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Roberto Romao

A member registered Sep 02, 2014 · View creator page →

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:) I managed to open and run the file! Ty Foozle <3
Some shaders are working in a weird way but since I can run it now I can figure it out by myself!

Keep up the good work bro :D

(1 edit)

Hi, I'm having the same problems as mention below the error "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project." with all the latest addons. Any chance the file is not compactible with the latest C3 version?

You mean the game screen? it is 64x64 :o! Or do you mean the frame on the game page?

If the game do well I may actually implement controller support :) , I just didn't do it duo to a lack of time.

I'm glad you like it! :D 

Yeah, I did a HUGE miscalculation with the timer :(, thanks for your feedback!

:`( the lack of time screw me over, I didn't had the time to find proper sound FX's, Also I agree with u and other comment who mention the mouse as a bad idea! Thank you for your feedback and I'm glad u enjoyed the art :D

Definitely I agree with you and others who mention the Wave Timer, I did a big miscalculation on how long would a player take to clean then :/. Thanks for your feedback :D

Yeah... using the mouse was a bad idea, but duo to planning my schedule badly I had to rush with some implementations haha
Thank for your feedback! :) 

And yes, the background is happening in real time! The screen shakes that happen from time to time are in fact when the turrets fail to destroy an enemy when it hits the ground. I was going to animated even more but it was already too distracting haha, but I'm glad you like it!

I'm glad u enjoy it haha :), I was more focus on making it work before thinking about difficulty. 

I will check for bugs on the Waves, thanks for letting me know :) ! 

Thanks for understand haha :) I wish I had managed my time better for this one but at least I was able to make some musics for the game! Thanks for playing :D

My initial idea was making more enemy types, so "exploiting" would be necessary in the final waves, but I didn't had the time :( .

All in all thanks for playing my game :D

All the waves are timed so maybe that's that haha, but I will look it up for any bugs :)
Thanks for playing!

For some bizarre reason the menu wasn't working, ty for letting me know! :D I hope now you can play properly!

Can you take a picture and post it here as an answer? I need to see the bug so I can fix it :) 

Sure! How can I reach you?

:) I'm so glad you like it!
I'm doing my best to launch the next Chat Fonce this year, so stay tuned!

Did you build close to a road? I will double check the game this week for bugs, so thank you for letting me know :)

Wow o.0 that was really neat! The only complain I have, more a suggestion really, is that I would make a HUD for the Life Bar, it took me a while to figure it out where it was. Other than that I love it :D, first 5/5 entry I saw on the Jam so far! 

Bonus: I got a bug where when fighting the "Butcher" the character won't block after I attack.

When you are putting the buildings in game, it was confuse to me to understand what each one was and what they did besides move.

It was kind hard to control and I would include some command to dodge/cover (like in Blackthorne)
Other than that I like the graphics and the level design :D Good Job!

I took me a while to figure out the controllers but other than that it's a good idea!
The only thing is, and I don't know if it's intentional, I build a wall and the goblins were just there staring at it! you small detail is, I would change the goblins shade of green, sometimes it was hard to see than. Overall Good Job! :D

It was a little hard to understand the UI, so I had a hard time playing it, but the SFX it's neat and I loved the overall idea! Good Job :D

Putz hahaha  no jogo so tem as mecanicas por enquanto mas obrigado por me avisar D: 

Like the idea :) and was a good use of the jam limitations! I would maybe put more colours but it's more a sugestion than a critique. Overall Good JOB :D 

Smooth graphics and cool gameplay :)

The sound was as little loud here, but idk if it was just with me, but other than that good job! :D

This game is good D: I don't have any critiques! Good job :D

:(   like Ismael mention, I suck at games like this lol

But let me say it, you boys did a amazing work! The Graphics are amazing and the game didn't feel lowrez at all! The Gameplay is also very very good and the animations + graphics did work well with the controllers too. If I have anything to critique is the death cutscene, I think is a little too long.

Congratz to you boys! :D 5/5!

I knew you wouldn't disappoint :) 

Since you took this project so serious I will give my feedback:

1. I really like the darkness mechanic, it just took me a while to understand it.
2. The Icons and the general UI is doing the job and the game is very easy to control, no critiques here!
3. Maybe and indication on how long until the next day/turn would be great. On the second version of my city builder I used an Hourglass.
4. I left the game open for a while on late game to farm light and when I came back almost all map was covered by darkness again with no way to farm light properly :P so I was stuck without a Game Over or any indication of Defeat.

Critiques aside, I really like and I think this game is really special :) Congratulations!

Looks good :D 

I can't give my ideas since I don't use the engine, but how does it feels to you? Better with a mouse or keyboard?
Maybe more experimentation could bring an answer here :) 

As a early 00's internet user, on my firs try this game reminded me of those jump scare games D:
Jokes aside, what a gorgeous game! I loved the graphic! The only critique I have is the use of the mouse and not the arrows, but maybe is just me! Kudos to you my friend, very good job :D

The only issue I had during the gameplay was the collision on the first level! Also the font is a little hard to ready, I think a lot of the game is lost because of that. Other than that very good job :D !!! 

Like life, it takes time. :) 

Good graphics and overall use of the jam limitations!
One question! You can't enable using the mouse on PICO? I never used so this is a genuine question.
Other than that very good job! :D

Lovely colour pallet and graphics :D! You really made a good use of the Jam limitations! Good job :)

Very good graphics! I love the pallet and the when they change :)
Also, I think they way you used the screen works! Maybe we can see more games made on the GB studio on future LowRezJams :D. Overall very good job!

I like the ambience of this game. The way the Filters  + Graphics + Music are put together makes the mood on this game very unique! My only critique here is that the character moves very slowly and the enemy doesn't have an HP bar. That second part is a real problem since it kills part of the strategy of the combat side. Other than that Good job :D 

I got stuck on the mouse on my first try, :p don't know if it was a bug or just me.  On my second try things went smooth!

Some insights I would like to share:

1. Graphics are a little too much, maybe a little more contrast would help to make it feel less convoluted.
2. Maybe some visual indication on screen for the action key, it took me a while to figure that out.
3. Also, the lack of text on the main menu also was a problem for me.

I hope this could help you up! Other than that, Good Job for ur folks!!! :D

Nice use of the small screen! I like everything from the visuals to the animated logo to the BG. I believe the minimalism very well here and can't think in anything I would recommend to change.
:) very good job!!!!

Cool gameplay :) and I loved the graphics!