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A topic by Dasius created Jan 18, 2017 Views: 173,047 Replies: 2,065
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Once I started up the game, it looked great. Perfect appearance, running fine, small bit of lag. Went into the Quality settings and reduced my graphical settings to 1920x1080 from 3840x2160. I do have a double monitor setup. One monitor's current resolution is 4k, while the other is 1080p. Once I pressed the button to exit the quality settings menu, my screen broke entirely. The game was split onto both monitors, one monitor being zoomed in (1080p monitor) while half of the other (4k) monitor wasn't even showing, Gamma was reset to 0% for absolutely no reason. Now I can't see the game because of the low gamma and It's unplayable because I am unable to adjust any settings because of how major the screens have been adjusted.

Of course, this occurs once the game has loaded up.

I have tried completely deleting and re-installing the game. Seems to be stuck no matter what I try to do... If there's any possible fix you know about, please let me know. Great game by the way, looks incredibly addicting!

Computer Specs:

Intel i7-6700, 32 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 960.


Same as ayrios said above

"Unfortunately, reinstalling the game won't fix the problem since it doesn't delete your savegame or your current settings. They are stored elsewhere on your computer. Try deleting the Settings.sav file located here: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\ShopSim\Saved\SaveGames"

Have you tried to play on only one screen?

Im on a windows 10 and the game runs and the audio runs super slowly


Hey FliryDragon,

I'm not familiar with that issue but maybe check if your audio drivers are up to date? Maybe try restarting your compute rand running the game again?

I downloaded the game and it seems to be running fine except for the fact that i cant move my pov around, So I am just staring at the wall while i walk around. Thanks in advance.


Hey Solnoid,

Are you in fullscreen mode or windowed mode? Are you able to access any of the menu options?

yea I can access the menu option and alternate between full screen and window, I can do everything even closing and openin doors, it's just I can't look around


I apologize. I'm looking into the issue. Not quite sure why that is happening.

Do you by any chance have other peripherals connected to your computer that might cuase the issue?

Nah man, I'm sorry, its just i really want to play this game, so i get a little too excited. But as for your question, the only other thing i have connected to my computer is my keyboard.

thank you for responding i know you are a busy person :)

(1 edit)

Can do anything with the audio settings. the music is way too loud. Alpha 0.0.72


I believe music settings are coming in the next patch. Currently, you can only adjust your volume using the Windows Volume Mixer. Thanks and Happy Smithing!

(1 edit)

An AI got stuck in the right side post outside the door (looking toward the house) and apparently kept all others from coming.

I'm running 0.0.72 Alpha

All I did was give him the one handed hammer he desired and a he started running in circles eventually running into the post outside the door and getting stuck.

I'm using a laptop with 12gigs RAM. and I7 Core processor.

Though must findeth a virgin to sacrifice in a ritual to release them from thy spell. No seriously just run into them, and eventually it will pop them out, and reset the AI to walk away.

After i downloaded and launched the game everything in the game was hella blurry and sometimes when i click, my cursors appears then freezes my game after that the only buttons i can press in the menu are "continue, save game, new game, and controls" so i dont know what to do now. HELP


When the game is in full screen, I am only able to interact with the top left corner of the game. Now I am unable to change the settings to go to windowed mode since it is out of the area that I am able to click on.

Is there any way that I can revert back to windowed mode. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the game several times and to different hard drives (one SSD and one HDD).

Per the requirments:

1. I am running Alpha 0.0.72

2. See above

3. N/A

4.See above as well

5. CPU:i5-6600k 3.5 GHz 16GB Ram 64 bit Windows 10 GTX 1080

I was really looking forward to playing this game and I am sad that I am unable to get to play it yet. It looks like its just up my ally.

Thanks, roknout1294

Unfortunately, reinstalling the game won't fix the problem since it doesn't delete your savegame or your current settings. They are stored elsewhere on your computer. Try deleting the Settings.sav file located here: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\ShopSim\Saved\SaveGames

If you're having trouble finding it, reading this post (and its replies) should help:

Hope this helps!


Im on .72 and theres a glitch i encountered twice in a day and requires me to restart the game every once in awhile after completeing a sale the say this will do and turn around outside the door and no new customers will come.



I have had a problem with the AI not being able to pick up weapons. I don't know if this is something that you know about, but I have had problems with the AI walking towards the weapon that I made for them and then when it ends up inside them it takes sometimes 10-20 seconds for them to pick it up, all the while their timer counts down. If it hits 0 before they have managed to pick it up then they will leave, sometimes coming back a bit later other times they won't. Also I have had a one handed sword that the AI who ordered it couldn't pick up, and everyone who came in after wanting a one handed sword will not take it. They don't even recognize that I have a sword in my hand in that they will not try to come towards it to pick it up they just stand there waiting for me to give them a sword.

(1 edit) (+1)

i am trying to play the newest version, .72 i think it is and i went to fullscreen mode, after that when i went in the pause menu, and when i put my mouse cursor over any option under controls the game would not highlight the option, nor would it let me click if i click the game would freeze. and if i just played the game the vision is so blurry i dont know where the door is. how do i reset this. please email me at "". i cant share screen shot for some reason, but when i took it it just showed my desktop and a small window of just black.


Hey, so everytime I try to play the game, the game is WAY too dark for me to see anything, and whenever I try to click on an option from the pause menu, it minimizes the game, so I can't change the resolution or the brightness. and I can't open the game in a window, it just defaults to fullscreen. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall, but it didn't do anything to fix the problems.


I have found that People who are asking for greatswords often get glitched afterwards and never pay you, but your greatsword is surely gone with them. It also breaks the game temporarily and you have no additonal guests until the glitch guest leaves or unglitches and disappears.


I have also found that If you swipe a Polearm Grip past a One hand sword it may sometimes disconnect the blade from the one hand sword and all of a sudden create a polearm. This doesn't even necessarily need to be on the crafting station either.

any idea why I cant look around with mouse?

Another player reported having the same problem. Apologies, but I am aware of no recommended solutions at this time. The dev responded to the previous post asking about any other conflicting peripherals. You can read that post and its replies HERE. Thanks!

I'm not sure if it's just my own computer, but whenever I try to launch the game, it says that I require the component Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Runtime, but whenever I select it and it downloads and I click launch again, it says I need to download it, but then gives me an uninstall button for it, and it just keeps on doing this in an endless cycle, and nothing I've done or looked up has worked. Please Help!!!!


The customers won´t buy what I made them even if I made an exact replica of what was on the wall, this is especially true with all hammers. Other than that it is a great game, keep up the good work!!!

I turned my graphics too high back accident and now the game wont let me go back into the graphics settings to change it.


Try deleting the Settings.sav file located here: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\ShopSim\Saved\SaveGames

If you're having trouble finding it, reading this post (and its replies) should help:

As soon as I put it into fullscreen, I could no longer switch it back and the game interacts like it's still in windows mode with the cursor coming "off screen" half way through the game.

hey i downloaded the game and started running it and as soon as i did i noticed one major bug that has made the game unplayable for me. I cant rotate my screen. I moved around and found the open door to click on to make sure it wasnt my mouse and sure enough it wasnt because left and right click still work i just am unable to rotate my player in anyway. Please help. I saw this game on mr fruit's gaming channel and it seems really fun and i would like to play it. I am running alpha 0.0.72 by the way.


I have found an exploit within the game!

If you sell an item to a person and right after it save the game and quit. When you load the game back up you will find the item you just sold on the floor taken apart with the "blade" heated. Which means you make the sale and keep the item to sell it again when the opportunity shows itself.

(1 edit) (+2)

Version 0.0.72

#1 - GAME BREAKING: Does not seem to affect blades, only hammer heads, but works with great hammers, one handed hammers, and polearm hammers - pushing a cooled hammer head into a pile of grips turns every one the head touches into a sellable hammer! It only graphically adds the hammer head onto one of the grips, the rest of the pile will still visually be plain grips, but they can all be accepted by customers as fully made wares.

#2? - Not sure if this is a bug, or just mislabled. Skill point reset line says "Daily Reset Points" but as far as i can figure out, you only get one ever. I reset all my points into agility so that I could explore the map at less of a crawl, expecting to be able to change them back the next day. Was then permanently stuck with all my points in agility; and none in my other categories.

#3 - With 5 points in agility, I noticed no difference in speed whatsoever.

#4 - Saving and loading a game breaks down all pre-made items back into lone grips, guards, and heated blades/hammer heads

#5 - Sometimes when loading into the game, graphics are all messed up. The screen is nearly black, with only the heated blades and heads strewn about the shop glowing through the darkness. Going into graphics and pushing 'reset' kinda fixes this, but makes everything look washed out.

you will love 0.0.73 :)

1) was fixed, definitely!

2) is new to me, I never tried to reset more than once :D

3) yeah dasius said that this is a veeeery minor change

4) this was fixed in #73

5) yeah this has been fixed somewhat around #72 - my way of fixing it once for all was:

* enter game, fix graphics settings

* ender sandbox, fix graphics settings

* enter shop mode, fix graphics settings

Since then everything was settled :)

every time i load a game everything is heated and all my weapons are ungrouped.

When I put together onehanded swords they sometimes get stuck in the workbench, making me lose out on my money and blocking the workbench. cant remove them

I read somehwere earlier in this thread that you can try to rotate them out of the workbench. It worked for me :)

Correct, when an item gets stuck in the workbench, follow these steps to unstick it:

  1. Grab and hold the item with the Right Mouse Button (RMB)
  2. Continue holding the RMB and Press Alt (or Alt+Ctrl) and move the mouse around to rotate the item.
  3. While still holding Alt (or Alt+Ctrl) release the RMB - The item should remain in your grasp in the orientation you rotated it to
  4. At this point you can drop the item by releasing Alt (or Alt+Ctrl) or grab the item again with RMB

Happy Smithing!

(2 edits)

Hey there. I've got error that I could not report via bug report tool (although it opened), as the game didn't minimize and didn't went to background. I had to restart machine.

1. I put pole arm grip in vertical position on blacksmith table.

2. I added a blade to the end of the pole arm grip.

3. New item was too wide for it went into the walls, danced for a while and then I got frozen screen with no response from the game.


This is Win10 x64 with GTX 850M.

I can't select a weapon type, I can bring up the menu and then it just says "Heads" in the center and I can't get it off of that.

(3 edits)

Customers seem to not be able to take my Great Swords. I hold it to their faces but their clock just runs out and they walk away as if I never made the sword. Only happens with Great Swords. It also kept happening after several restarts.

I'm also wondering why the time is so short now. I'm at lever 5, and the most time I get to make a weapon is 60 seconds. That's not enough when I need to make a Great Sword or a Great Hammer. Making other items gives me 5 seconds to spare at the most. Is this just a higher level issue? Because it's starting to annoy me a bit. I've begun making weapons before hand, and just handing them over whenever customers come in, which is also unhandy since I can't predict what they want. I could be sitting with 3 Great Swords when the customer gives me 50 seconds to make a Great Hammer. This also clashes when I need to order new supplies.

There are also moments when nobody comes in for a very long time. Opening and closing my shop seems to fix that and draw new cstomers. One time I had no customers for 2 days! (or maybe this is just a good reflection of reality :p)

Another thing, the instruction blue prints show that you need 2 ignots to make a great hammer, while in reality you need 3. For a small hammer you need 2, while the blueprints say you need 1. This doesn't change, even when I change the shape of the ignot on the anvil. Using just 1 ignot will result in a small dagger blade.


Hello BlackOreoCookie!

The AI is a little bugged in the current version. Sometimes dropping the item and picking it back up will get them to take it from you. Also, after leaving the shop, sometimes they'll run around in circles forever. When they do this, no new customers will show up (only one customer at a time currently). You can usually unstick the broken customers by pushing them around. With the timers, they get shorter every game day. So you start with over 150 seconds on day one, but after about 15 days you'll only get about 30-45 seconds. Lastly, Dasius has said that the blueprint is currently incorrectly representing the ingot total for making items so in the meantime here are the recipes:

  • 1 ingot = small (dagger) blade only
  • 2 ingots = one handed sword blade OR one handed hammer head
  • 3 ingots = greatsword blade OR greathammer head

Happy Smithing!

Thank you! :)

Deleted 1 year ago

try clicking "reset" in the graphics menu and try setting your gamma to 0.20 :)

Uhhhh I just sold an Adelite Greatsword for $16

I don't think that's supposed to be able to happen.

(2 edits)

So i'm running version 0.0.72 and i was changing some graphics settings and now when i open it, it's initially in windowed mode and then when done loading it goes to fullscreen but only lets me click on things in the top left quarter of my screen. Because of this i can no longer get to the graphics button to reset them to default. I tried deleting and redownloading but it didn't work and remembered all my settings. previously when i was messing with the settings it had made the screen very small i the top left corner and i had to reset it from there but now it shows the game full screen and everything can be interacted with in the top left quarter of my screen so it seem to be different from that. Edit, a post above about deleting something in GameSave fixed this

As a side note (these are smaller bugs) when i saved the game and came back to it before this happened all the pre made weapons i had sitting in the shop had all the forged parts of them as heated and they all disconnected from the rest of the weapon and all the crystals i had found and brought back to the shop were placed back in their original position. Edit, Often when i order Polearm Grips and open the box inside the shop as to not carry them the extra distance, they explode out of the box and will sometimes disconnect the blade from a great sword and attach it to the polearm. I can't recall if it's done that to any other weapon.

I'm running an i7 with 16gbs of ram and a gtx980. i was just trying to run the game in windowed mode but i can't do that with its very high base resolution since it makes it bigger than my screen, it doesn't seem to agree with any other setting.

Sorry for the long post, fun game though hope i can get back to playing it soon!

Okay, so I am running the 0.0.72 version and for some reason when I put the ginto full screen mode the screen went dark, colors got inverted and the game won't let me put it back into windowed mode. I'm running this with an Intel Core i7-6700 CPU, a 16 gb ram and a 64 bit OS

Hello I have a problem with the games when it launches it me but in small window, as the game starts it launches large and I can no longer modify the configuration so I am blocking, sorry for the fault I am French , I can post a screen

Deleted 1 year ago

You should make a clean install. Delete all of your files and install it again. Maybe it works

Developer (1 edit)

Also, check in your task manager if there are any programs that might be conflicting with the game. Make sure all non essential programs are not running while playing the game.

Deleted 1 year ago


Ya just seeying it now. Ill post it for others to find the solution.

Thank you!!

Deleted 1 year ago
(3 edits) (+1)

Version: Alpha 0.0.73

#1 When i first started the game everything was blurry, but the fix is just to reset graphics settings.

#2 There comes no customers. I tried to go into /appdata/local and deleted the whole ShopSim folder but it didn't fix it, (bug #1 was still present after i deleted the folder, but the fix worked again). I tried to go to bed and proceed to the next day to see if that fixed it but i couldn't go to bed, (I didn't wait for night tho). I waited around for 10 minutes but there were still no customers. I even tried "turning it off and back on again".. ;)

And now I'm going to bed, the clock is 01.50 AM here in Sweden. Have a good one!

Edit 1: Spelling
Edit 2: Added some stuff
Edit 3: Worth noticing is that I don't install through program, I just download and extract the zip file in a new folder.


about the no-customers: does your shop door say "shop open" ? if not, click that sign!

Yes it does, i played the game plenty before. Thanks anyway!

