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TTRPG User/Creator Introductions Sticky

A topic by Zeshio created Mar 16, 2019 Views: 11,119 Replies: 164
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Hey y'all! I'm Q. Glad to be here. I design games, as well as homebrew content and hacks and all sorts of things of that ilk, whenever I get time between work and parenting. I'm glad to see this space exist, and I'm looking forward to getting to know some folks.


Hello folks,

I'm D. W. aka Dave (He/They). 

I've been making table top and video games for basically my whole life. I've been using to host my video games for years and am very glad that it now has a table top community. I have not released any of my TTRPGs on itch yet, but will be looking for playtesters in a few weeks for some of them. When it comes to TTRPGs I'm very interested in GM-lite and GM-less games that focus on cooperative storytelling as I grew up mostly exposed to very rules-lite play-by-post forum roleplays.


Hi all!

I'm galli/half/halfling, your local nerdy transman. I've been playing and GMing D&D 5e for a few years now and was recently inspired to create my own game. It's a big project but one that I find very fun. Recently found out about itch and the amazing range of diverse ttrpgs out there. Hoping to enter some game jams in the near future to get stuff out there while I continue working on my larger project.

Can't wait to create!

Hey all! I'm Jack (he/him).

I've been playing TTRPGs for about 15 years, since my friend's dad introduced us to D&D (and proceeded to murder our characters with a carrion crawler...). These days, I play mainly PbtA games, with the occasional story game. My most treasured RPG possession is a copy of Fall of Magic - what a beautiful game!

I'm currently working on a design for a story game about a group of travellers exploring a fantastic city, with the help of a Guide (which players take turns playing as). It draws mechanical inspiration from Fall of Magic, but I also want it to be a tool for world-building. I'm hoping that people could use it as a prologue to a city-based campaign for another game! I'll definitely be sharing more soon as I'd love to hear your thoughts. I already found Takuma Okada's Alone in the Ancient City, which I'm excited to play soon.

I fit my design work around my full-time job (I work with maps!) and a 10-month old kid - i.e. I don't have much time for design 🙃

I'm Glides (they/them until further notice)

Mainly a player over the last couple years, but want to begin getting into design. Some homebrew for some established systems first, then maybe taking a stab at a system of my own and hoping to god it's not too similar to something that already exists.

What I've played: D&D (3.5 and 5E), Pathfinder/Starfinder, FATE, Dread, All Out of Bubblegum, Everyone Is John, Honey Heist so far. Not a lot of crunchy systems, most of them in one shots, running my very first 5E game currently and taking part in two 5E games and a Starfinder right now. Enjoyment of those are beginning to wear thin because it's very much the "greetings, brave adventurers!" kinda vibe, and that's beginning to not do it for me anymore. Nice enough people, but too many fantasy tropes for my liking for very long.

Looking to expand the kind of systems, and I want to try out something in the PBTA mold to begin with. Still relatively new to all of this. Currently designing my own PBTA type game with a friend, but not sure if it'll ever be done. It's mainly a fun thing right now.

Not really sure how to get more involved, if anyone's got any advice for a newbie in the game design thingie I'd love to hear about it. 

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Hi everyone. 

I'm going to ignore the little voice in my head that keeps whispering "You don't belong here" and introduce myself. 

I'm a marketing manager at a big toy company. (Yes, you've heard of it. No, I'm not gonna name it.) I'm a fairly creative person, with a background in writing/editing/publishing, various music project under my belt, a passion for comics, and more recently, TTRPG. 

About three years ago, I started thinking about designing a role-playing game. I don't remember exactly why that idea came to me, but I think I was mostly interested in two things: world building and using semi-random systems to tell stories. I hadn't played any role playing game since high school, but I figured the best way to tackle such a project was to first study a really solid example. So on a whim, I ordered the three core rulebooks of D&D 5th edition. 

