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A member registered Apr 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hobo Simulator community · Created a new topic Seriously?

Try harder.

Cool! The hardest part is having the material ready.

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Lyric games as playful personal experience sharing. The false objectivity of instructions is a perfect backdrop for the subjectivity of the experience.

Or, simply: I like it, it’s funny and emotional too! like the drawing

Good. Your game lends itself to all sorts of hacks.


There are other win conditions. ;)

A good read. Would make a good illustrated album too.

Your game rocks! I love how the Return stat is not the bird’s, nor the handler’s, but about the relation.

A good place to be. Best wishes. Your game rocks.

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I’ve clarified some points discussing with comrades here and there. Btw, your game is brilliant and I wish it will attract a lot of deserved attention. How do you feel about people hacking it? Are you thinking of pushing it some advertisement wise? Maybe throw a jam?

I hold this game dear. To me, it goes hand in hand with reading on a bench and pausing to look around birds and passers by and letting ideas infuse or sit.

Para mi, el detalle que funciono fue lo de la jara. Y me dije que era estadisticamente bastante probable que otra persona a causa de su historia tenga dificuldad para manejar la impresion causada por este detalle. Y asi, avisas y la gente se prepara. Ademas a la mayoria de la gente el CW le va a aumentar el deseo XD. En resumen : !muchas gracias por tu modo de reaccionar!

Muy bueno! El mecanismo funciona y sobre todo el material es muy evocador. Tanto que un CW: body horror me parece bienvenido.

Randomlessness is my jam. Can anyone point me to a placce where I could learn about this rondel heating / venting mechanism please?

Hi! I’m curious: what does the 1234 mini-game do? I’d say there’s a small section break for “If a double 3 (…)” because it comes from the 1234 game, not from the AND BUT part, even if tokens.

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Well, it’s close enough to what people call a game : the rules without the boardd and pawns. Would the game work if you asked players to draw their own map? Then it’s a game, and the map only eases getting the game going. If not, the map is part of the game.

The game is clear and it works fine.

Cool! I call this “enchanting mundania”. You could write “stellar body” on the sun on the map for clarity.

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Hi, thanks for the feedback. A bit of history about the dice engine: Trollbabe > Lasers & Feelings > The Source. I was probably influenced by The Source (by Narrative Dynamics) but The Connection Machine does something similar. The part I’m most happy is the ordered list of stakes that in fact express :tada: values.

I had no idea this organisation existed. Maybe I’ll sue them for stealing my pun and they’ll be sentenced to more lengthy multi-level marketing parties. ;p

Ddang, I didn’t get to play in May!

I’ve got blue tits and red robins in my mind. Their behaviour and scope is relatable: their territory, our house, their hedge, our window, symetrical glances connecting. Blackbirds too, but they’re brawly and don’t care for us. They sing beautifully and when they’re well fed, the males beaks are a vibrant orange.

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So my first move is 3. Which makes the bullet points in the “What’s a lyric game” rules turn into a mantra of sorts. Because obviously they’re all reformulations of my true and only definition.

Hi, for me a lyric game is a game that by definition expresses a personal experience and feeling of the author. It’s also a game “linked” (more or less tightly) to an avant-garde design movement and so it “probably” touches the boundary of what a game is, in various possible ways like: reading is already playing, it’s not obvious how you play it, etc. So it’s an object that is first experiencial and also experimental.

Cute story, tear jerking at times. Sometimes, too much lines to my taste. Still, worth going all the way.

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The approach, summarized in Sagan’s quote, reminds me of this excellent, if bitter, short documentary: Ilha Das Flores, by Jorge Furtado (CW: deep despair regarding humanity)

Hi, Wax Poetic “When I am old, I am tall” Shouldn’t it be “When I am young, I am tall”?

“This game is currently unavailable”: I think I found the nightmare mode.

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Did I miss a way to do that, already in use? Maybe a 3rd party tool?

Thank you for taking the time btw.

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It doesn’t compare: With an itch project

  • add to a collection in 2 clicks
  • thumb image and onmouseover description
  • share and access old jams and collections

With an url

  • save and organize through browser and don’t share
  • or copy-paste an url into what? A collection project?
  • just wait for them to show up in your feed by chance

There are excellent collections of assets and parts, underused.

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Hi, Some Collections and Jams (jams, when done, are very much like collections) need to be linked to be referenced. This can be done by url.

But what if… What if you did a project page for your Collections or Jams ?

Well they could be referenced like any other project on itch and very easily. Sure, it’s limited to itch, and it shows it’s not the intended use. But it’s a handy handle for the community to grab, pass and access the material you curated. Like this : Trust Collection

Hi, I like the story so far (volcano tribe). Thanks for the enormous amount of work.

Here’s feedback for when you have time and energy to read it: Fights are great fun. Minor preference: the numbers measuring progress feel flat. It reminds me of some Play by Post rules. You can’t feel wealthy counting cents #analogy. I feel a lot of my choices don’t have much impact (= I prefer games with less content but with more impact). I feel some choices have totally good / bad options. I find it acceptable when it means following the code of wulin, not so much when it’s a random encounter. Still, I went that far because the plot is very good and some choices matter. One suggestion: some choices about the world could be made about the world just as much as about the main character. It works, it doesn’t break anything, and it lets go with people’s fantasy. Of course, which ones and how needs to be thought through.

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Sweet fun. I keep wanting more on-mouse-over, like, on the collector’s list. And the feeling of pushing the little door to get the toy ball. Maybe a framed insert shot? I was also surprised I couldn’t carry changer over. It’s just my exprience: you don’t need to change the game!

Hi, due to foreign keyboard, I can’t play.


Casual, suave, vaguely erotic: I’m loving it!

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I also recommend Lumpley’s articles on PbtA:

Many influential pieces are translated into french on PTGPTB, like this one on Play to lift.

Le rêve du papillon est un jeu en une page qui propose de jouer alternativement un personnage éveillé et rêvant, et les motifs récurrents dans ses rêves. Le propos est simple et clair, l’expérience attrayante, comme un condensé de jeu symbolique. Seul bémol pour moi qui recherche un jeu symbolique en tension : comme dans La clef des nuages, l’expérience proposée est entièrement gratuite (comme le jeu lui-même 😉 ) donc n’offre de tension que celle de l’échange, en plusieurs passes, de bulles de savons légères à souffler.

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If it’s a mixed group, the fun will be in learning from each other’s perspectives. I wouldn’t worry about that. We’ll be playing in this configuration before May and I’ll give feedback if we don’t have a blast. ;)

The question holds if the whole group is fluent in the same SL. But even then, it seems far fetched to say every one shares the exact same idiom, and apprehends language the same way. The fun then would still be in witnessing and learning from this diversity. In my experience outside of this game, the contrary would be a sad shade of weird.

The overarching question is where is the line between fun workshop and enlightening game. If you’re already reading this page, chances are you will benefit more from playing the game than worrying about how it will go XD

Partie de Sainte & Chevalier avec Ulysse ce soir. Malgré une procédure pas toujours claire (oui, on parle de toi, le paragraphe Confrontation en bas à gauche de la feuille de règle) belle ambiance et thématique. Je retrouve qq chose de Lovecraftesque dans ce dévoilement progressif d’un mystère émergent.