I just noticed this seems to happen if you

* load a game

* sleep


how do I fix that? I too have no business in my shop

download the latest version of the game, it has been fixed yesterday :)


Just updated to 73. Started a new game, and i've had zero customers. The game looks and runs better, but now i have no customers. I think the changes are really cool, I especially like the fan as opposed to the button. Very nice touch. Any ideas as to why i'm not getting any business?

does your shop door say "shop open" ? if not, click that sign!

it does! I never had this problem before the update!

Yeah there is a hotfix, #731, fixing this bug! It happens on save game load and when sleeping.

Works like a charm now :)


Yeah that means a quick update in order to fix a critical bug :)

ah okay, will i have to download another update file? Or will it automatically do it in my game?

If you use the app it will automatically update, I think - if not, you need to check the downloads every once in a while and re-download the game :)

Deleted 7 years ago

me too :(

i can´t hit the ingots on the anvil no matter what, i have tried re-instaliing


Hey Shield,

Is this in sandbox or in shop mode?


In sandbox mode I cant hit metal on the anvil... i can still break ore and interact with the left mouse button but i can not make metal heads for anything in sandbox. shop works fine though... its weird.


Hey Lightdeck,

Some aspects in sandbox are not finished.

I would at least expect the main aspect of the game would at least work.


Yup, as the people before me already said, I get no customers, and yes, shop is opened

I started a new game because I want to experience the game again with the update, but with no customers, it just doesn't work very well, my own quick fix was to click start game again, this time I have customers... till the 2nd day, nobody came again


Hey Aldenalden4,

Ill roll out a patch today to fix that issue.

Deleted post

then you will love the hotfix released an hour ago, it aims to fix the customers avoiding our shops :O

Bug Report
Version 0.0.73
-Can not hammer on Anvil in Sandboxmode

0.0.73, no one ever comes into my shop ever ever.

Hello I am currently running version 0.072 (while im typing this updating to version 0.073)

The issue I ran into is quite annoying considering that I worked pretty hard to get expensive ingots..

When a sword well in my case a greatswords get stuck in the crafting table after it is completed, the only way to get it out of there is to swipe a two handed grip over it and grab it with that handle. (Also whenever you do this the previous handle is unusable). When you give that weapon you saved at that moment (in this instance an iron greatsword) to a customer, game considers it as a copper greatswords and the customer pays out around 40 bucks.

Steps to recreate the problem:

1- Get an expensive sword stuck in bench

2-Get it out with the stated way

3- Sell it for 1470$ less


5-Shop closed and went bankrupt.

Running a PC with 8gigs of RAM, Nvidia 520MX graphics card, Intel i7 - 2670QM Quad Core CPU 2.2 Ghz


my game won't open up. i'm in version 20 and i'm using windows 10. please help


starting on march 24, whenever i run my game, the graphics are extremely bad. i deleted the save file i have ben working on the past long while, but nothing changed and now all my hard work is gone. Is there any way to solve this?

If the screen appears blurry, it's probably the resolution scale. In the menu, click Graphics, and look for the Resolution Scale slider. Otherwise, try pressing the Reset button under Graphics, then adjust the resolution scale up.

apart from that, if you played the version that never saved weapons anyway, you will not be able to play properly with this save game, the logic has been changed to account for 1) the heat state of weapons and weapon parts and 2) weapons staying together on loading - so there have been some big changes that would not have worked as import from old save files - soooryyyyyyyy

But the new version features a ton of bug fixes, please grab the latest version, 713, just released :)

Thanks! This really helped, but I wish I could get my save game back/ have multiple save files

i posted this before the hotfix for 0.0.731. still same graphical issue. trying to run as full screen but i keep clicking trough the window. windowed mode i cannot adjust anything. if i hit reset my screen goes black and game gets put in top left corner and cannot be fixed other than deleting the settings file.

ok let's try a different approach:

  1. delete the settings file
  2. enter graphics settings
  3. check the slider "resolution scale" - is it to the far right and says 100% ? if not, drag it to the left and then the right again
  4. double check that the "Resolution" makes sense for your screen
  5. select window mode
  6. select fullscreen mode
  7. click "accept"

fingers crossed!


let me know how that goes

(1 edit)

hang on YOU have to try that, I do not have your initial issue :/

edit: I just noticed that for me the game defaults to a strange resolution that is not actually the case, so when I do reset or apply without changing that, it jumps to get BIGGER than before, so then I could not fix it IF I had a smaller screen ^^

Sooo double checking the resolution and force setting fullscreen -> window -> fullscreen might refresh the GUI to fix it for you

(2 edits) (+1)

Im playing on a 50" 4k tv and my computer can handle it no problem. so size of screen is not the issue. its when in fullscreen it will click through the window on whatever is behind it out of the game. after switching to full screen and waiting for it to revert it goes back to windowed mode taking up the full screen. its playable but when i mouse down my task bar will pop up and mouse wont stay in the window. im testing on my old laptop right now to see if the issue is with the update and not just higher end monitors or machines.

Edit; works fine with my laptop. maybe its in issue with large scale or anything connected with hdmi

Edit2; [FIXED] turned down to 1080 and it stopped clicking throught the window. now im having horrible screen tearing. 60hz refresh rate on tv is my fault though. need to get a new monitor for desk.


yeah my maximum is 1080 so I could not even test larger screen resolutions xD HDMI should not be an issue because I am using HDMI and 1080p :)

soooo might be this game is not 4k ready xD

I would so much love it if you can make this game for apple computers. I am on one of those and i can't get windows. I don't know if thats harder to do or your already doing that. But I've seen gameplay and I would like to download this game but sadly I can't. Keep up the good work though!

wrong area but it would be nice if you could do this. WHOOPS! LOL


again i made another mistake. Well not mistake actually. Its OS X computers. Which has the apple so yeah. Keep it up!

I dont know if this has been said, but there is a bug where when you have an item on the counter while handing the customer their weapon, they take the one on the counter instead... but the game still thinks you sold the item they actually wanted. the item they were supposed to take is left behind too.

(1 edit)

are you sure about that? I think for me the game actually paid me the weapon that the customer took. I got paid a great sword (which they took) even though I held a pole arm into their face

Edit: And yes, it has been reported somewhere xD sooooo should be fixed in the next patch maybeee?


Hey Lightdeck,

I am aware of the issue. I'll be working on a fix for that.

Thank you!!!

(1 edit)

Bug Report
-Double Axe Head disapers after hammer at it again
-Can not asemble Roundshield


Yeah the sandbox is a bit buggy, but like dozens of bugs in the shop mode have been fixed :D

the blades glitch through the table, the new handles glitch through everything and when you hand them the item they take it and it flies over the counter, sends u flying back and glitches through the ground like every other item, and when u press z on the anvil its highlighting both blades and hammers but says u have blades selected no matter what!

There is a bug where every time I make a weapon and close the game, when I get back on the weapon is disassembled and the head is red hot.

Version 0.0.7

Make a weapon, leave is on the front counter, log out, log back in.

System Specs:

Windows 10 Home

AMD A4-6210 APU with AMD Radeon R3 Graphics

3.45 GB usable RAM

64 bit


Be sure to download the latest version: 0.0.731, it has the fix for heated weapons on reload. You will probably have to start a new game, though. There are compatibility problems with previous version game saves. Happy Smithing!

(1 edit)


steps to recreate:

- See update notification

- get excited

- download

- start new game

- make weapon X

- put it on the counter

- wait for costumer

- craft weapon Y that he wants

- hand it over (without letting go of the mousebutton?)


the Costumer takes weapon X that was laying on the counter and pays for weapon Y that he ordered.

That happened twice within the first 15 minutes of gameplay.

Another Update that makes me not play the game.

I really hope there will be an update soon that doesnt steal your money and makes the gameplay enjoyable and not frustrating.

i'm not able to switch between heads on my updated game. Only allows me to do swords.

Not to mention that all of my supplies that I had ordered and ready to go on the shelf has now vanished along with my money.

And the controls are way more sluggish now.

raise the mouse sensitivity in the options menu :)

anyone know how to attract business to my shop? no customers and i know there is a glitch wherer they dont even come to your shop, please help

Have You opened the Shop?

haven't played game since no costumers but i'm about to try now , all goes well then ill have no problems. It was after i opned shop and everything, they jsut kept walking every other way.

I clicked the shopsim.exe and it said that it couldn't start the game

Have you maybe downloaded the wrong version? 32 /64

I don't know if this is just me. When I open the game, it shows the engine logo, opens the title screen and starts playing the music. I hop in, my FPS drops to 30 and it turns to like 140p and whenever i try to click some windows sounds play and the game crashes and i try to close the folders window and it stops responding and my screen goes black. All of my desktop applications get moved around. My computer is good and able to run the game fine. I don't know what the hell happened. The first time I installed the game, it worked ok. I tried to edit the sign in front of the shop and the game crashed. Now every time I re-install the game, the thing I just talked about happens. Any possible solutions help.

delete the old files

When I open a save game I loose all my coins


Game version 0.0.731

Iron greatswords sell for $8.00

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, first of all, thank you for the really enjoyable game. I saw Mr. Fruit playing this game, thought it was fun, gave it a try, and now I love it.

That being said, on 0.0731, I've found an interesting bug. If you were to accidentally create a dagger, and have it resting near the customers (I did that as a reminder that I have a spare dagger, so not to make another one) but anyway, if you have an item resting near the customer, and they ask for something else, eg: a greatsword. There are cases where when you try to hand them the greatsword, they grab the dagger instead. They pay for the dagger as if they were purchasing a dagger, but then you're left with a greatsword instead of a dagger.

also, sometimes customers don't pay for the material. Last night I made a tin greatsword, and was only paid $20 for it, as they didn't recognize the tin large blade.

Thank you for the game, though it tends to give me headaches when playing for hours at a time.


*edit: Changed 0.073 to 0.0731

Deleted post

Im playing the 0.0.731 version and if a customer were to want a polearm and i have a weapon on the counter for example a tin dagger they can take the tin dagger on the counter if i pull the polearm away before their animation finishes.

Thanks BMonkey229,

it's allready in the bug list. We are working on it. The next patch should fix this issiue.

(1 edit)

My game don't start, the game opens and is left alone on the screen with a song and nothing appears.

when i open the game the resolution is fine but when it goes to the blacksmith inside it goes blurry, my pointer appears and when i click it thinks i click out of the game Help Please.

hi my version is 0.0.73 alpha and my bug is I don't have customers

(1 edit)

Hello! I have 0.0.73 alpha. Got a reoccurring issue in shop mode where the cost of the ingots used in making a weapon is not factored into the price that the AI pays for them, i.e. this screenshot where I got 5 dollars for a one hand sword. Its happened multiple times in both 0.0.72 and 0.0.73 and a couple times has reversed a fair amount of game time.


Hey bobble, I've had a similar issue. One thing I suggest you do, is save every time you can afford a new ingot. (for example, if you are buying 9 iron at a time, and you can finally move up to adelite, save on every adelite ingot you can afford. That way, the worst case scenario, is you restart and lose maybe half a day in game time.


when I try to put a weapon I already made on the counter and a person comes and ask for a different weapon I make it and give it to him and most of the time the weapon that I put on the counter he takes instead of the one he wants? is that relly a bug?


Hey jefferymccarty,

It is a bug. I am looking into fixing it.

Thank you!!


Hello! I absolutely love this game, and I see so much potential.. I only began playing last night, but I found this game through SplatterCatGaming's YouTube channel. i continued to watch HoneyBunnyGames' series. I've always wanted to get into game development, mainly concept design. I am very passionate about Black Smithing also. I saw My Little Blacksmith Shop, and thought," This could be my chance to get started!"

I've played until day five, and I have placed pre-made weapons on the shelves and counter. The customers order a weapon that I'm out of stock with, so I go to make it. When I hand it to them, they disregard me and grab one of my pre made weapons. They pay the full price of what they grabbed, but the orders say they bought what they ordered. When I check the details, it counts the weapon they grabbed.

I have also noticed that when I have post processing on, it tends to have some kind of double exposure effect when I pick up and move an item.

Thank you for making such an amazing game! I can only see this game getting better.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hey Kijackthesmith,

Glad you are enjoying the game.

Thanx for posting your bug report. These are known issues and a fix is being worked on.

Also, continue following and doing what you love. It'll be hard but the reward is worth it.

Once again, opened shop even AFTER started a new game , no one comes to my shop . My game is up to date there should be nothing wrong, i am doing what you all say to do. Please help.

Also cannot use my mallot on anything.

Save and then reopen the game, that happened to me and doing that fixed it

everytime I saved it only restarted the game for me where I had day 1 start all over

did you try getting the app? ive found it runs better off of it

(1 edit)

I haven't seen any other posts about this so maybe no one else has noticed or maybe I'm just lucky.

Sometimes seemingly at random when I sell a sword to a customer I dont get paid for the blade itself just the grip and guard. I haven't noticed this with any hammer or the dagger just the swords.

I am running the .731 version

I7 processor

Window 7 - 64 bit

8gb of ram

and and Nvidia Quadro 300M


Hey Kragor,

Thanx for letting me know. The issue should have been fixed but i'll look into why it's still happening.


Hey Mr.Dasius The Download Link doesn't seems to work for Me! Can you post a New Download Link Pls! On Game Jolt Maybe! Thnks in Advance!


Hey Akun16,

I would recommend getting the desktop app.

I would like to centralize my game in one location for the time being. In the future, when the game is more polished, I might put it on Game jolt along with steam and others.

Still cannot sell weapons BECAUSE No one comes into my shop. I have opened the shop and even restarted my game multiple times. what else is there to do besides uninstall?


Hey Jakethesnake1710,

Did you by chance download the lastest build?


Currently having the problem where sometimes if one heated copper ingot is on the anvil, I am unable to successfully hit the ingot. I can swing at it, but no noise is made and nothing happens. I have tried moving the ingot to a different spot to no avail. Switching to Sandbox and back to Shop is the only way I have found to fix the issue, temporarily, without completely restarting the game. Unfortunately, this happens very frequently, usually within the first 5 minutes of restarting.


I have figured out the problem. I didn't realize that changing head type is done via the anvil itself and not the ingots. When it's set to blunt heads is when I get this issue because, obviously, 1 ingot cannot produce a blunt head.

Hey just wanted you to know that on the most recent update when you try to use the cycle wheel to create different heads it doesn't allow you to select anything and currently doesn't allow you to create hammer heads making it difficult to keep up with the AI's greedy demands.

also i thought it was a wifi or computer problem but at my friends house (who has a lot better wifi) the game runs smoothly on my laptop and i still cant make hammers

Did you place >two< ingots on the anvil and hit Z to select "BLUNT" ? :)

i tried all that but when i hit z nothing happens and if i hold z it wont allow me to select anything

I uninstalled it and reinstalled it ill see if that fixes it

same problem happened

1) place ingots on anvil

2) hold Z

3) select type

4) click or let go of Z

It has to be in this order. YOu cannot select anything without ingots on the anvil, you need to HOLD z to be able to select

My game just doesn't work. It's dark and really blurry. When in menu I can't go past down controls with my mouse. Every time I click the game puts me back in my home screen.

Try removing your settings:

Save Game Files can be found:


I can't click on the graphic setting

(3 edits) (+2)

Hi there! I discovered your game through Mr Fruit's Gaming Channel, and I think I've developed a small addiction at this point. :P

One of the more annoying bugs I've discovered is that, sometimes, a sale is made that doesn't factor in the metal used - it'll simply say the weapon type with no metal mentioned and then a measly price. I've noticed it happening more since getting to iron (though that may just be because it's more noticeable), and it seems to be happening more often with swords and greatswords - I think it has happened with every single iron greatsword I've made (though that may simply be a coincidence). I am playing version Alpha 0.0.731.

