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Game Jam Progress - Post here! Sticky

A topic by Matthewpalaje created Jun 01, 2017 Views: 12,938 Replies: 451
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Alright, here's my first report! Sorry for rambling and the moment of silence at the beginning. 


And I just realized I forgot to mention I got a pause menu and main menu working. No options menu or save game, but those are bonuses if I can get the rest of the game working. 


You could make the mirrors less choppy by using cameras

This tutorial tell how to do it, but it is in spanish, just follow it and you would see...


Oh, that's very cool. Thank you!

progress. the map now has full mouse over aware positions. So the correct position shows where you are pointing (the red map cell). Also the mirrored selection is shown as a cyan outline

models have been tweaked. there is now

- a rock (can't pass)

- grass (miss one turn)

- fence (blocks 2 exits

- tree (blocks one exit)

And another dev shot - this time of the font editor.

A font is a single bitmap divided into 16x16. but you can work on larger than one 'character' at a time. there is support for transparency and animation plus simple movement and rotation.

Sweet damn thank god that detailing is done... and there's still much too much to go... I'm not sure I can finish my game at the rate I'm going lol.


that looks great. But I imagine it takes a lot of time to make something like that. I do something different. I make only rough models right now and add the details later when I have finished everything. That way if I don't have enough time at the end some models don't have details but it doesn't matter as much.

Yeah that'll probably be my goal moving forward lol. Thanks!


Update 8:

-Interactive music - a 3 layer track randomly fades out 1 random track every 20 seconds allowing for a random (yet cohesive) track that is never the exact same!

(1 edit)

Some of the mechanics are actually implemented now such as the mirror and a simple projectile.

Starting over in the last 2 days of a Jam is always a good idea. (That was sarcasm)


I'll be posting this video in another post outside this thread as well, but, as suggested to me by coquigames above: My request for help!


Not sure what is happening, but I think the i counter in the for loop might be altered halfway (reduced?) resulting in the for loop not ending as it should. You might want to print out i to debug? Also its not clear how the program flow for the mirror effect via the break statement is working. Perhaps you want to post some of the code used?


Thanks! I posted in another thread with a link to my GitHub with the code, and adroitconceptions was able to help me solve the problem. (The logic of the loop was completely messed up.) There was a lot of extra stuff in there - manipulating the positioncount and so on - that was absolutely unnecessary. 


Update #2

Here is a video of my progress in the jam so far, right now it's very short but i aim to make at least 10 levels in total for the game.  I wish all of you guys luck making your awesome games!


Wow! Very cool mechanic!



Submitted character concept kinda ended up looking like the character from Journey...

Well...back to the drawing board.


Here's a short update video with my week 3 progress:

I've got more level design work done, but I'll keep it until the release. Hope I'll be able to wrap up this weekend :D


Here's update #3 - implemented my first blender model - a ray gun. Spent way too much time figuring out how to make the charge-up animation work and the cooldown serves as a balancing against constant zooming/tractor beam abuse. Also showing off the object pickup system and zooming out into third person view. 

The physics is still a little kooky but its a lot of fun figuring out how things interact for the puzzles (and what breaks the game).

So much to do, so little time!


Hi everyone,

Hoping someone can help me or at least give me some ideas on this issue I recently found - I'm using a standard physics handle to grab and drop a cube in my game. Everything works fine as long as I open my level directly in the editor. However, if I load my level from my main menu using Open Level, the cube doesn't move :(.

This is basically stopping me on my tracks - I would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to look at the vid and see if you've seen this before.



Can you try something like this in your game level?

(from https://answers.unrealengine.c...)


Mircea you are a life saver!! Setting simulate physics after the level loads fixed the issue for me :). Thanks a lot for the help!


Maybe update the physics handle location regardless of whether carrying object? Seems to be an issue related to level loading though so maybe its the default values? Maybe you want to reset the variables to zero in construction mode?


I am getting closer to the feel I want.. Just need to finish some level layout and do final lighting and I should have something ready.


Another report, with good progress! At least, for me. Including my first ever full Blender model!


Here is the result of my first few hours of work. (I'm afraid I'll only really have this weekend to work on it but wanted to see what I could do anyway.)

You play as a vampire who has no reflection but is able to switch at will between reality and the reflected world. Through stealth platforming and puzzle solving using the dual-world mechanic you must satisfy your blood lust. Some objects, like yourself, have no reflection whilst other exist only in the reflected world. At this stage I've put together this basic mechanic along with some initial pixel art work.


Starting to come together now. Along with a potential victim for the vampire, too busy admiring her own reflection to do anything about the peril she's in (or perhaps that's just a bad excuse for having not written any AI code yet...), the controls have been improved and crates can now be either pushed around or picked up and moved.