At first, I wasn't even sure I'd be playing. I mostly just wanted to study it and understand it, so that I could then start working on my own system. But once I went down that rabbit hole, it quickly turned into an obsession. Before I knew it, I was watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, joining Discord servers, trying to convince all my friends to play with me, looking for groups online, etc. 

For a while, it seemed like my idea of creating my own system was silly. D&D is such a solid and flexible system that I didn't see the need to create my own anymore. I started DMing a campaign (still going after 2 years) and was happy to just play within that sandbox for a while. 

But as I got more into the TTRPG community online (and especially on Twitter), I kept hearing about all kinds  of super-interesting little indie games with ultra-specific themes and settings. Games without combat. Games about grief. Games about small but meaningful interactions between people. Games designed to take you out of your comfort zone. Games meant to be relaxing and therapeutic. 

So now I'm back to thinking about what I have to contribute to all this.  I still play D&D and I still love it. But I want to do more.

I'm working on my first game. It's a single-player game about petting your cat. I don't know if it's going to be any good, but I'm excited about some of my ideas. I can't wait to share it with people and get some feedback. 

I'm sorry this is so long. 

TL;DR - I'm Yan. I'm designing my first game. I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm learning. Nice to meet you.

PS: If you want to follow me on Twitter: @queerdnd


I made this account with our company branding, but forum posts are coming from Stentor Danielson (they/them), aka @ChefStentor on twitter. I was introduced to ttrpgs about a decade ago by Cheyenne Grimes (the other half of Glittercats), and now we design cute, story-focused games. We live in Pittsburgh and foster kittens. Our biggest release so far is Laser Kittens, which isn't up on itch just yet.


Hello, I'm Theron (he/him)! I was active on TTRPG forums years and years ago and started to miss the sense of community there, and thought this looked like a welcoming and joyful place to be.


Hi folks,

I'm Dave (they/them), and I put out a bunch of half-baked games - currently on a more-than-weekly basis as I set myself a challenge for the year. I'd like to do some more longer-form stuff in the future though.

I also do a tabletop design podcast but don't feel too good about going on a marketing offensive as I introduce myself to a new forum!

I don't get to play very often, too busy running games most of the time - I do bunch of conventions, an Exalted 3e game, and a homebrew game Monster Hunter game.

I'll try keep up on this, but I'm pretty terrible at forums!

Can you give the link to your podcast please ?

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I'm Silent Ferrets. I'm genderqueer amab/nb disabled writer/former educator who makes ttrpgs.

I like to start from assumptions of gmless, solo play enabled, journaling and online play friendly and go from there when designing. 

My first favorite game was Over The Edge. My dream campaign is epic level Puppetland. I'm currently working on a podcast where I solo play all the games I oiwn but never got to and try to  make it a cohesive story. Once I get a first season I'll start telling people about it.

Oh wow, your Jonathan-based faves really take me back. :)


Hey I've got plenty of Greg based faves too. :D You're basically an honorary John or something. I'm actually running UA 3e for a twitch stream right now.

Hi Folks!!

My name is Steve Barber, a.k.a. Reverend Uncle Bastard (he/him). I have been playing, GMing, and hacking at TTRPGs since the early 1980s. I am a huge fan of the weird and narrative portion of the hobby, The Quiet Year is one of my favourite games of all time. My creative output over the years has been primarily musical (from experimental noise to bluegrass), but recently I have been attempting to hone some of my RPG hacks and inventions with an eye to releasing them. Looking forward to being part of this growing community.


Hey all. Quorganism here, perhaps more frequently known as Paddy (he/him) from Liberation Industries, an odd little crew here at the bottom of the world who record all sorts of games, though our luck with Twitch has been basically cursed. Been immersed in ttrpgs the last dozen years or so, mostly kicked off with Call of Cthulhu and Dark Heresy, though we suspect the seeds were planted much earlier by GWs Inquisitor and Necromunda. 