Anyway, love the game! It's a great little pearl, and I can see it becoming quite amazing! :D

UPDATE: All right, so I've discovered that the bug already occurs at construction - it will sometimes merely say, for instance, that a greatsword has been constructed rather than an adelite greatsword. In that case I have found that I can simply take it apart and try again until it works (though it may require a few attempts). At one point I even experienced that a tin greatsword I was making turned into an iron greatsword upon construction (the blade was still identifiable as tin, but it sold for the price of an iron greatsword - perhaps incidentally the previous iron greatsword I had made only sold as a greatsword, which was the reason I was forced to make a tin one). Looking back, I can see that it was happening all the way back with copper, but the price difference was so much smaller I didn't notice. The greatsword was always the main culprit, though.

UPDATE: Regarding swords and greatswords, combining the grip and handle before attaching the blade seems to avoid the issue. I have had no cases of "metal-less" weapons being constructed today. (Though I had one greatsword that freaked out when I put it together, causing a slight mess in my workshop and ending up with a crooked handle. The customer who got it was still satisfied, though.)

The version which I am running is the most recent, 0.0.731. The issue I am having is how I can only function a quarter of the screen. For example, I can push resume, save game, new game, controls, but any other button on the pause screen I can not press. I am not sure how to reproduce this issue either, thank you.

Not sure if this would count as a "bug" but rather more of an exploit I found by accident, but can successfully replicate almost without fail. You can give someone a different item than what they are asking for if you simply hold it out of reach after showing it to them.

For example. A customer walks in and asks for a One Handed Hammer. If I have any other item on or near the front of store (2 shelves to the left, the one shelf to the right, or on the counter), if I hold the hammer out to him, but pull it back and out of their reach before they can take it, they will default to the next closest item. So although they are asking for the hammer they will take a great sword and pay for that item. Sorry if this isn't very clear it's late for me :). Great game and keep up the awesome work!

When my dad was playing about a week ago, he managed to hit the money cap. So, not really a glitch, but there's a number overflow when you hit 2 trillion dollars. He was playing on version 0.0.731.

When he sold the weapon that brought him over 2 trillion, his money went negative, so he had negative 2 trillion.

Maybe add a limit, or find some way to keep it from overflowing?


Wow! That's real dedication there, and yes, Dasius is aware of this issue. Currently your money is stored as a signed integer, so the maximum value is 2,147,483,647. The overflow into negative was found by one of the testers. The proposed solution is to change to an unsigned integer to increase the max to 4,294,967,295 and add a cap (probably at 4 trillion) to prevent this issue. The only downside is that once you hit that cap, your sales won't mean anything other than recouping the cost of materials you just bought. Anyways, rest easy, the fix is in the works. In the meantime, Happy Smithing!


0.0.73 here. Some times when selling great swords it won't count the blade in the price. Just sold two iron great swords for $21 each. Taking a $60k hit when I am just starting to get into the next tier kinda sucks. Guess Ardite will have to wait another day or two.

The rest of the game looks awesome and payed a bit in sandbox. Loving this game. It's fun and relaxing and can't wait to see where else you take this.


Thank you.

Current Version 0.0.731

Running this version, My Depth of view is really messed up, I can't see anything it's all really blurry.


This is due to the Resolution Scale setting under Graphics being turned down (which can happen on reload). Drag the slider to the right to correct the blurry vision. Happy Smithing!

ok so i am experiencing a bug where when in the menu my cursor, isn't actually my cursor. my in gmae cursor is up and to the left of where my mouse cursor shows it's supposed to be.

Usually this is the result of the game thinking it's in a different resolution than it actually is. Try changing the resolution to something different and see if that fixes the problem.

that was the first thing i thought of. problem is, it is so off center, that i can't even change the resolution. and no amount of uninstalling helps.

if you havnt done so, instal the game with the app.. i found the normal downloadof the game had more issues than the app.


Also, you can try deleting your settings file to reset everything to default. It can be found on your PC here: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\ShopSim\Saved\SaveGames

If you're having trouble finding it, reading this post (and its replies) should help:

(1 edit)

ok that seems to have fixed the problem. thanks for your help


Worked out how to equip tools, it's pretty buggy though.

When you first equip an axe, the axe is teleported to what I assume is the origin of the space, and floats there as if carried by a player.
When you first equip a hammer, it follows you properly, until you use it on an anvil which will freeze it in in it's place at the end of your swing.

When a tool is dropped after using it the first time, the parts physically separate, but moving the handle will make the head float in the same direction. The head still highlights, but can not be interacted with. The tool can be equipped again.

If you then equip the axe for the second time, if follows the player around properly.
If you equip a hammer for a second time, it acts just as before.

When a tool is dropped for the second time, the parts separate again (if they were fixed), and the handle no longer highlights. You can no longer use the handle for anything, or equip the tool.

Aside from equipping tools, I'm not sure how you're supposed to turn wood into boards, hitting them only seems to make firewood.


Also, you can't equip a tool of the same type you currently have equipped. You can't equip a hammer while wielding a hammer, or an axe while wielding an axe. The default tool counts as a hammer, so you have to pick up an axe first.

My game start up in a SUPER HIGH resolution and i cant presse certain button so i cant change the resolution because the accept button in the graphics menu is too low is there a way to fix this ls or put the accept button on top next version plsssss

Ah I been Playing My little Blacksmith shop But One time someone Order an Polearm So Im gonna make a short sword But when I try to hit a one ingot nothing happen even a many times i try to hit it And My Been Playing This for Day 10 (In the Game) So help So i can progess more


Sounds like youve selected Blunt weapon head. Which is 2 or 3 ingots. No, 1 ingot option for blunts...

im on v0.0.731 and whenever i have a weapon near the area where the npcs order their weapon, instead of waiting for their weapon they just take the closest one and pay me for that. This bugs me because if someone wants that weapon that he just took i have to get all the supplies and make it again. (Windows 8.1, GeForce GT 730, AMD A6-6400K APU, 3.9 GHz, 4.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA High Definition Audio, 187.8 GB free space) [Dunno if you need the last one]. Steps to reapeat.... Make any weapon, put it on the front counter, wait for someone to roll up, they just take it and pay you for that weapon not what they asked for. Thanks :)

Developer (1 edit)

Hey Vulcan,

Thanx for posting the issue and I am aware and working on a fix. For the time being, until the next updat, keep any weapons off the counter other then the one the customer is asking for. Let me know if there are any other issues.


So, this is the closest thing I could find to an "Issues" thread, but that's besides the point.

I'm in version 0.0.731, and all the ingots are so... expensive. I don't know if it's because I shouldn't be in this version, or if it's just you're choice in price, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I just want to know if that's how it's supposed to be or if I have to do something to change that.

For now, yes.. Just keep at it, with the ingots you can afford until you can buy the next ingot.

So it's actually worth it to buy a $500 Iron ingot, make a dagger, throw a fancy grip on it, and sell it? and you still actually make profit?

Tin*. I meant Tin ingot.

yeh, you make profit on whatever you sell... just be wary of a bug, where sometimes you dont get paid for the ingot used in the weapon. Always check your sales board after a sale and save often, so you can reload the game if it does that.

I have a bug in the game. basically when I am cooling short blades like the dagger and sometimes one handed sword blade. what happends is the blade drops into the cooling tub and goes underneath off it. Then it is almost impossible to get it back out. I have lost like $510 to this glitch.


Hey Hazzard Laser,

Thanx for the bug report. I'll look into fixing it for the next update.

Hello! I Might Be The Only One Still Having This Problem. Wich is When i launch the game through the Desktop app it says

"Fatal Error" Upon Launch. And When i Download It From a Browser It Still Does This Error. Im Running Version


Here are My Spec's

Processor: AMD E1-6015 APU with Radeon(TM) R2 Graphics 1.40 GHz

RAM: 4.00 GB (2.99 GB Usable)

OS: 32-bit Operating System


Hey Zap,

I would suggest sending a message to Itch about any issues with there app/website.

One suggestion I would give is open the game folder which can be done through the itch app and try running the game from there.

I can load the game up but once i enter the game, i can't play it. Yesterday i put it in full screen and ever since then whenever it gets past the loading screens it will put the game in full screen then minimize it. I can maximize it but once i do it will minimize again

I am having a problem. It's listed above this comment


Hey Mostwanted884,

Does this happen only with this game or does it happen with other games/software as well?

Just with this one. I managed to press Alt + Enter while it was trying to minimize and got it out of full screen.

I have started playing the game recently and have encountered 2 major problems so far.

The first is that if my mouse goes below, about halfway i think it is, on my monitor then i get my desktop mouse instad and it will either tab me out of the game or just not able to click on anything.

The second is that the options menu is vey slow and when i go to change options it sort of freezes for a minute or so but i can still move my mouse, this is not a major issue but more of a slight annoyance.

If needed i can provide a demonstartion of etiher of these.

Many times when I'm building weapons on the crafting table, they glitch and get stuck in the walls.

(1 edit)

There is 2 ways to fix this that I know of:

Vigorously shake your mouse while holding the object,

Rotate the object out of the wall. (Neither of these work 100% tho)

hey Guys. Im Running the newest version of the Game.

I had a bug where i sold an IRON great sword and just got 21$ ...

I was Not able to reproduce the situation but it really triggered me, because i saved up for this iron peaces.

(1 edit)

As of this comment, I'm on the latest version.

Whenever I change a keybinding, it doesn't stay for me. What I'm doing is changing the item wheel to another key since my Z key is broken, and whatever (working) key I choose doesn't bring up the little wheel. I have tried making it upper and lower case, neither works.

Another bug I've noticed is that I commonly drag my mouse out of the game screen, although the game is still in progress and not in the escape menu. I don't have mouse keys or anything enabled, so I don't know of a way to fix (except full, but I'm on a bad laptop so I'm trying to keep my frames as high as possible with a smaller windowed screen)


Hey Arcorior,

At the current build, there is no support for keyboard bindings. 

The lastest version should force your mouse in the game window. If not, i'll take another look at why it's not.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Heyo! I don't understand if something is actually wrong or I am just mistaking it, because I don't see anyone else with the problem. After using my daily reset token, I wait an in-game day to see if I can use it again, and I am unable to. I figured it meant real days so after a real time day, I get on and I still don't have the daily reset token. I don't understand if I have to spend a full days worth playing the game to get it or if something is wrong.


Processor: AMD A10-7850K Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G, 3700 Mhz, 2 Cores, 4 Logical Processors

RAM: 8.00 GB

OS: 64-bit


Hey Padatsky,

I'll look into why its not resetting, but it should reset every "ingame day".

The radial menu doesn't work. I can switch to hammer head after I select blades. Restarted the game just in case it was a glitch, nope, it's defo a bug.


The radial menu detects how many ingots are on the anvil to determine which options are available. For instance, hammers do not have a one ingot hammer head, and as such will not be selectable with only one ingot on the anvil.

Deleted 32 days ago

Hey Max the soul stealer,

I would suggest deleting your "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\ShopSim\Saved\Settings" file.

Hi I have had a problem starting the game because of an error message about an audio application. The error said" The program could not start because x3daudio1_7.dll is missing from this computer." What do I do?


Hey DJSwagger_Youtube,

Any missing dll is not a result of the game but with windows. Try this link and see if this help .  If not, I would suggest contacting  Microsoft support. 

Hey, Dasius, if at all possible, could you make this game run on something that doesn't need Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime? Because whenever I try to run the game, some error with it happens, so I can't even open the game ;(. Please, if at all possible, because I do really want to try playing the game!


Current Version 0.0.731

  1. If you have anything on the shelves next to the counter (left-hand side when you are facing outside the door),  If you sell something to someone they will take an item off that shelf instead of taken that Item you made.
  2. If you have something premade on the shelves and you try to take it off the shelf and hand it to the customer they don't register it's there, you have to break it apart and reassemble it.
  3. Swords mainly getting stuck in bench or wall when attaching to guards.  Usually when you have the blade in hand and guard on the bench.
  4. When picking up a piece off the ground after opening package another piece would tend to go flying off in a random direction.
  5. Jumping and getting stuck on something like the forge, water bucket, or rocks.

Oh almost forgot rotation doesn't work correctly in game.  I tried to rotate grips to fit onto my bench but I couldn't get it to rotate.

  1. Known bug. Customers seem to take the closest weapon, once they notice the weapon they want is in their range.
  2. Customers don't notice weapons that are already inside their range when they enter the store, you need to take any weapon out of the range and put it back in for them to notice it.
  3. Generally when you craft a weapon, the guard/grip stays still and the blade teleports into place. If the guard is pointing into the table, attaching a blade to it will cause the weapon to be stuck. To fix this, hold alt while looking at the weapon to rotate it (ignoring physics), until it is out of the table.
  4. This is because the grab system pulls the item to a fixed position in front of you, usually closer to you than the item originally was. When the item snaps to this position, it pushes anything on top of it at highs speeds. Be careful picking up an item at the bottom of stack, and you should be fine.

Hopefully you can use these workarounds in the meantime.


Thanx Platoonsgt1 !


Sorry I am talking about if I have a polearm on the LH shelf next to the counter and the customer wants a one-handed hammer.  I would hand them the one-handed hammer but they would take the polearm off the shelf leaving the one-handed hammer on the counter.

(1 edit)

I'm also experiencing this and it's driving me insane. Oh, you wanted a greatsword? Here's an Adamantine greatsword I just made yo- aand you've decided to take a Mithril spear off the shelf, and pay me for a Mithril greatsword. I just wasted money.






Just to clarify what's happening. You're showing the customer the weapons they want (1H-Hammer). They then look at the closest weapon to them (Polearm), and take that instead.

To avoid this, make sure there are no other weapons closer to them than the one you're handing them. Even better, as customer won't yet pick weapons off of selves when they arrive (Bug 2), you can keep your weapons further back in the store until needed.

I found a kind of cheat way of making money by putting out a ton of daggers out on the counter then I just wave the item they want in front of them pull it back they take the dagger I get money equivalent to the item they wanted.  Of course having the dagger in the most expensive materal and handle jacks up the price.

So I am up to the Adamantite metal and I just made an 'Adamantite One Hand Sword' for some guy and he payed me $16 for it XD. I checked the purchase list and it claims to just be a 'One Hand Sword' rather than an 'Adamantite One Hand Sword' however I definitely made it completely out of AdamantiteThis is the image ... I am running Alpha 0.073 and my specs are [Intel i7-3770 @ 3.4GHz, 16GB of ram, 64bit Windows OS, Nvidia GeForce GT-630]

This is related to an ongoing bug, where a blade already part of a weapon reattaches to another grip/guard. The resulting sword has no value associated with the blade, whereas the remaining grip which had its blade removed retains the value of the blade. (Non-sword weapons also have this bug)

If you're clever, this bug is quite exploitable. Performing the bug again (attaching the valueless blade to a new grip) will give the blade's value to the previously connected grip.

1-Version 0.0731

2-J'ai fait une séries d'armes en avance pour les héros.

Lorsque j'apportait une nouvelle arme demandé et non préparer pour un héros, le héro présent a prit une autre arme pour partir. Je ne connais pas sur le coup ce qui a fait cette différence.


