So I wanna play some games, do you want me to play yours and you play mine? (:
this is my game

So I wanna play some games, do you want me to play yours and you play mine? (:
this is my game
Your game looks great! This is my game it's called For Greed and Glory
A friend of mine and I made They Shell Crack, a Binding of Isaac inspired topdown twin stick shooter about eggs!
Try mine
I'll have a look at yours
I'll Check your game out here is Mine a short FMV game that plays out like a Presentation but is hiding some weird and dark things if you can find them. Takes under 10mins to play but you will want to find the other endings 4 in total
My game was 巫-Less is More, its a 1 dimensional roguelike where your health is also your inventory space. Its very basic, but I'd love it if you gave it a rating.
Sure thing! Here's mine: It's a platformer where jumping changes how your jump works!
Looks cool! You can try mine if you want to:
Be sure to have a go at mine at some point!
Your game looks great! I will play it tomorrow, but in the meantime, how is my game:
My first ever game Jam hope you like it: The Web version isnt working but if you dont want to downlad the game in the comments is a link to a working Browser Build.
I already tried yours! It was really cool!
Anyway this is mine :)
Here is my game, it's a roguelike game, hope you will like it. I'll try your game now!
Hello good sir,
Would really appreciate your honest feedback on my game
I'll totally check yours out!
Dr. Maniacal's Monster Maker is a game where you create your own monster and use it to slay knights, discovering how Less is More even in the science of monster creation:
My game is very difficult ... not even I got to Nio (the last character)
Here is my game! you play as a Boss, who job is to stress out your employees:
I'd appreciate a rating! I'll do my best to rate all of your games as well. Thanks!
i already rated your game!
here is the game that i made, is a game where you control a soul in the darkness, using your voice (you will need a microphone to play it)
Here's my game - Rating yours now!
Dyzmorphia - a fast paced shooter where you sacrifice life for ammo!
Here you go :) Thanks
My game is a procedurally generated roguelike where the less health you have the stronger your sword becomes! Would love for you to play it and give feedback. Can you make it to all the way to the end?
if you fancy a 3d horror, feel free to check out ours
Thanks for polaying some games! heres mine!