Got a couple games here, and a few more over at The Freedom Factory, with the current main project being Bastard Breed, a game about tense werewolf families based of Steve Hickey's Soth, and my own fragmented urban fantasy series, Angeldolls. Always down for collab if you feel like you need weird fiction, obsessive use of playing cards, or a gang of enthusiastic strangers to pressure test your game, complete with sound effects. 

If I had to pick a theme for my work, its generally about picking up the pieces after something breaks, whether that's your home, your reality, or your means to pay rent this month. 

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Hi everyone! I'm Adam. Pronouns are he/him. I started playing RPGs as a tween in the early aughts (D&D, Shadowrun, and some informal play-by-post), then took about 15 years off to pursue other interests before getting into writing them as a creative outlet a few months ago. I've written six short games so far (check them out at . I'm trying out different genres and consider myself a novice, but I'm especially interested in writing the kind of horror games that I'd like to play.

Find me on twitter at @adnroy. (Be forewarned: I write about outdoor sports and the environment for my job, so along with the game design tweets, there are a lot of rants about hiking/the national parks/global warming and mass extinction).


Hi everyone! James here, been roleplaying since I was in grade 3, and making homebrews since shortly after that. :)

In uni I loved playing D&D (2nd and 3rd), all the WoD games, Rifts, GURPS, and pretty much any other game I could afford. Since then I've settled on 5E, mostly because I've been developing a game for 5E, and want rules mastery. :D

The comraderie and friendship are by far the most important draw for me, but it is stacked on a shared interest in fantasty/scifi, and wonderful humour and violence, hahaha. 

Molecular biologist and teacher, as well as recent game developer. To be honest, though I've always loved science and biology in particular, one of the reasons I got my M.Sc. in molecular biology was to gain insights that would help me make my biopunk game. Is that sad, or awesome, or both? :)

Twitter: @genefunk2090, Discord: #9338

Would love to chat about any project, genre, or anything else creative, philosophical, or scientific!


Hi everyone! My name is Giles (he/him), also found as Caradoc in various places around the web.

My first intro to roleplaying was laying on the floor in my room as a young teen and having my mind blown reading the play example at the beginning of the MERP rules. I played MERP and WEG Star Wars for years, and many other systems. I moved away from RPGs and into board games, then back again to miniatures games and RPGs (and board games of course).

I've worked with Spartan Games, Modiphius and Cubicle 7 as a freelance writer, but have been mucking about with my own systems since I first got into role playing. I have only recently decided to start trying to release a few things.

I love RPGs for the fun and friendship they encourage, and the shared stories they create.

If anyone is interested you can find my website here.

My game releases here (only one so far, but many plans underway)...

I'm @caradocp on Twitter and caradoc#3164 on Discord.




It's taken me a bit, but Hi Everyone! I'm Zak, or Molepocalypse/Mole (Xie/Xer) in and around everywhere.

I've been in and around TTRPG spaces for a fair few years now, and plan to release some stuff hopefully in the coming year. And get to know and play tons of games from everyone here.

Twitter: @molepocalypse. Discord: Molepocalypse#8070

Hope to see you all around!



Hey! I’m Jase Robinson, Founder of Freecaster Fables & Forge - and of no relation to one of the most powerful Wizards of the Multiverse. It’s just a coincidence. With a team of writers and artists pumping out massive efforts, Freecaster Fables & Forge creates adventures, supplements and guides for the fifth edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game. I personally have some skills in writing and designing, and you’ll see some of my work there with the rest of the Fellowship’s. We have everyone from fantasy writers, to modern and scifi, to historical military, so soon enough there will be something for everyone.

My goal is to build a community comprised of every gear of the publishing production line, from concept creators and ideas-people, to artists, to sales and marketing. We're starting small and there's not much publicity yet, but we're all hopeful and working hard. 

Most of my projects are available as a pre-release to subscribers of my Patreon, which you can check out here.

We are also on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter if you'd like to follow us on any of those platforms, or at our official website.

