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Bad Piggy

A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Just played the latest update

Pretty solid all around, and that new boss was cool as well

That said, I feel like the sprite layer of the projectiles from the 3rd boss should be above that the of the boss. I ended up taking quite a lot of damage because I couldn't really see why I was taking damage.

I also think that the colour of the projectiles could be a little different from the environment. Mostly because they kinda blended into the environment sometimes

This also applied to the final boss quite a lot. Everything was red to the point that the boss, it's attacks, the player and the player's attacks all just kinda blended together at times.

I also think the game is maybe a little too forgiving now ? Maybe the player could take slightly more damage with every hit, just to ensure that they can't just tank themselves through the game. Admittedly I kinda did that in some places

Also, just a small suggestion, but maybe a successful stab for health could increase your combo meter depending on the amount of blood you absorbed

All things considered, the update is pretty great overall. Solid work on this.

Hey, thanks for playing and the feedback :)

I wouldn't judge anyone for dying in this game lol. Especially since I was kinda pushing people to play a certain way

I'm surprised I haven't seen you or too many others try the depleting health bar mechanic tbh. Would definitely love to see how you implement it

Thanks once again for playing :). Always great to hear from you

Thanks for playing and good score :)

Cool score and thanks for playing :)

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I had collected quite a few roasted chickens, but it in the end I couldn't find the grinding pit so my score was 0 lol

Some sort of indicator for where the grinding pit was would've worked imo

Cool little game. This was the highest score I could get after trying a few times

I think the game has two main problems
- It was kinda hard to aim precisely, or tell if bullets would actually hit anything or not.

- As a result I mostly just used the jump since it was more easier to tell if that would hit anyone.

Still, the art was cool and the game still felt fun to play. Cool entry overall

Cool little game. Roasting chickens was hilarious

While I think the 3D effect is very cool,  I think the chickens were a little too unreadable sometimes since they basically blended into the walls. It was also a little annoying that they were really only visible when viewed up close.

Still, I love how you really stuck to making a game with the exact resolution and feel of a nokia. While I feel the game's readability could've improved if you upscaled the game, what's here is still pretty cool. Solid job on this

Thanks for playing and  great score :)

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I was on a keyboard

Also, what was this game made with ? Just curious

Yo, this was a pretty cool game.

Right off the bat, the presentation is amazing. Great choice of colours which kept everything pleasant visually while also being readable ( Although I'll come back to this point a little later )

I also loved how your bullets ( or wrenches ig lol ) can only travel so far so you really need to get up close and personal with enemies to get them.

All that said, while I do think the main mechanic is pretty interesting, I think it could've been implemented a little better. Moving didn't seem to actually regain my power meter and if it did, it wasn't really noticable.

However, if this was the aim and the game is meant to be more of a losing battle, then I'd say it definitely works in that regard. If not then I think the best way to balance this would be by having your health re-fill a bit by killing enemies.

One thing I'm not really a fan of though are how some bullets can't be seen in the dark. I know the ghosts and some bullets are lit up and those can be seen, but getting hit by a bullet because I just couldn't see it coming at me feels a little too unfair. I think it would've been better to have all the bullets be lit up, but some of the enemies could've been kept invisible in the dark.

I say this because that way you'd be able to see the bullets and ensure that the game remains mostly fair, but a player would also know where the enemies are even if they're not visible in the dark because of the bullet spawns

At the end of the day though, I think you still made a pretty solid game overall. Great going on this

(1 edit)

Just asking, but did you play the tutorial ? You need to melee the green sawblades

Extremely solid game here. I may have some issues with it, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you guys made something really great here

First off, the music and sound effects are excellent. Nothing else I can really say there. The visuals as well were also amazing, but that kinda goes without saying. The animations are all great and the bosses telegraph their attacks really well. I do love the effect that you guys created to make the spiral tower as well.

However, I do have a bit of an issue with this effect, and I'd say that this kinda applied a lot with the first boss. I got knocked back by quite a decent distance when he hit me. Now that by itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it caused quite a lot of disorientation because of the spiral effect. Maybe the amount you get knocked back could be reduced slightly ?

