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Writing Reality

A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Okay, I see now. I had a resolution issue and the top of the game was cut off! Got it working

I didn't see a new game button! I'll try again today and update you 

Thank you! 

Thank you! I appreciate it

I totally agree! I've actually got plans for whole new maps in the next version of the game! Plus more weapons, abilities, enemy AI and bosses!

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I totally agree! I've actually got plans for whole new maps in the next version of the game. I'm glad you enjoyed it as is though!

I didn't try the download, just web!

thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it

Did a little better the second time! I was thoroughly amused. I think it found the inner child in me that always played Tonka computer games

I was able to get 237 points on my first run and then one of the dozers decided to bury me where it just went! But overall really fun. Would be a great mobile game I think

Everything about this screamed to me that it was going to be a horror game. The entire time I was waiting for something terrifying to happen! The sounds you used for the dialogs were beautiful. 

Checks all my boxes! Once I was able to get out of the room that is xD

Oh my god it is so funny. The voices reminded me so much of games like Banjo-Kazooie and instantly triggered the nostalgia trip for me. 

I'm not sure if it bugged out for me but since my mouse wasn't locked to the window I couldn't turn around! :(

I went in without reading the description so I initially just ran away from the tumbleweeds lol. Made a little more sense once I read your description, but still felt a little clunky. A couple things that could help improve your next jam game!

1. If no time for a tutorial, leave the controls in one of the corners of the screen! (I did this for my entry, you can check it out here )

2. For sounds that will happen a lot, use an array so that they randomise each time and feel less repetitive!

Loved the idea, but I was getting sea sick from the camera controls, pardon my pun. Every time I fired a shot my camera would rotate and make it harder for me to look around


Overall pretty good! Game needs more juice! Give me screen shake when the big hits are successful, damage numbers, big ol "MISS" text when an attack misses

I couldn't get out of the test area :(

yay! What's your best time/score/level?

thank you!

Keep playing, never stop, game is life now

Thank you so much! 

(1 edit)

Current best score: (by raphatar)

thank you!

oh man I can't imagine how hard it got with no upgrades!

Just keep running!

the best attempt yet!

If you need a Windows executable version of the game, please message me and I can email one to you!

Thank you!!

How did you make the deth mek??

Thank you <3

Right?! It's so addicting! Near the end  of the deadline I needed to tell myself to stop playing and keep working!

I think I did a good job designing both sides of the abilities, angel and demon. There's some real bangers on both sides. You have to try the "Smite" ability from the angel side, and the corpse explosion is always a classic!!!!

I too couldn't beat it on my first play through! I'm going to circle back around after I play some more games though and give it another shot

I am a sucker for turn-based games and mechs! Almost made mine a turn-based game at the start. I would be interested to see this through a color blindness filter to see what the overwhelmingly pink world would become though, what was your reasoning behind that aesthetic?

I know this is my own game but man I can't stop playing it! Everyone please share your high scores! Here's mine:

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I know this is my own game but man I can't stop playing it! Everyone please share your high scores! Here's mine:


Thanks for your feedback! Right before I uploaded the game to the jam I did do some tweaks to the difficulty, and made it a little easier than it probably should be, whoops!