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Hello! I'm sort of double-posting, because I just did a shorter intro over in the general games, but I wanted to say hi to my fellow TTRPG people, too.

I'm Misha Handman (he/him), usually known online as FrivYeti. I've been writing for RPGs for maybe ten years now, although I only have a handful of publications under my belt. I've also been wandering around various RPG sites, where you may have seen me putting together campaigns for Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine or creating my own rules to run Sentinels of the Multiverse campaigns, and then writing too much fanfiction about the campaigns that I run (or, back in the way, writing just way too much Exalted fanfic!)

These days, I have a small Patreon over at, and  I've been adding an increasing number of cool TTRG folks on Twitter to balance out the angry politics parts of my feed. I saw that various people were doing things over here, and decided to wander over and check it out, and here I am! 

Big fan of the Forged in the Dark, Powered by the Apocalypse, and Belonging beyond Belonging communities, so I'm pretty excited to be here. I'm planning to take part in a lot of game jams going forward, so hopefully you'll get used to seeing me around. ;) 

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hi all! i'm quinn (she/her), nonbinary nightmare ttrpg player/gm/creator. i've been hanging around the ttrpg scene here for a hot minute but i'm glad to finally start releasing my work. i love roleplay/narrative-heavy games and especially enjoy playing solo-ttrpgs, which i sometimes stream over on twitch. i first started in on dnd 5e homebrew and am glad to be wading further and further into the indie pool! you can find me over on twitter @quinnntastic_ <3


I had somehow missed this thread!

Hi! As you can guess from my nick I'm into narrative games, almost always GM-less, and I'm also an amateur game designer. I started with it as a challenge to see if I would manage to design a game... then I got hooked and participate in jams from time to time.

I'm currently writing a game for NO DICE jam about conspiracy thrillers. It feels a bit out of my comfort zone, because it's a genre I don't know very well, and the game feels quite different from the other stuff I have written.

If you're into narrative, GM-less games covering topics not common in RPGs, do check my games :-)


Hi. My name is Greg Stolze and I've written a lot of game material over the last twenty years. Probably best known for WoD/DELTA GREEN/UNKNOWN ARMIES stuff. On Twitter as @gregstolze, got a web page at and an actual play podcast up at . I am blessed by historical accident with a good name for SEO. 

Currently readying for the launch of TERMINATION SHOCK and tinkering with a two player romance and/or thriller game called MILLION DOLLAR SOULMATE.


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I'm Jon. I don't like autobiography, so written introductions are... not fun. But here we go anyway:

I was sucked into RPGs at the age of about five when my local library dumped off all its Fighting Fantasy gamebooks for cheap, but didn't start playing them with other people until my teens. The story goes Warhammer Fantasy Role Play > Call of Cthulhu > Vampire: the Both Of Them, with a simmering side order of Iron Kingdoms (d20 and proprietary) and a second course of indie and OSR titles (my fave is probably Backswords and Bucklers).

I'm doing a PhD on "interrogating death in role-playing games." It's on hold at the moment, because of life, but it's an exercise in media archaeology: a walk through the evolution of RPGs as a mode of play, using How Games Treat Death as a yardstick. The chapters are: death, difficulty and the adversarial model; death as transition between spaces and storylines; games interrogating game death. I've also presented on games and the Gothic tradition (a lot of Warhammer and Vampire in those talks, as well as World of Warcraft), and have a chapter on Vampire: the Masquerade in the Palgrave Handbook of the Gothic that might actually be out next year.

I've been trying to make my own games, on and off, for years. The proprietary fantasy one failed because my co-author cared about explaining how dragons could fly and I didn't; the OSR one failed because I realised I didn't actually want to play D&D; but then I started mucking around making shorter story-prompt games and those seem pretty good so far. My first game with the San Jenaro Co-Op and my first solo game are both out VERY SOON and when I came onto itch to set up the publisher account I remembered the forum was a thing. So. Er. Better late than never, sorry I only came in when I had something to sell. I doubt it's quite the done thing, but I really don't like introducing myself. I mean, look at all that. Three paragraphs? Who do I think I am?


