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Introduce yourself! Sticky

A topic by tesselode created Nov 30, 2015 Views: 145,169 Replies: 2,445
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Hi, our names are Erin and Ashley (I'm Erin, the one who does most of the online stuff because Ashley's a senior citizen in a 19-year-old's body), and we run a new Youtube channel by the name of Future College Dropouts! We're working on editing Let's Plays and commentaries, and we'd love to make connections and get recommendations, but more importantly we'd love to find some kindred spirits here!

Here's our first Let's Play if anyone's interested in checking it out!


Hello, I've subbed to your Youtube Channels and followed you, welcome to Itch!

Thank you so much! We really appreciate the support! :)

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I am a former tabletop RPG gamer. My background is mostly World of Darkness - some heavy Mage: the Ascension influences, which is rather a borderline World of Darkness representative, but anyway - also being a post-nuke fan, notably a Neuroshima system player of old. Nowadays, though, with my crew dissolved, having entered the more solitary-friendly digital realm, I tend to follow the darker science-fiction vibe, as dictated by the Aliens franchise, for an example. Simultaneously, I dig the popular science literature - primarily astrophysics - which precedes my interest in science-fiction productions of all other sorts. Itch.io has appealed to me for the easy-to-get gameplay attitude it promotes. Besides, I like the dynamic indie development culture and here, it looks promising.

For making of anything, I make nothing.


I use 'Linux Lite' operating system, which is based on Ubuntu LTS and XFCE desktop environment.

I am also a fan of widescreen laptops.

Hello All! I am Nobody, working on learning an appropriate game making program with only beginning programming experience. I am currently learning the ropes, and looking for a community that I might be able to learn from, as well as interact with more than previous attempts. Trying to learn and develop these things on my own has been a bit difficult, in part because of the learning curve (higher than anticipated for sure. lol) and in part because I had nowhere to share or keep up with progress on projects (both my own as well as seeing other developing projects). A friend of mine referred me and said this might be a good place to speak with other devs, read devlogs from people that have made a game and succeeded or failed, and what they learned, as well as not being too specific on one engine. 

I am currently learning with Godot 3.1 after being totally confused by Unity. I am working with Aesprite / GIMP for images/graphics (though it is not my talent) and have no music programs currently (any suggestions?) It's great to be here and hope I can work along side with some of you real devs soon ^_^

so like I can do something without experience at all... or like I need at least a smidge of experience


Everybody in here, is ethier nice or kind. I wish this was how people in schools and other places would treat each other. And btws I'm hailey.

Forgot to say hi! I just launched a teaser for my first game, check it out https://imitate-fire.itch.io/canna-bus

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Hello, my name is John.  I make video games, art, and music.  I love anime, Marvel and DC movies and TV shows, Adult Swim shows like Rick & Morty, pizza, and a whole bunch of other things I can't think of at the moment.


Literally just a list of the best things in life! :D

Hey, I'm... uh should I like use my real name... nah. Anyways I'm DED SIMPLE BOOM bc I'm actually ded simple... ye. I like art and drawing stuff u know that stuff and I'm... sorry to say this but I'm... a... NERD SO DEAL WITH IT IDC  HATERS! I'm kidding u guys are probably nice and accepting so I like singing but I have stage fright and I'm scared of clowns and the dark. So I have 3 cats they're adorable OMG AHHHHHHHHH! Anyways dats all imma say for now.

I'm sorry I left this out and I'm sorry if your opinion is DC  is better but JUST MY OPINION AND NO I DON'T HATE DC but I think MARVEL is better than DC...

and my jokes are terrible.


Hi my name is Jordan 

You can call me bloo or blooapple

I spend a lot of time making games, grew up making flash games when I was in high school and college,  I took a long break, and I just recently picked up Unity and have started creating 2d games with it and I pretty much spend all my time with that or with my dog if I’m not working.

I am a big Nintendo fan, I have a Wii U and my latest game I been playing is Paper Mario color splash. I am interested in learning how to make 3D games. I also want to design my own website and learn to draw... there is always so much to do!!

Looking forward to posting my first app on the App Store soon, I hope I make a good enough game that every one can enjoy.


Hi Bloo! My name is Davis. I am a Game Developer Specialist. I specialize in very fast pace Christian games. Nice to meet you! I will follow you on your channel. Because the most important thing that I like is being very focused on my production. Like being in the zone!😱

The only way to do this is to love your work more by spending time on your projects. Even if you hate it with terrible quality.

I see 7-year-olds making kindergarten production in their games. It's so adorable and inspiring! 🥰

We Devs are excited to see what you come up with? Good luck on your game dev journey. I wish you the very best! 👍


Hey my name is Dean.

Been making small games for a years off and on.

Wanting to actually upload something and see what people think.

Also happy to play test peoples games for them and give feed back!

Have fun!

Hi Sneak! My name is Davis I am a Game Dev Specialist who specializes in fast pace Christian games. I will follow you to see how you progressed through your game dev journey. Because now these days gamers are slowly converting to devs. Next, are VR makers, then Matrix makers. 😂 But true at the same time. 😭 lol, Good luck with your games! I wish you the very best!👍


Thanks Davis, its cool that there are other people out there would be interested to check out my games.

Yeah iv'e also noticed that people who played games as a kid seem to want to make them now as adults.

I love that you can see the spirit of old school games come through in people pet projects, I find I have a lot more time for them then the AAA game market these days ha.

I'm pretty new to fourms, how can i have a go at some games you've made



Hey I just made a game dev log page!!


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Hi. You can check my game then. Feedback is very important to shape a game for a public. So I would be glad to have some feedback.

Found a comment section for your game and posted feedback there :)

Hey thank you!

hey i would like to speak to you on discord about game mechanics :D shxwyz#2539

I sent request. You also can see game's discord link there in info page in the game.

Hello. I am Arseniy. Creator of Orbox B: Rebirth. I make graphics, design, music and sounds. Actually I came here because I don't understand something. Some games have community, some doesn't. Where is the option to create a community for a game?

A few more things about myself. I am from Russia. I also love cats and dogs. And hope someday I buy my own apartment(or house even better) where I could have few pets. Games are something like my regular job. Usually I work on a game in pair. Me+coder. I might be open for a collab if you are Unity coder. But I will require good quality work.

Hello, my name is Slay Buherman. I did the script (story), half the graphics and animations, music and sounds to the game Dark reflection. In total, a team of three people worked on the game. In total, a team of three people worked on the game. This game is a mix of quest and arcade (something like Dizzy) with the atmosphere of good old pixel games and crazy thrash metal storyline full of black humor.

hello. i am yogesh love making gameing prop and game environment . i am 3d artist anyone need tel me i love help and i like to join your team  .

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Hey guys, I'm a programmer and games designer from Australia. At the moment I'm focusing on 2D games and pixel art. I'm part of a two man team, you can read about or upcoming game The King's Rule here: https://itch.io/t/609412/introducing-the-kings-rule-by-house-of-monkeys

Hey there,

I'm Adrien and making games has been my creative hobby for over a decade now. I'm mostly doing level art and game props but every now and then I can release a full fledged games. Always indie jank, but I really enjoy doing it. Making games is quite wonderful in how you can combine so many different art forms with tech. :)

You might have run into me on your internet travels under the nick Wolf or Serygala.

I'm mostly using under powered and widely dismissed software because I really enjoy those communities and there just is a certain underdog charm to it all that you just don't get in the somewhat bloated unity/unreal engine communities.

So there is that, I hope to release a few more games on here in the future...until then, you can see all my shenanigans on my web thingie.

I'm D'Anthoni, a composer currently living in LA... fun fact did a random music/audio game internship in Japan :)
I'm super excited to be apart of the itch.io community, as there are so many cool projects and games being released from here

I love RPGs, Adventure, Fantasy, sometimes Horror games (when played with friends...can't do it solo lol)
You can contact me anytime, or go to my little site




Hi  guys been playing the beta for a few days super fun few bugs but things look promising for the pc version

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Hi, I am a indie games YouTuber. I think I have avoided big budget games for almost 3 years know I really don't feel that anything is missing in my gaming needs. I have been doing YouTube for almost a year and on my channel I have:

1. Reviews but with the twist that I like to interview the creators behind those games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w_bBGd4D0Q&list=PL_rT3UI0v8oXUJrNoylm0TqdLr9A9TDEd&index=2&t=4s

2. Early Access Investigation where I look at E.A. titles and try to figure out if the game is ever coming out or not. Also and interview with the devs if they answer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGh9o9aEY8E&list=PL_rT3UI0v8oV3_erI3MyWnJUBboPzvbVt&index=2&t=4s

3. Opinion pieces on various topics. Mostly related to data. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3dwYPYgJc4&list=PL_rT3UI0v8oXW5I7yF0SMZM4641HHdHww&index=2&t=3s

4. Indie Intermission Podcast. It's a podcast. Could have to somthing with Indie Games or random. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOBdRLSJ-z8&list=PL_rT3UI0v8oU2zLxmEgUQIFUOK2KuxIdz&index=2&t=7s

Well there you go. My YouTube channel "Carl Lucas" and is on linked on my profile and I hope to review some of guys games.

