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Hey all! I'm Jack (he/him).

I've been playing TTRPGs for about 15 years, since my friend's dad introduced us to D&D (and proceeded to murder our characters with a carrion crawler...). These days, I play mainly PbtA games, with the occasional story game. My most treasured RPG possession is a copy of Fall of Magic - what a beautiful game!

I'm currently working on a design for a story game about a group of travellers exploring a fantastic city, with the help of a Guide (which players take turns playing as). It draws mechanical inspiration from Fall of Magic, but I also want it to be a tool for world-building. I'm hoping that people could use it as a prologue to a city-based campaign for another game! I'll definitely be sharing more soon as I'd love to hear your thoughts. I already found Takuma Okada's Alone in the Ancient City, which I'm excited to play soon.

I fit my design work around my full-time job (I work with maps!) and a 10-month old kid - i.e. I don't have much time for design 🙃