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Bad Piggy

A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Been a while since I played this lol

However, I think for the most part, my feedback is still the same tbh.

I'm still unsure how to actually launch myself, and sometimes the scaling wasn't really working in the direction I was trying to move in

Similiar to the corners that the slime can use to climb upwards, maybe have the same sprite on the walls that it can climb up as well ?

I do like that the wizard is more easily readable from the environment now though. Also love that squishing it gives a sound effect

Y'all probably already know this, but if you're making this into a bigger game, then a tutorial is sorely needed. Really, that's my main complaint, because I'm still not exactly sure how to play the game right lol. Apart from that, it seems like y'all already know what you could do

Absolutely amazing all around.

I think my only complaint is that I wish things like ricocheting the lantern could've been tutorialised a little better, but that's nitpicky at best

Great puzzle design overall for each dungeon

Thanks for playing and making the vid :)

Thanks for playing and good score :)

This was the furthest I could get, and since y'all said the end was bugged, I'm assuming this was the end.

Phenomenal presentation overall. The visuals are adorably stylish, readable and always fun to look at. The music goes HARD. I'm guessing it's procedural but either way, oof. Really great stuff. Reminded me of how Ape Out worked.

The game's got some good game feel as well with the animations of the player character, though I kinda wish the red buttons had some sort of audio feedback or something more to indicate that you pushed them. Mostly because I could never tell if I actually pressed them or not.

Also, this might be nitpicky, but I feel like the actual integration with the theme doesn't really affect the game too much ? 
i.e I get that you basically need to scale yourself down to actually fit between the pillars, but with the amount of times you need to YEET bards to reach the space between pillars, you're pretty much always going to be small enough by then anyway.

( Also the game said hurl instead of YEET in the tutorial. Since this can be interpreted as barfing bards, I shall give y'all extra points for that )

That said, I loved the pacing of the game. New puzzles and obstacles were being thrown your way just at the right time to the point that I never felt like the game dragged or got monotonous

Overall I'd say that this is a damn good game. Props to the entire team

Thanks for playing :)

This game legitimately broke my pig brain

I have no idea if the solutions I arrived at were actual solutions, or if I broke the game

Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the second level where the inter-dimensional purple boxes were introduced. My brain was too far broken at that point lol

I don't necessarily have any real criticism for this game since it's basically a sandbox-ey game and it definitely succeeds in that aspect.

( I also want to clarify that if this review sounded somewhat negative, it's actually not. I genuinely loved this game and think that both it's main idea and the execution of said idea was honestly phenomenal, it's just that it really did leave my mind broken and confused lol )

Love the premise and execution of this. Pretty damn creative having the scale of the window be adjusted. My highest score is 226 so far. Definitely playing more of this.

The presentation as a whole was cool. Sfx and game feel in general were crunchy and fun AF. The visuals were also adorably cool, however the amount of colours did sometimes tamper with the readability of the game. Along with that, the tiles which had the same colour as the floor sometimes made it hard to actually see them. I sometimes thought that they were unbreakable blocks and didn't really touch them, until I accidentally did and found out that they were breakable.

I'm  also not really a fan of the fact that you can't swing diagonally. When it comes to mining, it works well, but you really need to be able to hit enemies diagonally since they usually come at you at different angles. Pretty much all of my deaths were because I couldn't really get to an enemy in time. ( Probably just a skill issue though lol )

None the less though, this is still a fantastic game with a solid core-loop. Amazing work to everyone who worked on it.

Pretty cool stuff here lol

Right off the bat, the presentation as a whole was damn cool. Great art and audio work. Loved how everything still managed to be readable.

The main mechanic and the puzzles incorporating in it were well designed and had a good amount of variety to them. Can't think of any part of the game which felt monotonous or dragged on

That said, I feel like the game really needed a tutorial or something. Took me a while to really understand how to actually play it. But even then, I'm still not sure I exactly got the hang of the scaling mechanic. Sometimes the slime would scale, other times it wouldn't really work right, and I'm not exactly sure how to launch the slime 100% of the time so to speak. I do appreciate how the slime auto-scaled vertically in some of the spike pits.

Going back to the game really needing a tutorial, I wish it was said or indicated that you could sort of slide up certain walls because ( I think it was the 3rd one, not sure now )   I was stuck in that level for quite a long time until I found out that you could.

All that said though, this was a phenomenal game all things considered. Kudos to the entire team behind this

(2 edits)

Cool little clicker lol

The humour was cringe AF and I loved it. I wish there were more jokes

The presentation as a whole was cool. I like the hellish-western vibe you were going for here.