Hi guys became a fan of f2p friendly mobile n pc mmos, your boii from toronto canada..speak french and english..currently playing beta version of era of legends for pc


Hey I'm a voice actor and director for games... I just directed Citizens of Space for SEGA and I play Dietrich in Shadowverse. I wanted to offer some voice over for peoples games, when I'm not busy I have some friends and students over to my home studio and bang out some lines for people. 


Hi everyone! It took me a while, but recently I finally found my true passion: game making! At the moment, I am a solo game dev and very new to the process. But I am more than determined to make my dream a reality and turn this hobby into a career. I'm currently working on a project I've been planning for years now, but haven't had the confidence to really start it until now. Soon I will try to start a devlog on it. In the meantime, I would like to make any friends I can here and hopefully we can exchange our knowledge in game creation as we work towards our goals.

Can you define 'career'?


Do you mean what career I want? I suppose I'm just hoping to make games for a living. If I don't have another job in the way, then I can create even more games!

Good luck then.



My name is Andy and I am a game designer with his finger in many different pies :P I am slowly getting back into it after a few years after graduating from university with an honours degree in Computer Game Design :P

As I said, I am a jack of all trades as it were for the most part and I am also a very resourceful person who learns well when the occasion arrises :D


Hi everyone! I'm Alexshu~ I'm an illustrator from Costa Rica.
I'm also a gamer and I've enjoyed many great games from this site already.  I simply love it ;D


Hey all, I am Equil. I have been interested in developing games for a while now and am trying to get more into it, I am interested in creating all sorts of games at the moment I am focusing on 2D RPG games and visual novels. I am mainly writing the story, and am not to good at art which has made developing the games take a bit longer. At the moment I am currently using an rpg maker.

I look forward to talking to some of you around the forums


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Hi there, I'm Tw0Face. I'm an indie developer from Germany and I've been making games with RPG Maker for several years now.  I don't care too much about fancy graphics and I like to keep it simple instead. However, I attach great importance to the gameplay part and that you have a fun time playing my games.  I'm interested in game design in general and I love making games that have a strong strategic aspect. I don't do RPGs, but anything else! I offer you classic 2D games like shooters, puzzles, simulations and any other strategy-related games. Maybe someday I'll even do a jump and run or something else that nobody would expect.  My games are for free. Still, it would be awesome if you send me a little donation in case you like my stuff. Also, feel free to follow my itch.io page. https://twofacegames.itch.io. Have a nice time and keep it up, folks!


Hello, I am Sahni Saxena, I am learning a game development.

What engine are you going to use?

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Howdy!  Or rather hello, Yes I'm from the southern states however spent about 16 years in the north (or as we call it Yankee country).  I grew up with the nickname "Southern Yankee" because (like my southern parents) I never acquired the southern drawl as they call it.  Ah cain do it tho when needed, ain't that raight Rufus?  Oops that dern dawg done pooped out on me.

Anyway, I'll get back to introducing mahself (oops myself) as I am.

Real quick I'm gay.  If that offends you, sorry for your loss as you probably know more gay people than you  think.  I put my life with my husband on hold for 3 years now, though we still communicate and stuff.  I still wish I was home.  Anyway, I am glad I'm here to help dad  in his twilight years.

In my downtime I've decided to take on a project in order to learn some coding (read python) skills and ran across Ren'Py.. With the approval of the author, I embarked on creating my first Visual Novel (rather kinetic novel as it's just a story so far).

Oh and forget the profile pic, I'm no artist and I threw that together with the limited resources I have.



I'm Jordi Cor, talent manager of influencers (Youtubers, Instagramers, etc.), entrepreneur and Youtuber. I love new technologies and videogames. Time ago I developed a few games with Div Games Studio, Allegro and other languages, but nothing fancy.

Now, I've been focused in a VR app for  my main Youtube channel, with 220K subs and 1.2 Million views/month, oriented to help people with anxiety, stress and sleep disorders.

Still a lot of things to improve in that app, and a lot to learn about the gaming scene after so many years out of the loop, but glad to see how much has changed for good the Indie development.

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Hi! I am maniac coder, I like to compose, program with gamemaker studio 2, draw, and animate! I can't really find a community that includes all of these things which is why i came here! No one would actually want to hang out with me so.... yep, like I said, That is why blah blah HERE!

Deleted 4 years ago

Seriously?!?!  You have to go and post negative comments on peoples work. Your "Zero" comment today totally negated the hard work of a student who has autism. He spent months working on that game and in one comment was deflated and defeated. Words have consequences! Think before you break someone down.  

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

I'm Eco and I'm a passionate computer gamer. I'm here to upload new and existing indie gameplay videos to my YouTube channel with making pros, cons, additions critics. Enjoy!



Hello,my name is NeiDneX and I am making games.I made 6 games,and many new games will come.I am currently focusing on my game Kyfighter,and I will update it from time to time.I realy like developing the games,and I hope that others will enjoy playing them. ^_^



My name is Daniel, I am working as a programmer in a Travel Company and I make simple videogames with Game Maker Studio 2 as a hobby. I like to make simple arcade games in 2D. 

In my profile you will see the games I've made or currently developing. For now there are only three games but I plan to do more in the future.

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My name is Kanata.EXE. I'm a college student on my last semester. I use Unity as my game engine.

I have made one game from tutorial: space shooter, but I haven't post it because it's similar to tutorial. 

Hi! I'm a freelance artist and I make fairly simple 2d games in godot, I have some developer background too but I'm no expert, I hope to find someone around to make some little project :D

Hello, my name is Isaac and I have a youtube channel. I wish to become a game dev, but don't know where to start. Any info?


I suggest pick a game engine and start playing with it, read whatever you can, there are lots of gamedev books and online articles and tutorials. I particularly like reading postmortem articles on gamasutra for example as they give you a real-life perspective and what it took to get games done and you get a feel for the amount of work and expertise required for each type and size of game.

Thank you! If you want to, you could sub to me on YouTube. It's the same as my name.


Hello, hello! My name is Alexander Bodine, up and coming game developer. I've been wanting to get into game development for years, and my first game was released in 2016. I'm currently working on an upgraded version of that game, because it had issues ^^; You may also know me as Alex95 on various Nintendo wikis.


Hello! JPStudio - An indie studio, currently supported by 1 person, my name is Eugene. I am 17 years old. I have only 1 game that I’ve been working on for 1.5 years, and it’s called Out of Zone, it’s a 3D shooter, it has a multiplayer game for 20 players + PVE, which will be replenished soon, many will say that There are many mistakes in the game, etc., BUT, what was your first game? Now one of my best projects is being prepared, which I plan to upload to Google Play, at the moment a new game, or rather the prototype does not have a name, but after 1-2 months the game will be in Google Play + it will be free. Now I can’t tell anything about her because I don’t want to spoil the intrigue, but I know that this is also a 3D game with a top view.) Here is a link to the group: https://vk.com/outofzone485982 Here is a link to the game:https://jpstudiooo.itch.io/outofzone


Hello! I could write a lot here but I personally think my short profile will explain everything a lot better than what I can write here, so feel free to check that out! I don't have any games to download yet but I did put some effort into this still 😅


i am not good drawer but have a nice day everyone


Hello world!

My name is Mariano, i'm just a dude that 2 years ago decided to learn how to code.

I realise that I have a ton of small forgotten games on a dusty folder in my computer.

I just want to share some of this games with you guys and also other games that I am working on.

Hello Itch.io! I'm an Indie Game Dev coming out with a small game next called Ronin Quest! It's a 2D sidescroller based off of retro action games like Ninja Gaiden and Ducktales! Here's a preview and I hope you'll give my new game a chance! I also look forward to talking to the community here more often!


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Hello we are CashewNut Games and we just started game development after graduating from college. We create retro style games.

Our first game

Realm Runners


Hello I'm poof92 and I make small 2d games in gamemaker studio 2 but I do want to get into 3d game development with unity.


HI! Nice to meet you all. 


Hey, I'm Otto, I love making gaming videos, mostly horror. I'm really trying to grow my youtube channel, however, I don't seem to reach many people, as I do not have many subscribers and I am not monetized. This makes it hard for youtube to suggest or recommend my videos and I really try to make them fun by making my vids really edited. Here's a "sample" ;)

I just need a little help to grow, but there doesn't seem to be any other way than to interact with the community itself :)

I am isoginpicturs.I am a game developer and I developed a game like that
I will be happy if you play my game and support

I’m Infamous Rabbit. The amateur game developer and professional weirdo. Creator, main designer and writer of the Oddventure game. It’s so great to be here on Itch.io. We’re currently working with GODOT Engine, funny system btw.
I follow my dream right now and devote myself 24/7 to finish my first project - Oddventure. Odd game. About odd adventures. Of odd siblings. In odd fairy talish world. Inspired by the Mother series, LISA, Undertale and my own life.

Stay Odd!

Show post...

Hello everyone,,

My name is Lamda, and I make RPG's. I currently only have one out, Legend of Moros, that has about 30 hours of gameplay. It took 2 1/2 years to make, mostly because I had to learn how to do pixel art, game design and balance, and do a lot of re-writes for the story. I know pretty minimal coding; I'm currently working on a tabletop system since I enjoy working on game design and worldbuilding most of all. 