4-Make a lot of weapon.

5-I send it later.


Hey Chugo,

It's been too long since i've written anything french so I will try to answer respond the best I can.

Francais: Pour cette version, tu dois seulement avoir une arme sur le contoir ou les client vont prendre le premier arme qu'il voit. Je travail sure une solution.

English: You can't have more than one weapon on the counter or the customers will take whatever they see first. I'm working on a solution.

No need to write in french, i can read haha.

And thx for the information.


Oh ok :). 

No problem.

Tbh, I just wanted to practice my french a little..

We can chat anytime if you want, no problem with that, i will do my best to use a correct french. (A défaut de l'anglais >.>)


No worries!

I was making a one hand sword from tin and when I sold it I only got 17 gold. The log said "One Hand Sword" with no "Tin" in front even though it was. I just lost all my hard earned money from this. (running latest version .731 alpha with a Geforce GTX 1050 Ti Graphics Card)


Hey W1LL14M,

It is a known bug. Sorry for that. 

Still trying to find a solution for the bug.

Appreciate the work then. ;)

(5 edits) (+1)


(I just discover i wright in french. fail in copy past with google trad XD)

A bug about shield:

1-Version 0.0731 - sand box

2- When you make the shield, the parts of the shield dont become on entity. That can do a hit box bug if you keep a part on your hand (right click). Also, shields will be fly until you brock them on the anvil. (It's funny to see :D) The hand grip cannot be take, but it is not on the shield.

2bis- The shield doesn't assembly like shild: You can't just touch each other. You need the right position, in the right angle, in the right side.

Edit: The Enarme doesn't permit to move the shields. Same with the shield boss who fall of my tower shield (Marf!)

3- After made 3 shield (on incomplet, 2 complete but don't claim to be a complet shield, like sword or hammer), i can't do this bug anymore.

4- For the first time (?) Stay right clik input when you place a element on the shield.

Edit bis: 2ter- I have put a second head on the axe. Yes, my axe have 3 head: Normal head (single axe head) and the dual blade head. That work with the hand gard.


4ter- Put a head on the axe already finished.

5-Mother board: Rampage V Extreme ASUS

Intel i7 6heart 3300Mhz

Graphic board:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

8Gbit ram.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanx Chugo for the bug report. 

In version 0.0.8, we might not see shields implemented. The weapon system still needs perfecting and implementing shields will make things more complicated but i'll come back to reports like yours when I am ready to complete implementation of shields.

Issues with axes should be cleared for version 0.0.8.


Ok! I don't touch Shield again :D Except if i want to see something fly! \o/

(1 edit) (+1)

I will be productive this night (22:37)

1-Version 0.0731 - sand box

2- I do a sword on mythril, Just for the beauty of gesture... And... i dont know why, but i've obtein a pistosword (no kidding)


4- Place the gard first, place the grip after. Look funny to use :D

5-Mother board: Rampage V Extreme ASUS

Intel i7 6heart 3300Mhz

Graphic board:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

When you level up, after you select where to put your points, how do you leave that menu? I have tried escape, tab, and left clicking. Along with button mashing the entire keyboard because I was stuck in the menu...

P again. for sorting the stat menu.

Thanks! My bad, I forgot that P opened the menu in the first place.

Wont let me look up and down or let me use my mouse pls make a way to change that or fix it plz


Hey ValianOrbm

Unfortunately, you didn't give me enough information to know why the issue is present. Are you running any software that might alter your mouse? Are you sure the game window is active? What are you system specs?

Hey thanks for replying i am not sure it is my mouse.

I tested another game that was created with the same software UE4 and that also didn't let me use the Y or X axis of my mouse.The right,middle and left buttons of my mouse did work however.


Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         960  @ 3.20GHz, 3193 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

Name NVIDIA Quadro 4000

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 12.0 GB


Logitech RX1000 mouse using HID_Compliant Mouse driver.

Thanks for replying and let me know if more info is needed


Hey ValiantOrb,

I'm not quite sure why you are having issues with UE4 specifically. I'm assuming it works fine with other games outside of UE4?

It could be a internal issue with UE4

Have your tried changing the game between Fullscreen and windowed mode?

Also, is it possible you have a 3rd party software that  may interfere with UE4, like an antivirus software?

OK thanks i will try testing all of those things  and i will get back to you as soon as i can


Version 0.0731
So the gettin paid less than what it is glitch:
I can make the customer accept any item I want by placing the item on the bench and then quickly bringing the wanted item in its vincinity and then back out. It seems like he'll grab any item closest to him once the right weapon has been detected. 
Also this seems to glitch out and mess up when you decide to hold the right weapon in their face but he/she grabs a different weapon resulting in much monies lost in investment on an item.

Already know.

That my first sentence, in french, sorry.


Also side note, glitch can be exploited rn for anyone who lost all their money investing their newest ore by making every customer buy a great hammer/sword with my first point above. Just dont have any item within reach for the customer to avoid this bug.

(3 edits)

In current version .0731 under "purchase details" it is counting a copper greatsword blade (3 ingots) as a copper short blade (1 ingot) in name and price, should be $30 but prices at $10. The names of the polearms are switched as well, prices are fine with them.

1. 0.0.731

  1. 0.0.731
  2. npc's take other weapons besides asked weapon
  3. N/A
  4. make any weapon and leave it on the counter, then when an npc come as asks for a different one, make that then put it on the table, the NPC will then take the old weapon, paying you for the new one (usually causing a loss in profit)
  5. not needed, this isnt a performance issue

I have a bug where the costumer request a certain item but takes another item. That would be very frustrating if i wouldn't make multiple items. For instance: costumer is requesting a one hand sword but takes a one hand hammer or a great hammer or dagger, not taking what he wants. Potentionally taking the wrong item. Can you take a look at it?

Newest version of the game. It wasnt like this before. Thank you

Hi I really like the game but I noticed some bugs, mainly with selling items.

1. If you (for example) stand on a greathammer and pick it up the hammer puls you in the air, it is enjoyable but most likely unintended, also items tend to fly off if you pick up something underneath them.

2. selling doesn`t work with pre made items, I premake items because it speeds up the process and gives you some extra money for the short time but it tends to be buggy. At first I put my items on rack next to the door this, however stopped customers from taking the item, you could swing the requested item in thier face forever before they took it, if they took it at all, now I leave my items in the back, next to the crafing bench and this happens no more.

3, incorrect sales. I don`t know if this only happens with pre-made items but sales are incorrect, if I check the sales log I see daggers that appearantly had gaurds, normal polearms grips that get sold for fancy polearm grips (note that the price remains $10 and this always happens, a naming bug) a dagger that has a large hammer head (also gets sold for $30) or Greatswords that get sold for $8 cause the blade isn`t recognised (also happens quite often). The polearm grip is a naming bug but all the other buggs are bugs in the sell process, daggers are sold for more cause of the (none existant) gaurds, sword have hammer heads and greatswords loose thier blades(note, only greatswords lose a part, the blade, further parst get switched, same value or more expensive or non sword items get a one hand gaurd V2 added)

I hope this is usefull, keep up the good work

(3 edits)
Hello, I play the Alpha version 0.0.73.

I have fourteen days in the game and a customer asked me a great sword. I gave him a copper great sword, but the game considered a copper  great sword like a tin great sword and on the list of materials, the game considered that I had only used an ingot to do a short blade ... Inconsistency and double bug ... I can not describe the steps to follow except that I am the 14th day.

* Windows 7 Premium Family Edition
64 bits
Intel Core i5-4690K CPU 3.50 GHz
16 Go RAM
GeForce GTX 750 Ti

alt tabbing seems to crash the game every once in a while, but not often. 


Greatswords have a bit of a glitch where you dont get paid for the blade of the greatsword. Both myself and my two brothers have experienced this. It's not such a problem with copper but anything more expensive is a ridiculous loss. Sometimes it works but only like %20 of the time. Thanks for your great hard work. We are in love with this game :)

i am running the latest edition and wheni put a resolution on a higher state half of the screen is unusable even when im not in the menu i have a gtx 1050 ti with a i5 2320 and 8 gb ram

(1 edit)

I can confirm the bug with greatswords. Game is freshly installed, third order I get is for a great sword, make it, get paid only for grip and guard. No other completed item was present at the time.

Just to clarify: All other weapons have been selling fine. I am now at day 4, and only greatswords are affected it seems, so I just stopped making them.

I had kinda the same issue as (aidyn89) but Greatswords were fine the past 20 days, fine and dandy, So I was making an iron greatsword, and I never knew there was a 2nd variant. Just said eh and sold it, and the metals weren't counted, so kinda was irked but I had 3 more spare iron just set to the side, so I had made another greatsword and now the original Greatsword isnt adding the metal. Im running on 0.0.73 Blank GreatSword, w/ no metal pricing?

Also another thing thats bugging out is that I try to go into windowed mode, and it stays in fullscreen and just cant clink any buttons around and its weird positions. sorry to bother ><

  1. 0.0.731
  2. Cannot separate guards from grips. Sometimes this happens outside of player control (see 4) and it should be reversible.
  3. I was going to screencap this, but apparently my save didn't take and I don't have enough cash at the moment to buy any spare parts (I pre-make equipment and I'm fairly early still)
  4. Buy a 2h guard and a 1h grip, break box when fully over the workstation, get unlucky and they auto-stick.
  5. Irrelevant. (Will provide if needed)

You can separat this kind of item to smash it into the anvil.

(2 edits)

i downloaded the latest version now (the 4 hour version) and the resolution was a little less than I use, so I put the resolution at the maximum and when I went into options to decrease the mouse sensiviti the game minimized and When I clicked the exit, nothing happened

But when i click on any buton (in the pause) in the same place was the "exit" but the game minimized i tryed to use less resolute to dont bug but when i try click accept it close

My game wont load

(3 edits)

So, 0.8 seems pretty stable, overall. Encountering a few issues, though...

Selling items is like pulling teeth. 10 coins for one bronze axe (bear minimum 21 coins in materials, barring mining), 4 for the next. That required a reset, as I was out of money. Tempering items might make them more valuable, but as I got 15 coins for a bronze dagger with a common hilt, with 100 quality...maybe not. There seems to be nothing in-game that tells you about tempering, either. Also, one person outright ignored the greatsword I made for them.

Smelting works well enough, but two fuel-related problems: removing fuel doesn't stop the smelting quickly at all; usually long enough to smelt a bar or two. And leaving fuel causes it to burn until it's consumed, even after the smelter turns off. I'm not sure if logs have a non-firewood purpose, but I haven't found it if it exists.

I'm not sure about the purpose of the crystals, as the fire and water crystals have no tips. I haven't tested tempering near the light/dark crystals enough to figure out what they do, though the effects are neat.

Non-mined ore deposits don't reset after a game day, so if your mine fills with anything above your pick, RIP mining for a while. Leaving ore on the ground in the mine is a bad idea, as I'm pretty sure it disappears if you leave the mine.

I'll probably mess around in Sandbox a bit more, just to work more things out. Nice update, but all of my attempts at making money have failed thus far. The only profit I've had this update was that dagger.

Oh, so that seems major. There's no such thing as a pickaxe above copper. Making a tin/iron greataxe head instead creates a copper greataxe head. Considering the price of those materials, I can imagine considerable anger upon someone meeting that glitch in shop mode.

Further edit: No, that just seems to happen with all items. No matter what I try to forge, it magically becomes copper. Maybe it has to do with using a copper hammer, but I can't upgrade it if my hammer transmutes all metals into copper. Warning to all players: if you manage a profit, stick to copper. Trust me on this one. I wanted to see what would happen if I smelted tin and copper at the same time, but without at least a tin pick, I can't.


Hey Tallbrain123,

Thanx for the comprehensive bug list. They have been logged.

Mining wasn't meant to replace purchasing ingots. Just another means to make extra cash. I'll be doing more work on it so nothing is final.

There seems to be a thick fog everywhere in 0.8 which causes the game to look pretty bland and washed out, plus it makes it almost impossible to take a good screenshot. I'm guessing it's a bug, but if it's not could we have the option to disable it?

Also I'm seconding what Tallbrain said, making money seems impossible. I played for about 5 ingame days and I have less money that I started with. Buying ingots directly is a trap as the final item seems to always sell for less than what the ingots were worth.


They Twisted HBG,

Is this Fog not going away ever? The fog should only appear when it rains or when you are in the forest.

(1 edit)

i got the latest version yesterday and the fog seems to be constant, i does seems to thin out a bit every now and then but it can be very over powering, also i cant seem to make a profit when selling items is there something im missing ? i read a bit further up that there is a mine i just cant seem to find it :p
DM i found it :) stumbled across it while walking in the fog lol

It's probably always there because it's always raining - in about 90 minutes of play I had maybe 5 minutes of no rain. But even if it is intentional for it to be foggy when it rains I still think it doesn't look good and would really love the option to disable it :)

My problem is that it doesn't feel like normal fog, it feels like my view distance has been reduced to the minimum which makes the game look washed out and bland - I want the old happy colors back! Also, it also affects the inside of the house which doesn't feel right.

why cant i downloud 0.0.8 on the app ? ( did paid for the update)

(1 edit)

you should have an email with a link to the download

scratch that i read it wrong, i just downloaded the app and i managed to download it fine.. so its either being fixed or something is wrong on your end maby ?

but do you have 0.0.8


Since it's a seperate download file, you'll probably need to uninstall  any previous versions of the game  if you hadn't done so already. If it still downloads another version then you might have to do it manually with the browser. Correct me but I believe a popup should appear giving you an option to choose which file to download.

Whenever i continue my game i seem to have a pick and grip sat on my workbench, not sure if i need to star a new game or not.. i just updated to 0.0.81 anyone got any ideas ? im starting to get a bit of a pile out the back window :p


Hey psychoando,

I'll have a patch to remove it

(1 edit)

Awesome :) no rush though its not a big deal, maby we could get a bin out the back of the house if thats easier ?  like the one in the sandbox mode ?

Edit - it also says im still tired after i've just had a sleep

well if you think about it you get 2 free stuff every time you continue your game ( more gold bwhahahah )

thats what i thought but i cant sell them lol :P

whenever i try to run it, it said "windows smartscreen has detected a unrecognized app running" and the only option it "don't run"

Developer (1 edit)

Hey thedude646,

There are no malware or spyware or adwares on the game. You can add my game to any exceptions list to any softwares that blocks the game.

there should be another button you can press that will expand the bottom of the pop up and you can click run from there

There should be something that looks like text but it is a link saying "more information"

Then you can get the game to run :)

(1 edit)

i can not play more 10s?

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Hey Radar 0

Not even 10s? Are you able to get to the menu screen?

In patch 0.0.81 when you pick up mithril ingots the game has a fatal error message pop up and the game crashes


Hey DC2200,

There might a PhysX bug. Thanx for letting me know

(2 edits)

so this happened xD not sure what caused it but i logged out with 1 coal near my smelter.. now i have it everywhere it even got in my bedroom window lol

edit - sorry first time uploading a pic with imgur so wasn't sure how to do it if this dont work.. i can see it though :p


Hey Thanx psychoando,

I am aware of the bug and am taking the necessary steps to eradicating the issue.

dont worry about it dude, i didn't know there was 'known bugs list' until just after i put the post up.. sorry for being a scrub and keep up the good work


Naw no worries, I still appreciate it. Thanx

Sir im wondering how to make a sword im having troubles figuring it out

Youtube vids are amazing

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I have a problem where the only heads I can access are shields. Can you help me with this?