As a whole, there isn't much I can say. It's a fun little clicker. Gave me a good chuckle as well lol. Great job on this

Love the premise of this. That opening cutscene was both hilarious and pretty scary

The audio though, absolute perfection. Gave me a sense of unease for the destruction that was being caused and the smash effects felt damn good. The visuals as a whole were amazing as well.  I loved seeing the different phase of the moon so to speak.

Like everyone else, I felt like things about how the actual mechanics of the game worked could've been communicated better. But along with that, I felt like the actual implementation and execution of the mechanics could've been better.

For instance, I think having to collect the pieces of the earth you broke off of it to make yourself grow more, but also shield yourself from rockets and bullets is a pretty cool example of dual-purpose design, but giving the player only 1 HP is unnecessarily punishing, especially when you're definitely going to end up in situations where you can't move much and there's tons of bullets and rockets coming at you. I think it would be better if the player had 3 HP just to prevent frustration, or the fire rate of the towers that spawn bullets could be reduce a little, just to give a player more space to actually move.

Similiarly, I also love how slamming the earth makes waves which you can use to shield yourself and also take out turrets. But the problem here is that I'm still not sure how to actually create them. In this regard, you could probably have the player hold the slam button to charge a slam and then release to slam. This way, depending how long the player holds the button, you can spawn waves of different sizes that also travel different distances or something ( eg : If a player just taps the button, a decent sized wave is spawned that just travels only a little and then dissipates. Whereas if they hold it long enough and then release, they create the largest possible wave which travels a long distance ). This would also allow them to be able to dodge, since they'd be controlling when exactly they'd slam as well. I say this because the player character really needs more control on his mobility.

All that said, I think you guys still managed to make a good game here none the less. Kudos to the entire team

Y'all have definitely made another quality game here

Loved the presentation as a whole. Uber-stylish, yet still extremely readable. Same with the audio. Pretty near-perfect, although the music got somewhat repetitive after a while

My only real issue with the game is that wall-jumping felt a little too finicky to the point that I never really used it. Same for trying to jump into blocks that are above you.

Another issue in the opening levels was that the pieces would sometimes get stuck on the platforms present before I could actually move them around, but it's fine since later levels mostly did away with platforms.

At the end of the day, this is still a damn great game. Great job to all of y'all for what you've made here

The special move was kinda designed to be a panic button lol.

I did want to have something specific happen when the sawblade is at max size, but felt like it might be too much for someone to keep track of, on top of everything that's already there.

Anyway, thanks for playing and great score :)

(3 edits)

( If I mention any issues with this game, they might just be skill issues, so maybe just take them with a grain of salt )

Ah yes, a game by the Yollie the goat and Arcy the ...... wolf ig. I guess I know what god looks like now as well

The voice acting was solid. Kudos to prox

The presentation as a whole was fabulous. The visuals were great and the cyberpunk style and pallete was beautiful and efforlessly stlish. I also appreciate how minimalist the whole thing was. Pretty readable as well. Audio was good too, props to SlowBro

The main mechanic was cool and definitely pretty versatile. I loved having to decide between making bridges and extended or larger platforms and YEET-ing myself. I do like the way it's balanced in that you can't just stack enlarged boxes on top of each other. However, YEET-ing myself  felt a little inconsistent sometimes. Maybe an indicator for whether I was going to get YEET-ed or not by a box would've helped ( i.e the hand had an idle animation or something and around that hand was a wrist band or something that glowed to tell you if you'd get YEET-ed ). Probably just a nitpick

Not really a fan of wall-running though. Felt too finnicky to really be of much use outside of  the beginning sections where you really had to wall-run. Trying it anywhere else really made me go " I'm hatin' it " 

However, the level design as a whole was damn good and really allowed for multiple ways to get by. So much so that I really didn't need to wall run when I didn't want to. I do think that the level where you're growing the green bridge is a little too long though. But, it had me on the edge of my seat for sure.

I didn't reach the end of the outro level because I was confused about where to go, so I stopped somewhere near the thank you message

All that said, this is an absolutely fantastic game. Great work team. Now where's my free hot dogs ?