Some of the puzzle aspects now come into play. If you want to balance 3 crates on top of each other but 2 of them only exist in either the real world or the reflected world then you have to make sure the crate that exists in both worlds is in the center as the other 2 would simply pass through each other.

Other puzzles may involve jumping from a surface that only exists in one world, switching worlds in mid air, and then landing on a surface that only exists in the other world.

Looking forward to doing some more tomorrow!


I'm running out of time for this game jam but I've got enough features in place now that I've started constructing a playable level. New features include a cool effect when changing between worlds, sound effects, tweaked controls and collisions, highlighting objects that only exist in one world by rendering them with a special shader in the other world, and a light-based stealth system with lights that can also exist in both worlds or just one.

Wow, its already looking so good! Have you considered having the AI just run in the direction opposite of the player (no jumping or anything) ?


Thanks! My current plan is actually along the lines of the player being quite fragile - the AI will be equipped with crucifixes, holy water, stakes, etc. and if you get close to them with them aware of your presence they'll charge at and attack you (one-hit kill), forcing you to rely on stealth. At the very end of the video you can see I dropped down in the reflected world because there was no light on that side, allowing me to get right up to the target before switching back to feed / win the level.

That's a lot more intersting :P


This is the current state of my game.

The two prototypes have been merged, and 3 levels are done.

Still have to work on some changes for music, props, and bugs !

Oh my gawd! I love it!


Thanks ! Glad to hear someone likes it =)


Very cool!

Submitted (2 edits)

Final devlog. Looking forward to helpful feedback.  Two endings.

Sorry about all the 'hmmms'.  


Well, the time I have for this game jam has more or less drawn to a close. It certainly isn't finished but I'm pretty happy with how this project has turned out, especially considering how quickly it has come together and how out of practice I am, so I could see myself continuing work on this when I get a chance. I've finished the design for the level, added a final layer of polish, a basic set of tutorial messages that appear at appropriate moments, and the ability to "interact" with your victim. Not every feature I'd wanted but a fully playable level none the less.

It's been a lot of fun working on such an interesting theme and keeping up with the excellent progress everyone has been making, so thank you to everyone! :)

(1 edit)

This is my new game! (I scrapped the old one because it was very boring)

This game, which I'm naming "Flip side", contains the 'flipping' mechanic which I am extremely proud of :D

The center-piece mechanic allows the player to 'flip' to the reverse side of designated platforms, the players view and gravity are reversed as well. Cubes can be picked up and placed on buttons to activate them, silver cubes can be 'flipped' alongside the player while gold cubes cannot. Buttons can activate moving platforms. And there are unstable platforms that fall (which I forgot to demo).

I spared your ears this time, there is no sound :P

Hopefully I can finish it in time. Please tell me what you think :)


Awesome! Cant wait to try it out!

Thanks! I'm trying to polish it up as fast as I can.


Interesting mechanic ! I hope you make it in time.


Another update! A playable tutorial level and sound effects (well, just one) and music!

This is getting tight for time...

Here's a different shot, one from the models being created. in this case the barn...

Still not got an end mode, but getting there...


This is how my game currently looks! I'm afraid that I maybe won't have time to finish it, but I really hope so! This is my first game jam ever so my time management skills are not that good XD.

(1 edit) (+1)

same here >.<

I wasted so much time and even scrapped a half complete project


Well, I think that I took on a challenge that was too big for me. I tried to learn SO many new things about making games while I was still in school and when I finally got to the summer break, there were only a few days left on the Game Jam. I think that I'll post the very small and incredibly buggy game that I managed to make but I had planned something mutch bigger.

(1 edit)

I really don't know where to post this but I guess this is an update to my project.

Its... cancelled... ... ... pretty sad I know.

I just can't manage my time with school and this game. I also felt a bit uninterested. I just don't feel like I'm making it. It feels like some sort of homework/chore and I don't want to continue making something I'm not happy with anymore. Well I do have another idea in mind which is super simplistic compared to the previous one but I only got 4 days left, its weekdays, and the maximum time I can use the computer daily is around 2-4 hours? (if I don't have homework and go home super early maybe 5).

So yeah, if you expected something from me, well it's not gonna get out anymore. I'm really sorry. Anyways, I learned A LOT of things from this game jam. I learned that time management is a very important skill to finish a successful game and that you have to posses an  extreme amount of patience, creativity and determination.

(1 edit)

Aww :( your game looked so cool. I understand it turning into a chore, I scrapped my old game because it was boring. And I also understand terrible time management and also (for me atleast) an unclear vision.

Does your game have a menu? You could release an unfinished version.

Your work was both creative and interesting, best of luck to your schooling!