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Yo world! 

I'm rooster. I'm a software engineer by the day and a ninja gamemaker at night. My specialty is coding games, the kind of games that require players to code. Sounds hard but believe me it's really not; my kiddo can do it. 

As a kid my friends and I had so much fun with Tom Poindexter's little shooting game called "CROBOT" which introduced many of us to a nifty language with a strange name "C".

So a few years ago I decided to create my own reflection of it with Lua as a tribute to this great game. I call my game "Code E.D." I hope you like it as much as I do.


Hey Guys,

My Name is David Murphy out of Berea, KY.

I'm not necessarily new here, Ive crept around these forums and the site for a while now but finally decided to introduce myself. I cant emphasize enough how big a step this is for me. I, like many would describe myself as an introvert, and I have what I would call "extreme" social anxiety. It is really terrifying for me just putting myself out there. That being said I have always had the dream of making a game, but just recently I decided that it was time to make a real attempt at pushing toward that goal. I've took a few classes online using Udemy and have watch so many tutorials that my head hurts, but I still feel like I have tons to learn.

I came to the conclusion that If I were going to dive into this venture that I would need like minded people and mentors to help support and inspire me. SO that's why I'm here "putting my self out there". I hope that out of this experience I can make a few new friends and maybe step outside of my comfort zone a little. I would love the opportunity to get to know some you guys and I hope one day soon to join a Game Jam. Just need to learn how to make games first!


Hey fellow Kentuckian ! I want to learn how to make games too!

Hey guys, my name is not important but I want to advertise a game I made in RPG Maker MV. It's called "An Assassins Odyssey - The epic of the dark scrolls". I'm struggling to find it in the games section of itch.io can anyone help me?



I'm LL, I've been working as a designer, Ux/UI developer for 8 or so years. I'm a Designer+Developer with Rusty Raygun, a creative-development collective.  

  • I've always had a love and fascination with games and interactive content. My earliest positive  memory would probably be playing the  old pc game 'Number Munchers" in grade school. In the early 2000's I would spend hours toying around with weird interactive flash 'games'. Learning  ActionScript lead to experimenting with Bryce 3D, Anime.js, Unity, PlayCanvas, Javascript and other Engines/tools over the years.  I've spent the last year and a half focusing my spare time on learning Godot, I cannot speak too highly of the engine and GDScript. 
  • Though I am working towards a fully polished game release, for better of worse I've decided to release every half-baked idea, experiment and 'Alpha' file for the next 6 months at least on our Itch Page. https://rustyraygun.itch.io

  • We're currently have 2 developers, 1 designer, 1 illustrator and 1 audio engineer on the team. Please contact me directly if your're interested in learning about the collective goals, and current projects at : rustyraygun7[at]gmail
  • I'm personally searching for Godot Game Jams, or Open/Collaborative Projects and Paid Opportunities. 

Thanks, LL


Hello i am Strahinja Jacimovic,and i am a begginer at making games.I made one game and i am really happy with that.You can check it on my profile and give me some feedback,it is not that great,but to me it's okay for the first game.


Hi, all!

I'm Wizzi. I wasn't having any luck getting work as a programmer, so I decided to focus my skills on my dream: making games! I've just finished my first game in Unity, and I'm very excited to share it with the world.  Check my stuff out if you get a chance!


Hello there!!! I'm Franks, writing from the edge of the world in the patagonia argentina! Trying to fulfill a long time dream of making games! so here i am, to learn, to share, to help with you all... Stay awesome!


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Gaucamouldy here. I thought this would be a good place to start to expand my game development know-how by being more involved with game development overall. I'm a relatively recent game developer, though I do have prior experience in Unity; GameMaker Studio 2, and Ren'Py.   Hopefully over spring break and the summer I can join a few game jams as that's something I've always wanted to do but life happened.  I'll publish a few games once they're polished enough. Best wishes!

Hello everyone.

I have been Unity and now I am working on sfml c++ programming language. and then next may be on cocos2d and Unreal engine.




It's first game that i made.


It's my first game that i made.


I'm Punk! Lizard (or just lizard) and I'm a writer. I've been here a couple of months but I'm still very new to posting my work online. I want to connect with other creators and experiment with the kind of content I make by making a lot of varied things. click the goblin to check out my carrd! 


I'm fandomhopper. I have been in multiple fandoms (yeah no duh). I make small interactive stuff on Scratch. I like electro swing, classical, and orchestral music. Also, one time in 5th grade, I called the original 13 English colonies "edgy, rebellious teenagers" and England was the parent.


Hey, I'm Matt. I started making games way back in my teens in the early 2000s. It was all pretty simple stuff, built mostly in Multimedia Fusion. I stopped when I left high school, largely because work took over. I'm trying to get back into the swing of it all now, so we'll see how productive I can get. I've been starting with some VN ideas, mainly because it feels like it spins off naturally from my work as an author. I have five novels with an LGBTQ publisher, a couple of self-published pieces, and I'm in a few furry and sci-fi anthologies too, so stories at least, I can do. I have some other concepts that I can work with too though, providing I can relearn the software.  I'm currently workingw tih ClickTeam Fusion and TyranoBuilder. Thus far, that's been a lot of fun :)


Hey Matt! I didn't know you were on here :) Gave ya a follow.


Hi Jon, I didn't know you were either, so gave a follow back.
I joined a little while abck to grab some software, but only just started posting my own stuff :)

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Hi Im Schlauewurst im from Germany, I love developing Games. Also i wanted to write a novel, but quitted, becouse my english sucks. I really wish to become an fulltime Developer. Ehh im 23 now, still single thou.


Hi, I'm James. 40wattstudio is just my DBA name. Been in love with video games ever since the early days of the NES so I've been blessed with seeing the industry grow and I've played a lot of the classics. Then in high school I took a Qbasic programming class. I couldn't believe how easy it was to make a text adventure! Nearly 20 years later I found some of my old Qbasic games: My unfinished Wheel of Time RPG and a "first-person shooter"/action game. With the release of QB64, the Qbasic language is now more game-design friendly; I look forward to sharing my game Scrapship when it's finished!

In the future I'd like to move past Qbasic and onto Godot or maybe Unity or Unreal, but one thing at a time!


Hi everybody. I am Michela and I have been making videos for the last 7 years (editing, post-production, shooting). I would like to transition my competence and work into the game industry and I have been suggested by a friend to make some game jams. If you wanna take a look a look at my works my youtube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6TqEA7YLp46nwd9HmjFsA

I can help creating intriguing storylines and help with the game visual. I can draw and I use illustrator and Photoshop.


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Hello, i'm new here i come from Croatia i like simple games and browser games. 
I think i could find something interesting here :) 
I can kindly suggest you to try free strategy game online eDominations


I'm Aaliyah. i make music with all my love. i only sing in front of my family. i also love playing minecarft and roblox. i love watching gacha videos on youtube and thats all.so yeah 

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Just saw this thread and yeah I'm just getting into the whole game dev thing. I've just started uni studying coding amongst other creative things. I'm currently chipping away at my first game Project: Ceed or 'Search for Sunlight' (thats the title at the moment anyway) about a seed who finds themselves in an infected underground kingdom and they somehow must find their way to the surface.

Yeah its early days and I don't even have a demo (yet) so hopefully I learn fast and make something I'm proud of.

:) Stay Determined 


so how long have you been learning coding for?

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3 months (learnt the most in the 3rd)

I tried teaching myself for about a month before uni started, I progressed a little with Unity and C# but now I'm learning much faster in 'Processing' (basic java script) now that I'm in a class where you have to learn it.

Do you write music?


Hi,my name's Hans,I make art and animations,I also have a youtube channel,I don't make any games but I'm gonna make one soon this year,sorry if my description is lackluster.


Hello my Name is Thomas and I´m from Germany

I´m creating Games since a year...I´m using the software Game Guru to make first-person shooters

I´m still learning the language lua, to create my Game Guru scripts and if you want to see my progress, just look at my games

My current two main projects are "Downtown Z" and "Coulrophobiac 2"

I´m also creating the music for my games (except the music for "Downtown Z" - for this game I have the permission to use music from a professional band)

If you like the music in my games and/or if you want to use it in your own game, just contact me


Hi everybody. I am a full-time software engineer in the automation industry. I have recently published my first game on itch.io, Gordon City, and encourage you to check it out.

Play it here

A while back I started teaching myself game programming as a way to merge my passions of programming and playing/composing music. 

I know people say you shouldn't develop your own engine, but that was always part of the appeal for me as I love math and physics. The reality is that game programming was always meant to be for personal development. The rule I initially set for myself was whenever I had the urge to play video games, I'd program them instead. This actually worked out pretty well!

Eventually I started working with the drawings of my fellow contributor Mark and that became Gordon City. The feedback we've got from friends has been positive so we decided to publish. I'm not sure I expect a huge number of organic views/plays as it seems pretty easy to get lost in the mix on this site. But for now, I am happy to fly under the radar as I get acclimated to the online world of indie game dev.