Loved the presentation here. The setting and the character art were adorably cool

I do agree with everyone else here that the controls could definitely be better

but one of my main issues was that I felt like the bullets really needed shadows themselves, mostly because I was never sure if I was in the path of the bullets or not, and I think shadows could probably help with that, although I think this was definitely more of a problem with the actual perspective of the game

Still, all things considered, I think this was a pretty fun game none the less

(2 edits)

Didn't think I'd ever enjoy a primarily narrative game tbh

The storyline is peak fiction. Every single desicison was damn interesting and really made me think. Both for the map and to keep the various meters in check. The writing in general was good

I'm sort of on the fence on the questions being mostly randomised though. On one hand, I think it's great because everyone's playthrough will definitely be different, but I also think it may lead to some situations where you're effectively screwed and get sent to jail no matter what, though this is probably just nitpicky anyway

Loved the art and overall presentation though. Minimalism at it's absolute best.

All in all, this is very damn well made and a pretty damn interesting game. Well done

(5 edits)

Took me a little while to really understand that the boxes shrunk while in water lol. Until then I was kinda just placing them to the side of the boat.

The presentation as a whole is cool. Love the flash-esque art style and the music

I love the strategy of needing to switch between boxes that are shrunk and the newly added ones that haven't shrunk yet. Especially in the heat of the moment when you need to target seagulls

However, I think the physics and collision detection are a little wonky sometimes, mostly because I couldn't jump, or even move at times. This became quite annoying later on when you really need to move to get to some crates that spawned. Although I guess it's a by-product of the actual design of allowing the player to place crates effectively wherever they want. And I do like being able to use the player as a dynamic weight at some points of the boat

That said, I also kinda wish that there was some sort of indicator or something to tell you that the entire ship is about to go down, because it kinda jumpscared me when it did happen since it seemed like the boat was fine for the most part lol

This is also going to sound very nitpicky, but I kinda wish that you could move the camera downwards a little. Mostly because you need to start replacing the crates at the bottom and you'll definitely reach a point where there's no space and you can't. And you can't really remove the boxes that are there because it would lead to the gems falling. This does admittedly add to the tension though, so it's probably just a skill issue on my part lol.

All in all, I think y'all made a fantastic game here. Great work to everyone involved

I would've snapshotted that rabbit kid's letter and framed it if I knew that the game ended there

Either way, the presentation here is absolutely amazing all around, but that goes even without saying tbh.  The writing also gave me a chuckle now and again

However, I do have some issues with the gameplay. Namely that I felt that it got somewhat monotonous towards the end of the game since my strategy for each puzzle pretty much remained the same
i.e fill up as much of the house as possible, and then get some of the logs which were 2 or 3 units long and chew them so that they fit

I also felt that the randomness of the logs could often screw you over sometimes since you may really need a shorter log when you're almost done with a house. ( This is probably just a nitpick though tbh )

The actual game mechanics and puzzle strategy could've used some variety, although the variety in art for the houses ( all of which looked amazing and creative AF ) and the different animals of the area was on point and had a beautiful mix of charm and personality

All in all, I think y'all made something wholesome AF and pretty uplifting in general. Kudos to your entire team

Cool score and thanks for playing :)

Hey, thanks for playing, and that's a really great score :)

I'm glad the game loop of needing to adjust the size of your sawblade shown through lol.

(2 edits)

Y'all have really made a name for yourself with these quality puzzle games lol. I still remember the first time I played maze of the mini-taur

And this game's no different. Quality puzzles and design all around, with stellar presentation to boot. Great work on the art and audio as a whole. Personally the mixels on the player character and enemies didn't bother me since the animations and overall character art were detailed enough that it didn't really break immersion.

The actual main mechanics were taught well in the game's levels, and were even simple to understand just from viewing the gifs on the game page ( though based on that talk which zach gave, it's no wonder y'all came up with something this easy to grasp lol )

Changing the scale of the portals was also a really great idea that you guys executed on throughout the game ( The puzzles in the second half really hurt my pig-brain, but I managed to beat them lol )

I do have 2 problems with the game though, one's probably a technical issue, whereas the other is probably kinda neatpicky lol

- Sometimes I just couldn't push blocks through the portals, even though the scale of the portal matched that of the box and the player character's scale. This made me think that I wasn't allowed to actually push blocks into those portals. Although I was able to do it after a few restarts so it was probably a collision issue ? idk

- While I stand by the fact that this game has fantastic puzzle design, I feel like some of the puzzles towards the tail end of the game were a little samey in terms of what you had to do ( Not necessarily a bad thing, but a feeling of monotony did kinda settle at that point ). I was kinda hoping that the game would've had more levels similiar to the one where you had to get to the end of the level before one of those red enemies could block off the exit. I think the game could've definitely used another one of these sorts of levels for the sake of a pace breaker towards the end of the game. Tbh, now that I think about it, I kinda wish the enemies were used a little more in general.
( But like I said, this is just nitpicky lol )

All that said, y'all have made something fantastic here. Kudos to the entire team

(1 edit)

Made it to round 7 with a score of 650

As others have said, I'm still not exactly sure how destroying the triangles is supposed to work. I'm guessing the circle slows the triangles down, and then clicking on a corner of the box will shoot at whatever is inside that circle, but I still wasn't entirely sure since sometimes it outright killed enemies, and sometimes it took some shots.

