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A member registered Oct 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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I had responded to another comment considering maybe having the dragon chase you around with some extra AI. It's the type of thing that we'll add to our piggy bank of knowledge and see if it comes up next year.

No worries! Between Hailrig and me, I'm the artist, my main schtick is visual art, and he does the code because I absolutely cannot. XD We share all the other responsibilities (and in some recent jams I've skimped on high detail or animation to better focus on building/finding audio assets). I kinda feel a connection to people who are passionate about games, but contribute some of the auxiliary bits, like art and music. Also mad respect to anyone who can do music, I'm definitely musically challenged. XD

I can agree that our theme use is pretty subtle at best. There's probably room to incorporate a more unique two-way link between moving and attacking, though I can't really think of what we could specifically implement to get the idea across.

I dunno if I could ever make my lil' flappy dragon less cute though, it would break my heart. Thanks for the review! 

Big fan of the assets, both music and art. Outside of the wall pinch, I don't think there's much to complain about, it was smoothly executed and feels fluid to play. I've seen rougher full games that weren't made in a jam. One of the weirdy bits was during level 9, if you try to move away from each other while keeping the rope straight, EVERYTHING GOES ABSOLUTELY NUTS. It was kinda spooky, but I wouldn't call that a game breaking bug.

A chill time, thank you, and congrats on your entry!

Thanks for playing and thanks for feedback! I'm happy that we could hit so many checkmarks. :)

An interesting proof of concept, such difficulties arise in a 48h jam. Would be interesting to see in your proper intended vision. Good work on what you have, and fingers crossed the next jam goes a little smoother. 

The boss fight definitely wasn't so much a test of your trained skill as it was a bow to wrap up the experience; though at that point we definitely weren't programming in any new complicated mechanics. Maybe in a perfect world the boss would've had AI to chase you down? I dunno, houghts for next jam anyway.

Thanks for the feedback!

It looks well polished, and felt like a complete tiny game of its own. There's a lot of "two things are directly attached" games, but this feels unique, I don't think I've ever seen this type of elasticity play before.

Some of my complaints would be that there was sometimes levels that took a while to get through, but were easy to die within the last step, especially the last level using the moving platforms, and I found that the switches were sometimes easy to turn off/on on accident. I get the last one is pretty hard to program, especially when you need to flip the switches, maybe a radius where you have to get x distance before you can revert the switch? Might actually be more trouble than it's worth though, so I dunno.

Honestly though, the game was super fun, stretching the connection as far as possible and using it to launch myself at the speed of sound is awesome. You've made a great, fun game, congrats.

I hear you. I've been tired and tried staying up for like 4 hours, but only end up getting 20 minutes of actual work done. Good luck this year and hopefully next year goes even better!

Grooby is a cool dude.

It's a simple concept, with a well done execution. Nice work, congrats on your entry.

Everyone's already commented most of the QoL things that I'd suggest, the one thing I could think of is just a visual of where the lava is going to appear before it spawns in. I have to agree with Verburner, I cam see the Baba is You inspiration, but it's clearly a unique game that stands on its own two feet.

A rhythm game where you can mess around with how you have to approach obstacles is a super creative idea and I had fun messing around with it. I also got stuck on the last level, but otherwise I had a really good time. Thanks so for making it and congrats on your jam entry.

A little finicky, I ended up placing the dye bottles on random parts of the screen (and into the washing machine where it changed the colour of machine instead of the slots!) The game itself was pretty interesting in cute. I think I'd suggest maybe an effect at the beggining that darkens the screen and highlights those little slots to help playes know where the bottles go. Nice game, congrats!

I can't download your game from the page, but if you sent it to me, I could give it a shot, 'cause you were so kind to send me a review.

This is pretty neat! I'm not 100% colourblind, but it's a little difficult for me to pick out the colours of the little dudes. I kinda ended up just jumping and wiggling around to figure out who was who, though I can't fault you for that during a 48h jam. Otherwise original and interesting concepts that were pretty well executed, like mixing the colours together when they meet. Great work!

That was a big download!

The game page mentioned there was a buying and upgrade system after the runs, I'm not sure if that's not implemented yet or if I didn't get far enough to see it. The gameplay wasn't very smooth but the aesthetic was nice. I'm not sure that it fits the theme particularly well.

Congrats on your game!

Yeah it was a little too tight to make the AI do smart things in 48 hours, though I still get a kick out of 1 prisoner releasing 2 releasing 4 when it works right. We only saw someone suggest it once the Jam was over, but next time I think making a small tutorial letting you know what does what and how it interacts would go a long way to helping our players.
Thanks for the feedback!

I have deep respect for the fact that you used Jazz to fulfill the theme.
Also the game is just really tight, there's basically nothing to complain about for a Jam game.

This one's really wild. You guys did a great job!

