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J.P.D.E Studios

A member registered Mar 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! The team did an amazing job!

Thank you so much for the feedback! This was our first ever horror project, so we're glad we managed to make something people enjoy!

(1 edit)

Hello! It's quite easy! Just structure it as the code for the first door, and you can find the exact date in the codex :) If you really can't, find it here.

(1 edit)

Some big Invader Zim vibes from this entry! Both writing wise and art-wise, which is interesting! The sprites and backgrounds are simple but functional, and have a lot of personality.

The music is fine but the volume levels are a bit all over the place. Also, the SFX for George's speaking is particularly obnoxious.

ROLL.EXE ACTIVATE! :D Aaaaaand she's gone inside.

This was a very delightful tunnel ride. The pacing akin to a sugar rush didn't exactly lead itself to scariness, and I experienced mood whiplash more than once, but it was overall fun. Also, the art makes great use of colour and the writing is funny. Good use of the transform properties with the sprites!

Personal pet peeve: I'm not a fan of the UNDERTALE style of talking voice SFXs (especially since all the characters have the same) but I won't count it against the game.

Also, full marks for the Visuals just because that CG of the G**** in the m***** got me. I don't know why, I was just '*gulp* okay, that's creepy*'. Writing wise, though, there's a few things that I couldn't really grasp. I guess it's because this is a spin-off of another game but they weren't properly re-introduced in this.

So, the art style is very cute. Gives that old school spooky/scary children's book, even reads like one. And the project uses Ren'py's animations very well.

There's no music nor sound effects, though. Also the title screen's GUI is almost invisible because of the colour scheme. It needed a bit more time in the oven.

It was a very nice little story! The idea of the bet between the two gods was a very nice framing device for the events, the dialogue was entertaining and the descriptions great.

Although I feel like the game doesn't make as much use of the medium as it could. The basic Ren'py gui is fine, it doesn't take away from the overall enjoyment, but the way descriptives and dialogues appear and are paced does, feeling more like a standard Novel than a Visual one.

The art-style is great, at times even evocative, but there's some imprecisions when displaying different sprites of the same character (some PNGs are taller than the other, or smaller with a different level of zoom...). And other people already have commented on the issues with the loudness of the music, I will add that when they start looping back they're very noticeable.

Overall, a very solid entry!

Thank you very much! The team all worked very hard on the game and it's good to hear it bore fruit! 🍑 Now a word from our writer...

MK: AAAAH THANK YOU! T.T This was the first time I wrote a horror anything so I was so worried about the pacing...


Glad you enjoyed the game and the puzzle solving! If you notice any typos or mistakes please do share so they can be fixed :)

Thank you for the bug report! I will be sure to fix the image that doesn't disappear.

And glad you managed to solve the puzzle! It is meant to be a little challenging, especially for countries like Argentina and Italy (I'm Italian) where you write dates differently. :)

Hope you enjoy it! We made it for the Spooktober VN Jam. Be sure to give it a rating once voting opens :D

Thanks for the feedback on the Android version. Seems like the shader pack we got doesn't always feel like working. We will upload a new version later today!


Hello and welcome to the fold! It depends on the type of game you want to make but, for VN, the Indie Standard is Ren'py. The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine (

It's light, Python based, and has built-in tutorials.

Yet another reason why the Remake is needed...!

The first episode of Refrain is going to come out this month, actually :)

Nope. Just uploaded a bug fix.

It's a bug, a new version is already on its way.

Hello and good evening! Meinos Kaen from Team JPDE here. The team will be joining the Jam with a prototype for an Horror Visual novel WIP named Babelomania.

As we still have the other projects of the team going on at the same time, we're currently looking for another 2D Character Sprite artist! It's paid and we're looking to have four character sprites done over the period of the Jam.

If you're interested, please leave a reply with your portfolio/carrd/twitter/etc...

(1 edit)

Hello and good morning from Italy :)

I'm Meinos Kaen and, while I usually talk as a representative of Team J.P.D.E. (which would also be my portfolio, so to speak), here I come to you as my own person.

I've been dabbling with the idea of making a female-oriented game and story for a while, now, and believe it or not it was watching old Columbo episodes that pushed me over the edge (that series is a smorgasbord of Golden Age Hollywood stars).

The story I wanted to tell would focus on a mature woman finding herself at the center of a mystery which she would need to solve, while interacting with a cast of interesting (and potentially interested) characters. The scope and length of the story and game/submission, and the number of potential interests, will depend on the availability and skill of the team I would be able to put together. The tone would be lighthearted with the occasional sprinkle of seriousness when dealing with the crime at hand.