Hello Peoples!!!

I'm just starting out with a soon to be released first game.  Can't wait I'm so excited.  I will be posting on here on release.  Basically its an 2D RPG with a new storyline type concept.  Hopefully it succeeds, and hopefully get others like you involved as well.


My name is Chad. (He, him) I haven't made any games but I read them and I think about them. I collect books and PDFs and I meet authors and illustrators and talk to them. I don't have many opportunities to play so I'm mostly interested in Solo and gm-less games. I draw and my art has appeared in a couple other rpgs. Planet Psychon by Chris Tamm and an upcoming supplement for Four Against Darkness. I'm on MeWe and Facebook (Chad Robb) and my email is


Hello! Not sure if this board is dead, but I'll introduce myself all the same. I am a player and DM for D&D. I got started actually playing about 2 years ago. Over the past few months, I wrote a single-player gamebook-style  5e game in Twine, using the OGL. Twine is a utility for writing choose your own adventure interactive fiction games. I wanted somewhere to easily publish my game, and that's when I discovered I'm surprised to find people selling tabletop content here, but even more surprised that no one else has published a solo gamebook that uses an interactive fiction approach.


Hi, I'm Judd. I blog about gaming at Githyanki Diaspora and podcast with Daydreaming about Dragons. I just started making pdf's for Trophy Gold, practicing layout.


Hi everyone! I'm Umbra, (he/him) maker and player of games for the better part of the last two decades. My preferences these days are for games that let me front-load my prep by setting up a compelling scenario, and let goal-oriented PCs loose in a world that bends and fits to their needs and wants. Currently playing SWN and Mindjammer, and sporadically running a Dishonored game when technology allows. 

Outside of gaming, my big passion is in math. Trying my best not to let it overlap too much, lest my designs start getting too complicated. :P

Hey, I'm JustAFatYeti, I've been playing TTRPG's for about 5 years now.
I got introduced with D&D5E but have played pathfinder, witcher, shadowrun and a bunch of other smaller titles.
I've recently released on itch my own homebrew "mod" for D&D5E, that introduces new systems, mechanics, classes and more. It's called Astraria and you can check it out below
I've recently discovered a whole load of awesome TTRPG's on itch that I'm desperate to try out with friends once lockdowns ended. Yokai Hunter's Society, Lancer, and Ex Novo.
I'm happy to discuss anything TTRPG and hopefully even play some with you folk.

Hi folks!

My name is Stéphane "Alias" Gallay, I live in Geneva, Switzerland (mother-tongue French).

I'm playing TTRPG since 1982, designing my own games since slightly more recently. I've already written and published a sci-fi RPG Tigres Volants (first version in 1990, most recent in 2006 with 2D Sans Faces, currently developing a new one), I also co-wrote the RPG adaptation of French comic book Freaks' Squeele (tongue-in-cheek superhero university), plus some minor stuff left and right.

I'm just tipping my toes in with the development of the new version of Tigres Volants, now called Erdorin:2300. It's in there:

Yes, it's in French*; sorry.

(* For values of "French" that include weird Swiss colloquialisms and horrible puns.)


Hi all 👋

I'm Tanya (they/them). I've been gaming for 30yrs, making my own games and helping out with games clubs for most of that time. These days I'm based out of Edinburgh in Scotland. I'm @TimeOfTribes on twitter, though I'll be glad to see this or any other forum take over from that hellsite.

I've recently been involved in helping coordinate Edinburgh Indie Gamers, a games club exclusively focussed on small press and indie games with a strong focus on inclusivity. We have just wrapped on doing some fundraising via Kickstarter by producing a zine for #ZineQuest3. If anyone here is local then give me a shout and I can get you added to the club discord server.