On that note, I'd say that every boss was pretty distinct and fun to fight. Part of me does wish that all of the bosses had maybe  1 or 2 more attacks that they cycled through, mostly because they all became somewhat monotonous at some point, but honestly that's more of a nitpick than anything else. Although I do think that the attack that the squid did when it spawned those bullets from those portals suffered in terms of visual clarity since it was a little hard to gauge the distance between the player and them ( probably just a skill issue though )

Honestly, I can nitpick all I want, but y'all have made something very polished, very lean, well paced and fun. I'd be surprised if you didn't win something

Cool little game. The quality of the presentation overall is off the charts. While I have some issues, it can't be said enough how much detail has actually been packed into this game.

First of all as I said before, the detail in the art is great. It's really impressive how many individual moving parts you managed to get on the ship in the first phase. That said, I also think it was almost too much detail at times, mostly because it hampered readability quite a lot. Since everything about the ship was that detailed, not much of it stood out enough at times, so I wasn't sure at first what was actually damageable and what wasn't.

Add the abundance of effects as well, and the enemy bullets which didn't really stand out enough from the background ( imo ) and it almost felt a little too chaotic at times. The red AOE attacks were definitely very noticeable though. I could hardly see the guy who'd spawn at the center of the ship and shoot rockets at me sometimes ( Probably just a skill issue though ). The second phase didn't really suffer from these problems though.

I think the boss's rockets could've been a little slower though, just to be slightly more forgiving.

All that said, I still think the fights are pretty solid. I think the main spin mechanic is also pretty cool, albeit somewhat loose with how it utilises the theme. 

For something this short, it has a TON of quality packed into it which is both polished and fun. Great job on this

(1 edit)

Extremely solid and well made game all around. Not much I can say

Presentation's amazing. Although I feel like the projectiles in the mermaid boss could've stood out from the environment more. They blended a little too much imo

The concept is amazing and I love how you managed to make every boss feel varied.

I like the idea of your super bar filling faster depending on your distance from the boss. Personally, I never really made use of it, but I can definitely see speedrunners or score chasers using it though. A pretty cool way to choose your own difficulty so to speak.

I have only one real issue, and that is that I couldn't really get an accurate feel on how big my hitbox was. Sometimes it felt like bullets just passed right through me, and other times it felt like I got hit even though I shouldn't have. ( Probably just a skill issue )

Apart from that though, I genuinely don't have much to say or criticise on this one. It's lean, mean, well paced and the difficulty is near perfect.

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Pretty cool take on the theme lol. Very fnf-esque.

It goes without saying that the presentation is absolutely amazing. Both audio and visuals are great. I'm usually not that into hip-hop, but the music in this game is definitely a bop. The art and the character designs are damn stylish as well.

The main mechanics definitely took some getting used to though. Tbh, I feel like the window for the regular swipe could've been widened a little. It feels a little too unforgiving right now. Swiping and holding seemed fine for the most part. I also think there should've been a little more of a delay before the very first action since it seemed next to impossible to actually hit it sometimes.

At first I thought the bosses in this game all felt the same, but then i realised that they're all effectively the same boss, so nothing really wrong there. Definitely pretty consistent at the very least

As a whole I'd say this was a damn sick game. Kudos to everyone involved

Very damn interesting game you made here. I have some issues, but it doesn't take away from the fact that this game does a lot very well. I also want to point out that I managed to beat every boss except for the snake, but I'll get to that later.

Right off the bat, the presentation is amazing. I love the boss's character designs and how you managed to incorporate them into the level design for every boss. I thought the dog chasing after it's own tail was honestly pretty damn hilarious, but also genius.

The cuphead inspirations are definitely pretty evident, but I think my favourite is how you showed through the environment that an attack was about to happen ( Like the flea on the dog's butt, or the snake venom on the snake's body in the background ).

