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Jon Topielski

A member registered Mar 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you!


I thought maybe Electric Ladyland (Jimi Hendrix)

sfx are 10/10

It works! Thanks for fixing it :)

Hmmm it still doesn't seem to work on my end

Hi, I just purchased this game but when I try to run it, it just opens Steam

This game is amazing. I've been playing for 30+ minutes and already look forward to my next run.

The gameplay reminds me a bit of Bananagrams but a LOT more interesting because of the abilities, goals, and placement bonuses. You're constantly weighing tradeoffs in where you want to place your next word - go for more tiles or go for more completion progress? Or maybe search for more abilities?

My only minor complaint is that the pico-8 font can be a bit hard to read at times but you do get used to it.

If you plan to develop this further, a "shuffle hand" button might be nice to help with brainstorming. Also, a "remove all placed tiles" button incase you realized your word attempt was invalid (maybe right click can work for this). Overall, a really solid entry!

Thanks Anthony :D

Hi, the source code is public:

If you want to fork it and make some changes on your own, feel free!


Thanks for the feature!

Thank you so much!

Cute! Love simple, small projects like this.

Big stack! Thanks for enjoying the tool

Oh wow, it looks great! Thanks for sharing :)

That was a really nice review, thank you!

Thank you for the sweet comment, orkn!

You found the secret color changing spell :)

Thanks for participating in the jam!

Congrats, better than I can do! Also, I like your pfp :)

Hi, thank you for the nice words and video! I'm so happy to hear you beat the game multiple times and on Insane difficulty. Congrats! :)

Hi, seems to work fine on my end. Maybe a firewall is blocking it?


another Kultisti banger, thank you <3

Hi, did you try restarting the program? Also, can you try dragging the daemon around and letting me know if it fixes it?

Create a folder on your desktop and name it "init"!

Oops, just updated! Thanks for letting me know

(1 edit)

Hey please join the discord server for all discussions related to the jam:

Thanks Scott :-)

Hi, I'm interested in picking up either SpriteMancer or some of the standalone FX tools (like Pixel or Juice FX) but I was wondering if anyone can let me know the differences between them? Should I just pickup SpriteMancer rather than the individual ones? I'm assuming SpriteMancer is the future of these kinds of tools so if I pick it up hopefully it will receive more support.

There are 11 endings! Perhaps too many.. haha

Thank you for the kind words! I'm sure that AI will start to make its way into the game dev process in some way or another in the future. A "psychological assessment" game sounds interesting. If you have a cool idea about it feel free to email me.

Hi! I noticed you've been playing a lot of my games! Just wanted to say thanks for being supportive. Curious if you have any overall thoughts on my work as a whole? Anything you'd recommend for me after trying out so many of my works?

Thank you! Godot did a lot of the heavy lifting :)

Hey sorry for the late reply.. at the moment the tool doesn't really support that because the tool itself is a small resolution. It was kind of built like that by design - generally when stacks are too large the engine slows down.

I don't have the time to make such a change (as it involves more than just lifting the limit) but if you're interested, feel free to poke around the source code if you want to try modifying it yourself. It's using Godot 4.0:

Great! The file was helpful in testing. I've just updated the tool so it should hopefully work for all sizes. Thank you for letting me know about this bug!


Hello! That seems very odd indeed.. Can you try making the Aseprite canvas 64x64 and seeing if it still has the same issue? It will help me in debugging.

You can also share with me your Aseprite file and I can see if it can be reproduced on my machine.

Wow that was so good, like a mini-VVVVVV

Thank you !! Fun stream