Design-wise my games are informed by anarchist communist politics and queer liberation. I also tend to make games without any randomisers, either guided freeform or token economy stuff. I only add dice when I want things to feel capricious or unfair. The pandemic has led me towards releasing some of the games I've put together over the years, and so once a few other projects are wrapped up I'll be putting my own games up here.


Nice to meet you, Tanya! This is still a very quiet space, but we're going to slowly try to make it a bit more active (if we can do that without tempers flaring too much). So please feel welcome to stretch out, makes some posts, and invite other chill peoples. 


Hello, I'm DeReel. I tinker games and see a well kept but small place here. I'd like to settle in for a few months and see how it works.


Hi, DeReel, welcome aboard! It's quiet here, but we're around. Please feel free to post if you have questions or interesting discussion ideas, and reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.



Im Corms and Im relatively new to the creation of tabletop games as I recently just posted my first one! At this point, Im looking to learn more about tabletop games, explore different concepts/mechanics/ideas, and meet some cool people! Making (and continuing to work on) my first game was such a blast that I figure I should explore it a bit more! 


Hey everybody, I've been sitting on the sidelines watching all the exciting stuff happening with and elsewhere in the world of TTRPGs these past several years, and have recently started to dip my toes back into the RPG community.

I mostly work at the intersection of tabletop gaming and my love for early modern / Renaissance-era history.

My two primary projects right now are both designed for that era: a miniatures skirmish game and a rules-light narrative RPG with OSR sensibilities. I'm calling that one Long XVIth, tenatively.

You can find more at my blog,


Hi All,

My name’s Simon Burley. I write Table-Top Role-Playing Games.

The first game I published was Golden Heroes - the UK’s first Superhero TTRPG - was back in……


Since then I’ve self published a range of games. 

I’m also known for going to to more conventions than anyone else in the world. I got up to visiting 26 cons in the UK in 2019 - one per fortnight -  before the pandemic nailed me to the ground. How did I find so many? Well I also went to non-gaming cons to demonstrate TTRPGs to try and spread the word about this wonderful hobby.

I’ve come on Itch to explore this new outlet for my ideas. I don’t know yet how involved I might get in the community here.


Welcome Simon, great to have you! It's awesome to see someone who's been deep in the ttrpg process!


DEEP is the key word. I consider myself as being at the bottom of the the pool. I typed up my first game on a manual typewriter and paid for someone to type it on an electric typewriter! Games Workshop published that first game.

Apart from that, everything I’ve produced has been bashed out on a battered old laptop in my bedroom. I don’t use advanced publishing software or 3rd party editors/layout specialists etc. However, I think my books look OK.

And the GAMES themselves are good. 

I just spend more money going to conventions to “promote” them than comes in in profit.


Welcome, nice to see you here!


Hello! :) I'm Michał Przygodzki, in the internet called as Mansfeld.

I blog about TTRPG since 2011, almost only in Polish, as Twierdza Powszechna (current WordPress, earlier at Blogspot). Currently preparing for some English debut, but it's only a sidenote. I'm writing about RPG Theory and how particular games work. Plus some occasional session reports, but I'm making them rarer and rarer...

Also, I'm a TTRPG designer, because of release of October Rust. I used to make some smaller works before, but only in Polish and I never actually ended them.  One of them had potential as "story hack to Mensch ärgere Dich nicht", the other was an ironic 1-page diceroller towards Cyberpunk hype. 

I did some TTRPG content before (as you may guess, in Polish), including some collection of monsters for Dungeon World, cooperation with Polish site Poltergeist. Overall, I'm trying to be active since 2010, just in 2021 I decided to go seriously & into English territory...

I have some plans for October Rust follow up (like two supplements), and maybe I will design another TTRPG in 12+d8 months.


Hi Michał, welcome. It's a pretty quiet forum, but it doesn't always have to be! Even when we're just lurking about, we're still here.