That said, I'm not really a fan of the controls. They felt a little too imprecise since I'd sometimes make a circle perfectly whereas sometimes the bird slowed down and I wasn't really sure why. If I had to make a suggestion, what if holding Z makes you do a circle without needing to press the direction keys to spin the bird, just that it starts accelerating a little slowly. And then you release Z while holding the direction keys to make the bird charge in the direction that you're holding.

On one hand, I think the stamina system is an interesting idea to balance the player, but unfortunately I think it's implementation limits the player in a bad way. I realise you added it to ensure that a player needs to land at some point and can't just keep attacking. I also think it's pretty interesting how you vary up the levels and the platforms that are available as well. However, it results in situations where you're pretty much going to die instantly even at full health if you run out of stamina
( eg :  in the dog's second phase where you need to land on the frisbee.  If you run out of stamina at any point and the firsbee isn't around, you're pretty much screwed since you'll never be able to get back up to it. Same for the final phase of the snake where it's chasing after you. If this is more of a skill issue then I apologise lol, but I definitely feel like it's a little too unforgiving )

I think these issues could've been mitigated by a little balancing here and there. Maybe after landing a successful hit, you get back a good amount of stamina ( I think this is already there, but maybe the amount of stamina you get back could be  a little more ). The rate at which you get back stamina while on the ground could be also increased. I say these things because it felt like a lot of the bosses were a little too fast sometimes for how limited the player was.

On that note, while I think the attacks of all 4 bosses were pretty varied, I'm not really a fan of how some of them were handled. I think the attack where the dog was digging and launching dirt projectiles at you was a little too random. Same for the attack where the snake shot out those bones(?) at you. I'm also not a fan of some of the other attacks that the snake had in it's first phase like the tip of it's tale and it shooting  out that venom. Both of those attacks felt a little too fast for how comparitively slow the bird was.

Another issue I had with the snake was that I didn't really think at first that parrying the bones would do damage to it, mostly because parrying objects till then didn't seem to damage the boss, so I thought I had to hit the tip of it's tale that was holding up the bone shield. It took me a little bit to realise what had to be done here. That by itself is fine, but I think it could've been taught to the player before. Maybe parrying the leaves damaged the bird bosses.

That said, I thought the 2 bird bosses were almost perfect in general. Probably the best examples of what you were trying to do with this game. The snake came close but feels a little too unforgiving imo.

All in all, I think you've definitely made a damn good game. All it really needs is some balancing here and there. Wonderful work on this

Pretty damn solid game here. Just wanted to say that it crashed on me whenever I tried killing the dummy enemies in the tutorial though. Presentation wise, I'd say it was minimal but still pretty cool. Very readable at a glance and complemented the fast paced nature of the game.

The boss as a whole was designed pretty well. While some of it's attack patterns were definitely random, it still managed to be pretty fair. They definitely forced me to move around quite a lot and also time my shots.

My only complaint is that I think the implementation of the theme is a little loose. That said, I do like that charging your attack causes your bullets to spin around you, which you can also use to attack. I do feel more could've been done with this, but what is here is still pretty fun

All in all, this was a pretty polished and fun little game. Kudos to both of you

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Love a good food fight. Radish and asparagus boss fight when ?

Anyway, right off the bat, loved the look of the game. The visuals had a certain charm to them and so did the animations. The pixelation filter felt like the right amount too. The sound effects were also pretty cool.

Usually I'm a huge fan of fixed camera angles, but I think the camera was a detriment in this game. As soon as the boss got in front of the player, it become pretty damn hard to tell the distance between the boss and player. Especially when the arena spinning also moves the player quite a bit.

On that note, I do like how you can use the arena spinning to effectively dodge away from bosses. Originally I wondered why the player didn't have any sort of defensive ability, but then I realised that you can move faster by just moving along with the arena. Unfortunately it didn't really help in some cases since the bosses attack way too quickly imo.