Still, scaling the square to dodge the various hazards is definitely fun. However I never really managed to bounce into the crates because I wasn't really sure how to

And as the game goes on, you do kinda end up in situations where it's impossible to dodge. ( Or maybe that's just a skill issue on my part lol )

Still, the presentation was great, and the triangles and circles kept things interesting. Cool entry and idea

Stylishly adorable and pretty smart mechanically to boot. Nice to see a game finally tackle every gamer's worst enemy. The presentation as a whole was hilarious, but great

I love how the various enemy types force you to adapt on the fly and improvise how you'll go about collecting sword pieces. The enemies with a shield forcing you to collect as many sword pieces as possible to get over their limit, and the enemies with a timer more or less forcing you to prioritise them, else the game ends

Also loved the inherent strategy of deciding whether to swing clockwise, or counter-clockwise to cover as large an area as possible

However, I do an issue with the game, and that is that it's pretty easy to get screwed over by randomness.

I know I just praised the enemy variety in the game, but you often end up in situations where you're blocked from being able to go near the timer enemies in time, or you're blocked off from collecting enough sword pieces because of the amount of enemies that spawn. This usually leads to you having to clear them up so that you can actually get sword pieces to clear the timer guys, but by then you've lost.

I think if enemies spawned a little further away from the player, it would mitigate this a little, but then it would still lead to the player getting stuck if they have a very large sword, so really the only way I can think of to mitigate this is to balance the rate of spawn of enemies.

But otherwise, this is a damn great entry. Kudos to your entire team

Great score and thanks for playing :)

Really great little shmup. Love the overall presenatation and gamefeel. The enemy variety was also cool as well

My only real complaint is that I wish that the super attack charged a little faster tbh. As it stands it charged too slow to the point that I hardly used it

Maybe putting it on another button would've been better imo, but either way, great stuff 

(3 edits)

As usual, you have some of the best boss design on this site lol

I've always wondered how to really teach a player to parry, and I think you made a pretty accessible way for most people to definitely get into this system outside of hardcore fans. The block was forgiving enough and always felt great to use and get that perfect parry

The boss attacks felt varied enough and the indicators were basically perfect. I need to start ripping off how you indicate attacks lol

Presentation as a whole was also great and stylish with the pallette changes

That said, I have two main issues :

- There seems to be a little too much of a delay between when you can attack and you can parry. I'm not saying you should be able to cancel attacks by blocking, I just think the delay should be reduced somewhat with how fast paced the game is

- Like I mentioned, the parry always felt good to pull off, but the player's main attack didn't really have enough oomf behind it. Maybe just a minor amount more screenshake or some sort of effect would help there

But otherwise, another banger from you

Got till floor 7 lol

Pretty good gaem

(2 edits)

It always amazes me when people make metroidvanias for jams, mini ones or otherwise, and this was damn good.

Phenomenal presentation as a whole. The character art and animation looked adorable and the audio was pleasant to listen to. The music went hard as well during combat lol. Who did the voice acting for the main character ? ( i.e her grunting ) The sfx for it felt perfect ngl.

The level design was great. I also loved the pace at which the environment art changed as well to provide some good visual variety. The pacing of the game in general felt perfect. Let it be the pace at which you got new potions, or the amount of combat arena sections and how well they were spaced out. However, I do feel like the square enemy type could've been introduced a little earlier. It felt like the bats were slightly overused in the middle portion of the game

Now, as others have said, the platforming didn't feel as tight as it really could have been. The jump and normal movement could've felt more snappy, but honestly, I think my main issue here was just how inconsistent the bomb felt. I wasn't sure if I was going to be YEET-ed towards the right, or diagonally towards the right. Probably just a skill issue from my end, but I feel like this is still worth noting.

