fun and cool physics.


I really like the concept but the controls are just too fast for me !! It's pretty hard to win.


Try lowering your mouse speed in windows - it's an issue - for some reason, with the windows build... I will make a change and resubmit the windows version in 40 minutes!! Bear with me!   



EDIT: I fixed the paddle issue - go to

and check out the new download!


Submitted (1 edit)

I finished my game, and submitted it. I would love it if you could take a look at it. 

It's called: Escape Rooms with The Narrator

Here's the link:


I played it, it was really good ! The narrator is really funny !


Thank you!


Oh boy. Doing some voice acting for my game.... and that's gonna be what will take the longest to do.

I might scrap the second (not even started) path you could take at the very beginning since the first one is fully completed (with at least 7 different endings).


Not much time available today, but still managed to do some progress!:)
I must also say guys, it's super fun to see all YOUR progress with your game!! Really inspiring, your doing great and please keep it up!:D
Here's a vid from today:



as apparently many other did my idea was to create a game that will provide plenty of misleading/false descriptions and hint, and what is the best way to fill up a game with text? Of course, a RPG.

However coming up with a story progress system, a dialogue system and a battle system, all created in a single jam is quite complicated, so... this is the current situation:

Don't know if I'll have the time to create music and add sound effects, still (believe it or not) I'm having lot of fun.


Make sure Fighter's gameobject is active and loaded before the script that is throwing the error is trying to interact with the "ChangeMana" function.


Ah, the joys of trying to throw together sufficient mechanics to allow for decent storytelling (to support the jam theme) in just five days.  I've tried to weave together a dialogue system and a shop system in my jam attempt.  It's currently hanging together so loosely and with such instability that I'm genuinely scared I'm going to bring the whole edifice crashing down with one bad script edit.

And yet, somehow, yes, it's still fun!


Enemies can now kill the player.


Finished and uploaded my game Half Truth!


First Level and also the title page for our game to be:

A bit rought still - any comments greatly appreciated!!! 


Looks great! Love the art.


Thank you!!! Working furiously on levels today  in the hope of finishing on time...

Will try Half Truth tomorrow after we submit! Looks really interesting!


Thanks! Appreciate it!

I did a huge design update for my game!

I finished my game.

I did it with the worst computer in the world.

With the highest graphics.

You can not believe the stress I had during the making of it.

Submitted (1 edit)

I just updated the windows build or my quick-and-fun entry

I fixed the paddle-too-fast issue - go to

and check out the new download! hit minus a few times, " - " to slow it down with mouse control. or use A and D for control!






Nice ! Thank you for updating the game, it's a lot more playable now !

I really liked the concept of destroying your own
bar that is keeping you alive !


I finished all base elements last night adding the twist game mechanic tonight. Just realized the submission deadline is Saturday so I’m super excited cause I thought it was Friday hahaha. 


I'm pretty happy with how my games looks like now.

I still have a lot of work to do if I want to finish it well and in time, but I finally feel like I might be able to do it \o/


You really should feel proud, your game looks amazing!


Gosh I love low poly games


Whew! I feel almost lightheaded after doing tons of voice acting non-stop. Everything has been recorded and half of it is in the game right now. Now for the other half...

Our game is called Alone in the Woods. The idea is that you went on a trip with your girlfriend, where she told you that you would stay in a fancy hotel. You end up waking up in the woods alone, All your clothes are missing (there's no nudity), your girlfriend is now a spooky ghost who lies to you from time to time but actually just gives away hints through obvious lies. The core gameplay involves these spiders (with a flocking algorithm) the jump on you when nearby and start biting you. Idea is to survive a few days and finish the story :)
 First gamejam,  having fun,  too much to do to type more.


The entirety of my voice acting is FINALLY in my game! Now, time to add some additional features :D


Dear lord the voice acting took forever to cut. Here's a snip of my FL Studio file containing  every single clip in one playlist.

This took more than an entire day to record and cut


Some piece of content for my game (hope, I would be able to finish it in time):

"After a four hours running naked through the night jungle, Samuel sat down, and asked himslef: “What am I doing here?”. Suddenly, he heard the weak sound of bagpipe from far away. He stands up and goes in direction of music, torturing himself with thoughts about what could be happen, when he`ll reach the musician. But he didn`t reached the musician. To be exact, he reached the machine, standing alone in a middle of a jungle, and playing a bagpipe. It was a pretty complicated machine, whole made of shiny metal parts. Samuel freezed, looking at this. The machine looked like a giant insect, it had four thin “hands”, holding a bagpipe, and a huge purple eye. The machine stoped to play, and turned to Samuel, looking at him with it`s hypnotic eye. Samuel turned away and rushed to run."

Hello Guys, been busy lately so I just jump to the jam XD Hope I can make it before the jams end. I plan to make Idle Social Media games :D


Rooting for ya!;)

Thanks :) I just started making the game a few hours ago XD


Here's a short video of my progress so far. It's much better with the audio but the screen capture didn't get that 😢


This is the first iteration of a title screen for my game.