Every attack by the bosses felt like they needed far more anticipation to them since they often attacked as soon as they telegraphed their attack, leaving almost time for me to react. I think the potato was the biggest culprit of this since you can kinda dodge the orange after you take out a few the slices. I think the player's attack has a decent amount of weight to it, but it's hitbox for the attack could've been slightly more larger.

I'm also not really a fan of how you can take damage by just coming into contact with the bosses. Especially in a game like this where it's hard to judge distance as I mentioned above. This was especially annoying in the potato fight where  it seemed like the boss was trying to dodge away and move elsewhere. That by itself is fine, but I'd end up getting hit randomly if it was going in the direction I was in. 

On that note, I think more could've been done with the orange's fight since it got kinda monotonous after a while. I do think it's interesting how the potato turns the white platforms of the arena though. Unfortunately I couldn't really get far into the blueberry fight so can't comment much on it

As a whole, I'd say this game's got some cool ideas in it with a lot of charm to boot. If this is your first game, then I can't wait to see what else you make

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I kinda ran into the problem of the bosses feeling a little too similar if you could mostly just melee them, so I felt the best way to vary things would be to have the player need to melee other things ( the sawblades, green bars etc. )

Though yeah, I guess I could've done more lol

I thought for a while if a player should be able to cancel shooting by trying to melee and vice versa, but I felt like that may end up being too exploitable so to speak lol.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback :)

Pretty cool lore and ideas here in this one. I managed to beat the creator, but when I stepped on the clock it took me back to the main menu. I guess he was the final boss, or is there a secret boss ? Either way, cool little game

Right off the bat, the presentation was great. The visuals and the overall look of the world really drew me in. That said, I also feel like some of the gears kinda made it hard to read the environment. Most notably the black ones used to indicate gears above you. I wasn't a fan of how they blocked the action sometimes

Speaking of visuals, I loved the character designs of the bosses themselves. That said, I'm not really a fan of how they ( and the player ) blended into the environments as easily as they did. This especially applies to the creator and his minions. I feel it would've been better for the characters to have different colours that actually stood out from the environment.

The different weapons the player had were cool, but I found only the projectile gear and the close range slash useful. I can definitely see someone who's more adept at the other two weapons probably find more uses for them, but I thought both the aoe slash and the long range slash were a little too slow since the bosses were pretty quick.

I think my biggest issue though was the lack of game feel. Both the boss's attacks and the player's attacks needed a little more weight to them. I could hardly tell sometimes if I actually did damage sometimes, or if the boss did damage to me.

Still what is here is pretty solid. Kudos to the entire team on this one

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First of all, why you gotta rick-roll me when I die ?

Anyway, this was a pretty good game. I played on the desktop version and it ran pretty well ( Even though it also cooked my potato ).  However, I had a bug where sometimes spinning the revolver didn't actually cause the combo counter to increase and I had to shoot atleast one bullet for it to actually work. If it's because there was only one bullet in the chamber or something like that then I take it back.

It goes without saying that the game looks amazing overall. Props to the art team. Especially love the main menu suite. The emails adding more personality to the main character and the world of the game was pretty cool. Also loved the environmental storytelling with corpses around the place in the second boss. That said, I kinda wish the levels for the 1st and 3rd boss also had little details like that. The level for the 3rd boss felt a little too barren  ( and not in a scary way )

On that note, I do feel like the look of the environments being the same kinda detracted from the horror of the game. I even thought the game bugged out at first when I started the 3rd boss since the level looked and felt almost exactly the same as the 2nd boss's level ( Just without the corpses ). Issues aside, these environments still managed to look great none the less. While I said before that the game actually got less scary as it went on, it didn't stop these environments from being pretty atmospheric none the less

Audio wise, I thought the sound effects were pretty well done, especially the sounds of the gun and the sounds of the footsteps of the boss. Those definitely caught me off-guard a few times. That said, I feel like the actual mixing could've been a little better since I could hardly hear the music sometimes even when it was maxxed out. When I could hear it though, I'd say it definitely went pretty hard. On that note since it had a similar vibe, I loved the blood soaked title cards for each boss. Definitely got me psyched to fight.

