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Hi Sneak! My name is Davis I am a Game Dev Specialist who specializes in fast pace Christian games. I will follow you to see how you progressed through your game dev journey. Because now these days gamers are slowly converting to devs. Next, are VR makers, then Matrix makers. ๐Ÿ˜‚ But true at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜ญ lol, Good luck with your games! I wish you the very best!๐Ÿ‘


Thanks Davis, its cool that there are other people out there would be interested to check out my games.

Yeah iv'e also noticed that people who played games as a kid seem to want to make them now as adults.

I love that you can see the spirit of old school games come through in people pet projects, I find I have a lot more time for them then the AAA game market these days ha.

I'm pretty new to fourms, how can i have a go at some games you've made



Hey I just made a game dev log page!!