I would welcome any questions, comments and/or constructive feedback. I also would be happy to discuss my career experience in automation, as that itself has been quite the trip.

Thanks for reading!


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Hello fellow devs !! I'm  Avishka . I'm currently  working on two games  synapse - a fps 3D puzzle game and  Heaven's Garden -an online battle royal. I'm using Unreal Engine as my game engine , been  using unreal for about 2 years now. If y'all wanna try out my game Synapse , a demo is available for free  :  https://avi-kenway.itch.io/synapse


Hello! We are Xonha (read as Xo-nha), a team of two newcomers of game development. We are currently studying abroad in Germany, and due to Covid-19 I decided to use the freetime to start learning Gamedev more seriously - it's been a month for now.

We have only been releasing two games, the latter was for a Game Jam: https://xonha.itch.io/the-creature

We use frequently Unity - 2D - as primary engine. 

Personally I am really fond of interesting unimportant informations: Humor through item positioning/description, character animations that are hidden from main gameflow, etc. Feel free to contact me to chat/trashtalk/gossip about pc gaming, since we haven't got any consoles yet ;)

Thanks for reading!


I am HerpDerpityPurple, also known as Gage. I'm an amateur madman and I make games in Java. I like coming up with games I consider interesting and original; I also did all of my games alone except for Always the Sun. My games are short and distinct. I, as many of us here do, foolishly wish to one day be a professional developer.


I love making games , but for the mean while i don't know how to make cool games , and  i'am 18 years old and started learning game dev for about 2 months , and seriously i feel like i have started too late !! 

I also do some programming and practicing on problem solving and algorithms to improve my logical sense for coding , and i'am also kind of artist :).

For now i make small games using C# and Unity , after that i think i'am going to move to C++ and Unreal but for now i have a very weak laptop that makes me nervous , but i'am thinking about using GameMakerStudio as well i don't know.

Anyway if you are reading you may come and check out my very small games :=) !!

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I first  worked on my unreal projects on a PC wit h 4 GB ram and integrated graphics  XD.  It was quite  laggy but it didn't  make me lose my  thrill to use unreal engine ..so just try using it o your Laptop ..maybe a lower version.


I already tried to use unreal on my laptop but it didn't work out , so now i'am using unity 2018.4.15f1 


Hello I am Harsh Raj Singhania,

An indian student and also an indie game developer.

I make games using unity 3D game engine and I am now working on a very interesting game... And also trying to make my own audience... Please if anyone is interested please follow me... And help me build my community...

The game which i am making is based on year 2050 where humans have developed advanced ai and time travel has also became possible. And the main character of the game is a robot which goes to ancient time to discover some highly advanced ancient technologies...

Please follow me to get notified when the game is released. .....

Sounds Cool

thank you 


Hello welcome! Good luck for your game!

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Hey, I am just a game programmer. Making games and my own game engine.
Here is my first game that I made with my own game engine. Pixelpunk: The Hardest Game You Have Ever Played

Welcome =] !


I joined roughly over a week ago but finally got around to introducing myself. Currently I'm working on some puzzle and trivia apps that I'm planning on releasing at google play. Right now wait time is like a minimum of one week or more just for approval/review. In the meantime I uploaded some of them here. In addition I also do screensavers and live wallpaper apps for android.  Also stock photos on other sites as I am an amateur photographer, and also I do experimental music which I have released on bandcamp, applemusic, amazon, spotify and others. 

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Greetings everyone, this is Continental. I have a background in UE4 and Unity, and am currently developing  a UE4  game called  Déjà Vu

It will be a puzzle platformer where you use recordings of yourself to solve puzzles and reach your goal. There's a demo of it up right now on my page, and I aim to update that frequently, at least once every 2 months. It's a bit of an experimental process for me, but I see real potential in it becoming my first commercial product and I'm gearing to finish it, with art, story details, music,  everything. 

Come check it out, drop a follow and let me know what you think! I'll love to check out your games too!


Hey everyone,
We are a team of five students based out of Dublin, Ireland and are making Ourea as our final year project for college. We've been creating and posting games to Itch from our individual accounts for the last 4 years and decided to make this account just for releasing Ourea. None of knew this community section existed before today so we excited to talk to other developers and get feedback :)

Here a GIF from Ourea (sorry if this isn't allowed)



I'm a indie game developer. I make music. So not much time for development. I live in the czech republic (the country which misha is from or you would know it as czechoslovakia but we split up). If you like indie horror games go check out my games.


Hello everyone!!

I'm MrVision. I'm a game developer. I'm an artist who LOVES working without computer tools and devices but I've been working for over twelve years already in different digital book's stories, book's scripts, art design and art concepts for several videogames. Now this is my first personal project.
I've played literally hundreds of adult games (the most famous of Patreon included) and I felt disappointed with the game (quality, story lines, development, scripts, bad endings...) and artists (cold relation and feedback between artists and supporters...).
I spent years waiting for the ADULT GAME OF MY DREAMS. But nobody has been able to do it. Until now! I decided to take a step forward myself and finally make it real! 

 I'd like to present to you my first ADULT GAME ! It's called Who's The Father?

The EPISODE 01 is available now in:

Android (mobile phones, tablets, chromebooks, simulators);

Mac PC;

Windows PC;

Linux PC;


Fetishes (some of them):

"relations inside a family".....


Mind control



Old and Young

Sports, gym, massage, Spa





CP, BJ, DP...

Deep plot



You play as the middle sibiling of a family living together, but you also control some other characters during the adventure. Your father is a colonel stationed in Thailand... thousands of miles away... so... your mother feels so lonely... While you and your best friend are trying to find a way to pressure your high school headmaster to do whatever you want in the school, eventually you find a parcel which is going to change your life and your family life and is going to change the image you had about your... "father"? During this process you will have to deal with your life, your family life and new challenges... The world surrounding you is also changing because of the "The Puppeteers", a dark organization which is secretly rising and spreading its tentacles and influence everywhere in the society... Only you (with your choices) can stop them and get some... hot rewards during the process... :) :) :)





Older sister

Older brother

Younger brother

Younger sister

Middle sister



Your mother hot friends (mother of your best friend included)


Family friends

School friends

And many more ! 



I'm a one man self tough indie game developer based out of the United States.  I'm also a Computer Analyst and have always been interested in game development.  With that said, i'm a huge fan of the horror genre and so if you search my game page you will find that all my games will be Horror for the most part.


Hi, I'm a small YouTuber. 

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A good morning from Italy! I'm Meinos Kaen, a guy who one day decided 'hey, this fanfic I'm writing could be a good base for a fan visual novel, I've been wanting to try my hand at coding!'. Three and a half years later, while having a conversation with my Co-Coder about the time allocation for our Concept Artist to get references to our Background Artist or if we wanted the CG Artist to make something up to quicken it, I realized: 'Aw, crap, I'm a Producer/Director now, am I not?'

So, the original fan-game is about to get completed and our team is now also working on other projects, including our own original game so I decided it was time to get in the itch community. We started in Renpy but are now moving to Unity. Nice to meet you all! ^^

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Demoscener & mini game developer from Germany. Been at it since 199x; started on 8bit machines, went on to MS-DOS, went on further to Windows. I mostly release source-only mini games on my github page, usually in obscure programming languages for outdated platforms. Published my first 16bit game here, just recently . :)

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My name is Casey, I live in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.  I'm working on a game called Bird Panic in Unity, which is currently playable, though very simple.  I think it has a good feel to it, though, and has a lot of potential.

I also run a community access arcade machine called the OWLCAB that features games by locally made devs.

I made a pretty substantial game for the Xbox Live Indie Game Market years ago called Sector7-4-9er that's now available for PC for free.  I've only made small games since then but, like I said, I think Bird Panic has a lot of potential, so I'm trying to work it into something bigger.  Give it a look and comment and I'll try to check out your game!


Hi! I'm HoneyFun, and I develop games in the United States using Unity. Check out the game I'm working on right now, Direct Ascent!


Hey folks! I'm Enzo Gray. I have a lot of stupid ideas, but every once in a while one of those stupid ideas turns out actually to be smart and occasionally one of those smart ideas  happens to be a game.

I've been game designing for about seven years, right now I'm working on a puzzle-platformer game called Tumbleblox in which the player can manipulate gravity.

Thanks for your interest,



Hey, my names kally-jaye :D i'm 25 and i'm one of them losers with a youtube channel

I play peoples games from this site and make playthroughs

check me out if you get bored! 

hey. When are you going to play my game? U said you would play it a week ago


i do have a life you know lmao


but are you going to do it? Or are you done this series


Hey my name's Justin and I'm from Vancouver, Canada. I recently started making games and currently have 2 survival horror games released on my page! I'm also developing a hack n slash type game similar to Devil May Cry and other similar titles that I enjoyed playing in the past.

I also write heavy metal music (eg. prog metal, djent, thrash). If anyone needs a metal soundtrack, hit me up!
My music channel, My game channel

Deleted 2 years ago

Welcome WormHole studios =] How many are you in your studio?

