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Pablo Besfamille

A member registered Mar 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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My eyes hurt from working on this game 

It's a test for a game that I want to produce in the future, so this feedback would help me a lot. The game is en endless runner with EDM. Thanks, and hope you like it!

I did a very difficult endless runner with electronic music. I need the most honest feedback to continue working on the final version, so please give it a try.

The game ended up very difficult. None of those who tested the game managed to get all the characters. For the final version I am going to lower the difficulty.

Any other feedback is very much welcomed.

It's my second time participating in a game jam, and like the other time, i bit more than i could chew. The obstacles were going to pass at the rhythm of the music. But I am happy with the result.

I hope you have a good time, even if it is a hell of difficult.

I made an endless runner. The music (as it seems, the best part) was made by a friend.

I really need the feedback, because I want to turn it into a complete game. Thanks!

I submitted a test of a game that I want to do later, so any ideas or comments are more than appreciated.

It's an endless runner with EDM an neon visuals.

I hope you like difficult endless runners.

My game is very difficult ... not even I got to Nio (the last character)

I made an endless runner inspired by Geometry Dash and Jetpack Joyride (da classics...)

Its an endless runner with a neon esthetic and Electro Dance Music.

A friend made the music and we worked on this: the idea was that the obstacles would pass with the beat of the music, but I'm not very good at programming, so we forgot that idea - for now.

It is very difficult to get the last character, but if you play it I hope you have a good time.

Thank you so much for the comments. Some people  told me that the game was very difficult. It also cost me a lot to move the background, with the parallax (I am more of an artist than programmer). I did't have time to adjust various things and I would have liked more testing. But for sure I implement what you say in the final version.

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 This is my second time participating in a game jam. Thank you very much for organizing it, I took advantage of it to do a test of a game that I have thought about for a long time. An endless runner that goes to the beat of the music. Although I did not have the time and only one endless runner remained  :v  Anyway, I had a good time and got really stressed. But I'm happy with what I did and I hope you like it too.

What did you wanted to do that you couldn't?

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Thank you for the comment and for playing. The apology at the beginning is a play on the theme of the jam. And indeed, at the end you will always "lose", that's the end of the game.