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A jam submission


An experimental essay played with bones and read with eyeballs
Submitted by modern_mail — 16 hours, 49 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 59 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
I have no control over whether the player follows the rules or not. Progression through this essay depends on a roll of the dice, and it explores different things which are out of our control -- the circumstances of our birth, superhuman entities, and the interpretation of our art by its audience, to name a few.

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We used pre-existing audio

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Very interesting.

Right now? Vallis Alps - Young

I don't think I've gained any grander thought. We have a similar mindset. But I thoroughly enjoyed your vulnerability. And I mean that in the most sincere way. I think you know what I mean. ^^


Thank you! Publishing anything -- game, book, film, comic, comment, what-have-you -- is an act of vulnerability as I see it. I may have just worn mine a little more obviously!

I appreciate you taking time with this game. It means a lot!


What a unique experience, really amazing work. Was super impressed by this.


Thank you kindly!


My favourite Game of the Jam, seriously when i realizead what kind of game was my mind blew off!!


Seriously you seem talented and i would like to see you grow if you ever need something, just write to me really i would be pleased to help!!!!


Thank you so much! I'm glad I could blow your mind off, I hope you managed to get it fastened back on. Hit me up if you ever want to put some words and art together!


I am really glad that this game exists and that I got to play it.


My dude if you're having ideas that are this profound, idk what you're doing putting them in a game jam game. You should be, like, writing a philosophy book or something. I'll definitely have to come back and play all the way through and read all the pages, cause I was thoroughly invested in what I was reading. 

Btw my favorite line was "It is expensive and challenging to grow and distribute healthful cobs."


You flatter me! Thank you for the kind words. I'm going to be uploading a less broken, fewer-typos edition once the jam is over.

Having tried to grow cobs myself once upon a time, I can tell you its hard work, but rewarding


I was gonna wait until I finished to post a comment, but the game told me to do it now. Unique as heck, would be cool to see it played my Mark Brown.


My favourite song has to be 39' by Queen.


Excellent choice! I "borrowed" that song for the first 3D adventure game I ever made, an underrated gem for sure.

I'm glad you enjoyed my game, thanks for playing!


Largely due to needing to sleep - having played this game for about 2 hours - I did take the prompt to break the magic circle and read through all the prompts. I wish I had held out for that "one page first" and had won legitimately. Honestly, at first it felt a little pretentious, but honestly it was deeply personal. Thanks for making it, I really did enjoy the experience.


The thing that came to mind when I saw "favourite song" was the Coconut Song. I wouldn't say it is my favourite song though, it's just a dumb joke song I think of every time I am asked for a song that I know. I also did not listen to it because I wanted to get on with the game and felt that it wasn't fitting the atmosphere.

I enjoyed this. Was fun.


Really like the idea of how the developers have absolutely 0 control over how the player can play the game, very unique take on the theme!


Wow. This might be the most unique game I’ve played during the jam, and that's saying something! I especially liked the part (mild spoilers ahead for readers who haven't played) where you read aloud the title until it becomes musical, it definitely became kind of a bop by the end, at least for me! All in all a quirky, awesome game, and definitely worth a play. Potential players: don't be intimidated by the .pdf format!


Well this was different XD. Probably the most unique "experience" of the jam. Nice work. I loved how you basically trolled instructions and tutorials in games. This was really fresh and interesting. If you could actually translate this into a text-based adventure game or something similiar it would be really cool. Still, 5/5 for originality for sure :)


Favorite Song: Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

This is a really cool take on the Game Jam idea! I had fun playing, but eventually gave up after getting in a loop between the first 6 pages and page 14. I chose not to read page 25. I'll read it if I ever "beat" the game.


Excellent choice of song!

I didn't get much of a chance to balance the progression, but I'll revisit it once I can reupload the game. I won't spoil the end for you, in that case. Cheers!


I loved this, it was really interesting and weird and involved. I love the twist on the theme just being 'why are you following these instructions'. It was wonderful, I kept saying that no where in the rules did it state games had to be video games, they just couldn't require printing and I'm so glad someone did that. I played with physical dice and it was fantastic. Even the text on the 'blank' pages was great and it became a fun game to try and read all of them (excpet when I got told off and set back for it). 

Great conpect, really loved this. One of my favourite pieces so far

The only thing I would say is that instead of saying "go to page X" you might want to change it to "go to chapter X" as the page numbers don't like up.


Thank you! I'll keep that in mind when I'm revising after the fact

While I've been talking to someone it seems that there is a soft lock if you have to go back to 'page 0' because you put all your bones in the dead pile, but you only breathe into one if it's your first time on the page. This may be intentional but we both ended up just doing it anyway because we wanted to keep playing


The single most interesting game in this jam, easily


oh you! cheers!


My favorite song is Sorairo Days by Shoko Nakagawa ;) (ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER)

That was an interesting game! I didn't make it to page 25 legitmately since it was taking too long and I was trapped in an ever repating cycle so I eventually gave up and just hopped there.

The text to me is nice flavor and gives a certain atmosphere to the game. All in all it was a nice little trip!


To be honest it's a bit late where I live and I don't have the courage to read that. I won't rate your game right now but if I remember about it this week I might ^^

Good luck with your unique take on game jamming !


Thank you! I hope you have a swell time when you dive in


loved this game. I unfortunately wasn't able to find any physical bones, but I will look for some tomorrow and play again with the additional tactile aspect. I had so much fun reading what you wrote (and also, I appreciate you making me go get a drink of water. I was getting thirsty, but my water bottle was empty and I was having too much fun playing your game to go fill it). 

Also, thank you for allowing me to relive the memories tied to my favorite song. :)


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I am staunchly pro-hydration. Water is the ur-beverage. Drink it every day.


This is pretty cool, I liked your writing style, makes me wish there was some calm sounding narrator to read it all, or at least the parts the player isn't supposed to read aloud. 

I spent a lot more time than I expected to on this before eventually cheating and fudging the numbers a little bit to get to page 25. 

Only thing I would potentially change is that maybe it could be more clear that the roll # is the page you go to? I know the instructions tell you to do exactly that but the only time some people roll dice are when playing board games where you move X number of spaces from the current position.


Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it

I hadn't considered that ambiguity in the navigation mechanic, but that's good to know that I could have made it a bit more clear. I do like the idea of incorporating a more board-game-style movement into the dice-rolling the next time I make something like this.


Very interesting. Almost a zero-player game, but in some ways requires a human player even more than a lot of other games.

Also you didn't create all the audio during the game jam, liar. My play through included the song "9th At Pine", and that was released in 1996. ;)


I have updated the page accordingly (unfortunately, I didn't write "Visions" by Stevie Wonder; fortunately, I didn't write "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (The Angry American)" by Toby Keith)!

Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed your bonus points!


Very original take on the theme! I'd never thought I'd download a PDF as part of a game jam. Way to think outside the box here!


Thanks! I've been trawling through the submissions hoping other folks got the idea to take the very nature of the "controller" away from the players -- with a few thousand to look through, I'm sure there are others!

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