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Hello, my Name is Abner, i'm going with the name "SightCel", i have been developing games for almost a year. I just uploaded my first video game, i'm working on a new game which is also going to be published in Itch. Also i started a YouTube channel where i'm going to upload trailers for new content. I would appreciate if you could give me a review to see in what i can work more, and also see what you would like for a future game. -Thank you

Hello Papeero, your game looks quite polish! I'll go and check it =]



Thank you, i hope you like it!


HI! We're  Virtua Worlds,  a small husband and wife team following our dreams to create  unique experiences and games. We're currently working on our first commercial game , a polished and more intense version of our Ludum Dare entry, Devil Devour Alive (it's free and we'd love comments and feedback to make it better!).

Thanks for being such a welcoming and supportive community so far! Love the games on Itch . io and have become a lifelong fan to many  itch. io developers !

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Hello, Dev here! I came to itch.io because of its developer friendly tools and terms and am hoping to participate more in the community now.

I am the creator of the Seriously Senpai series, which are dating-sim-like games focused around the yuri genre, or lesbian centric in other words. My team and I are currently running a funding campaign for our first game of the series, the campaign can be found over on Indiegogo, which is about 2/3rds funded as of this writing. You can read more about it at either link.

Aside from creating the series and characters, I am the coder of the game. I am writing its engine using the Monogame framework. I do not personally draw, I let my talented team of artists handle that. You can find them here, here, here and here!


Hi all,

My name is Tom. I’m a video game programmer, that loves low level graphics programming. A couple of years ago I came up with an idea for a new programming language, focused on making video games. I’ve started working on it, and a couple of months back released my first game with it called “Shuffled Nightmares”.

I like making all sorts of games, not locked to a specific genre. Each game is a different experience, and I do my best to make them unique.

I’ve also got a little bit of experience in drawing, and making digital music. I combine both of those skills on my games.


Hello, My name Is Pat, I got my CS degree about 5 years ago and has been working as a programmer ever since. My dream has been to work on my own games as a hobby and release them as FLOSS for everyone to enjoy. I love the idea of games being able to build community and bring joy to the world with games. And I look forward to joining some Game Jams with you all in the future!


Greetings, I'm Lgarabato and I'm the creator of Eleven Commandments, a game I made as the final project for my game design degree. I've loved drawing my own stories since I was a toddler and I'm looking forward to share them with you.


Salulations. I go by the name, Jared (real name, just wanted to structure my sentences differently than the others, so bear with me). Currently, I have no projects set to release in the near future as I'm still trying to learn the Godot and Spring Engines, though I do plan releasing a game. I've always been interested among the idea of having a platform that is as open towards develoers as itch.io along with its friendly community. 


Hello. I am Chingy. I am new to game development. I have almost little to no knowledge of programming, but I do have a clear idea of what I want to achieve at the end of the day. At the end of my journey, I would like to make a slice-of-life/dating-sim/exploration type of game that allows people to sit back, relax, and enjoy. I think it will take a long time as I am pretty clueless to everything and also prone to procrastination, but I think it will be something that I can be proud of once I complete it.

I also draw a little, and compose music in my free time, but I spend most of my time busy being unoccupied. I know how its sounds, and I think it is unhealthy, so I've decided to do something about it, which is to do something I've always wanted to do, making games. Hopefully it can be something I can look back to in the future and feel good about it.

Itchio seems like a nice place with it's community and tools, and the forums contains a good chunk of knowledge, which is why I've decided to introduce myself here. It is nice to meet you all, and I hope I can create something great for you guys to play in the future. In the meantime, I should probably start with something small to gain some experience. See you guys soon, hopefully, with good results.


I'm in a similar boat, just starting to learn how to concieve making a game. If it helps there are some great Youtubers who talk about that sort of thing (more of the theory side) 'Extra Credits' and 'Game Dev underground' just to name a few

Hi, thank you. I will check them out. 


Hey everyone! 

My name is Jeremy and I'm a 35 year old dad with no formal game development training. 

The pandemic has given the opportunity to literally tinker with Stencyl, Twine etc while my daughter naps. 

I released my first game today, a text adventure called Stand-Up Simulator. Give it a look if you are so inclined! 

Happy to be a part of this community. 


congrats on the first game!


Thanks so much! 


Posted my first game in April and have yet to intro myself...weird.  Hi, I'm Neil LaPointe, proprietor of LaPointe Joints!  Currently I've got one game on offer, a sick lil' twin-stick shooter called GUNPIG: Firepower For Hire.  https://lapointe-joints.itch.io/gunpig


I'm Lola. Professionally have been a graphic designer/web dev/UI person for almost 20 years and near 15 with Info Security Analysis. I'm known for specific approaches utilizing OSINT and Social Engineering and have viewed cyber security has a game to keep interest. With the artistic skill set this can make it even more confusing but still quite fascinating.

Video games and interactive projects is a welcome escape from a lot of the serious work that I do and sometimes awful people I have to interact with. I want to test out my ability to work on a game dev team starting off with the artistry, design, UI, and overtime learning more of the programming. I am completely self-taught within IT so as long as someone is around for me to poke at with questions I have I can usually learn it.

I prefer story driven games whether adventure, horror, mystery, suspense, or visual novel. I'm an excellent proofreader and writer as well as making the experience true to the statement "show, don't tell" even when words are necessary. Voice acting I am very comfortable in doing and even have a set of characters and accents I've attempted to polish over the years.

There are several ideas I have for interactive types of games that are a bit more on the detective side I just lack the experience specifically in game development.

Feel free to reach out to me via email: thelolabohemia@gmail.com for more of a portfolio example.

Not to worry, I think the only thing holding me back as a game dev is good ideas for story, mechanics. etc. Once you've got those you really only have to worry about the coding, marketing, etc, but I'm sure you've got the art down pat. 


Hey! I am Matt, I've been making games for a bit now (just small prototypes), recently just started posting on itch.io. I have some programming background as well as a game design background. I really enjoy making arcade type games and 2d games. Been really into rogue likes lately!


hello everyone i'm made my second game and very soon i will publish it on google play store. here is the game play trailer link  


Um....,Hello,  My Name is Turbo as you can see, i'm just a player of games at the moment but hoping to get into making games ^-^


Hi Turbo,

Players and developers are just as needed. Cant have one without the other :).


Martin Eriksson

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Hello everybody

i am new here and messing around 

uploaded a few games

i am a complete beginner so any suggesition from any of you guys will be great help

Hey please anybody 

reply something 

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Sup my dudes, it's me - the man, the myth, the disappointment - Seelroy. I'm one of those losers that lacks the creativity, and skill set to make games, so I play them and make YouTube videos because Adobe Premiere and After Effects are way easier to learn than the Eldritch text you call "programming languages." Currently, I'm only playing and reviewing indie games from Itch in a series I call Scratch the Itch. Who knows where the channel will go in the future - probably the trash because my life is a dumpster fire.

Clean segue into a bit more about myself. I like anime, typically action, comedy, and slice of life. But, also the kind that disappoints my parents immensely. I read manga here and there, mostly series that I've watched previously and want to continue experiencing. I also enjoy just about all music, from metal to country, from rap to EDM. You name it I probably like it. And obviously I enjoy video games, my favorites being Path of Exile and FFXIV. Though FPS hold a special place in my heart Counter-Strike: Source was my childhood. 

If you'd like to check out my channel and series you can do so here. I've enjoyed my time so far here, and only just noticed there was a forum. So I hope to be more active in the community than previously. Nice to meet you all! :)


Hey all!

I'm Dan, a professional musician/composer/arranger/teacher (takes a lot of hat wearing to pay the bills!). The past year I've worked on OST soundtracks for two game demos and I'm really looking forward to working on more projects soon.

Currently I am working with a small indie dev team that will be working on monthly project demos and vertical slices to help diversify our portfolios. I hope to dive into the community here and enjoy discussing and networking with everyone here.

Links and examples of my work are in my profile! Please feel free to check out what I've created thus far - I'm always updating with new stuff!


Hey guys Davis here from Grounded 2.0. I just want to I will always be making them good Christian games on itch. I've been here on itch for 3 years. Blissfully I made my first sale. Please educate me to be good lad professional indie game dev. I now know what I want do as a game dev. and give you a intro. Cheers

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Hi, I’m Madipup! I’ve been a digital artist for nearly 10 years, with some experience with animation. Most of my experience is with commissions doing social media icons and character illustrations. However, I am extremely passionate about game design and am focused on shifting gears into becoming an artist for games. I wish to grow and gain more experience in the game industry, so I can become an art director/game designer someday. I have my own dream games, but my programming experience is lacking. I am currently learning Unity and C# and aspire to graduate from being a concept artist, into being a fully fledged designer in the future.

Check out my work on ArtStation! https://madipup.artstation.com/

Hi Madipup, 

We're looking for a 3D character artist to help develop our characters and their clothing. It's a beach lifeguard game set on Bondi Beach, Australia. Are you interested in rev-share work of this kind? If so, please contact me on discord jammygitgames#6131 to find out more about the opportunity. 

Many thanks, 


Hello, when you say a 3D character artist, do you need someone who can 3D model, because unfortunately I don’t have a lot of experience in that. It’s something I want to change. However, I have experience creating model sheets!