Now as for the character designs for the bosses, they're peak, nothing more to say there. Looking at the comments, I see I'm not the only one that got jumpscared by the snake lol. I loved the design for the meat. Felt like something straight out of manhunt. The aliens also looked pretty cool.

When it comes to the actual fights, I'm somewhat torn. I think the game is indeed tense and pretty damn frantic overall. Especially the fight with the meat where you need to watch out for the traps. However, I think all 3 of them were a little too similiar. For the most part the only real difference between all 3 fights was that the meat and the alien run away from you after a while. But otherwise, my strategy for each fight was unchanged ( i.e run away by a decent amount and then shoot ). In a way I suppose it still works since each fight atleast iterated on the last one, but I feel like a little variety in boss behaviours would've been cool. ( The aliens do shoot, but it doesn't change much ). Also I'm not sure if this was a bug, but the creep managed to shoot me through the shelf in the room of the 3rd level.

All that said, this was still a pretty damn good game overall. Kudos to the entire team

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The problem I faced with that was that every boss would end up being way too similar if you can melee all of them freely

I wouldn't be able to have the second boss as an example ( without changing it quite a lot anyway ) or have some parts of the 3rd boss without it turning into a slog without ranged attacks

Not saying it wouldn't be possible to have atleast a little variety ( someone better than me could probably do it by mixing up the level design ig lol ), but I thought it'd be more interesting to have an interplay between melee and ranged attacks in some capacity 

Anyway, thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing and making the video :)

Ah yes, eldritch sheeps. Absolutely love the character design behind that second boss. Nightmare fuel in the most dopey way

The overall scale was definitely cool. The art style just works by being the most dopey shit ever (  one might even call it dope  ). Also love the presentation behind the cutscenes and the voice acting.

While I do like the scale of the game, I do think the bullet patterns suffered as a result since all of them felt pretty similiar in general. Even with the limitation of being attached to the bomb, there wasn't much I needed to do to dodge the patterns. They definitely made for a great spectacle, but as soon as the bullets got closer, that spectacle kinda became a little less threatening.

What did in fact remain threatening was the attack that would cause damage to the nuke. I think the timing for the second boss was pretty consistent. Whereas I think it could've been a little more consistent for the first boss. I think my biggest hurdle at first was realising that the health bar at the bottom was for me and that the one on the left was for the boss. I didn't even notice the health bar on the left until I died a few times.

I do feel like the bosses are a little too tanky in terms of health, but at the very least, they definitely work with the overall vibe of the game when it comes to fighting gods. That said, I was able to beat the final boss by just circle strafing around it in a single direction. The lasers weren't really that threatening either.

Despite any issues I had, the game still managed to both creep me out a little, but also make me laugh. Definitely a pretty solid entry all things considered


Loved this one. I managed to beat it using the bow. That final cutscene with the painter was pretty cool lol

First off, the art is amazing. I loved the overall visual style. The sound effects were nice, although I feel like the music didn't really stand out all that much. I think all the bosses definitely looked very cool, although I have some issues in that regard which I'll get to

Now the concept itself is amazing. I love how you HAVE to stay within the circle, else you'll take damage.  Although I kinda feel like the bosses shouldn't perform an attack until the circle finished spinning. ( It felt a little unfair when the minotaur kept attacking me while the circle was still spinning, or this might just be a skill issue lol ). I also do like how the circle is randomised, but that caused some other problems as well

Sometimes if the boss was close enough to the sides or corners of the arena, the sections of the circle of the boss which are empty would sometimes be unreachable since they were behind the walls. That ended up being pretty annoying since it felt more like I got screwed over by randomness. I think before a boss does the spin attack, it should move to a position ( probably close by ) where the player would be able to atleast try to get to whichever section of the circle they'd like to ( Let it be an empty segment, or a segment for an attack )

While not really a complaint since I think what's here is great, I do wish some sections of the circle gave you some sort of powerup ( If they do, then I take this back. I probably just didn't notice )

