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5 Rights Make A RightView game page

2 Wrongs Don't Make A Left
Submitted by Quinten Heijn, VictorGladys, Jelmander — 1 hour, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to the Theme#9433.6503.650

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I want to like this, I really do. I like the cute character that totally isn't Lakitu on the cloud telling you when to reverse, and it' certainly got an interesting idea behind it (only turn in one direction), but OH MAN the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Trying to turn left and push an object into a specific space is one of the most infuriating things I've ever had the displeasure of doing in a video game. There's also the fact that it's easy to get lost in the coin level when you can't figure out where the last coin you need is, and the game doesn't tell you to go back to the center when you collect them all. You definitely should have put way-points to show you where the coins are, and an instruction for going back would have been nice. And on top of that, the car you drive is slooooooooow.

Developer (5 edits)

Hey man! First of all, thanks for the critique!

Yes, the pushing is a bit stupid. We figured that it would be fine for the last level to have a little bit more (artificial) difficulty, but maybe we went overboard.

I'll have to sligtly disagree with you on the coin level and the car speed:

1) the coin level consist of three loops, so just driving along each one once gets you all coins and returns you to the start by default. Granted, a "return to the starting point" would have been nice, but we did add letters around the start that spell out "collect all and return".

2) I think higher top speeds could have been more frustrating, because it is more difficult to correct small mistakes while driving fast. Maybe this is just a difference in preferences.

Kind regards,



This game is completely MAD!

I thought it was bugged, at first. And then I remembered what the theme was.
Geez, you got me good.  ^^
But it's not just a joke. It's also quite an interesting constraint to add on a driving game. And I really liked the kind of gameplay that emerged from this idea.

Developer (1 edit)

Sweet! I'm glad you sticked with it long enough that it started to make sense!

So fun fact: we have a special name for the blue car in the tutorial that can move without the constraint that the red car has to deal with. We called it the "broken car", as in overpowered broken ;)


Okay...this game is hilarious. I had a blast.


Yes! That's the highest praise we could get :D


The idea is fun, and it fits the jam very well.

It's also got a lot going for it. I think it's designed about as well as a jam game can get. The levels (that I managed to get to) were all good, and the challenged certainly ramped up.

I only got as far as the level where you have to push one of the cones to the end of the track with the turns; the one right after the coin collection level. I was just getting nowhere lol.

I had fun, and the execution was great. I'm not sure I would like to play this as a full-length game though lol. Maybe as a minigame within a larger game, perhaps a larger driving game.


Thank you for the kind review! I definitely get where you're coming from with the minigame thing: If it were to get too long it would definitely run the risk of overstaying its welcome.

The cone pushing level is actually the last one, so you haven't missed out on anything but the credits screen! Which is probably for the best, since any more increases in difficulty would just be mean spirited ;)


First racing game I see here. Liked the idea but the controls were kinda hard to get used to but still I think is decent.


Yeah, I thought that was so curious! We almost decided to do a 1D theme, which we thought nobody would do, and then it turns out our expectations were complete opposite to reality xD


i liked it, very catchy music, and the controls weren't overly harsh although it took some getting used to skidding around for lefts


Thanks for the kind review!


fun game! 

all the best for the rest of the jam
return the favor by Trying mine and leave your feedback:


Same to you! I left a comment for you :)


After i managed to switch "fluently" :D between forward and backward driving it was actually a fun racing game. Nice use of theme here! Well done :)


Haha yeah, learning that move proved to be essential for getting fast times :)

Thanks for playing!


Yeah it essential indeed. Sure! Thank you for making this game :)


At one point I was laughing at myself, because of the fact that something like this game could be enjoyable.  I won't spoil it for anyone but that last level was downright hateful!  You managed to keep me intrigued with the variety, so great job!


Well, despite what the last level might suggest, we love you! Thanks for the sweet comment. :)


funny game. Was hard for me to get the game started. I didn't immediately understood that I have to move the cone. 

The gameplay is fun, would be cool to have more sound effects.


Haha yeah my teammate, who designed that "tutorial" screen, had a bit of trouble with that as well at first. Thanks for playing!


Great game - really infuriating (in a fun way!) It seems like it might be even more fun to spectate, have you given any thought to making exportable replays or gifs?


Nice! That's exactly what we were going for! :)

Exportable replays are a great idea. We'd also like to add (local) multiplayer- spectating your opponents while playing would probably elicit that same kind of schadenfreude :)


Love it. I first thought it was going to be like mine, I made a racing game for this Jam too.


Thanks! I'll check it out now :)


Really nice controll in this game!! I Had a lot of fun!!!


Thanks! If you're happy I'm happy :)


52s in level 2. funny game!


Try to beat my highscore, it's on the game page :D


I know man. thats why I wrote my time. your highscore is pretty high :D

Developer (1 edit)

The key to level 2 is to stop turning a bit early. Aim to make two 85 degree turns and a slight correctional nudge inbetween.

Tip for levels beyond: driving backwards is also an option!


I like this concept. I think this would make a great puzzle game if developed further


Thank you! When we finished the game we had the most fun just laughing at each other fail to be efficient in navigating the courses, and realized that this feeling would be amplified if we saw each other ingame. So the first feature to be added would be (local) multiplayer. If we decide to focus more on the puzzle aspect, I wonder how multiplayer would affect that.