Hi, yes 3D modelling. Ok, no worries, thanks for coming back to me.

no problem, thank you for contacting me regardless! 


hi i  am  danny i make 2d and 3d   games with little passion i just recently upload some pics and game trailer of my current project on itch and soon releasing hope people like its . 


Hi i’m Hoasd1 a Egyptian gamer,free to keep games and free games collector also i started playing games when i was child and still continuing this hobby,My favorite games genre is survival and hardcore games which are challenging and sometimes enjoyable it was amazing when i known Itch.io website,because it have a lot of amazing and free games which i still don’t have the ability or the enough money to buy games at the moment.

Also it’s nice to be one of this community :)

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Hi! I'm Rekka, I'm just a hobbyist and fine art student graduate. I'm a RPG enthusiast and  had been trying to make RPG but somehow it's fail and more focusing in art now. Most of my experience are just personal commission and some assignment from my one month internship. The reason I'm here is I want to learn anything and find my true passion or new interest. I don't know what I want to be but I guess helping and growing seems better for now :)

Nice to meet you guys :)

Hello, and welcome to Itch!  I hope you can find whatever it is you want to be.  I myself do everything from music to art and I guess level/dungeon design and some coding, so there's nothing wrong with experimenting to find out what you really like.


Well, hello! I am creator of the games using RPG Maker program series. Nice to meet you.

Hi and welcome 👍❤


Hi... :) I create psychological horror games, as a hobby - trying to be good in it, though it isn't easy at all!

I professionally work as literary translator.

I also create articles and (at times) videos on horror literature, so if you feel like it check my youtube channel :)

For example, here is one I made on Lovecraft's outsiders:



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Hi everybody!

I'm narasu and I'm a programmer, musician and game designer. I'm also just starting to get into sound design and exploring how sound and game design can work together. Sometimes I draw stuff in my spare time. If all that sounds like a handful, you... might be right. But I'm enjoying myself!

As a game developer I'm just starting out. About a month ago I released the biggest project I've worked on to date: https://narasu.itch.io/fish-eye I'm pretty proud of this one! Not working on anything else right now, aside from some research, I've got plans to get some other projects going.

As a musician, I've got 10 years of experience as a composer (though not so much in the context of games), but also playing guitar, singing, producing, and sometimes I mess with some other instruments. You can check out some things I've worked on here:

I hope this doesn't come across as too pluggy, I promise this isn't a self-promotion post. I just like to share my work!

See y'all around.


Hi everyone.

I'm AntiClux, an actuarial analyst who's retiring next year to make games full-time. Had my first game making experience with Dreams and my first epiphany shortly after.

I've been learning a lot on Unity and C# and plan to get into Godot next. I have a big game planned for the future, so I'm currently working on attaining the skills required to make it.

My plan for the rest of this year is to participate in a few jams to keep gaining experience in this art.

My first game, in case anyone's interested: Circle John

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Hey! My name is Toby, I've been making games since I was like 10, I'm now 16 and wouldn't call most of what I make actually games :D Anyway I'm best a programming but my art isn't too bad sometimes, my recent projects are actually quite fun imo, at least compared to my old ones so I'd love if you checked them out :) Also learning is one of the most fun parts of game development for me, if you need advise on different engines / languages / frameworks I've quite possibly tried it so just contact me, might be able to help you make a choice :D

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Hello, I am Aslı from Turkey. I am not a game developer but I am fond of them. Why am I here? Well, I have been a student of English language studies for 3 years now and therefore looking for experience. My offer is, I can translate your games from English to Turkish for free. Since I love playing games, translating for them would be a fun experience for me. Feel free to dm me if you want your game to reach larger audiences!


Hello!!! It's so cool to read your message! We're new here in itch and we're about to launch our game "Ôma, a dis-play". We're a theatre group from Brazil and we have been to Turkey twice to perform our shows! Both in Antalya and in Trabzon! It's been really amazing experiences! So this could be a really cool friendship we can develop here. And who knows, maybe even we can find a way to publish our game in Turkish too and have our friends and more people participate in it!

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Hi! I checked the trailer and it looks interesting. I will definitely try your game when it is released. 

I have been to both cities as well. They have a very distinct atmosphere but both are fantastic! I admire the hard-work in your art and would love to see you perform if you come to Turkey again.  Also, I have been learning Spanish for the last two months and heard that Portuguese is very similar to it, so having native friends is much appreciated. If you ever need help with Turkish or the country itself please let me know :)


Hii! thanks for checking the trailer! That's amazing! And so cool you're learning Spanish, Portuguese is similar indeed. If you speak Spanish and meet a Brazilian you'd get it after a while adapting to it. Our game will have the Portuguese version, so you can try that out! Hehehe
Thanks for offering your help, we already noted it down for whenever we might need it!


Greetings and salutations!

My name is Joe and I'm jumping into the deep end of game development after some years of university and brief stint in an e-training company.

I've ended up in a Jack of all Trades, Master of None situation as I'm lacking the experience that years of success and failure can bring. To put my skill set to the test, and see what shines and what stinks, I'm in the last stages of making a demo with Pokemon Snap like photo mechanics in a horror themed office. Hopefully I'll get that demo out on here soon once I can get the UI scaling in Unity to stop twisting itself into a twisted heap of pained text boxes and sprite images that beg for the sweet release of death.

I grew up on old Shareware CDs, playing demos and trials, so I'm looking forward to reliving that a little bit though experiencing all the games I can find on here.

I've always wanted to get more involved in the indie communities so I look forward to getting to know the people on here and talking games, design, or just whatever comes to mind.

Have a nice day!


HI all

My Name is Strahinja Becagol I am a Software Quality engineer also i used to own a bar in my hometown, and before that i was into martial arts ant trained judo for over 15 years.

Now days i spend my time testing other people's software and i do spend a lot of time meddling around unity game engine.
Few days ago i published first project that is actually playable you can check it out if you would like Block Annihilator

And checkout my social accounts if you do stuff like that :)

Instagram    Twitter   Facebook   YouTube

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hey everyone, I'm Mehrdad, a  programmer/Amatuer game designer/Amatuer art designer 

with an addiction to make games, love making games so much, its the best. it is better than sex(ok, maybe not)  :)

Im currently making this babe:   Eli was Sad!  https://mehrdadsh.itch.io/eli-was-sad


Hi,my name is Keen and I'm making my first game Astrid & The Witch. Im making all the art and music for it as well! I'm also aspiring to make some visual novels after this project. :] 

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Hello, I'm TheDespairFox, I haven't posted any games yet but I like to mainly make visual novels and fangames

if anyone wants to be friends I'd be happy to become friends


Hi! We're new here and looking for friends too!
I just saw your post and felt a good energy towards it! Maybe we can find some things in common!


Hello! sorry for the late reply, I didn't expect anyone to notice me here, but yeah, maybe we can find some things in common ^^


Hello! I'm Steve. I've been making games fortnite ninjaas for five years. I appreciate making little personal examinations and merch by and large unusual stuff, which incorporates a game with no visuals and another about delaying. 

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Hello everyone! We're a theatre group from Brazil now creating our own video games to reach more people with our works. We're soon to publish our new game called "Ôma, a dis-play", is a “performative” RPG that offers an experience of a virtual quarantine in São Paulo, 2020, where you can follow two real actresses and try to live not only in the middle of a global health crisis, but also in a terrible political moment. Players become the characters (and the actresses), exploring their dreams, experiencing a glimpse of a gamified collective trauma.

you can check the trailer here: 



Hey, Gamyr here, if I didn’t do this before, I’ll do it now. I’m a gamer, as you can tell by my username, and have been for a long time. I love seeing all the indie stuff on itch, and I hope to stay a long time. I don’t create games, although I wish I could, but I do like a lot of different types of games, and there are plenty to choose from on here.


Hey guys my name is Shawn Allen Colbert.  I made Colbert A Vision put four of my games on here like three years ago and only have total of eleven downloads.  LOL  Something with these mods on here.  Just check out Orbitron @Steam also on here.  Ready to get this site going.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi, I'm creating a visual novel and am looking to put a bit of music in some scenes, to supplement the copyright free songs that are going to be in it. I'm looking for contemporary sounds that aren't just cheesy background music. If you have a discord contact me there Hamwalo#2525

Deleted 3 years ago

No problem


hi everybody, I'm Billy
im kinda new to the pc world, moving from mobiles and console to the master race is a little intimidating but i am liking it.
i joined up here because i just started making a game and was told this is one of the places to be.
i hope to learn a thing or two in my time here and would like to share some of the work i have made so far..

welcome my friend 

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I'm Megumi Aramaki, but you can call me Megululu-chan, LittleLulu or Lulu. I love watching anime, films, television series and playing video games. I'm a fan of Final Fantasy, RPG Maker, Megaman series or sometime visual novels. I am the amateur artist, creator, designer, director and game-maker of my free-to-play fan games with RPG Maker VX/Ace/MV/MZ (soon to be added). 