At least there's so many TTRPG submissions in! :) Here, in Poland, the indie rpg scene looks like "only two autorhs & their buddies do a lot of work + some accidents once in k4 years". 

Hi, I'm João Paulo Francisconi (He/Him), or Nume (@numefinorio on Twitter) for internet friends. I have been writting on and off for TTRPG since 2008. Mostly in portuguese.

This is my game, Cosa Nostra! 

I also write on my personal blog RPGista (@blogrpgista on Twitter) in 

And those are my books for Tormenta, a fantasy tabletop RPG from Brazil 

Those are two of my articles in english, "A history of the Brazilian RPG Scene" and "History of Brazilian RPG Magazines", that I think will be of interest. They're a little out of date (the originals are from 2014, and the first article got a update in 2019) and are by no means a very credible source (I even wrote that Dungeon Crawl Classics was a brazilian game because I didn't knew the original or the translation, just that it had been launched), just what I could remember. The RPG Magazines article needs some update as well, nowadays we have several digital magazines that have been made possible by Patreon-like initiaves, but since I don't have money to buy into those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hello everyone!  I'm David and new to this community but I'm so happy to be a part of it now!  I'm not a creator yet, but I've got some ideas that I feel the need to put towards creating in the future.  I hope in the future my thoughts and ideas can be enjoyed by others.  Anyways...

Born in 83', I am no stranger to the arcade scene that was going on at the time and also no stranger TTRPGS!  My first experience with role playing was in high school.  I went to a local used book store in New Orleans and purchased a soft cover copy of Tunnels & Trolls 5th edition (If I reall correctly).  I'll tell you what, that was a fantastic introduction to the world of TTRPGs.  The system was fast, brutal, sometimes slapstick comical, used only d6s, easy to get up and running, could be played solo (which I still do to this day) and most as hell!  Before I started purchasing Solo and GM adventures from the publisher Flying Buffalo Games proper, I wanted to see how far I could push my amazing 4 dollar purchase and what I could create with it.  This is when I learned about one of the most wonderful aspects concerning Role Playing games.  There's no limit to reach nor a boundry to push through... 

 Any RPG core book to me is symbolic of a paradox.  Each one that I own now calls out to me and says, "Hello player/GM, here is my set of rules for this system I've created, they're provided simply to provide structure so a game doesn't turn into a shouting match, but to be honest with you, I want you to modify these rules and structures to your liking!  Work the game and system forwards and backwards and see what happens.  In other words, player/GM, as long as you don't upset the game balance and understand the sturcture of my rules and their purpose, that's when "my rules" cease to exist any longer.  When the rules cease to exist...your only left with a world to explore.  A world formed by your beautiful and complex imagination.  The possibilites are endless....Have fun!"

Since my introduction to this scene, I've played and GMed some one shot games for quite a few systems.  After high school, I started working at a local Books-A-Million and shortly there after my knowledge of "what's out there" became a lot larger. 

My favorite systems to date are Tunnels and Trolls, Call of Cthulu, Of Dreams and Magic, Battlestations, Mothership, GURPS, Don't Turn Your Back, Bean: the d2 RPG, The FATE Core System, FUDGE and The Fantasy Trip.  There's plenty of other work for other systems in my current library of TTRPGs and modern board games, but those listed above are my go to systems.  

What draws me into this world is a complex question that I'll try to end with a great, but simple quote from an author I still read to this day...

“To travel is to live” – Hans Christian Anderson

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Hello, I'm Mars!

I'm a college student, artist & general bug fan.

I have been playing games for around 4-5 years now! Currently a GM & Player. I've spent most of my recent time working on my own TTRPG projects these past two years.

My current project is Paratype, a game I made to combine my interest of bugs & post-apocalypse games

Twitter: @Megasoma_Mars


Hello, my name is Iris. I'm a writer and artist when the fancy strikes me

I've been writing homebrew for nearly fifteen years, but I've only just put out my first project to be seen by anyone other than my immediate friends. It's called Seeking Sunlight, and it's a dungeon crawler about building and protecting a town in a world that is just one huge dungeon stretching out in all directions.

