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A jam submission

Einnsámr: The Lone WarriorView game page

Click and drag your active tile to move it. Click on any tile to possess it. Press R to restart the current level.
Submitted by Mad (@madgvox), Neil (@neilquillen) — 1 hour, 38 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to the Theme#8933.7043.704

Ranked from 71 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nice! Hopefully you build more on this!


Thanks so much, that's the plan!


Wow. Your game looks fantasy on graphics. Looks as use AI to make it. One of the best puzzle game when i click enter to your entry. I guess if you export to the webGL, you will let more people know your game. You must a nice programmer with high art skill


Thanks so much, we really appreciate it! Great job on your game too :)


Thank you!


Very funny!


Thanks Maxi, just about to get to your game!


Dude, wow. Really good stuff. I love the concept, and it's just really fun to play. bang up job. I did get deadlocked on level 4 i think when i ended up with only two snakes who could only move onto opposite colored squares. Other than that, sup smooth experience.


Thanks so much Bobby, we appreciate it! Share your game too so I can check it out :)


Awesome work!! .... Its beyond the level of game jam entry.... 

you really are very good at this... 


Wow, thanks so much, we really appreciate it! I have a tab of your game saved and I'm looking forward to trying it out :)


I would love to see this concept explored further, with more maps and unit types. Great job!


Thanks so much, your game was awesome too!


That was such a cool board game type submission! Really dug the art and music! I wanna see a full game with a ton of scenarios!


Thanks so much, we really appreciate you taking the time to play! We're already talking about how we're going to flesh it out and what platforms to target :) Drop a link to your game so I can check it out!


This would make an excellent time killer on android or IOS for sure! I could see myself sitting at work playing this for way too long!

Thanks for your interest in mine too! Here it is! Hope you enjoy!

Platformer where you can only have one ability active at a time, and can only use it once per room! Also one hit and your dead ;) Hope you like it!


Alright, gonna check this out once I'm back at my PC, on my Mac laptop right now :/

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Well there is my second triple 5 star rating. Just Amazing man. so well polished and pleasant to play!

First Five Star Game

My Game


Wow, thanks so much, we really appreciate it. And thanks for the links, I want to check both of those out :D


This is way beyond gamejam levels of polish, adheres to the theme and is a lot of fun. Congrats!


Thanks so much! We had a blast making it :)


Really good and unique!

The only useful feedback I can give in case you want to continue this project is that each pice should have a different color to make things more readable at a glance. In terms of readability you could also highlight the "unsafe" tiles when the player is making a move.

As a post below already said, this game is very likely to be featured, yes. Very polished, unique, and fits the theme well. Well done!


Totally agree! I managed to make the stone tiles a different color to signify that they weren't interactable, but I ran out of time before I could do a final pass on color & readability.


An excellently crafted game! Between the slick feel of the game, the rustic aesthetic, and the thoughtful puzzles, the only improvement I can think of is adding more types of warriors! Great job!


Thanks so much! We're certainly excited to expand on this idea quite a bit :)


Wow, this game is incredible! I don't think I've ever seen a game like this before. I think this game has a ton of potential outside of this jam, so I'd love to see it made into a full game! Every encounter was like a fine tactical puzzle. Sometimes it felt like I lucked out due to the AI choosing a suboptimal move, but that's still fine. I don't have any constructive criticisms. This game looks and feels great to play! Great work!


Wow, thanks so much Abhi! The AI was one of the hardest parts to nail down for sure, we plan on going back to it and get it all just right haha.

We had a bit of inspiration from this ancient norse game called Hnefatafl, there's a great app for it on mobile if you're curious.

Your game was aaa_groove right? That was a blast, way to go! I gave you a good rating <3


Whoah I've never heard of the "Tafl" genre of games, this is really cool. I'll definitely check out Hnefatafl.

Yes, I made aaa_groove! Haha glad you liked it!


Good job


Thanks Luca!


Everything was great about this game, I played through most of the levels just because I was interested in what it would throw at me next. Really solid entry and a great tile based board game idea!


Thanks so much, we're really glad you liked it!


Very interesting idea, and an overall well made game. It forces you to think at least one step ahead to not get yourself trapped. The harder levels seemed unbeatable but there might've been something I've missed.


Thanks so much! Did you catch the fact that you could possess any piece by clicking on it? A lot of people are missing that because all the controls are on our page, not in the game XD


I loved the written description, artwork, and music. Very well tied to the theme! A little problem I ran into: I chose a Knife Fight and got to a point where the game was stale, and I wasn't given an option to continue. Made me think that having a reset button would be very nice (and some rule to avoid stale games as well)!

We also made a game for the GMTK2019, and would love to hear what you think about it!

If you think you have the courage & wits to help the Juan and Only Jelly Knight recover his human form, a worthy challenge awaits.

Don't forget to rate our game here!


There is a reset button! 'R' will reset the current stage. It's mentioned in the description, but we didn't have time to make an in-game instructions panel. Thanks for playing!

Deleted 306 days ago

Hey, thank you so much for checking it out!


wow! This game get pretty complex, the game design here is very well thought!

if you have time, check out my game :


Thanks so much man, we really appreciate it! Looking forward to checking yours out as well :)


Wow! Looks like a finished project! Graphics, sound, UI 5/5 Great job!


Thanks so much for playing Alexey! I'm glad you enjoyed it, we had a blast making it.


Very polished games, although i didnt know you are allowed to switch place with other card. Was kinda surprised that i could change position with card on side table lol. 


Thanks so much for playing! Yeah, I really wish we had the time to put an instructions window into the game itself, but it baaarely got finished in time as it is haha XD

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