I'm working on the second level now...

Loving the art of blackthornprod xD.

You can play the version on:

You can't trust the game.

Have fun


Unfortunately, we had guests over at our house and afterwards I was sick for a few days so I'm only starting today. :{

Submitted (1 edit)

too slow


I have finished my deceiving game :)) Please test it:

Submitted (1 edit)

And here we go, I've submitted my game too! Was an incredible week, good luck everyone and well done!

The Wrong Path - CGJ submission


Here I am ! Exhausting week, I had to cut a lot of thing to fit the deadline : The Legend of Zeldo

Submitted (1 edit)

I finished up my thumbnail/title screen and I think it's my favorite part so far:

Now that I have the house to myself I should probably get to those sound effect. Didn't really want to bother everyone scraping cookie sheets with spatulas and having to answer questions about it.

Submitted (1 edit)

I just submitted!

Submitted (1 edit)

After tons of tweaks to the published build and on the game page, Instrucdoors is finally complete! Come try to get all 7 endings of this bad boy:
Jam rating page (also downloadable from there):
Official game page:

Hello guys :D this is the game I currently work on, it just the view XD I hope can finish the game before the times over. I did not create the sprites, I just download it for free from here


(At least in my timezone)

Good luck everyone!


Hey, guys. Which games are you seeing at the start of the list? Is it random? Because I see the same games over and over again.

most popular ones


Cool. Thanks.


You can change it on this small dropdown.


I found it! Thanks!


Just finished my entry. Key-Tana,  Its your regular 2D action platformer, slice enemies, deflect bullets and lasers to get score. However the tutorial checkpoints do not disappear, deceiving and forcing you to press random keys throughout the game before you are allowed to move again.


Just finished our entry.  Good luck everyone!

Submitted (1 edit)

Just finished my game! I'm so happy and hope you guys also succeed in this game jam :)

Brave the Bugs



most relatable thing I've seen all day

Submitted (1 edit)

Hope You Guys Enjoy My Game And GoodLuck Hope You all Had Fun


Hi all !

I've just published my game for this jam: Dirty Human it's an arcade/rpg game were you have to survive as much encounter as you can ! There  are few weapons, armors and helmet !

I aslo tried to add some humour to the game !


Finally done with my game. I will upload a screenshot. Could not make a character because I did not have time and also I am not so good at character design.


This is super pretty, very nice lighting


Finally done and submitted! Time to go back to bed.


Finally, done.  This has been educational - I've had to cut scope drastically (as I expected), but it's reached a point where it's at least playable, if rather kludgy and janky!  Given that this is my first ever completed game, and first ever game jam, I'm happy with where I got to in this week!  :)  I even had to learn tilemaps from scratch, having never used them before (which probably shows!)

A couple of screenshots attached.  Sorry for the extremely bad programmer-pixel-art!


I already finish and uploaded my game!!

This is my first public game and my first Jam and i'm happy for finished. The art of the game is very simple, i wanted to make better but the time played a joke to me ja ja. 

The game is playable, so i invite you to play now, is short and fun. Thanks for everyone!


This is it!

We are very happy to upload this game, Please try it and make us a lot of return. We need it.


Just published my game!!

I was an awesome week. Thanks to everyone who was active here in the forums.

I hope you like it, Now on to playing everyone's games! :D

I made a making of video, showing the whole process until completion. Check it out! :D


I made a Making Of: video as well. Hope you like it!


Really awesome!!

Our Making Of videos have exactly the same length!! XD

Congrats on your game. I will play and rate it for the jam!


Oh, crap! I'm on a mac! But I'll definitely watch the video, and rate your game as well.


Phew! Done :) Last night I was anxious with how much I have do do left. But it came pretty smoothly :)
Managed to do 2 levels, 2 endings and simple story line. I'm kind of proud xD It was my first game jam and definitely it won't be the last! Next week will be filled with playing submitted games :)

Here are few screenshots.


Hi Everyone!

First ever game jam and published/finished game! Pretty new to and the uploading process, so the last couple of hours was a bit stressful, but I've uploaded! I hope you enjoy and leave feedback because I'll be reading all the comments! Thanks so much!

'Trust Me' didn't go exactly as I planned, but at least I uploaded it, eh. Check it out if you have a spare few minutes. I'd be so appreciative.


hey, it was a cool game, although it could have really used some mechanics that this guy talks in this video: 


Thanks for the feedback! I've watched heaps of Jonas' videos but never that one haha. I was originally using GetAxisRaw but ran into some troubles with it, so I'll keep that in mind for future projects. Thanks!


Pretty buggy, but it's out there!:))
Good work guys, my brain is shutting down though... so I'll update and check games next week.
Oh, here's a screenshot:

Luckily I finished the my simple and mini game :D now time to sleep.


hope you enjoy :]



This is our first game jam! We would love for you to give it a try - hope you enjoy it :D


After fixing tons of bugs I have managed to put together something working (full of glitches, but you can complete it!)


I am done  my Game is: its called You Thought!