I found how to do it, but you should be able to change it anywhere

I am having the same problem with the coal, I opened up the game and there was coal everywhere! It also caused a lot of lag and I could barely move in the game.

There is a bug with the horse and the wagon. The horse essentially turns to fast (180 degrees) and the wagon's front wheels turn over through the wagon, making the wagon useless as it is now sideways. (Running MLBS 0.0.81)

(1 edit)

In the most recent version (what with the mining) actually going out to mine is rather frustrating due to the crates/horse.  Picking up a full crate will cause the ores/stones in it to randomly explode out of it and go all over the place, and the horse's cart likes to bounce around more than the wagons in Red Dead Redemption, like the premise but the way it's working currently is frustrating.  Also, found what look like logs for the furnace out in the forest but wasn't able to pick them up or the like (didn't have an axe at that point cause the game bugged on launching and just deleted all my starting stock outside the pickaxe/handle)

-Edit: Also noticed that it seems that the wagon, even if the horse is standing still, will bounce and jump about randomly, causing it to spill logs, and that, on occasion, while turning (even with a wide turn) logs will fall out the bottom or the wheels will clip through the wagon (even slightly) and force logs/ore out.  Even had a case of the horse walking in a strait line, with an empty crate at the back of the wagon and a stone and a coal at the front, and nothing for the horse to 'run into' (no rocks or anything) and suddenly the crate shoots past me, I tell the horse to stop and the coal and stone are no where to be seen.  Perhaps the horse's wagon could have a 'closed' state that you set it too when getting ready to move it that kind of 'freezes' or seals it's contents inside it to solve the problem?  Also perhaps removing the front set of wheels would help too, since they clip through the wagon, a ton.

Yeah the horse definitely has room for improvement, it is not the safest way of transporting :)

You can pick up the crate safer when crouching - try uncrouching, sometimes you can then go full speed - you are almost the same speed when crouching, and you don't shake the box as much.

Happy mining :)

I've had it explode the stuff out when picking up while crouching as well, it's less frequent but still does happen on occasion.

I can't change to any other equipment... 

i cant open the game its just keeps saying i need Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 pls help me

When the horse follows me the wagon always glitches out. it will either shoot up with shoots all the ores into the air, or the wagon will gitch under the ground, becoming unuseable. please make it so the wagon always stays on the ground and doesnt jerk up or down

(2 edits)

Um my game crashes after 20 seconds when i open it from itch (the desktop app), is it because of itch or does my computer just suck?

Edit: im in version 0.0.81 Win64

Error code:LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 932] 

GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 30.00 secs


The starter pickaxe spawns on the table whenever I spawn in the game.  This is really annoying when you have multiple useless copper pickaxes laying everywhere (I will not sell them because a miner doesn't come all the time and I need the most I can get)

My game Lags so i Try to change the Graphics settings From Epic to Low, but every time i manage to click low, the game Freezes for about 20-30 seconds then tells me something in the files isnt working, then it shuts the game down

So I have found a very minor bug that may or may not have been reported but I have noticed that on the clock, the minute and hour hands have swapped. The second hand is fine but the hour hand moves faster than the minute hand. Just a little bug I found.


Hey Rublue3748,

I did make the adjustments.

Thank you!

Your welcome! The hands were starting to bug me anyways. Great to see that you make even the smallest of adjustments with all of these bugs!

Ok had a glitch, fire wood turns into coal... dont know how. and i cant improve the quality of a head piece


Hey Dwarv3nK1ng,

Thanks for reporting the issue. I wouldnt say don't worry about quality as its still a  work in progress. and has no impact to your prices at the moment.

thanks man, and good work on the game, love it!

1. I am currently running 0.0.81

2. After updating I started my game and the new game starts out at very low FPS and looks washed out. Sensitivity is also very low and cannot be changed.

3. -------------

4. I just started the game and it goes to full window and it happens.

5. GTX 950 2gb, 16gb 3200 RAM, i5 6600k

i need help with my cursor. it keeps going off the screen when its like in a corner. before anyone asks no i dont have a seccond moniter please help it would be nice to play the game a bit better

when i starting playing a error says game thread timed out waiting for renderthread after 30 seconds what does that mean


I just downloaded the game and it was set to 2438 1536 which isn't the right resolution for my screen, the right one would be 2048 1080 but It won't let me hit apply because when I try to press on the lower half of my screen to change any settings, it clicks of the game to my desktop, I'm running the latest version but I don't think it matters that much, just wrong resolution is set and now I can't change it. I have uninstalled and installed the game again and also the re-install button too, nothing will reset the game to the settings it starts out as. It just automatically goes to fullscreen as it was set before.


It would be nice to somehow set resolution without pressing the apply button if someone sets the wrong resolution, maybe press the resolution you want and press enter and ta-da resolution set

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, I Have a problem the game resolution is big and my monitor doesn't support. (I don't have access the game menu (options of resolution) )

What version of the game you are running. - 0.0.81

Description of any issue or error message -  my game is in a big resolution and my monitor not support.

An image(if possible) - Dont Have

Steps to reproduce the issue(if possible) - Dont Have

System specs. - GTX 660, 6GB RAM, Intel Core I3 64bits

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have the biggest monitor but it is large, there are certain resolutions that will actually fit your monitor (hopefully) my normal resolutions that I use are 3840x2160,  2048x1152, 1920x1080.  You might be able to switch to a different resolution that could fit your screen, but the game defaulted me to 2048x1536 and I can't change the resolution because the screen fitting won't let me click the apply button, if I try to click the apply button it clicks out of the game. Just wish their was a way to change the resolution without clicking the apply button, maybe the Enter key.


Hey PubbyWinkle,

I'll look into a more optimal way of switching resolutions. 

Try F11 and see if that changes anything?

version .081 64 bit i5 core gforce graphics card 16 gb ram.  everytime i go back in to the game everything i have doubles including a new pickaxe every time which you cant sell lol i logged in one day there was an explosion it was all the coal and copper i had stored in boxes doubled and ther was ore everywhere. and there are still issues with the workbench where stuff gets stuck but ive figured out how to get stuff out so no real problem there.

ok thank you :D

F11 did help thank you so much!

How do I get tools out of my table


Grab them and shake furiously.

Hold alt while holding the item and you can rotate it out (may take a few tries, also the rotate is slightly awkward)

Did u fix the prople for the game crashing right  when  your in your shop

I shook harder than furiously!

Made a dagger out of a tin ingot, and somewhere in the process of cycling the dagger styles it became a copper dagger... lost 500$ on it.

Also the time constraints in this new version seem rather unreasonable if you don't already have everything on hand. VERY often i find i brought an item back from the workbench only to see the customer walking away now.

1. Alpha 0.0.81

2. Radial menu is stuck on "Heads," and does not allow me to select any other type of part to create. Even after selecting "Shields" the menu shows "Heads."


4. None 

5. Intel i5-3570k Ivy Bridge, GTX 660, 16GB DDR3 RAM


Hey Nashbot,

You need to have ingots on the forge to make a selection. The weapon head type is based on how many ingots are on your anvil. If you have 1 ingot, only dagger blades(short blades) are available. If you place 2 ingots your selection options grows. So on and so forth. I'm still updating and the wheel will see some improvements as well.

Got it! Thanks for the quick response :)


Got the tools out finally

(2 edits)

these are my specs

I5 2500k 3.6 Ghz
MSI Gaming X 1050 ti
8GB Samsung DDr3 1600 MHZ 
UpHereTechnology 240mm closed loop water cooler
EVGA 700 watt Bronze1TB hard drive, 500 GB hard drive

this is my list of numerous problems:

1: the game maxes my CPU put at 100% and 30-50 fps after this update, where previously it was sitting at 30-50% with a maxed 60 FPS. this makes the game unplayable, as my minimum framerate can drop as low as 0.5 for multiple seconds. this gets worse near the mine, and ehas cause plenty of game breaking physics bugs.

2: if you are not very careful with the horse, and how wide/sharp you turn, the horse with go through the wagon, causing it to spaz out, and EVERYTHING in the wagon will be thrown everywhere. in my testing the distance thrown depends on how bad the physics spaz out. it can be anywhere from just a few steps away, to so far away it will take you longer to find the stuff than to just restart from your last save.

3: this kind of ties in with the last one. when putting ores in the open top baskets, the physics have a really hard time dealing with more than 6 or 7 ores at once. (yes i am crouching before picking it up) and IF you manage to get more than that outside the mine to your horse, chances are the game will freak out (as in it will start moving your character for you. you can be 10 feet away from your pc, and you will teleport around, and your view will teleport to different angles for a solid 30 seconds) and this freak out will throw your ores out of your box, and make them go everywhere. every time this has happened i have been unable to recover at least one ore, and one time it was so severe i went from 10 ores, down to 2 ores. this seems to be a physics bug, with the game having problems loading the new world, and stopping the loading of the mine, at least to the best of my knowledge.

4: ok, so if you manage to get a bunch of ores into boxes, and into your cart with little to no problems, now comes the challenge of transporting them home. i have found that the chances of your open top boxes staying in the cart ore extremely low. multiple times i have gotten home, only to find that there are no more boxes in the cart, and that they fell out before even reaching halfway home. my best guess would be a clipping bug with the bottom of the wagon, as they are usually just sitting there upright, with little to no ores spilled out. in my experience you can carry more ores, with less problems, if you only take one open top box, and fill it up, and just empty the ores directly into the wagon. then you leave the box there for you next mining trip (outside of the mine, or it will despawn. learned this the hard way. unless that is also a bug, and it isn't supposed to despawn like that) this way can yield well over 50 ores in one trip, where if you take boxes and fill them, you will be lucky to bring over 30 at once, as it can be tricky to get 3 boxes to stay in the cart on their own.

5: so lets say all of this has been done, you brought home over 50 ores, so yous melt them all. so far i have found no glitches with smelting, other than it seems to be very taxing on the cpu, and IF you somehow aren't at 100% usage yet, you will be now. other than that smelting goes on without a hitch. maybe you chop both or just one of the trees down for firewood, and you play the game for a while. you decide to stop playing, so you save, sleep, then save (or at least i do, because i am paranoid and don't want to lose progress) then the next day when you come back the pickax head and handle are back, and all of your ores are de smelted and laying near your horse and wagon! the strangest part is the fact that you still have all the ingots you previously smelted though. so if you smelt 50 ingots, then save, exit, and re enter the game, you will have 50 ingots, plus 50 more ores to smelt again! this is a repeatable bug, and seems to consistently work the exact same way, with no variance. in my testing it will never decide to one time take all your smelted ingots away, or not give you more free ores. 

these are just the bugs i have found after only a few hours of play time, so i am sure there are even more large bugs that i just haven't ran into yet.


Hey BigMan7o0,

Thanx for the report. 

The CPU issue is the result of trying to stabalize the games physics, I am looking into it..

Thank you!!

my game crashes every time i try to lower the graphics


When adjusting graphics in any game, Ensure the first option you examine is Resolution.

You will butcher any program if a resolution is actually outside of fullscreen capabilities of your gfx card and/or TV/monitor - And usually, either will do it, even if its just outside the range of your display - and the gfx can handle it - HDMI and computer settings often are linked with one or two settings that are "supposed to be for convenience" that often trip up hardware if an error occurs. I've had times where a graphical glitchup occurred (not in this game) - that caused my HDMI capable to stop outputting signal entirely, had to unplug it and plug it back in

Alternatively had times where a resolution shot outside the range of my display, and caused the picture of the game to remain entirely black/blank when partial stability was restored (usually meaning exiting fullscren into window mode) - Even if it started in window mode with picture working just fine, after the fullscreen attempt- it'd be blank on return - requiring the app to be restarted and resolution tweaked

If resolution and other graphical factors aren't the direct issue, Please ignore my reply - I understand there can be other code related breakage specific to this game that could be tripping you/r computer up.


Version 0.0.81 - Order for pickaxe, customer wouldn't take it. Made with grip and copper pickaxe head, did I miss something ?


The Pick you start with in .81 is gone in .82 now, However, the one you start with is an fictional recipe - Your character can wield all pickaxes, all hammers, and (well I've only tested one handed hatchet, you can't wield a one hand great/war axe) for your tools - the one-hand grip and pick head was intended for your character to equip - which they can.

The actual recipe is a two hand grip and pick head - it will tell you a pickaxe is crafted when you do so - as with all valid sale recipes - Customers will only accept a pickaxe with 2h grip

I can't seem to find my horse. I looked around and can't seem to locate it.


I had to start fresh myself in 0.0.82 - The crystals were all gone, the shield and hilt of the not-master-sword pedastal - most boxes and wall notes - Pretty much anything that "used to respawn" when I loaded the game - wasn't existent anymore - Hopefully it just means they won't despawn/respawn again when I actually find them in a new game, and they'll stay found.


You're spot on, exactly >because< it always respawned at the same time it now will not - because the game did not SAVE the location, it simply always spawned them in on its own - on the new version, it tries to load the last known position, but it has not been saved in 0.0.81 sooo it does not work :O

So when you start a game, the new default game will ONCE spawn them in and THEN SAVE them, so they will not disappear again --

However I had it happen to me that the dark crystal was pushed in a wall by me and then it was gone :P

When that kind of sucks. I hate to have to restart again.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey Grand I just had Slipcor visit on one of my posts, If you find yourself swimming in the ground, or otherwise worse for wear player wise, head over to his site and grab the "Reset please location" version of mylittlesavegamefixer - It resets position and rotation of the player, I believe Slip said. - Version 0.0.82 - Reset Please Location and (cuts off) (edit 1, wow did not realize which post I was responding to - still applies but probably a lot less comprehensible) (edit 2, I'm actually not even sure now where I saw or who I saw talking about ending up in the ground with their buggy horse.. I had thought it was Grand but I guess I was mistaken? oh well)

(1 edit)

When I got on my carrige and started to move My horse glitched out and is now stuck in the sky...

EDIT: Now my Character is Broken too after dismounting

Oh. Bonus deal.

Slipcor Updated hi....their? site!

Slipcor is one of the people commonly found posting on here, I'm not sure if they're just active or helping code or something, but they have a quick fix for your issue, and now, one for both of them!

Go over to and download the last 2 versions of My little save game fixer.

They touched up the dialog too, so you know what each one does. ("Reset Player model" fixes swimming and orientation, "reset Horse" is.. well.. Self explanatory) - Alpha versions 0.0.82 and 0.0.82a

It doesn't work  :(

I have already restarted but I broke it again (restarted the game not use the thing you showed me (doesn't work))

A few things.

One. Are you saying the save-game fixer didn't work? Alright, I mean, It was a recent update, It worked splendidly for ores in the previous version, so I didn't expect it to have hiccups by the time it was posted to site. (The Horse one)

The Player Model reset one has been up there for a while, and should function.

You need to run these, btw, Launch them and they'll act out their deal - can't just download them, and if you can't just double click and launch their little applet window - There may be some other steps you can take to work around it, aside from setting up proper run paths so that the applet will double-click launch.

And Two

have you tried telling your horse to follow you and see if the carriage appears?


To recap

Download save game fixers

make sure you're exited from game

Run save game fixer - and it will attempt to do its job - the Reset Horse and waggon version is really really new, I literally didn't see it before I started the post replying to you, and when I went to get the link, there it was.