Skills - I have been working with the Ren'py engine for eight years, now. My main skill is as a writer but I find my coding to be a close second, now. I'm familiar enough with Python and the engine that I can write my scripts directly into the code, instead of a Word Processor first. I'm also the director and producer of the team.

Resources - No resources from Team J.P.D.E. will be available for this, but I do have many packs of royalty free assets which I've acquired over the years, particularly when it comes to fonts, sound effects, music, and GUIs.

What am I looking for? - First and foremost, I am in need of Sprite Artists and Background Artists. Next, it's CG Artists (while I am confident in my writing skill, I find that images can be much more powerful and fitting in certain instances). Next, it's a GUI Artist (a custom interface and look for the game would go a long way towards that first impression). Last but not least, a Composer (music is an integral part of any multimedia story's identity).
Optional - If I manage to recruit a good and big enough team, further Coders/Writers may be needed, as a bigger scope would necessitate more hands on deck on that front too.

How to contact me?
DISCORD DMs - meinoskaen

Probably because it updates monthly and your brain now has a monthly alarm set to "JPDE TIME!". :3

Episodes is just our way of calling updates. Newer updates contain new stuff and lets you continue where a previous update stopped.

Right now we're at Episode 6 for the public, as you can see :)

Nope :)

...weeeeeeell... :3

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much despite all its flaws! ^^

You need to install the VO/Sound patch.

Sorry to hear that. The fix for the NO MP situation is coming but, I'm sorry to say, from Episode 06 there's no more issues with the save files. As stated in the update post, you just need to use the update function in the Scroll Menu to fix your save file and then you'te good to go.

I guess you might have missed that post update? Or, as Episode 06 is currently only available to Patrons, maybe you didn't have access to it? :)

About the other elements, though:

1) that's demonstrably not true, other elemental attacks that are not the resisted or nullified elements do damage, just not as much as the the element an enemy is weak to (obviously);

2) the fight system is built around that. It's inspired by Megaten games where, depending on how prepared you are, fights are either long struggles or are over very quickly. There's plenty of dialogue hints at what's coming your way, especially in the latter half of Episode06, and you can change David's abilities on the fly.

You have a legitimate greviance about the MP Turn Limit. But about the other issues: the new save file thing has been fixed, elemental resistances work as intended, and battles will go well as long as you pay attention to what goes in-game and go in prepared.

Unfortunately no. The code will be changed that much.

Yeah, let's just say that the code for this is old enough now to be a problem... We're officially working on a total revamp, now.

Hello! Only if it reaches a certain amount of Patreon support. Lood artists are pricey :O

Thank you very much! ^^

Thank you so much ^^ The biggest worry going into JPDE2 was definitely the reception for all the new stuff... Glad it's being received well!

Sorry, I guess the game lacks enough diegetic info! You're also supposed to do Raven's route to unlock it...

Unfortunately translation of the game is way beyond our funding. The first was translated because a fan decided to do it in their free time.

Hello! The 18+ is possible but due to the cost, it requires the support on Patreon for the game to reach a certain level.

Code is a lil deprecated with new renpy versions.


hold_last_frame = bool(kwargs["hold_last_frame"]) if "hold_last_frame" in kwargs else False with renpy.open_file(image_path) as handle: full_width, full_height = __get_image_size(handle) sprite_width = int(full_width / x_sprite_count)


hold_last_frame = bool(kwargs["hold_last_frame"]) if "hold_last_frame" in kwargs else False full_width, full_height = renpy.image_size(image_path) sprite_width = int(full_width / x_sprite_count)

Force recompiling did the trick and it should have been the first thing I tried, honestly! xD Thank you so much and sorry for the bother!

Hello! I've tried implementing the code in my game but upon trying to access it I get this error. I'm running Renpy 8.2.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 174, in script
    $ ui.interact()
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\", line 823, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 174, in <module>
    $ ui.interact()
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\", line 301, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 2165, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 2683, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda d : d.per_interact())
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 431, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 431, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 431, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 480, in visit_all
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 2683, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda d : d.per_interact())
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 491, in per_interact
  File "F:\renpy-8.2.0-sdkarm\renpy\display\", line 697, in update
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 718, in execute
    screen music_room3(mr):
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 718, in execute
    screen music_room3(mr):
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 744, in execute
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 788, in execute
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 790, in execute
    has hbox
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 806, in execute
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 840, in execute
  File "game/music_room/music_room.rpy", line 849, in execute
  File "game/music_room/01_music_room_backend.rpy", line 39, in __init__
TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type