As I said before, I think the character designs for the bosses are great. That said, I think their attack animations were a little too quick and could've used a little more anticipation to them. There were a decent number of times where I couldn't really tell what a boss was doing, or what attack they were about to do. I guess this was also because some of their animations felt a little too similar. I think the boss I had the most trouble with was the minotaur. Primarily because there seemed to be a red tint around the entire level which kinda made a lot of the minotaurs attacks blend into the environment. ( Especially the attack where it stomps and sends lots of aoe attacks all over the arena and at you ). I think the final ghost boss is very hectic and chaotic to the point that I almost couldn't tell what was happening, but it's the final boss and it was a cool spectacle none the less.

I thought the weapons were cool, but the longbow to me felt the most interesting. Especially since the special attack does damage based on distance ( correct me if I'm wrong ). I actually tried to get away from the boss as much as I could, but then try and get in close to ensure that I don't get damaged from being outside the spin attack. I didn't really find either the sword or stick that interesting since they felt the same more or less, but also because I ended up taking damage just by being close to some bosses ( tbh, probably just a skill issue, but I didn't really see some of those attacks ).

All in all, while I have some issues with the game, it doesn't take away from the fact that it was a very good execution on a cool concept. Props to you on making an awesome game

hmm.... were you parrying the green sawblades ?

I don't own a controller, so can't add support for it. Maybe I should've added mouse controls though 

Were you using the dash to move around ? That makes quick work of a boss and allows you to get lots of melee damage in

Anyway, thanks for playing :)

(2 edits)

Were you using the dash while fighting the first boss ? Your dash helps in moving more quicker in general. It's not just to dodge

Anyway, thanks for playing :)

(3 edits)

Definitely a pretty damn interesting game overall. I never would've thought to make an endless runner work as a boss rush game, but I'd say you definitely did it pretty well. Although I do have some issues

First off, I love the simplicity of the game in general. The controls are tight as well. Love that holding up or down has the cat walk upright lol

The presentation of the game as a whole is damn great, both audio and visual-wise. At first I loved the spin effect on the sides of the bell. However, after a while I felt like it started to become something of a detriment since it was a little hard to tell when some objects were actually close enough to me yet.

The projectiles as a whole were pretty well balanced, although I feel like the ghosts could've used relatively smaller hitboxes than what they currently have. Or atleast they could've been spread out a little more. I also think that the cacti could've been a little more noticeable or stood out more since sometimes I couldn't even see them ( Probably just a skill issue though ). I do also wish there was a little more feedback when you do damage to the boss. I wasn't actually sure what ringing the bell did. Sometimes it seemed like it caused damage to the boss, other times it seemed like it just changed the type of attack thrown at you.

I'd say the rat bosses on the bell were done pretty well, however I think the next boss suffered from quite a few issues. Primarily in terms of readability. I'm not really a fan of both the boss and the background having blue as  a primary colour. It kinda caused the book and the pickups that you need to damage the boss to all blend into one another.

I also think that the blue projectiles should've honestly looked differently since they looked a little too much like the pickups you needed to collect. Especially since they also kinda blended into everything else like I mentioned above. I do think the damage feedback is better in this boss than with the bell though.

At the end of the day, despite my issues, this was still a damn fun game. Great work on this one

(2 edits)

Pretty cool little game. Loved the concept and the overall colour pallete

I thought the boss's behaviours definitely made for a good mini boss. Also loved the sprite work for it's animations

That said, I think the boss is way too unbalanced in general

it's final phase ( or whatever phase it's at when at 40-ish health ) was kinda unfair. I do like how the more tighter pattern kinda forces you to move away from the boss, but I think the bullets should've been made slower to compensate

I also think the boss teleporting randomly was a little too unbalanced since it would sometimes teleport right next to me. At that point I can't even try and dodge or move around the bullets it shoots at me

I do like the idea behind the revolver, but it didn't really change much behind how fighting the boss actually worked since I was shooting it the same way none the less