Another thing I felt wasn't really too clear at first, was that the green slime lets you jump higher. When I  saw it for the first time, my immediate thought was that it was a hazard or something ( i.e green = toxic waste or something ).
I think if it was blue or something like the bouncy goo in portal 2, it wouldn't give off this feeling. Or maybe if you had the player be forced to jump down onto a floor that was full of the slime, they'd find out then and there that it helps you jump or something ( Just an idea anyway lol ).

Same for the bombs as well tbh. It took me a good while to get how this worked at first. This is also probably just a skill issue on my part though lol.

Unfortunately, I couldn't beat the boss, and I didn't really try to beat it again, mostly because the platforming section before it was honestly the only part of the game I found annoying. And that's because like I said before, the bombs were kinda inconsistent, but also because the re-spawn point was way too far from the boss lol.

All that said, this game is still phenomenal for something made in 2 weeks. Props to your entire team. You peeps made something fantastic here.

Just played through all 3 missions ( haven't beaten the 2nd yet ) and this was really damn good

Love everything about this, although I think the rubble left over from the destroyed buildings makes it hard to actually see enemies sometimes. I think either the rubble or the enemies should have a different colour pallete

Same in the second level where it became kinda hard to see the worms among all the blood.  I guess in a way this atleast teaches a player to keep moving, but I think it's still worth noting

Either way, this is a fantastic base for more. Can't wait to see what else you do with this

(1 edit)

Whenever I tried jumping I was getting this bug. Just thought I'd inform about it.

Probably just an issue on my computer though

(1 edit)

Noted for the future. 

It's just that I actually tried something like what you suggested in two other games before this, and everyone thought it was too tedious and they forgot what they could do kek. 

So I thought it best to just give the player a sandbox and just let them practice from there with everything shown so that they both get things quickly, but also don't forget what button does what

As for alchemy, the shadow essence dropped from enemies is converted into health or to power up your special attack if you absorb it.

Anyway, thanks for playing :)

Shadow essence absorbed by you can either be converted to health

or it can be used to power up your special attack

It took me a few tries, but the lightning wizard survived and the normal battle was won 
( Somehow, I'm still not even  sure what happened in that battle )

I think I accidentally hit my own wizard in the cross fire. Or maybe the other wizards took themselves out. Again, idk what happened lol

The big battle was just utter chaos which I was just laughing my butt off to

Presentation is great, and also has that quirky flair that seems to be characteristic of all of your games

I don't have any real issues with this game because it's aim was to create chaos and it definitely succeeds at that. I do think it needed some form of a tutorial or something, but as it stands, it's damn good fun

The presentation is great, and the game does feel pretty good to play

Also love the shader effects for the shadows. They made the shadows look pretty creepy ( in a good way )

Unfortunately though, like others have said, it was pretty hard to differentiate between the types of enemies. So much so that I just found myself shooting everywhere instead of being careful with my shots like you probably designed this to be

That said, the game feel was still pretty good though. Love the overall audio, including the sound of the shotgun. However, there times where it felt like the bullets you shoot just go through enemies instead of damaging them

All in all though,  I still think that this was a damn good game and idea. Great job on this

(1 edit)

Nah, it's just for a jam lol

Thanks for playing

Charging the special attack when there's essence around makes it charge quicker. It was in the game's tutorial

Took me  a little while to really understand the game, until after I saw the GDD as well

The presentation as a whole is superb. Great audio and visuals

Also love how you have to manage the seeds you've sown, but they never last too long which ensures that the pace of the game is kept pretty fast and that you're constantly on the move. Let it be to replenish your resources, or to harvest the crops

I'm somewhat torn on the enemies though. I love that you're incentivised to plant as many seeds and water them to make lit areas bigger so that you can always see enemies, but getting attacked when there's no light feels somewhat cheap 

( i.e ) it feels a little too unfair since I could never have dodged that attack.

Admittedly it atleast makes the game feel like a constant up-hill battle though, so I guess the trade-off is worth it to make the game feel more intense in general

Overall, I think this is a damn good entry. Great job to your entire team

Love the main mechanic and how you made use of it. The presentation as a whole was also stellar

Although I'm not really a fan of how you move between the points

eg :
it was a little annoying when you fall even though you didn't mean to by pressing the right arrow to move a point to the right of you, whereas you actually had to press the up arrow. Also I kept getting this bug where if you die, then you just stop being able to snap to points

All that said though, what's here is still damn good. The art is sublime and the audio was damn pleasant to listen to. Great job to the entire team

I mean, most if not all my games are for jams, so that's why I've made a lot of them lol

Cool score and thanks for playing :)

Glad the inspiration showed through lol