Load up game - check results. - I suppose its possible there may also be some additional steps separating removing and reseting - which I might not know - Slip probably would, and I'm actually looking to ask for a different app or if they know how I can perform the task I want to perform. (I want to get rid of the about....... 42?  less see 8 trees, 4-6 logs? 32 to 48? Yeah that sounds about right. - I wanna get rid of that many logs in my yard, cause for whatever reason, the trees duplicate when you cut them down and reload, and I'm worried I can't work through the logs fast enough and that the trees/logs that are duplicated will eventually cause lag.)

My game won't start at all. It will get through the Unreal Engine screen, then it will immediately crash.

version 0.82 64 bit i5 core geforce graphics card 16 gbs of ram... after the new update my horse and buggy have despawned i checked all over the map/world and its not there is there anything i can do to bring it back without starting a new game.

(1 edit)

Each update, according to front page of game/itchio - is recommended to have a fresh save

This update specifically, almost requires it

Before, The Buggy and crystals, along with 3 logs of wood, the pickaxe freebie, and a few other things - all always "reset" and respawned, You couldn't keep them where you wanted them after reloading.

In 0.0.82, This "bug" is "fixed"


These objects now save and load their location data.... which in an old save, where they were "already spawned" and have never been "saved" - There is zero location data written, to load - thus, they don't.

Your buggy is gone because it didn't technically exist in your save file - and was spawned by the game every time you loaded up, now it'll be spawned by your save file, but your save file doesn't have one of those.

If you start a fresh save, The game will spawn a new save, spawning a buggy and the 4 crystals (maybe 3), and your 3 grips and 3 guards - as well as properly spawned crates, coal, and log (you get 1 coal to start with now, I think., could be wrong)

If you don't start a fresh save, the things that used to "always respawn" - will never exist in your gameplay again.

alpha 0.0.82)

every time i join the game it lags like crazy

alpha 0.0.82)

every time i join the game it lags like crazy

Is this brand new game, old save, new save that you've played for a while, etc?

Give me a little more information and I may be able to point you in a direction that helps solve the issue.

ok thanks

I don't think many people use, know, care, etc about the quality stats in the game just yet since they don't do much and aren't talked about

But I found a bug involving them that hopefully is already being worked out and if not, is going to be brought to your attention, now, and its pretty much short and simple and I can't really elaborate on it, so it can go here.

On reload, Items that had quality, forget they had quality, and return to 0 across the board.

Again - Trivial, at the moment, since they're pretty much just for show, decoration, and not use. - but still a bug, that I don't think has been mentioned (glanced for a while over different sections of Trello, haven't seen it mentioned since I started playing (last patch), at least, I don't think I have.

(1 edit)

I'm on the latest version 0.0.86, and I took my horse and cart with me into the mine. Unfortunately, the game crashed (thank goodness it saved my progress!) and when I re-entered the save, my horse was nowhere to be seen. I have checked the whole map. So now I can't easily haul wood or ores. And I don't want to start over because I finally started making profit.

OK Never mind. I looked up a few posts and saw "My Little Savegame Fixer. I ran that and it reset my horse and wagon for me. I'm glad it works!

Is'nt the game at 0.0.82?

Randomly, when I try to get into my character stats, it can get stuck and drags your view directly down, while your arm holds the paper normally and when this happens it will stay that way until you make a new game. So when you press P it will drag your view down and since its down you cant see the paper, but when you press P again, you can move your vision and everything is normal

nearly thought you and the other blue frog were the same person The Character sheet seems to almost entirely be tied to use of the horse and other physics breaking related things associated with player model being slightly off due to cart riding.

Save game fixer - reset player model - should fix both model things, and character sheet problems.

(1 edit)

Thank you! It worked. I changed my profile picture so there would be less confusion. I don't know if this would be the place to put it but there is a glitch with the market to where you can take any item and put it in the basket, and it adds the market price, but when you remove it, it deducts the order price, so the price goes into the negatives resulting in them paying you. I just figured you guys might want to know that because it can and probably is exploited.

EDIT: There is also another exploit where if you leave like a coal in the smelter and its on like any %, if you leave the area and go back the coal will refresh and be at 100% durability again.

(1 edit)

yep both of those are known, and in fact, that infinite money exploit was actually what the other blue frog avatar was talking about - It's described more vaguely now on my bug list and on the trello bug list, but the wiki has it more blatantly spelled out - picture and everything.

Mmm. and the Coal % thing affects Tree spawn and log %  as well.

Trees duplicate atm, and there's a bit of a save fix you can do involving rewriting one of the words with a wrong letter, so that it can't load the asset (don't worry, The engine loads the asset itself, that's why there's duplication, It's loading the asset, and the save says 0%? kay its 100% now - making it two trees, then three, etc) - anyway, There's more bug knowledge in one of those three places

Edit I wanted to Clarify - My current list (seen on the second post (of mine)of my list link) - That wasnt' the original list I had, that the trello list mentions, I just got upset at how shoddy my list was and decided to store it all away, take Dasius's condensed list, and add info and potentially clarity to each "bug" - removing some of the misunderstood points (like the ingot getting stuck near smelter) and duplicate points (they were technically different but referred to in the same way, so Dasius mistook it as duplicate)

Deleted 7 years ago

Hah. I had actually reported that as its own bug once before but deleted the post to keep players in the dark so they couldn't use it

that said. Its known, and it is... vaguely, mentioned in my my and the Trello buglists, and its explicitly mentioned on the wiki bug/issues page.

(5 edits)

Is the latest version .82 or .86? I strongly remember looking at the version number in the corner and it saying 0.0.86. Then I downloaded it with and now the boxes don't have lids. That was such a good feature. Is there a way I can download 0.0.86??

Newfound Bug: With the slightest bump of a tree and the cart, the wheels will fall off, things inside will slip out, and the cart itself will go haywire. It just launched me into the air on top of an invisible barrier.

Crashing Bug: 

                              This has showed up twice when I put my computer to sleep with the game running.

Latest Version is 0.0.82, unless 86 is a Patreon issued version.

  • 0.0.82 has liddable crates 
    • The crates at your house have interaction labels
      • They must have at least one non-bedroom item inside of them in order to be accessed for their interaction label - You can't just close and open their lid willy nilly - Place something like a crystal, some ore, ingots or tool parts in them and then you can. - This is primarily for Mining and woodcutting purposes.
    • The "crate" at Geofrey's Part Shop must have had something in it before it left the store
      • however the difference here is, Once it has had something in it, ever, inside the shop, it can open and close all willy nilly
        • HOWEVER HOWEVER.... Do not take it out of the shop, lidded, anything in side of it will /forever/ be locked if you do
        • The one in Geofrey's is not /really/ a crate, even after it leaves, but when it leaves the shop, it swaps the Shopping basket object with a different variant of the crate object
  • Horse is glitchy, you can try to fix it or your player model - they're self explanatory, but, The third one is for player model - which is often broken after messing with the horse carriage, and the fourth is for the horse and carriage, which may or may not work quite as well as the third one. - Most still recommend not messing with the carriage - you can use a crate with a lantern (workbench) or a crystal (light/protection does well) for doing ore and stuff...
  • I dunno what to tell you about Computer sleep bug aside from... don't run games and then put your computer to sleep? with any game, but definitely those that don't know how to deal with such an unusual action....  Most games are meant to be played, saved and quit, not put into data-storage and stasis

Thanks. I have one more bug. The front door is bugged out. It seems that the positions are glitched. When the door is "closed", I can click on the "Shop Open/Closed" sign and it opens the shop. But the door is still closed. Then when the shop is closed, I can open the door.


I think others may have had this and its known, but I've never personally seen it, and do not know information about addressing it, My suggestion however

would be to try and see if you can manage to get the door to be open and shop open, and then click the sign and close the door, etc

and if you can't, chalk it up to closed, and then go mining or something until you can sleep, the sleep, save, and quit and see if a reload helps sort it out.

I say sleep save and quit and all that, because Exhaustion is known to pretty much entirely reset on reload, and if you save and quit early, you will end up knocking your sleep schedule way off the rails, and it can be annoying to set it back up on them - Possible, very possible, but annoying.

Oh! One more thing. The door opens inwards now. I don't get the sleep thing, though.

Man that is sounding crazier and crazier...

The Sleep "thing" is just a warning about exhaustion bug, and how it can mess up your sleep schedule if you save and quit at any time that isn't between 4-8AM in game.

Reloading was for the door, - which involves the saving and quitting - which is why I mentioned the Sleep related stuff. - I can only think, of reloading as something that would help the door though, or maybe a line in the save-file code - but I wouldn't know which, and I wouldn't know if that might do more harm than good - like it may never return kinda harm - 

or it might be like the fix for tree-dupe bug, and only get rid of the duplicates but not the one spawned by engine.

Whole lotta mights and not sures, Sorry I dunno how to help more. If I experience it myself, I'll probably know better what causes/fixes it.

The door seems to have fixed itself. I forgot to mention that I am missing my lantern. I left it in the mine one day, and now it is gone. Thanks for all your help.


as I mentioned earlier. Luckily, we don't need to use our lantern for the end all be all.

Use one of the crystals and stick that inside your mining crate - carry the mining crate with you in and out of the mine and it'll also reduce left behind issues, personally I only use 1 crate to mine with and don't even bother with the horse - when you're around iron and adelite - often times its easier to A) buy replacement ingots or b) use just one crate to mine with, because generally, there's one, maybe two ore veins that are usable for that tier, and generally, that's less than one crate

Even if its not less than one crate

You can actually throw the ORE to any spot in the cave, and leave it there (at least for this version, dunno if it remains on reload but I think it does. It definitely remains as long as you leave the current session running)

So yeah. Crystal. They'll give you /juuusst/ barely enough light through the crate to see what you're doing - just keep the crate in arm's reach


OK. I hope that in the future Dasius can implement a "store" where we can buy things like extra lanterns and stuff like that. Thanks for your help :)


yeah I was actually going to suggest something along those lines, but part of it seems to be suggested already

I was going to recommend/suggest Adding a MISC tab to the "order scroll" and allow us to Order Crates, Lanterns,  (And maybe Crystals, once the first one is found and identified, just so if a  crystal gets ONE PUNCHed into the moon, we have a way of replacing it without worry - And making it unlock after they're found keeps the exploration part of finding them, as well as lets us make use of them in more builds)

I'm holding off on that suggestion though cause of it seeming like it may technically be kinda suggested, and I wanna see if something better is implemented.

(1 edit)

In my case: Intro and everything what is related to video (Intro, main menu and loading screen which never ends btw.) doesn't want to work propetly. Audio is fine. Is game supporting AMD and Intel graphic cards? Version .82 (I guess, I have downloaded it today)


1. Graphics card (I guess...) AMD Radeon R9 M375 and Intel HD Graphics 5500

2. CPU: Intel core i7-5500U

3. Mainboard: Who cares? I have a laptop, I don't care about such things!

4. Ram: 8GB + readyboost 16GB

Hi. My customers dont ask for iron, but i have plenty in my shop. I dont know how to make them upgrade, please help.

The Customers will continue to ask for all tiers at or under your current hammer tier

Construct an iron hammer and they should ask for iron. - same applies for everything above that -

Basically, It means Focus on getting 3 ingots for a pick or for a hammer and dagger/spear - or 5, for a hammer and pick, and mining for more before trying to sell it.

Yes, i knew for the pickaxe rush. Thanks for the Hammer. Didnt know what it changes.

Thats why i actually have iron for the first time lmao im making 7 crates of ore each time i go to the mine

Jak KCE włączyć gre do wyskakuje krytyczny erorA.


as of alpha 0.0.81, if I rotate something, it gets stuck and i cannot move it while still holding rmb.


*0.0.82 - Yes. though. That's... not technically a bug.. more of an upgrade flaw. You see

In 0.0.81, when you rotated something, It'd immediately begin rotating back to where you rotated from, forcing you to rotate quickly and then drop it and grab it quickly, in order to maintain the rotated state.

in 0.0.82, It stops, preventing it from immediately rotating back. It was supposed to be a mechanic that allowed us to have greater control on rotation - As long as rotation was all you did, you'll be able to prepare, drop and grab it so you can move on with it

I think for the most part, this is for flipping crates upright, and downright - to allow them to be stored in, and to be quickly emptied, without immediately whipping back up, and sending ore, or otherwise, across the room/field/world.

Though yes, Most would assume that the actual change was to make them simply keep the rotation, and continue to be movable, but for the most part - this is the intended change, and unless i see Dasius say "no the stopping in midair is a bug, only meant to keep rotation" I assume that its intended this way. - Personally, I kinda like it this way - for instance. I like to stick my freshly smelted ingots into a crate, carry them to forge, and then dump them out - The stopped movement helps me not accidentally yank the crate to a side and hurl ingots with the momentum either off the forge or out to the yard

Plus, I can walk a slight bit away while emptying them, and go "Okay that customer wants aaa........ pickaxe" and walk back, toss the crate into the yard, finished emptying already, and set out to make the pick. instead of waiting for the ingots, tossing the crate so I didn't carelessly knock something over with it, and then checking, and coming back

Deleted 4 years ago

another person had this issue, I think from the way they talked, it just eventually fixed itself. - Keep trying to sync up it being opened and the shop being open, or it closed and the shop closed - and eventually , sleep - save - quit, and reload, and see if it stops misbehaving.

I can't remember if I told him or if he did anything else than that - Find his post and reply to it, asking what he did to fix it if you're interesting in a better answer - I told him how odd and crazy it sounded and I've never personally had it so I don't know a good way to fix it.

(2 edits)

Version 0.0.82

1. Ingots stack on the anvil and sometimes don't count properly because of it.

2. After loading the saved game customers don't want to buy stuff I crafted before quitting the game, so I have to destroy it on the anvil and craft again.

3. Boxes glitch into each other, when I order stuff two times in a row.

4. The light in the shop a little bit glitchy sometimes

Still want to say thank you for fixing annoying bug, when all the weapon become heated and disassembled after loading the game. Good job!

Not sure if anyone else has had this but, after about an ingame day and one skill point alocated, when I open up the skill menu it makes my charatar look all the way down and I can't see the menu.

The reason isn't related to anything on the actual page itself, You likely used the Carriage, or perhaps hit some sort of physics variable wrong.

Your character model is actually, technically not positioned right, even if everything about what you see looks right, and this affects how your character "puts up their arm and holds a piece of paper in front of its face" - head on over to and download one of the last two versions of their Save game fixer applet.

I think the last version actually has all the features on it, but the 3rd version is the one that specifically helps your issue.

"reset player model" doing this should fix your sheet issue, as well as any other misc issues that you might not be aware of happening related to it.

"Reset horse and waggon" can assist in fixing issues with the horse that may (likely) have caused the character issue in the first place, however, ultimately, you're recommended to not actually drive the cart until a later time, as its known to be quite buggy, still.

What do you use to run the .jar file?


If you can't just double click it/execute it/run it

It is used by Java, which most people have installed for other reasons than MLBS - JAR is a Java archive and while not all of them launch their own applet, some, and these ones, do.

I think in the event that it doesn't automatically open on its own, it means Java isn't pathe/ pathed correctly - which doesn't stop Java itself from running, but does prevent a decent amount of discovery.

You can try and just tell Java to run it, or you might try looking up how to path Java so that you can just run it without telling Java to do it.

Or you can try and wait for Slipcor to take advice on the matter for the fixer.. I feel like I remember seeing a comment somewhere talking about using it in alternative ways...

I installed a new version of java and it works! Thanks!