Still, this was a cool little game with some neat ideas overall. Good going on this

(1 edit)

Absolutely adore the concept. Everything about this game from it's art style to the mechanics feels like it could have been some sort of obscure ps2 game. While I have some criticisms, it doesn't change the fact that I love this game

I love the main mechanic of how creating a ball works. I also love how you incentivize riding a ball as it gets bigger by slowing you down while pushing it. The shooting mechanic is cool, although I agree with everyone else that the green space could've been bigger by a tiny amount since it feels a little too punishing. That said, I do love how you effectively do a shotgun blast by holding on for too long. ( Albeit an underpowered shotgun blast, but still pretty cool ). I do think that the controls to ride the ball were a little finnicky, and having to press forward to be able to ride it wasn't really that intuitive. I think having a separate button to make you ride the ball would've been better.

It goes without saying that the visuals and audio are amazing. The art style is great, and I love how the arenas look as well. That said, I'm not really a fan of the rink. I think it's too small, and as a result the camera got blocked by the walls more times than I could count. 

As for the bosses themselves, I love how all of them looked and felt. While I do love the variety, ( the race with ice skater was a cool change of pace ) I feel like some of the fights themselves got a little monotonous since they mostly amounted to the boss doing 1 or 2 attacks and me shooting them. It was a little sad to see that almost every boss just keeps shooting area-of-effect attacks at you. The worms and the ants are the most guilty of this. ( I mean, the ants explode into an aoe, but still ..... )

I thought the ant queen was pretty interesting though. Admittedly she also does a lot of aoe attacks, but her breathing fire was pretty cool. Along with that, I also loved the phase where you need to platform and shoot the ants carrying her in her second phase. I feel like the game would've been better with more fights like that. Unfortunately the game keeps crashing when I try to play more of the ant queen's second phase.

I also never managed to beat the ice skater boss. I'm a little torn about this one in general tbh. I think he moves a little too fast ( Or maybe that's just a skill issue tbh ). I also think the stalagmite attack in his final phase feels a little too random, almost to the point that I was getting juggled. That combined with the camera issues I mentioned earlier meant that this fight got quite annoying at times. I also felt like the wheel of reincarnation got kinda annoying after a while ( Although I could skip this by just using the level select in the pause menu )

Despite any issues I may have, this is still a fantastic game all things considered. I'm honestly just amazed that you managed to get all this done within the timeframe. Phenomenal work

I did originally think of having shooting be a toggle, but I felt like people may forget it's on or off in the heat of the fight, so maybe it was best to just have it be held lol

Either way, thanks for playing :)

Sounds like an issue with keylock maybe ?

No idea why it only happened in the web build though.

Thanks for playing :)

Ah yes, the return of Jeremy. I actually wanted to do a fight in my game like the final fight here, but it became something else entirely in my game. Anyway, this game was definitely very cool ( and genuinely pretty funny ). Love that pizzascraper got referenced.

It goes without saying that the presentation is amazing. Great visuals, audio and voice acting all around. Didn't know that arcy could voice act. Now all that's left is for Yollie to do some voice acting. I will admit that I think the rate at which the bosses were saying their voice lines could've been reduced. It felt like they went through all of their lines of dialogues within a minute ( Honestly, not much of a complaint and is more of an observation though )

The main mechanic is great and definitely uses the theme wonderfully. That said, it also caused the fights to become slightly monotonous ( Although I'll come back to this in a bit ). I kinda feel like the bosses could've used some sort of mechanic where you need to shoot certain weak points or something. Basically something which would've needed a little more precision since it got kinda mindless after a while. Still fun without a doubt though.

As for the bosses, it goes without saying that they look and sound amazing in general. The game's got a shit ton of charm to it, let it be all the different camera angles or even the descriptions of stuff you pick up ( which I unfortunately didn't really read due to the heat of battle and needing to get back my seemingly legally created fraudulent corporation ).