LittleLulu Falcon Emblem is my studio for making RPG games, action-adventure games and otome/romance games. I am really enjoying the Final Fantasy-based fangame with new story setting which either high fantasy or sci-fi genres since my first game has been released. I am also creating action-adventure platform/turn-based game genres that may looks like Mega Man or Sonic.

Moreover, I'm passionate with the cute, soft and fluffy otome/romance visual novel/RPG hybrid games, focus on generally romance genre.

The genre of choice: Action-adventure, platform, RPG, light otome/romance with or without NSFW.

I can make the game alone or finding the team to create the games for fans just for fun and free.

Nice to meet you all!


hello im new to game dev and itch.io

hi and welcome 


Hey there! I'm dotweb and I've recently released my VN titled Night Night Sunshine

I'm an hobby artist who loves character design and the occasional weird monster.

Nice to meet you!

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Hi! I'm really bad at this

I'm a newbie game dev from Brazil working with passion trying to create games that will make people feel good somehow. I really like the chill and relaxed part of games, where we can just lose ourselves. I hope I can deliver nice things for the community and I think itch.io it's a great place for this.


That's about it, I guess. Stay safe ♡


hey, i'm tw.eeb.ig, and i don't really make games. i mean that would be cool and all but i don't have the attention span for that. i was just hoping by making this post i could start a conversation or find a friend :p

I'm a lurker too.. cheers mate!


Hi, I'm Xanderwood. I make games and participate in game jams. I also play other devs games on my YouTube channel every week. If you want me to play your game let me know.

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Heyho everyone!

My name is Dominik  and I am currently the CEO of "IndieGO Studios" which is a indie game development studio based in Vienna. 

Since you are already here, let me tell you some personal things about me.

I like:

  • Animes/Mangas
  • Drawing
  • playing Piano
  • listening to Metal/Rock/Alternative music
  • breathing (try it - its fun!)
  • Pizza

My game developer journey on itch.io began over a year ago, at that time my knowledge of the whole process was kinda lacking. Sure, I did know how to program  because I studied it for over five years but my first game prototypes were a total mess (well...everyone begins small am I right?). Time passes by and so I collected some exp points which lead to some level ups over this year...either by talking to some of you guys or playing your games. Meanwhile - developing my own games to grind even more exp points just to get some talent points in different engines and game variations.  

But why am I doing this?

Being a game developer was my childhood dream and I am still pursuing it.

But hey, that's a whole other story!

Welp, the introduction got longer than i expected...thanks to all the brave creators and gamers who read the whole quest text!

(I putted a link to my twitter into the text - feel free to message me if you want to.)

Stay healthy and safe everyone!


Hi Dominik! Welcome :)


Hey Xanderwood! (:


I'm a newbie game developer from East coast USA. I decided to start trying my hand at making games because of the strange and unusual times we've been living in.

Taken from the About page of my website:

"What does dance with the devil mean? Does it mean that we're devil worshipers? Or that we like to live haphazardly and dangerously? Maybe that's what it means to some people. To me it symbolizes a method of examining the aspects of life that aren't always appealing or fun to deal with. It's an effort to help people understand and accept the worst parts of themselves without drowning in negativity. You'll notice this effort in our games. The big studios and development companies could never make the games we do. We don't have to make games that are popular, appealing, or socially acceptable. We aren't constrained by a public image department.We have sufficient life experience to pass on some low key knowledge to gamers that pay attention and read between the lines, and we aren't afraid to do it. "

I have a partner who is learning along with me. We're using all FOSS (GDevelop, Gimp, Audacity) and mostly public domain assets, because we have low funds and underdeveloped skills but good imaginations.  My partner is more focused on the front end and I'm more focused on the backend but we do criss cross paths a bit.

I've had a decent number of views in the last 3 months, and a few plays/downloads, but what I'm really hoping for is feedback. It'd make it a lot easier to improve if I could find people that care enough to tell me when things suck or are broken... so go ahead, lay it on me. Don't spare my feelings. Be brutally honest. It's appreciated :)

Cheers :)



I'll check out some of your work and play your games on my YouTube channel.


I can see you've been busy reviewing games and making videos.

One thing I'm usually pretty good about is making all my games available on multiple formats (including browser hint hint)

One of my weaknesses is I'm not so good at making games that are user friendly and intuitive, so hopefully you can figure out how to play my loving creations. If not, I'm sure your confusion and frustration will be amusing to someone.

I'm curious to know which of my games you'll choose to review and why. I'll have an eye on your youtube channel :)

if you leave a link to your game on the page of my most recent 'I play your itch games' video. I'll check it out 

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Hey guys! I saw an interesting game and it lead me here in itch.io. I realized that I've been living in a nutshell for a long time because this is just too cool for me to discover late. I'm kinda struggling figuring this out but so far I enjoy exploring and hoping to be friends with y'all! xoxo

PS: and yep my username says it all, pizza for life! can't wait to play your game :>


Hi. I'm Nati. I code. I like the color blue.

Pros about meI'm good at coming up with ideas---im suportive
Cons about meim introverted i have axiaty and anger. and arracnaphobia.im double jointed

#WatsDefundThePolice #BLM #ProudAlly #LifeSucs


blue is the best colour 👍❤



My name is Daniel, I founded SmokeSomeFrogs a couple of years ago. I am the last member of the team and make experimental and/or weird games :D My favourite genres of games are puzzle and racing games and I have never made a puzzle or racing game (yeah?)


Hi I'm Joni and I am fairly new game developer, but I have experience with 3D modeling, programming, sound design and little bit with 2d graphics. I usually do everything for my games myself but I'm kinda lazy with sound effects and 2d things so I'll get some help from friends or good old internet if necessary.

I'm interested in human mind and psychological things, so my games usually contains more or less "horror" elements.

Hi! I play indie games on my youtube channel, if you want me to play your games leave a link to the game in the comments of my videos. 

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Hi, Im Dev_Dev. I make games in unity. Thats really all I do. Oh, and uh, Wear your seatbelt.


hi 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ welcome to this conversation.  




Yours is technically mine in a nutshell, lol


Hey all! I'm SquishyTurtle and  I've been around here for almost a year now and been learning to make games for about a year and a half. I did my first jam in November of 2019 and  I've been hooked ever since. I've done 8 jams including Brackeys Jam 2020.1, Ludum Dare 46 and 47, and GKTK jam 2020. I'm currently working on my game Mini Map, which was my GMTK jam entry. I'm so excited about getting to know the community here and growing my dev skills. Thanks for a great time!

Nice to hear from you my friend! :)


Hello, Im Ender Guy Cypher, Im a beginner game dev, i make games with Unity,I LOVE making games, but im bad at doing so and i dont have much free time, I currently have a game called Bean Parkour, i wont get into detail but, its a 3d rage platformer.Thats it!


Hello everyone, my name is Ilya and I am a beginner game developer on a unit. I already have one game on which I'm working very hard, spending a lot of time and energy. After I finish making it and it is released, I will start making a second game for android. I have already started drawing graphics for her. It remains to draw the most part and then I will do the animation for it. I like pixel games and games with vector flat graphics. If you are interested in what I am doing, you can go to my Twitter page: https://twitter.com/games_iko. There I post the latest news about the development of my game. Also, a little later I will lay out my developments of the second game. Thank you for your attention to my little biography :). Until next time!



I am Nick I used to make Movies mainly Horror / Exploitation and Weird stuff I did that for over 15 years, I had some success my films won awards, got worldwide DVD releases you could even find them in Walmart in the states at one point. I went to lots of festivals all over the world including Cannes and had all sorts of mad adventures over the years. 

But now im in my early 40s and I am a New Parent for the first time my wild movie making days have slowed so I now have a new quest to become a Game Dev turning alot of my old films and unreleased projects into FMV GAMES.

I have finished 3 games already with plenty more to come they range from pretty ambitious FMV Games like Night Trap to more conventional Interactive movies kinda Bandersnatch Style.

My films are ultra low budget some times trashy and Offensive but fun. 

Lots more to come.


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Thanks I have been lurking on here for years made a couple of non FMV games for Jams about 4 years ago, but its really only been this last couple of months since i have been on this FMV quest that I have put time into it and I gotta say I love this Community.


Hey there, my name's razz. I've known about itch for quite a while now, and I've been downloading games off of here for a long time but I only recently created an account. I'm a high school student in California, and I thought I'd try out game dev/design since it seems really interesting. I have an unhealthy obsession with anime and manga, with DanMachi being my all-time favorite. I also enjoy skateboarding and learning Japanese. My discord is razz#2070, add me if you wanna chat or wtv. Looking forward to having a good time on here <3 :)

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I make simple games with GDeveloip and love 2d art and am very very lazy :/ I am also teen https://discord.gg/cuRwZze Join my discord here BOIS or girls :D

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Hey.  I'm Lordzola, I starting deving about 2 months ago as I was bored.  I'm hoping to release my first game before Christmas, a top-down 2D orthogonal rogue-like game.  I've been reading up on Unity development with books; I've just completed Jared Halpern's book and I'm expanding on my games contents day by day.  I'm quite happy with it so far, nothing special but it works and I've got some really nice tilesets going and plenty of ideas to try and implement.  Anyway, keep your eyes out.  Tara.