It feels like my save is brand new, besides my progress.

Not sure, is it a bug or not, but fancy grips marked as common grips.

If I try to pick up the drawing of all weapon, the game start lagging and run about 5 FPS


Mentioned that it Duplicates.

The game doesn't really lag, I don't believe, though.

You just assume it does because the /drawing/ lags.... Though. I could be wrong. Your computer is not my computer, and for you, it could seriously be lagging.

take them to the incinerate every time you reload the game to prevent them from piling up.

Rotate them a few times to get them unsyncronized from each other - They're identically stuck together, and forcing each other to move in sync with one another when you grab one of them, so it may take a few turns to get half of them to a different angle

Once they're unsynced with each other, it'll get a lot easier and the game will render/process the pile slightly better, and every time you free one, too.

And the incinerate can delete them from existence all at the same time if you can't separate them, just be patient while dragging them to the window by workbench, and then go through or around the window (you can crouch jump through the windows) and take it through and around to the incinerator.

Or you could do what I do, never touch them.


Its possible though that if you start and stop playing a lot, they may multiply without your action, and may cause the game undue strain - 3-10 of them might lag themselves, but 40 of them might cause the game to take an hour to load into, and 20 more might crash the game on load


100 of them might still only lag themselves. - who really knows, honestly, I find it just best to keep them in check after learning they duplicate. "better safe, than sorry"

I got rid of all of mine, don't need it anyway.

Dunno how many are in my game but I tried once to pick it up after reading that you could and it was stuck as soon as I grabbed it and my fps dropped to unplayable. now I dont touch lol

i downloaded the game yesterday, seemed like a cool game and i really want to play it. My issue is that there is no customers coming at all, i reloaded my game, i reinstalled it also, but there is no customers coming when i open shop, (the npcs dont walk on the road either, but right next to it, i do not know if that has any relation though). i hope you can help :)


Just in cases

A) examine the Door, There's two click zones, open door is pretty much everywhere on the doorr

Open shop, is only on the little plaque (and on the other side of door, where the plaque would be)

B) Time of Day - Although its small - Customers don't come at around 10 or 11pm, until the next day at around 7ish am

C) is when you know you're opening shop, but still don't seem to get anyone - Check beside the door, check in areas where its hard for you to walk through without jumping, yourself.

For right now, Pathing is a bit... sketch.. for NPCs who shop, they can kinda wind up anywhere, and if that anywhere is a spot they can no longer walk towards your shop without backing up from (namely beside your door) they get stuck.

Closing your shop will cancel that NPC's script to come to your shop, allowing you to reopen and get a new one

Standing in the way of an NPC can cause them to hit you and path (slowly) around you, you can try using this to block the area beside your shop door - so they have more time to slide towards the entrance than get stuck behind the door

oh god, i´m so completely stupid, it was the problem with the door. i did not click the sign but the door instead, so shop was still closed... Thx alot mate for the help, it saved my day ! :D this was very helpful!

There have already been posts about the cart wrecking and launching off into the air:  I just wanted to add a picture in case it will help.  In this case the character also stayed in the air, but most times it happened to me I was able to get the character back onto the ground.  This is version 0.0.82

3 bugs:

1. If you have caps lock on (auto sprint) it tells the game that you are constantly holding shift. If you have caps lock on while making a tool on the anvil, and you decide to change the shape of the tool (for instance, a double-sided axe to a pickaxe) then it will do the quality 'minigame' when you hit it.

2. Flying with crates.

  • Get in crate
  • Grab crate
  • You will float
  • Look left or right to spin like crazy
  • The more you look to one side the more it looks like you are going to die
  • Spinning is VERY SENSITIVE
  • Let go to let go of your dreams of becoming an astronaut.

3. Flying with a crate onto the top of your house permanently traps you, as there is an invisible wall that you cannot get over. Walking up the side of the roof is not possible, and even if the crate goes in with you, you cannot get back into the crate to crate-fly. Ended all my progress on a world I was doing great on.

Everything to do with 2 and technically 3 is known. - it also all applies to every single physic-connected item

A note from bedroom

a cheese wedge

a dagger

a stone




anything can do it.

The only thing I can mention other than that, is to attempt to "crouch" jump when trying to maneuver in and out of uncomfortable places. - you can crouch an insane amount and some spaces are accessible by timing crouch right - like hopping over your fence at almost any location, or any fence, as well as through windows with no glass on them.

You could also maybe try slipcor's character model reset - I don't know everything it does, but I think it fixes character position, rotation and sets you back in bedroom (Puts you at ground level, fixes orientation, and places you in bedroom, to say that slightly differently and maybe more understandable )

it says fatal error when I try to load it u


Try the other stickies. theres a couple that may be of assistance.


i downloaded the app and then reinstalled the game. and now it works :D

Anyone know how to get rid of the screen flicker when you look at a object that can be picked up? I can produce a video if not sure what I mean. Also I run a mix of low/Medium settings to get a good frame rate.

dunno if hardware is an issue but I am running

Intel i5 4440 CPU

Sapphire Nittro R9 390 8 gb

32 gb Ram

windows 10

Customers won't accept my products. And I know I didn't craft them wrong, because a copper great hammer only takes a two handed grip and a 3-ingot hammer head.

at least for Alpha0.0.82

Do not fully assemble items until Point of Sale

here's a list of things that can cause customers not to accept fully assembled items.

  • Two different tiers of the same type of item - e.g Tin Greatsword and Iron Greatsword - If a customer asks for Iron Greatsword - First and foremost, they look at the "Greatsword" they see first, and try to take it.
    • If that greatsword is Not Iron, Their programming tells them not to take it.
    • However, another code tells them to take any Greatsword (afaik. This is one of the Things Dasius attempts to "fix" was customers not taking "any" greatsword when they walked up)
      • Further on "any greatsword" in version 0.0.81 Customers would ask for "A greatsword" and if you had 8 iron Greatswords, they'd refuse to take all but 1 of them - and you had to figure out which one was THE ONE they were actually looking at.
      • Dasius mentioned in the changelog "this" was fixed - I assume he means specifically that. - that whole "only "the one" out of all" is no more - but now, there's an additional catch - and now a customer will ask for a specific metal tier as well
      • Since there's code telling them "Take any Greatsword"
      • and then conflicting code telling them "Don't take anything but iron"
    • They get stuck in a logic loop, Refusing any and all other items, even the correct item, even if its moved closer to them. - 
      • That is until, the offending object is removed from their sight/reach.

  • If you have fully assembled items ("You created an iron greatsword!" "you created a Copper Greathammer!")
    • And then save, quit, and reload.
      • The item will now be "broken" and require dismantling and reassembling in order to be sold.
      • I'm not entirely sure what brought this on, but it may have a mix bag of things related to previous errors in state of the weapon parts that plagued 0.0.81 - that "fixed" that problem, but together, spawned a new problem.

  • I have heard that some users/versions of the game/computers/whatever - have had it where even in the same session, without save quit reload
    • After 5-25mins (likely no specific time range) an assembled item becomes "broken' and unless they broke it down and reassembled it, it wasn't going anywhere.
      • I've never personally experienced this myself
      • but.

All of these can currently be worked around with the same solution.

Do not fully assemble your items, and you'll be fine.

Instead, Premake large blades and large hammer heads - etc. and Keep 3 ingots of whatever metal you're working on, on the forge, at all times.

Every time you get an extra three, make a new head - keeping in mind that the more ingots it requires, the less you'll have to hammer later.

Keep the premade Tool-heads, near the counter, and keep handles within reach of the workbench, then when a customer comes in asking for something, take the appropriate tool head, and set it on the workbench (if you have the appropriate head, if not, you'll have to make it, regardless)

Then grab the nearby handle and set the item ontop of the cloth on the counter for sale. - handle towards the gap/customer

This way you'll stay ahead of the request timer by having /something/ premade - and you won't have to deal with any of those three pace-halting bugs.

Keep in mind while doing this. to not accidentally carry a tool head over the forge while its on.

If the tool head (recently cooled) gets even a millisecond of heat from the forge, it'll require cooling before it can be attached later.

The shorter it was over the fire, the worse. as it seems to take a minimum level of heat before the game will automatically cool it off. resulting in a tool head "cooled off" that is forever like 0.01% heated (which can't be combined)

to stay further on the ball - I do however, recommend constantly keeping the forge running, especially when a customer is halfway up the road on their way to your shop - this way the ingots are already heated to be hammed.

Three things:

1.When you said, 'conflicting items' in relation to not accepting an item, would a conflicting item be a tool or weapon of the same type but different material, or any other type of tool, regardless of material?

2.Does 'line of sight' mean that if they can't see it, it won't be put into consideration when being given a tool? Would this mean that I could put them in the bedroom and they would not conflict? I'm not sure whether or not 'line of sight' is a thing, because I put all of the tools on the shelves inside of the front table, where the tools cannot be seen from the front, but the customer would not accept the item.

3.How do you deconstruct items?

A conflicting item would be Iron Greatsword and Copper Greatsword

Not Iron Pick and Iron 2h axe


Line of Sight doesn't necessarily mean sight, nor do they really need sight... its like.. a box. there's a box of like "consideration" and a box of like "reach"

Like. you can set fully assembled items in the shelves on the front counter, like, behind the counter kinda way, the customer "can't see them" but they can grab them if nothing else goes wrong.

But they can't grab them if they're on the Greatsword display wall/shelving - but they can "see" them from there -because in 0.0.81 I had experience with having to fumble through items over there to find "the one"

But but. in 0.0.82 I've had moments where there was say - an iron 1h sword, and a tin 1h sword - both under the front counter, where they've sold from before - just without the  - - - anyway. when I would pull the item back and toss it to the door in the back, across from workbench - they'd immediately notice the correct item. (provided nothing else went wrong, that it was the closer item)


You dismantle things by taking them back to the anvil and then striking them with a hammer.

You don't have to accurately get them on the anvil - Just get about to the steps, and you can toss it at the anvil - with the cursor over the anvil.

If it was tossed like that, or if any part is actively touching the anvil, the smack will cause the parts to separate

*pardon this entire response if it sound like utter gibberish - there's reasons if it does, but even those would likely make no sense.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the info! I am not very far into the game, so I only have copper. I think that it is the loading glitch, as it appears that you do not know of any others. So, when I reload, I just have to disassemble them and reassemble them and give them to the customer? Sounds great! I will most likely just disassemble and reassemble them when I reload. Also, for when I do get to the next metal, I assume, from your recount of the problem, that the back of the main room is out of the customer's 'sight box'. I assume that customers will ask for weapons at metal levels of the hammer metal and below, or else this issue would not exist. Do you happen to know what places I could put items without them being in their sight boxes and are easy to access? (Sorry for the subject jump between sentences) Also, could you maybe tell me what the problem is exactly in the code with the different metal tools of the same type in the sightbox? Just so I could maybe help you.

BTW I am typing this all on my tablet. (This post, the one before, and the one before that)

(R.I.P. My sanity)

Here. Lemme show you the picture I had up in response to Slip, and that I showed something...

Anyway. This is how I set up my "tool heads" unless I know i can sell through the assembled items and intend to go mining.

If you just do something /like/ this. not necessarily this.

then you don't have to worry about any of the other issues associated with customers not paying attention.

They won't break randomly, cause they're not assembled.

They won't break on reload (every. reload.), cause they're not assembled

They won't slow you down all that much, because they're already heated, hammered, cooled, and placed near the workbench/assembly table.

And. As you could see in that specific pic/moment. having iron, tin, copper, and steel large blades (which would be greatswords, assembled)

They won't (can't) lock onto them and prevent a sale either - because they're not items

Now like I said. You don't have to set it up exactly like this - do it however you like. You don't /need/ to keep all material stocked - you could just go with /only/ the best or maybe best and 2nd best. In this specific picture I just happened to be doing all of then.

I'd in fact  recommend only doing top 3 at most - and only fulfilling orders for the current metal if you don't already have the metal for it.

i.e - if you have Steel (current)

and have Steel on hand (3 ingots), iron (28 ingots) and Tin (1 ingot)

I would Leave the steel on the forge- so that I had enough steel ingots to complete any one steel request (and then likely buy more to replace them)

Make /all/ of the iron into tool heads - If they don't ask for one of the ones I made, then I send them away

Make the tin either into a tool head, or just stack it on a shelf for fun because it isn't worth the hassle at one ingot. - if I do that, I send all other tin away.

 Have no Copper, isn't worth ordering more in. Send them away.

And as the picture mentions. I keep 2h spare handles on part of the shelf nearby (dunno why I just find it easier to keep them there for some reason, you could place them anywhere else) - I keep 1-4 one hand grips with guards attached already on the backboard of the workbench - I keep 1-3 (2h) grips with guards attached - backboard in another slot - and 1-2 no grip handles, either size, but only one of whichever size. - sometimes I make it 1h guards.

Under the bench on the lowest shelf I tend to keep 1h grips, on the floor, pole grips (just order a few, set the box flat on the ground, open, then use one to line them all up and push them all under with that one (slowly)), and on the shelf with the lantern - I set 2h guards - Everything is in a quick to reach, fairly 'separated' area - that I can get into a pattern of muscle-memory/remembrance of where it is, and quickly assemble it, without sending 8 different things flying trying to get a one-hand blade out of a pile of 12 different tool heads.


If you /were/ to want too keep assembled items.

I'd recommend one or two types (e.g Greatsword and Greathammer) - of only the best material (e.g steel and mithril) and not making more than you think you can sell in a single session.

Keep them under the counter, stacked ontop of one another (like how you see the large-blades in the pic, only, reversed, you want the handle near the walkway/customer, not the bedroom) - However. Only use the first and second shelf - they can't reach the third, even if they can see it. - you can instead stack them above the counter. - again. You want the grip - which is the "thicker" part of the handle, to be right under that cloth you see on the front counter- and customers can "reach" for it.

For Pole arms - this often means Blade towards customer, because the thick-grip part is so high on the grip.

For almost everything else - the blade/tool head should be towards your bed, and the handle to the customer.

I recommend this method for /sale while mining/ but do not recommend it in general for ver0.0.82


If you want a different idea, and do not plan to be mining.

Perhaps placing them outside the front door will suffice for "out of box"

There is a different, unrelated to sale bug, bug that plagues 0.0.82 - It's Mad Strafe Disease

Customer pathing is faster but much sloppier than normal NPC pathing. Normal Npcs can be smacked around with physics, Customers will walk right through most physics, but not Terrain, and they will NEVER EVER walk backwards while walking towards your shop to purchase.

As a result, one of the most common accidents is them getting stuck and never ever being able to reach the shop.. and one of the most common places for that... is at the shop. Behind the door. - They strafe, again, for whatever reason, once they've gotten to shop, and lock themselves in the small gap between the backside of the door, and small stool/table outside....

YOU. can stand in that area and walk against them, causing them to slide off you and inwards towards shop if you do it right (note: if you just stand there or do it wrong, they actually can strafe beside you and get even further off course, I've had it happen.)

So. Anyway. Placing the items outside might be an option. Since you might stand out there anyway to ensure MSD doesn't take the life of another sale, you may (or very well may not) be able to see what they want, and then carry it inside, they can have items handed to them, through them. And they /can/ reach a little bit beside them.

I pretty much have never tried this and don't really recommend it for anything. - in general for ver0.0.82 I recommend just going with tool heads.

As for... what the code is. I have no clue. I imagine the code is in the engine and I'm just a user who sees this and speculates things. Dasius is the one that does things.