I think this was a good idea that was well executed.
Especially since you've mentioned making a mobile version in the future, I think I'd recommend paying attention to the fact that you have a limited amount of frames to release the ball before it shoots off where you don't want it to go. Depending on how snappy & fluid vs. tricky you want your game to be, you might consider making the platforms that you need to bounce off of longer, and widening some of the gaps that the balls need to pass through. I also have to agree with slower/varying fan speed from that other commenter.
I had fun playing it, and I look forward to playing it again on my phone.

Passed all 17 levels. The one I had the most trouble with was one of the early ones with moving boxes, I ended up dropping a key on it before the game taught me about that cause I didn't want to brain that hard.

All together I'm fairly impressed with the game, a solid puzzle game made in 48 hours. I think my only complaints are:
1) That there's no rewind/undo button (I imagine it would be pretty tricky to make one from scratch for the jam) I redid level 17 quite a few times because of a few mispresses.
2) That the objects aren't immediately obvious as to what they are without poking and prodding. Like I wasn't sure which was the door or the door unlock key or which was the moveable box and which was the pressure plate at first.

Though I do have to praise your design. My second complaint barely matters because you drop in levels that really don't leave you room to be confused, they show you how the mechanics work before dropping you in a room with a real test.

All in all, well done!

This game makes me go YES.
I think I'd recommend being able to tap a button to throw them into a cage instead of aiming the mouse, just to make game play a little snappier and the controls fluid. Otherwise real solid.

I didn't spend as much time on the art as usual, but I tried my best to make sure it's as cohesive as possible. Good to know it worked out!
We were definitely limited by time crunch and some difficulty trying to get pathfinding off the ground, which held back what could've been a lot more in depth gameplay.
Thanks for the feedback!

We had some difficulty implementing a few mechanics quickly, like pathfinding and teleporting dudes to very specific spots. That would've helped us implement more mechanics and guard/prisoner types, and stop people from looking like they were stuck in the wall even though the game thought they were in a cell.
Glad to hear you enjoyed what we could make though. Thanks for the feedback!

Definitely a fun one, I wasn't really getting how the zombies were out of control at first, but I laughed the first time I thought I only had 3 zombies left, and then 2, I was really sweating and then the other half of my army came back with like 12 zombies doing a cavalry charge.
I had a blast! Thanks for making this.

Largely due to needing to sleep - having played this game for about 2 hours - I did take the prompt to break the magic circle and read through all the prompts. I wish I had held out for that "one page first" and had won legitimately. Honestly, at first it felt a little pretentious, but honestly it was deeply personal. Thanks for making it, I really did enjoy the experience.

My favourite song has to be 39' by Queen.

I was gonna wait until I finished to post a comment, but the game told me to do it now. Unique as heck, would be cool to see it played my Mark Brown.

This one is super cool. The level where I had to use "wind reflect" was a little too difficult for me (my number pad is broken) but this is a cool concept and I'd love to play more!

My vision isn't great with low contrast, so I had trouble making out the cars I needed to avoid. Otherwise I think your game is very charming!

Nice angle with a crowd of creatures that are what's "Out of Control". It's people for us, but great minds think alike!

It looks good and feels alright, I can't really test local multiplayer right now, but solid work none the less.


Thank you!

Hot dang, that's really fun. I'm not too good at rhythm  games, but this one delivered in a way that made rhythm games more accessible. Though it's also difficult and I'm not very good at it. XP

As an advocate for accessible games, I think I might recommend a toggle for games with lots of strobe. Just to change the UI elements to be a little more stable as the very first screen a player sees.
On a gameplay side, dunno how difficult it would be to implement, but because of the crosshair being tied to the mouse, I think it would be a smoother experience with a continuous camera because the edges are hard to navigate.

Otherwise really fun and well executed.

I think the in game timer said I spent over half an hour playing, but I didn't get very far in. Not quite my cup of tea as a game, but a great entry for the Jam.

It's been pointed out already, but I think the cooldown timer is one of my biggest complaints, it really slows down the action. I'd suggest that shooting would instantly change your gun, but the cooldown will force you to change your gun if you don't shoot it, a "use it or lose it" type of deal. I otherwise think the art looks good and the idea is sweet.
I like this video a lot, if you're making lots of shooters, you might find it handy.

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback.

Glad you enjoyed it! Sorry we couldn't deliver on more. I wish we had more times for some interesting mechanics that would've made more levels reasonable. I was definitely worried that an extra even bigger level would've been too much.

Thanks! Once we were close to finishing up (and dead tired) I started to worry if it even hand the feeling of "out of control". Glad to know we hit the mark!

I knew convincing Hailrig to put a scoreboard in was a good use of our resources. That's a better time than I ever got. 

I'm sure as long as both hands are working you could shoot with the best of them.