It's super unfinished I tell you. Since the preview I haven't done much changes into it. I'm not sure if I'll upload an unfinished build of it since its just composed of one test level (ehem the exact same level you see on the preview) but if you/some of you would be interested maybe I'll try.

(1 edit)

Didnt see your reply until now (sorry) :C

What you could do is:

1. Post just one long level and that would cut off so much work.

2. (if gameplay is feeling like a boring walking simulator) you could make "keys" that when touched deletes itself and adds 1 to a keys counter; so when the spiders linecast hits a "door" the player can click and delete it which removes 1 from the key counter, that would make levels not a strait path and I highly recommend it. :D

Extremely sorry for the late reply :C


LeCluck straight into battle ChickenRoyale:

2 sheep remaining, 2 sheep already cooked!


LOL, yep...

Shawn makes it... 1 cluck left with 2 roast casualties

Oh my gawd! this is hilarious XD

Now working on initial AI for LeClucks... This is hard stuff now :/

and finally something thats moves...

Nice! You just inspired me to experiment making a turn based game prototype after the jam :D

Aliens invade the planet! With their superior laser weapons it should be easy to enslave humanity, is it? ... Not if they fight against mirrors!

Hi fellow game makers!
I'm working on a little game where you can reflect laser shots back to the attacker.
Some other participants had the same idea, but I didn't want to change it. I use the game jam as a reason to build a little game engine by myself to learn more about the inside mechanics. I use the LWJGL to get access to OpenGL from Java. Also, I started to learn Blender and made the terrain, the helicopter and the lighthouse with it.

Until now I added the following:

  • OBJ file loader
  • phong shading
  • specular maps
  • shadow mapping (soft shadows)
  • collision detection (including the laser reflection implementation)
  • 2D mouse coords to 3D ray

Unfortunately, I will not finish the game until the deadline, but I learned a lot!

I like the minimalist art-style! And you have the right mind-set, learning is the point of this game jam :D

yep. nice a clean looking :)


Had to take a while off the project, but hopefully I can get enough together to submit it in time.

Recently added random item spawning and objectives for the player.

Ai more or less working - not a simple task!

working on some more polish and other stuff to add some more fun to things...

Also trying to deal with title screens:

Hand drawn with imported 3d images.

Name for the game looks like it's gonna be "Miralon"

(1 edit)

The title screen is looking good, the pumpkins are looking kind of out of place though (probably the lack of outlines on them)

I can sort that ;)

Main screen now sorta finished

You can new see the pumpkins on the board. These are static enemies, so don't land on them!

I've always known pumpkins were evil!!!


Final push! Have 2 more nights to work on this as I have to submit it by tomorrow evening.

Good luck everyone!

Level 3 preview:


I really like this concept, it has so much possibilities !

Good luck for the last days


Thanks Poknh! I'm just glad I got to finish it lol. I really like your game concept as well - cant wait to try it out :)


Not doing a video this time, but level 2 completed (except for some final tweaks for presentation)! It's definitely more challenging... I made the solution but even I get turned around and have trouble solving it. Aggravated by the fact that there's no way for the player to see where the laser's going beyond how far they can run in five seconds. Not sure how to fix that without losing the lose condition. Not sure how to fix it, let alone if I have time.


Finally finished! Well, even tough i didnt have the time or energy to create the last level i'm quite happy with what i've done during this month. I hope you guys are going to like my game and i look forward to trying all of your amazing games!


Congrats on completing the game jam!  I really like the mirror mechanic in your game. Can't wait to try it out :) 




Just finished !

This is my first jam and i'm really glad i could make it. I learned a lot of things, especially on UE4 since i switched to it recently. Now is the time to relax and play all other games you made =)


Great job getting your game completed! I love your character haha. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Aaand with a less boring name, my submission is complete too:

I would appreciate your comments and feedback, this has been a terribly fun and educative experience and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

EDIT: If you find any game-breaking bugs or the packaging does not work for you, I'll try to fix anything up in the time remaining, so don't hesitate to speak up :D


Great job on getting your game completed :) Can't wait to try it out!!


2 days remaining. I have 4 levels. To Do list: make 5 additional levels.


You can do it!

(3 edits)

I haven't made any levels yet!!! :C

Also my menus look bland and ugly af :P

Only have half the sounds (and music).

And I havent made some meshes and some meshes are being shared :(

But I must tredge on to complete my first game! (besides Pong in Unity ;P)

I guess I'm getting a small taste of what "crunching" is like ;P

Glad some people have already finshed their games, and to those who haven't: whomever you are, I believe in you! You can finish this! We can do this together!

(1 edit)

Getting tight. no sound. menu design in progress:

Looks like there are going to be 6 maps to play with as well... Yay!