I just assume based off the misc clues pointing.

That there was a line of code introduced from Version 0.0.81 to Ver 0.0.82 - That was intended to "destroy" customers refusing all but "the one" Type they came in for.

and that this code basically told them to accept all that match type requested.

But then another code tells them to "Only accept matching  material and type as requested" - and that this part, is newer than the bugfix - that it was added along side them "requesting material"

and that these two codes are conflicting (because one says to only accept Copper Greatsword while the other tells them to accept every greatsword) - causing a customer to become logic-stuck as it goes

"accept all that match type requested" - OH HEY, a greatsword that's right here in front of me (closest to them) I'll just grab that

"Deny - Doesn't match Material requested" - Oh, It's not iron, Nevermind

"Accept all that match type requested" - OH HEY, a greatsword (cloest) right here in front of me

Not Iron


Not Iron

and it does this likely hundreds of times in a second.

To me. this is what it looks like goes on, especially since before.

they'd walk in go "I need a Greatsword" and then deny Greatsword after greatsword until the ONE greatsword they were actually asking for was given to them - even if they were all (insert material)

and now, one of the changelog "fixes" for 0.0.82

"Fixed: Customer will not refuse any weapon no matter how many there are of the same /Type/ "

This specific Line gives me all the confidence in my speculation being what is happening.

Only I'm horrible at explaining things, and this is probably overly simplified or crudely so.

like saying "does this likely hundreds of times in a second"

The code probably does that hundreds of times in a second.

The customer themselves probably only work through a small fraction of that per second.  - And normally that'd be fine.


  • Check Timestamp 1:11:1
  • check failed 1:11:1
  • check 1:11:2
  • check failed 1:11:2
  • Check 1:11:3
  • check failed 1:11:3
  • check 1:11:3
  • check failed 1:11:4
  • Check 1:11:5
    • Item Detected matching Type 1:11:5 - clearing queue, accept?
      • Item Detected Matching Material and Type 1:11:6 - Accepting
        • Run Animation for Accepting item 1:11:7
          • Accepting item matching material and type, marked at 1:11:6 (1:11:8)
            • Run price calculation/pay blacksmith
  • check failed 1:11:5
  • check 1:11:6
  • check failed 1:11:6
  • Check 1:11:7

Really - this would probably look more like "check scheduled 1:11:6" and scheduled every "however long it takes to scan detection area"

But then you get that logic loop

  • Check 1:12:1
    • Item Detected matching type 1:12:1 clearing queue, Accept?
      • Deny
      • (potential) Reject denial "accept any no matter how many there are of same type (Potentially just endlessly loops here.)
  • Check !:12:1
    • Item detected 1:12:1
      • Deny
  • Check 1:12:1
    • Check failed - Item previously detected no longer exists, removing redundant obsolete instances of item detected at 1:12:1
  • Check 1:12:2
    • Item Detected Matching type 1:12:2 Clearing queue, accept?
      • Item detected matching Material and Type 1:12:3- Accepting
        • Run Animation for accepting item 1:12:4
          • Accepting Item match, marked at 1:12:3 (1:12:5)
            • calculating payment
  • Check 1:12:1
    • Item detected 1:12:1
      • Deny
  • Check !:12:1
    • Item detected 1:12:1
      • Deny
    (This probably goes on for dozens to hundreds of additional lines. - all for 1:12:1)

It runs through it much faster because it can quickly and easily see the "wrong item" as opposed to scanning the entire view area only to come up empty handed - and do it again.

I dunno. That could still be horribly simplified or technically incorrect because of my lack of expertise/knowledge in the area But it's how I imagine it's happening.

If its way 2 - it's able to run code faster than the game/npc can process it. - causing them to constantly restart the process, but still stay locked onto the item because it's processing code that was ran seconds ago, and will still be processing that code for seconds more.

if not, Then it has to be way 1, and it's becoming fixated and locked onto the item purely because the code is telling it "No, you can't "not" accept the item, you have to accept it' and the other code is refusing to budge. - never relinquishing the search for a new item (essentiallly... recreating the "does not accept" bug from prior.)

(I'm just saying this so Dasius might see, but you could respond to it if you want)

Would it be possible to assign a value, zero,  to each item and then when the code sees the first item, it checks to see if its value is one. If it is one, it skips the item check for that item. If it is zero, it does the check. If it is not a match, it sets that item's value to one. If it is a match, it  sets the item's value to 2. Then it goes along with all the other checks and then loops. For every check, after checking if the value is one, if is not, it checks for 2. If it is 2, then the customer buys the item. This value system might eliminate the loop of checking one item over and over again, because if it is not the item the customer wants, it will skip the check... hopefully. I am not very good with coding, so I am guessing what will work.


Hey Kurzidan,

In essence, you are right, if I understood you correctly.

The code, initially checks for any matching weapon type. Then when it found a matching weapon type, it proceeds to check if it has the right material type and then if it has already been sold. Once all of the requests are true, it will save the weapon in a variable which then is used throughout the other parts of the code. However, that block of "code" is pretty much all in the same line of "code". In UE4's Blueprint(which is what i'm using at the moment), i'd say "follows the same trail" if you get my meaning. So, although every second or so, its first checks to see if the weapon type exists, once the query result is true, it will then check the next query.  If non is true, the Customer won't recognize the weapon as a valid weapon for him/her to purchase, because the weapon variable is not set.

Thanks for taking the time to input about it. I wouldn't have minded had you not though, I'm just a end-user, I don't particularly need to know the specifics.

Personally. I feel like I should refrain from trying to respond in full to the additional information.. like I said - I'm Just an end-user.. Knowing the specifics won't provide me with any method to actually help - nor further my own pursuits.  - though, I /think/ I do understand what you're saying/adding.

At the same time. I'm making a reply (this one, right here....) because while I think I should refrain, I still want to thank for the input. Otherwise I'd either be making another massive list trying to respond in full (potentially still being very wrong in interpretation) or not making a reply at all


Hey Kurzidan,

No need to feel that way. I'm gratefull that you bring up issues and your interpretation of what is going on. I enjoy seeying everyone discussing issues with the game along with how much they enjoy it, as it helps me and maybe someone else. Maybe it might help someone else understand something that is unrelated to the game. Your thoughts and opinion matter and let knowone say otherwise.  So please don't feel the need to stop.

(1 edit)

The more I open my stats menu for upgrades, it steadily gets more and more skewed on vision, until I can barely see the menu.

Running version 0.0.82.

System Specs:

Windows 10

GTX 1070

Intel i5 4690k

16GB additional ram

Developer (1 edit)

Hey Corvaer,

This is the result of using the horse wagon. Slipcor has a player model reset here. Not sure if it will fix this issue but give it a try. I did manage to get it fixed for the next update but will require a new game as usual. 

(1 edit)

So the horse wagon has some side effects, right? :D 

Mine is glitching out a lot (I have posted a report about this).


Haha, ya. This generally happens when the horse gets too far away from the wagon. I'm looking into a how to stop the horse from moving if the wagon is stuck. 

In my horse cart, it will bug out and fly. when i get out, i can no longer jump. restarting didnt do it, and i dont know what else to try. i cant play anymore until this is fixed


Hey brandomatron7,

Slipcor has a quick fix for your character that might also help with the jumping issue.

(1 edit)

Hello, I've encountered an issue with the front door that seems to only occur after saving and closing out the game. 

To make it as clear as possible, I included a short video demonstrating the problem as well as a brief detailed description on how it happens.


As mentioned earlier, it only seems to occur for me after I continue a saved game. and because of it, I'm forced to start a new game which fixes the problem but happens again the same way. (Play the game, save it, close it out, start playing again, load up saved game, problem persists.)

I find it to be a major problem because my customers can't get through the door because its in the closed position when the shop sign is "Open" and in order to open the door, I would have to set the sign to "Closed" which causes the customer to walk away.

I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the save file being from a old version since it also occurs with new saves aswell.

I hope this problem is resolved, or if anyone has a temporary solution for it, please let me know.


Hey Rod Gaming,

Thanx for the video, I am currently investigating the issue and will try to find a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.


When you reload back into the game, is the door open or closed?

It is closed and when I try to open it, it opens towards the inside when its normally suppose to open towards the outside.


Hey Rod, 

Sorry for the delayed response, what does the sign say when you enter the game before it messes up?

(3 edits) (+1)

it says closed. When i turn it to open, the door stays in the same position.

I do have a suggestion or two which can serve as a solution.

Have the shop sign become independent. For example, set the sign on the wall next to the door instead of on the door and have the door itself open and close freely regardless if the shops open or not.

Second suggestion would be to give the NPC's the ability to either open the door, or clip through it. This can also help prevent them from getting stuck on obstacles since that tends to happen often aswell.


hey Hot Rod Gaming,

Thanx for the suggestions. I want to avoid customers passing thru doors. 

I have the same bug, is there a solution?


Hey Elessar, 

I, unfortunately, am having troubles reproducing this bug on my end. Are you able to reproduce the effect with a new game?

I will try, but at the beginning yesterday there was no bug . But when i started the game today it occured. Is there any way to save the old game?

Oh, when i started the game now the bug was gone. I just restarted my Computer and now its gone. 


Interesting and very strange, thanx for the update Elessar

ok, thats strange i restarted the game 5 minutes ago and now the bug is back, and this time  a computer restart also dont helped. 

when i buy stuff at the actual shop, like the wooden stuff, after i leave the items get frozen in the box after i open it, and the price on the crate is wrong


Hey brandmatron7,

At the moment there is no fix for it on this version but in the next release, Geoffreys shop work significantly different and no longer need you to use the crate to make purchases.. 

Sorry about that.

There's actually a fix for it, two, now.

Masonator discovered you could incinerator the crate with minimal loss to items inside if you're careful, Once the crate is incinerator, it deletes the related lock, freeing the items, seemingly. (Masonator discovered, I did not test)

The Alternative I did test, and I discovered through methods of which utilized other bugs and fixes. It's definitely safer, but its far more complicated to actually perform.

Using the Fix for "Unlocking Menu-Grab-lock items" (Hold item, hit esc, and attempt to hold it again, Forces the item to be locked into position (it was the "ingot stuck on smelter" bug, it works on any items)

The Fix is to use another Crate to force-relock and then unlock with that crate's parameters - The same can be applied to a shopping basket, It's just... harder.

If you can manage to get the lower half/corner of the basket into one of the Blacksmith's-Crates - and then quickly close it before the crate or basket is pushed away, You can do one of two things.

  • 1) you can free SOME of the items, whatever happened to be at that corner - If there's only a few small grips, this will likely be ALL of the items.
  • and 2) It will "free" the Basket from the location of the lock. - It will NOT fully reset the ENTIRE lock, However, Doing THIS part will make unlocking any other items far easier.
  • Once the BASKET is free, You can then ROTATE the basket away from the items, first ensure that all freed items that you can manage to shake out are shook out, otherwise when you quickly rotate the basket, You'll send freed items flying, Matters less if you're already in the blacksmith house.
  • Once the basket is rotated away, it will likely become FREE entirely, and there will no longer be a physical container blocking you from netting the other items with another crate HOWEVER...... The Locked basket physics will be ATTACHED to the Player-Crate used to break the basket out. - You'll need two player crates to fully unlock everything.
  • Once you've netted most of the Contents with another crate, you can just close it and open it, freeing them and causing them to fall/move away - continue until you can close and open the crate basically on top of the other one.

as I said. It's less risky, but it takes more steps/more complicated.

Alternatively. Going to sleep, Saving, and then reloading, causes shopping baskets to despawn - freeing the items


Doing that may result in Additional charges.

In fact. Doing anything may still result in additional charges - I mean. Carrying them one at a time and tossing them out the door into the "yard" won't (whatever you do after that, crate, no crate, drag with one polearm grip scraping them along like a plow, etc)

I didn't exactly have.. a lot of attention to small pocket change ... when I was doing my testing. - Just know it worked.

I also found out you can left click, then while holding left click, hit right click, and then you can take the items, like from a horse cart this works

I don't think I follow. Care to elaborate? I attempted what I assumed you meant based on the topic and contents of your statement - but it just amounted to nothing both ways (accidentally kept reading it right and then doing it with opposite clicks. - but didn't change when corrected)

perhaps its 32bit related or you're not quite talking about exactly the same thing anymore....or maybe I'm just not noticing some kinda clue of execution and doing what you're saying, wrong.

dasius you should make wooden tool handles in the scroll

so I don't need geoffery

I left a comment about the frozen part - but - I failed to notice you also mentioned the price part

Price is only off when an item comes back out. If it happens, it means the crate lost sight of an item that was in it, unfortunately, causing pretty much the entire deal to go south (I.e Geoffrey calls you a crook, tells the guards to come vandalize your hard earned grips, and mark them all as "(stolen)" - Stolen is in such infancy though, that customers pay it no mind... Which might be a bug all of its own....come to think of it....

Course, Maybe Geoffrey can't tell crook from fake, and just calls it all stolen, but the game engine can actually realize you didn't actually steal it, and allows you to sell "fake(stolen)" - but if you were to actually /steal/ items (somehow) then you'd not be able to sell them, and they'd be "real(stolen)"

anyway. You can avoid it entirely by using your own order scroll

avoid it entirely by carrying them out of his shop one at a time (or going to the doorway and tossing them out with physics)

or by VERRRRYYYY carefully setting them inside his basket, close it but then open it (If you don't close it before you leave the shop, you won't be able to after you've left) and then crouch and pick it up with your knees rather than your back, minimizing the item physic explosion... Carefully carry them out, don't flail around/whip around instantly, doing so the items inside can't keep up with the basket, despite them staying inside and being pulled around by the basket - They'll "exit" the basket and fudge the price - Just take it nice and slow, carefully and walk out, once the coin chest goes away and you're firmly on the grass, you can then close the basket (now a crate)

Its a basic crate with a lid at this point, not a player crate - it will not lock physics, but it' ll keep the items from exploding across the map.


You can look at the other post I made for ways to "fix" it

I also have encountered a bug. I'm playing on version 0.0.82, and... the horse is broken. It keeps losing my stuff and the wagon is glitching out a lot. So, to have a wagon, I have to create a new game every time it glitches. It is really frustrating and I lose all of my progress every time. Glitching the wagon is really easy: ride the horse on rough terrain(which is prety much everywhere, so, basically, ride the horse). I do not have any pictures of it, unfortunately. Here are my specs, if you need them:

CPU: Intel Core I7 Octacore

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

OS: Windows 10 Home 64 biti


HDD: 1 TB 

Please fix it as soon as possible. 



Hey Horia0502,

Sorry about the glitches, the issue does arise with issues in physics interactions. If by any chance you have lower fps, the issue might be worse. I'm also currently trying to optimize the game so users can get better Fps and will solve some of the issues with the wagon. Also, the wagon tearing apart is a result of the horse getting too far away from the wagon. I'm looking into ways to mitigate this issue.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Gould you tell me an aproximate date of those fixes being implemented? If no, it's tottaly fine. By the way, I have no idea of the fps while playing, so I can't help you on that.


At the moment I don't have a release date. 

No worries on the fps.

(1 edit)

It's alright then.


You also will not have to restart every time it glitches - either a) give up on the cart or more simply B) head over to slipcor's site and get his save-game fixer - the final one will allow you to fix the horse and wagon, and that one should also allow you to fix the player model (which will also be guaranteed broken if you rode on the horse)

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