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Y.A.W - You Are Weaponized (LOWREZJAM2020)View game page

Old school shooter made in ~78 hours for LOWREZJAM 2020.
Submitted by Apapappa (@ApapappaGames) — 3 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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Y.A.W - You Are Weaponized (LOWREZJAM2020)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Authenticity (Use of resolution restriction)#1814.1794.179

Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Did you work in a team?
This was a solo effort and it turned out better than expected.

Was the resolution a challenge?
The resolution wasn't really a problem, my main project is low resolution so I've got some experience already.

What did you learn?
What I learned was that I remember how to do more things from the top of my head than I thought.
I didn't really go into this wanting to do something new, I just wanted to make a Doom / Quake style FPS and thought why not do it for a jam.

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It's a little tough to see enemies and finer details at a distance, and some of the pixel-perfectness is lost in a 3D view, but I'm really stretching for criticisms. Honestly I think this game is among a very select few that make 3D feel so natural and viable at this tiny scale.


Yeah things can be a bit hard to see at times, that's why I added the zoom feature to try and combat that a bit but it's still an issue.

There's also not much you can do about it unless you go full solid colors because of the resolution, well, it certainly can be better than what I ended up with but you probably get what I mean.

Anyway, thanks for playing. :)


Hey this is really fun, great job!


Hey, thanks, glad you like it. :)


I couldn't get it to run on Ubuntu 20.04. The install script fails to find any of the dependencies. Perhaps try building it for 64 bit systems?


I don't know, it's running on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 64 bit here, just tested it.

I also ran the install script and it didn't complain about not finding anything as far as I could see.

Did you go to the properties of the "YAW" file and tick the "allow executing file as program" box?

That is required for some reason or else it won't run but other than that I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

Building it for 64 bit is not possible either so I can't do that unfortunately.

The only other suggestion I can give is to try the windows version with wine or something.


This entry is just damn impressive. Bravo.

(P.S: Melee is not pointless, it shreds the last 2 mechs pretty easily ^^)


Thanks, glad you like it. :)

Well, I guess melee has it's uses then. ^^


I gotta be honest, I didn't play through the entire thing, just the first few levels, but even judging only based on them, this is one of the best games I've played in this jam. Graphically, it looks nice and pretty professional. Controls feel great, gameplay and general user experience is intuitive. The only negative thing I can come up with from the top of my head is that the wall textures blend to the enemies and each other at a distance, so it can be hard to make out corridors and such. Some kind of fog could have fixed that, or maybe just lowering the FOV a tad. Nevertheless, this is a great game that I enjoyed playing, even if it was for just like 20 minutes.


Hey, thanks for playing. :)

Yes I agree that things blend together a bit and can become confusing at times.

There should have been fog though, unless you were playing on the native linux build where I turned off all shaders because they didn't work properly, so not sure what happened there.

As for the FOV, I just went with the standard old school ~90 FOV, I did add the Zoom feature (rightclick) though to try and help with seeing things far away.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. ^^


Even a bit messy brown walls in first levels can't break this overwhelming feeling of WEAPONS. Truly beautiful game


Thanks, glad you like it. :)

And yeah, it has some issues here and there and can get a bit confusing with the low resolution, but overall it turned out better than expected.


I have nothing to regret. Item´s bonuses and weapon´s damage were well in balance. Music and sounds fits well. I got nostalgic vibes. This reminds me of Doom, Serious Sam and Hexen. -oneak


Yep, I went for an old school Doom / Quake vibe, Quake is in there mostly because of the jumping + platforming.

Anyway, thanks for playing! :)


Really impressive skills at this resolution! Love it :)


Thanks, glad you like it. ^^


I've never done a super restrictive resolution game before -- but have done plenty of "retro" pixel art stuff. I've seen a handful of games that take the "low rez 3D" angle and frankly, it's super cool.

I'm not terribly great at this game, so I didn't beat it. I managed to find a pentagram that led to a fight that completely destroyed me.

I'll be playing this game more in an attempt to finish it. I really had fun with it. The secrets were satisfying to find, for sure. Melee felt a little awkward, but the gunplay felt surprisingly good for the limitation. Very well done.


Thanks for playing. ^^

Balancing could definitely have been better, and I tried to balance it out a bit but the later levels definitely has moments that are too hard.

Melee ended up kind of pointless to be honest but it was the first thing I added so it got a bit neglected.

Thanks for the feedback. :)


Had to post again. 5/5 across the board. So much amazing game in so little space. Reminds me a lot of the DOOM, BLOOD, and Hexen days of FPS. Nice work! 


Hey, thanks, glad you like it. :)

It definitely turned out better than expected and it's very likely I'll be taking something like this on as a side project, so there may or may not be more where this came from. ;)


Great job! Definitely takes me back to the old Doom days. You used the resolution well and the gameplay was as fun as I was hoping. As others have mentioned, I frequently hit "R" to reload and ended up resetting the level when I wasn't intending.


Thanks for playing! :)

Yeah I should have put the restart button somewhere else further away from the movement keys but this is how it ended up so it is what it is for now. ^^


This was really fun to play. The game feels very polished and the movement feels good. It was also fun to search for the secrets in the levels. Sometimes it was hard to know where I was going, but overall it was very enjoyable!


Thanks for playing, glad you like it. ^^

It can get confusing at times because of the resolution but these were the rules so yeah... :)


Incredible you built so much in so little space and time. Brings the old Wolfenstein and DOOM days back to mind!


Hey, thanks. ^^

Yeah I was going for an old school Doom / Quake (jumping / platforming) style and it turned out better than expected. :)


!!!! Holy cow! 



I will do my feedback first, than compliments 

I think some textures are a bit too much, like the stone tiles, sometimes to me is a little hard to see =(
Second, the R key, I think u could put Esc or other key to restart the level, my old fps habits made me reset the level A ALOT of times xD ,

Now the good part, dude that didn't feel like a jam game at all! It is so smooth to play/control and the level design is in fact super dope XD

Good Job !! :D


Thanks for playing! ^^

Yeah it can get a bit confusing at times because of the resolution, this would probably not be a problem if the resolution was higher but yeah, I get it.

And yes, the restart key should have been on another button further away from the movement keys but this is how it ended up.

Anyway, I'm glad you like it. :)


Great game! I found a bunch of secrets(5) and I loved the feeling of the whole game! The sound design was excellent. The only thing was the R - to restart. I keep forgetting you don't have to reload and I lost a lot of progress. Other than that great game!


Hey, thanks for playing, glad you like it. ;)

Yeah, the restart key should probably have been on another key further away from the movement keys but it is what it is for now.


Overall feeling is great - game's smooth and fun and full of details

Love it - congratulations :-)


Thanks, glad you like it. ^^


This is a great game! It's action packed and has a ton of content, especially for the time given! One of my favorites!


Hey, thanks. It definitely turned out better than expected so glad you like it. :)


this is awesome!


Thanks, glad you like it. :)


Yes!  This is amazing.  All the FPS genre has to offer in a 64x64 square :)


Oh, I must have missed the notification for this comment, thanks again. ^^

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