Finally got it done! You can check out the game here -

At the end, I had to cut down from my original plan of having 10 levels to just 4 :/. I also ended up making the levels easier as I got comments on the difficulty of level 2. All in all, it was a great experience and I cant wait to try out the other games.

Please check out my game and let me know what you think :).


Final few hours trying to get the bugs out. I'm not going to get it finished, but I will just have to submit what I have managed to get done.


I couldn't resist and found some more time today so I have another update.

I have added a main menu with level selection, level flow (so completing level 1 automatically loads level 2), sorted out scene management to handle asynchronously loading levels, added animated light sources, improved performance and visuals by actually carrying out rendering at the correct resolution for the pixel art rather than the native resolution of the monitor, and started work on a second level where water is used in place of the mirror as the reflected world you can jump in and out of.

I hope to flesh out the 2nd level a little more tomorrow, still in time for the end of the jam, but am very happy with the advances made today. It is feeling like a "real" game now.


I was hoping to add a fourth level, which would have built on the new obstacle introduced in level 3, but my arm's killing me from all the work I've done on level 2 and 3 in recent days, but hopefully, the three levels I have submitted are fun!


Made 3 levels, that was exhausting! If anyone wants to playtest this alpha build with no BGM and broken menu system you can check out

In the meantime I'll be spending the last day polishing this up, hopefully squeezing in a final level if I have the time.

...any advice on how to find two 5 second sounds in a 40 minute video without having to re-watch it whole? :-D

(write down the timestamps the first time you find them, yes, i know, too late for that now)

...apparently the answer is "use the force", in other words, pure luck. found it :-D


Finally I've finished, and I'm also finished. LOL

There are probably bugs and stray sheep. Sound has been included but not what I really wanted as the code just wasn't finished properly - No Libraries to help me, all custom written ;/

All and any suggestions welcome and I'll even tell you about the code if anyone want's to know...

Phew - I'm off for a lie down in a darkened room now....


...some people are finished.

...some people have 4 days left to do 60% of the project that's about 10%-20% of the size of others' projects in here anyway...

man, i hate bipolar disorder.

also, pretty good artstyle, looks like those whacky cartoony high-production-value flash games from around 2006-2012
(going by the menu screen at least, can't distract myself by playing stuff right now)


Great work Adam!! Can't wait to play it :)


I finished my entry Miflected some days ago. Miflected is a puzzle game about mirrors you can play in your browser. You can play 20 different levels or create your own in the level editor.


Great job!! :)


Finally finished! Play Reflector here I'll hopefully make a video about it tomorrow.  For now I'm going to go drop into bed as it's 2:30 AM haha. 

Great work to everyone who joined in the jam. I'm so happy that we have over 30 entries! Can't wait to play your games :) 


That looks pretty cool!


Finally,  I finished '2 Ballz'.  Hopefully you guy's like it.

Check out game -



i'm pretty much finished with my game but for some reason i can not submit it. It just tells me that it either has to be an .exe file or  a web build but i put everything i need into a .zip file.

Can someoen please help me out? (I'm pretty new to Itch)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)


So after i managed to reslove my problem with Itch i can proudly announce my game for the #mirrorgamejam


Please check it out and please give feedback! (That's the most important thing to me!)


Game Page:

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Finally, its done! Didn't manage to squeeze that final level in as there was so much to polish in terms of menus, audio and lighting. Now off to bed... Its windows for now, but I'll try building mac and linux versions tomorrow. 

EDIT: Having packaging issues with linux, think I added something - "packaging a code based project for the current platform is not supported".  With mac I am encountering issues as well (think its some missing RHI Rendercore dependency), so i guess there's probably not going to be a mac/linux build soon..

Can't wait to play all your entries! Here's mine: Rating  Game Page


Finally I did it, submitted but really unhappy that i had to cut a lot of stuff just to get it submitted in time. 

Hopefully i will be able to update it in time before the end of the jam. Blitz - Game Page


Ok, I'm done for now. I may well pick this up again later because I really like how its come together but, for the purposes of the jam, I'm finished. Didn't get through everything I would have liked to but I probably did get through a lot more than I expected for what was approximately 3-4 days work. I've had an absolute blast with this and I think learned some important things about how I work best which should aid me for future projects.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, even if it is short, and congratulations to everyone else who managed to get some really great looking entries together.

My game is taking so long to package! :C

I hope I can make it :/

(1 edit)

Why did ue4 not want to cooperate? :,C

...wait, what? wasn't the deadline until 28th?

oh well, another thing i missed/failed at because i was too stupid. I chose the name Merror well :-D

good luck and congratulations to everyone who succeeded. May the win be just a bonus to that :)


Here's a short gameplay video for my game! Be sure to check it out!

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