EDIT: https://itch.io/post/2131238/view-in-topic Devlog for upcoming game, Stone Flinger

when you have a working demo let me know and I will play your game on my youtube channel and provide feedback


Great thanks I'll keep you posted

Deleted 3 years ago

welcome 🙋‍♂️

Deleted 3 years ago
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Hello I am using itch.io for a while now and I really like to scroll through the mass of games and check them out. I am a german teenager and do coding for 6 years now.  The most of my freetime I spend in learning new things in my favorite Languages (Python and C#) and create my own games with godot. I am looking forward to share the best products of my work on this platform.

Have a nice day and stay healthy!


if you have any games ready I will play them on my YouTube channel for you. Just leave a link to the game in the comments of one of my videos.  The link to my channel is on my itch page 


Hell there! I made my game for many years ago and I want you to play my game: Final Fantasy Golden Stories Ace is a very huge but classy Jrpg just like classic FF 1-6. So, here is my indie game's link: Final Fantasy Golden Stories Ace.

Happy Halloween and stay safety.


can you submit it to my channel here https://mailchi.mp/0ae744471f47/i-play-your-itch-games


Hi I am k0gam1, and I recently joined itch.io. I have only made one game exactly like pong and this years game off would be my second attempt at making games. I really like playing games so thought why not start making. I am gonna use Unity 2D engine. Cheers!


welcome my friend.  I use construct.  You can see the games I make on my page


Heyyooo, I am... ah you can see my name above so I don't need to write it again, do I? I am a graduate Computer Science, who now have a lot of time due to the COVID-19, ugh.... Since I have a lot of time, I think of making a game ...which is currently still in designing process.

Anyway nice to meet yahhh. LOVE, PEACE, and GAWL!!!

hello 🙋‍♂️ when you have it done I'll review and play it on my youtube channel ❤

Ohh thank yau, so nice of you ^3^


HI i am  ADRISH, 


NEW at making games SO  I don't have any games to give you BUT I HAVE A DEMO OF IT , I USED VISUAL BASIC 6.0(THE RARE THING TO CREATE GAMES) TO CREATE IT . And I am a fan of UNDERTALE

I play and review indie games on my YouTube channel.  So when you have something let me know and I'll review it ❤






Deleted 2 years ago

hi, I make html 5 games in contruct  I also play and review indie games on my YouTube channel 

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Hello everyone, Dreams Factory Studio is an indie game development group. We are from Costa Rica.

We have released two video games:

  • Hallways of Andromeda
  • From My Dreams

Four days ago we released From My Dreams, it's free. 


This is the trailer. Enjoy it! :)


Yo my name is Trig, I play games on here because I'm hoping to be a dev of some kind in the future

welcome my friend.  I make tutorials on how to create games on my YouTube channel ❤

Hello and welcome Trigg, hope you have fun and got inspired here!

Maybe you can check my game Nautilon also, thanks!


Hey everyone, I'm Harry and I make games for Revelplay Interactive. I have been making FPS games for a while now and have started to make more mobile games. Our best mobile game is called Asteroid and you can find it on our page here with all of our other games!

We make games for everyone to enjoy :)


Hi! I'm ArtGEM and I just started making game asset packs! https://twitter.com/ArtGem_Assets

Hi, I am Sabik Kundu a new programmer for indie games. Visit my webpage sabik.kundu.itch.io.


HelLllLLLooOOo everyone!

We are Sweaty Chair Studios, an indie mobile game studio from Sydney, Australia. Founded in 2013, we have made a variety of games that are now available on the Apple and Google Play Store.

General consensus within a few from the team, is that we were impacted somehow in our childhood/growing up, we had a memorable or life-changing experience with games and felt we could contribute to the industry with what we got. A few on the other hand came from other industries, like Hollywood film-making and e-commerce, but they were restricted in their creative freedom. Making games was the creative outlet we needed and really just something that we always knew and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else, y’know?

Overtime we have dabbled in different projects but our biggest is No Humanity - The Hardest Game.

We are super duper friendly and are always open for a chat about anything and everything games. So please connect with us!

Feel free to check out our website, Instagram, Facebook, or blog for more updates and more content!

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Hi, my name is Ghost and I am a music/sound effect designer. I use Reaper to mix it; LMMS Studio for my instruments; sound effects from Boom Library, bigsoundbank.com, and personally recorded sound effects. I tried delving into learning code for games but alas, I am unable to pick that up as easily as picked up designing music and sound effects. 


Glad you’re here! I forwarded your post to our team…



First of all, as I was reading this thread, I realized how inexperienced I am in anything involving the game industry (been hearing from it from the art side and a bit from the programmer side by TheHappieCat if you remember her). So I'm sure to learn a lot of new stuff by joining itch.io!

I go by the name Mingan Wolf online and I'm a Computer Engineering student in my second year. We have to make a program every semester and this time I thought, why not make a game?

So I grabbed my artistic skills and made something really simple - a unicorn runner. Not grand, not original, but it works and it looks good. My friends were really enthusiastic when I showed them how it looks and said they want to get it and play it - right now it takes a bit of time to explain how to run it so I thought I should publish it somewhere instead and this site came to my mind. I've been playing games from here before, just never took the time to register.

So here I am, currently trying to figure out my life   what is the best way to go about publishing my first game.

Have a great day!

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Hi, this is Idle Space Arcade Inc.'s "official" Itch presence, although, we're not a huge and well-known brand, so that's why "official" is in quotes. Our company's founder is Nathan Zhang, and, while he has his own (personal) Itch account... under America's "generally-accepted accounting standards", it's usually frowned-upon to use one's own personal accounts for a business without dedicating them, donating them, or investing them in said business, so he opened up a new Itch profile specifically for using Itch for his biz. This Itch user was mainly created to host & promote game jams, like this one, in order to get games made for our online arcade website for free.

And yes, we're open to collaboration.

As for what engines we like to use? Mostly GDevelop & Godot. Unity & Unreal we tend to keep at arms' length because we are a small firm with minimal capitalization, but we plan to grow aggressively, so it won't be long before we have to fork over some dough to use those two professional game engines. On the other hand, GDevelop & Godot are freeware, and so we prefer using those two.

It's nice meeting you folks. Stay safe, wear your mask, and have a nice day!


Hello there, I'm zyenapz and I have only started making games using Python. I love making pixel art and I'm exploring 8-bit music creation right now!


can't wait to hear your music :-)


Me either! Have you by chance experimented with sfx (sound effects)?


I have only made sound effects through apps like Sfxr and Bfxr. I experimented once by slamming a book to produce a gun shot effect and it didn't work lmao


Hi. I'm Mahmood and I make action online multiplayers games.


Hi, my name's Thomas. I tend to go by my pen name Geist Black. I'm a musician/composer, looking to start working on games. I'm open to a variety of styles and I'm interested in trying new things.

Here's some links to my work on soundcloud if you care to hear any samples -







Hey im new to making games but my coding skills have been improved so i was finally to publish my first game. I feel very confident about it and very excited about what is going to follow after that


Hi, I am a game dev. Thats all you need to know.


Wow, so concise and to the point. I like that!


hi im alolaregionashmaker.

Hello everyone! I'm RealcielO5, an aspiring game developer that loves to learn new things! I am interested in all parts of the game making process from graphics, to sound, to programming, to story and everything in between. Nice to meet you all! :D

Hey Everyone, 

My name is Rahmat

I am currently making android arcade games

Checkout my games


Hi all, looking at what people do here I begin to feel very off-side. I only joined because somebody (a while go now; I know I know... I'm fast in following up on info ;) and then finding courage to act) told me that fonts might be of interest on a site attracting game developers.  I've made a few pixel fonts  of varying dimensions but unlike the fonts made for 1970s /1980s computers, communication and games texts. Most of my fonts look different from those good oldies. But I was told my fonts might be of interest here. Would you actually look for a ready-to-use font? I'm not a professional font designer but do it as a hobby specially when I feel that I need to be creative.  And now I'm wondering: should I just chicken out on tiptoe ?



Maybe if you invented sets of lines that people can assemble to make a correct character? But I have no idea how that would be planned. I looked at Chinese text and I'm very confused by the many different shapes that sometimes look very similar. I can't imagine how difficult this is and I  can't try. There are so many characters... 也许您是否发明了人们可以组装成正确角色的几组线? 但是我不知道该如何计划。 我看了中文文本,对有时看起来非常相似的许多不同形状感到非常困惑。 我无法想象这有多困难,我无法尝试。 有这么多字符...


Howdy, I'm Jim.  
I'm actually fairly new to making games as a serious endeavor as opposed to as a hobby, so I figured itch.io would be a good place to start. 
My goal is to get back to the roots of what made games fun when I was a kid, from the mechanics to the music.

My main deal is Unity since it's what I'm most familiar with.  Can't really beat the gargantuan amount of documentation out there on how to use it, plus its (mostly) positive community, but I also dabble in Godot, and I've got a few books on Unreal that I should probably finish reading.  

I'm also kinda doing this as a side gig, since I do still work a day job, so I imagine it's going to be a long road, but it's one I'm looking forward to riding.

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