Seeking Sunlight by Iris the Nazgul (


Dang, I love worlds that are just one huge dungeon stretching out in all directions!


Hey, all 

I started posting games to Itchio about a year ago, but I'm just getting around to an introduction.  I go by Xosh (him/them), but folks might know me better as M. Belanger. I'm US based & a crusty old GenX goth.  

When I'm not writing or running games, I'm making books like the Dictionary of Demons or working with Osbourne Media on one of their paranormal shows.  I've done contract work for WotC, run Mind's Eye Theater LARPs in the World of Darkness at Origins & GenCon (back in the 90s when all of that was shiny and new), and written for Onyx Path, among others. 

Like a lot of you, I started gaming when I was quite young. A program at school introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons when I was nine & I've been hooked on RPGs ever since.

I favor horror and Gothic genres - like my latest offering here on Itchio, Lonely House, which is a hybrid novella and journaling game. In the past year, I've been really getting into writing one and two-page mini-games like my post-zombie apocalypse piece REMAINS.  There's a lot of freedom in creating indie games, especially ones that exist only as downloadable PDFs (for example, I can't think of a single company I've written for over the years that would have allowed me to create something so irrepressibly queer as Midnight's Kiss). Indie games can be short and sweet and quirky and exist simply for the sake of existing. I love it.

Anyway, I have to talk too much about myself for my day job, so I'll leave it at that. I like this space and am happy to have a place to share my work.


I'm Andrew (He/Him). I've worked on and subsequently abandoned a couple different systems before managing to complete my first one. I enjoy magic system development and speculative evolution. I'll respond most readily here on Itch.


Good day everyone!

My name's Bee.  This is my first post here.  I grew up with TTRPGs as my family were nerds from the 70s/80s.  I don't know what system I first started on but I've dipped around many.  AD&D to 5E, Call of Cthulhu, FFG Star Wars, Ryuutama, Shadowrun, GURPS, Savage Worlds, 7th Sea, and many more.  I've played for decades now and I still love the hobby just as much as when I began.

I've been working on a system since around 2015, so almost 10 years.  Initially it was kind of a side-project as I played other campaigns, but I began to fully immerse myself in the creative process around 2019 and it's taken off considerably since then.  I'm currently playtesting it with my local crew, but I thought I'd start trying to find a way to get feedback on a larger scale.  I thought might be a good place to do so!  So I'm looking for advice on how I can better it, even if only one other person ever plays it.  I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

Hey everyone, just found this thread and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Ross, and I am a TTRPG developer. In 2022, I released Lofi Bards To Study And Relax To, and I'm currently working on my new game 'Warped: A Manic Multiversal TTRPG'! The core premise of ‘Warped’ is that you don’t just play a single character. Each Player plays as a team of alternate universe variants of their own character, each with their own powers and abilities. Throughout your missions, you will switch between these Multiversal Forms, using their abilities to fight off your opponents, surpass your obstacles and achieve your goals. Nothing is off the table, meaning your adventuring party can contain everything from a Werewolf to a Cyberpunk and a man Made of Ice Cream. It’s wacky and bizarre, but that’s reflective of the chaotic Multiverse itself!

If you want to check out my work, you can download the 'Warped' demo for free!


Hello! My name is Anton, I'm from Russia. I am not a professional artist, but I have a great desire to become one. I am a fast learner and, with the appropriate support, I can master any complex graphics programs. I've been doing a completely different job for most of my life. Now I want to fulfill my dream and start doing what I love. I really love creating New Worlds, creating unique characters, costumes, objects, and environments - from illustrations to short stories. I really like the themes of fantasy, science fiction and the post-apocalyptic world. I really want to find a job in the gaming or animation field.

I am looking for financial support in order to create!I have several projects that can be implemented as comics, as books, as cartoons or even games!

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