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(3 edits)

I am a former tabletop RPG gamer. My background is mostly World of Darkness - some heavy Mage: the Ascension influences, which is rather a borderline World of Darkness representative, but anyway - also being a post-nuke fan, notably a Neuroshima system player of old. Nowadays, though, with my crew dissolved, having entered the more solitary-friendly digital realm, I tend to follow the darker science-fiction vibe, as dictated by the Aliens franchise, for an example. Simultaneously, I dig the popular science literature - primarily astrophysics - which precedes my interest in science-fiction productions of all other sorts. has appealed to me for the easy-to-get gameplay attitude it promotes. Besides, I like the dynamic indie development culture and here, it looks promising.

For making of anything, I make nothing.


I use 'Linux Lite' operating system, which is based on Ubuntu LTS and XFCE desktop environment.

I am also a fan of widescreen laptops.