That said, I think both the first and second boss could've used a few more attacks in their move pool. It felt like the worm was pretty much only shooting rockets at me 24x7 and only started charging at me towards the end. I think the ceo's movepool is pretty solid, though I think his pew pew attack could've used a little less tracking.  I also think Jeremy could've used atleast one other defensive option by default. The jump pads were definitely useful, but some way to increase his speed would've helped. ( I didn't try the dodge, so if it answers my problem, then I guess I take it back )

Now as for the vfx, they're peak as always. Nothing more I can really say there

However ........ ( Maybe take this part with a grain of salt since it's probably just a skill issue )

I sincerely feel like the readability of the game suffered way too much. Shooting is juicy AF but oof, I think I almost got a headache from some of the impact frames lol. Though I think my biggest issue was how the aoe attacks were almost unnoticable at times for both the worm and the ceo . Again, probably just a skill issue, but it was kinda hard to tell why I was even taking damage sometimes. Not really a fan of the thin lasers in the ceo fight either. I feel like a little too many spawn. That said, I do like how the screen turns red ( kinda ..... ) in the fight on the side of the building when you're about to get attacked by the ceo. Cool way to tell the player to move away.

All in all, another quality game from y'all. The production was off the charts and despite the issues I mentioned, the game was still damn fun overall. Very damn good job to y'all

This is the furthest I could get before I finally gave up lmao. I definitely want to play again and go further ngl

I'm not that big a shmup player, but I have to say that I enjoyed how relentless this was lol. 
I do have some issues ( mostly with the bosses towards the end ) but I do think this game is very damn good

Firstly, the presentation overall is amazing. Nothing more I can say there, although I'll come back to the visuals for a bit later. The sound and music are great.

I love how the slowdown mechanic highlights your hitbox. I think the actual radius for detecting whether you barely hit a bullet could be increased by just a minute amount, but as it stands it definitely leads to some tense moments.

While I feel like the theme was a little shoe-horned into this game, I still love how the spin mechanic was implemented in general. There's a fabulous amount of risk-reward involved in how you need to ensure that you're in a position where you're safe afterwards. That said, I feel like the circular timer for how long the spin attack lasts could've been a different colour since it just blended into everything else and I could hardly see it

I love how there are different types of bullets, but I have to admit, idk how I feel about how there's so many different colours for the bullets. I know this is kind of a staple of a lot of shmups, but it just starts to hamper the readability of the game tremendously. Not so much for the first 2 bosses, they don't really suffer from this much and I'd say they're pretty perfectly balanced. The angel and everything after her kinda suffer from this too much imo ( Probably just a skill issue, but I won't deny how annoying it got at times )

Most of the bullet patterns were pretty well constructed, but I'm genuinely not a fan of the pattern the angel does where it shoots those red bullets which then become orange and purple bullets. Mostly because the purple bullets just obscure your vision. Getting hit in this case was just annoying AF since it didn't feel like it was my fault for getting hit since I couldn't see anything anyway. 
i.e it feels like the wrong kind of difficulty

I feel the same about the angel's pendulum attack since there were so many things being thrown at once when it got released that I couldn't tell what the heck was happening.

I might be wrong about this, but in the star and moon fight, it felt like your spin attack was only targeting the star. That's fine if it's the case, but my real issue is that the spin attack seemed like it was only targetting the star even after it died.

I gave up at the embryo because the attacks it did where so many bullets were being thrown from the bottom of the screen felt a little too unfair imo. I realise it's (  probably ) the final boss, but I think it was a little too much. ( Again, probably just a skill issue on my side lol )

All that said, this was still an absolutely amazing game. I do like how the patterns with the yellow and black bullets kinda force you to use your spin attack to even be able to hit the boss lol. Damn good job to everyone who worked on this

They aren't voxels actually lol

All the 3D models in this game were made with Sprite stacking

Still, thanks for playing :)


Thanks for playing Steve :)

Thanks for playing and making the video :)

Unfortunately I don't own a controller myself so I can't really add them to my games lol 

Thanks for playing though :)

Thanks for playing and great score :)