yeah i removed twitter, forgot this was pointing to it already - thanks
FATE rev:eng
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Thank you! I'm working to get it on Steam in the next 48 hours - full multiplayer and steam integration, almost done!
(well finally gave up on Unity and UNET, got deep down the rabbit hole of launching my own instances of heroku pods and realized there's a better way! Hopefully moving dev over to Unreal Engine for all my 3 apps)
Rated! I was confused. money root of evil? money is the root of good!
also, the buttons didn't work... giant thing grabbing me. the key in a lock. door...
but I liked it - definitely a lot of promise here, the goofiness of the lies and buttons, I like that - and getting grabbed and dragged - that was cool - a very inventive mind!
just got stuck. maybe bugged out?
Thanks for your feedback
you can use mouse control on the paddle for more precision, I agree the keys should less floaty
> The debris hits the ball, causing unpredictability
That's the point, I even had the ball reflect and bounce off the debris, which made it zigzag up to the next layer, but I switched that off, made the ball super heavy and the Debris the right weight.
Now it bounces the debris out of the way, but you have to keep your paddle clear!
> Couldn't / didn't want to get past level one
;) that's the point
The mouse issue is on Windows, I developed this in 90 minutes on Mac, then added a minus / plus for paddle last minute, as the only windows machine I have has a weird mouse with multiple DPIs and settings for "enhanced precision" and other stupid stuff, so I couldn't be sure if other windows machines would have the same speed up, but yeah it's a bug, tap minus a few times - job done!
> I didn't see how the theme was hit at all.
it's a breakout clone where's you're destroying your own bat in a futile attempt to win, the more you try the more you lose, until you fail, always, and the debris spells out why
Thanks for your input! There is a paddle speed issue on windows that you fix with hitting minus, but I've not seen the ball go too fast to break physics, I set it to a speed limit, maybe there was a frame skip, I'll keep an eye out on it!
> I began thinking that first level was unbeatable
> Adherence to theme was almost null
... think about that a little more! ;)
I'll check that speed bug, I played it 30-40 times on windows and mac myself and it always obeyed the speed limits with me - the idea of the game is, of course, that it's impossible to complete (since you destroy yourself)
The letters are just cubes with their renderers turned off, angles just right with some more hidden dividers to about 1/3 of the debris hits each letter
1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!
A unique idea - breakout, where you're destroying yourself!
I'm checking out LIAR'S TETRIS right now!
Here's a 1 minute game you can play and appreciate
1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!
There's a surprise ending, all revealed in just a minute, a different mechanic!
looks beautiful and I like the play on "candor"
PLAYING NOW!!! will rate
mine: a breakout game... where you are breaking yourself (TRY IT TO SEE WHAT I MEAN!)
1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!
downloading yours now, I like the controls being on the level!
1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!
Great work! I laughed each time I made a mistake, which is a nice change in a game!
Makes you feel weird as your brain learns W is jump, then S... sometimes you get stuck to it
I really like the level design, as the scroll is late you wonder which route to take, and some of the gaps were well placed and got me
Wall jumping! yes!
I just played and rated your jumping game!
I was laughing - I really like the quick intro, then onto campaign. I did some double jumps, killed some people - the funny feeling of the mind and muscle memory conflicting is funny, makes you laugh - love that!
Great work! Here's my game - it's must shorter, just a quick idea I wanted to try, but I think it'll tickle your fancy! - a breakout game... where you are breaking yourself...
1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!
1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!
it's a 1 minute game! try it!!!!
a surprise ending.. if you can make it - and a reveal along the way
Why did I participate in this gamejam and not all the others I've watched avidly (notch streaming his coding, devs having discussions and fights over design... people streaming pixel art!)
I was inspired with a little idea, I just couldn't shake it off until I had tried it! I love those moments
Here it is captured in a few hours - a simple 1-2 minute game - mouse or A and D to control, on windows if mouse, hit "minus" a few times to slow it down
This was my first too - I only realized because I saw people talking about it on twitter!
Decided to play safe and go simple. If you didn't manage to finish, keep at it - and if you did - think of ways to expand! there's always a thrill of completing a job well done!
it's a fixed 1-2 minute game, fun, mouse or A and D (if on windows hit minute key a bit to slow it down)
there's a very unique surprise!!
That looks good! Love the color gradient!
Mine is a fixed 1-2 minute game - a fun little twist and unique idea in there!!
C# is basically Java clone - i made my game in about 20 lines of c# in about 2 hours, most of that was me breaking something in file system along the way!
But it's a quick interesting recursive idea!
EDIT: I fixed the paddle issue - go to
and check out the new download!
I just updated the windows build or my quick-and-fun entry
I fixed the paddle-too-fast issue - go to
and check out the new download! hit minus a few times, " - " to slow it down with mouse control. or use A and D for control!

I fixed the paddle issue - go to
and check out the new download!
THANK YOU for the kind words, it was a quick spur of the moment idea - I built it on mac, tested it (and saw the pointer problem, fixed it a _little_ on windows) - hopefully you can try the new download:
EDIT: I fixed the paddle issue - go to
and check out the new download!
it's tolerable!