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Strive for Power

Fantasy Slave Management/RPG Erotic Game · By Strive4Power

Old Bug Report Thread Sticky

A topic by Strive4Power created May 27, 2017 Views: 44,448 Replies: 616
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(3 edits)

v0.4.1 says Version 19 parentBuildId 50383

Character Galery is not persistent. It (sometimes) looses characters or achieved scenes from characters between save-state-loads.
Items that vanish are mostly Cali and Cali's First Time and Sister Love from Emily but not from Tisha or from both her and Tisha.

Second Bug: After Ending Calis Quest it's not possible to get her Pliable Trait to evolve to Devoted if she already is at 100 Loyalty. It's only possible to evolve it into Slutty by buying more actions.

Third Bug: If Cali is on level Commoner and has the Slutty trait she loses the 100/75 for Confidence after loading the save-state but retains the 100/75 for Charm.

Proposed solution: make saving of the galery more reliable by saving it into the save-file instead of (seemingly) interpreting it from the characters side-quest info in the file.

What version is it stated in main menu?

(1 edit)

v0.5.2.2. Sry should have looked there in the first place.
Got the initial version via lsappinfo info -app strive2 which should read the manifest in the .app bundle if I'm not mistaken.
Seems to differ in there though.

EDIT: Found another bug(?) while playing. Elixir of Regression does not remove the 'Prude'-trait.

(1 edit)

I'm pretty sure you shouldn't lose any progress with character gallery as its not tied to quest checks or anything but saved separately to 'progressdata' file. 

Pliable trait actually requires 90 affection points right now, not loyalty. 

Elixir of regression is not supposed to remove Prude trait.

(1 edit)

okay, thank you for the fast and helpful reply.
So there is no way to remove that trait apart from editing the save-file? Elixir of regression did seem like a logical choice, since it stated it's to be used to 'rehabilitate someone from an inconvenient character' and traits like Prude do not affect the stats. It'd be understandable if it didn't remove mute or scarred.

Actually Prude trait can disappear with random chance on orgasm.

yeah discovered that just a few minutes ago, too :D
Thx for the hint, though. Great game btw.
Say, the Deterrent and Stimulant Potions. What effect do they have outside of their respective side-quests?
Stimulant seems to speed up growth of arousal but I'm not sure about that.

Yeah, they are pretty much affect lust generation during sex actions right now.

Just remembered another important thing. It's not technically a bug but something that should be changed regardless. By having the game save to $HOME/.strive2 you are forcing users to disable itch's sandboxing mechanism on macOS. According to
where I brought this up a while ago games should save to $HOME/Library/Application Support/ in order to avoid this.

For all instances game is saved to "user://saves" which means different things in different OS. This system is a part of godot engine and should probably be addressed there. I'm neither good nor familiar with mac file structure so unless you have a ready solution which wouldn't impact all other instances, I'm afraid there's not much I can help with. 


2)Mac OSX, 10.11.6

3)Game crashes

4)Haven't tested extensively, but I noticed the game crashes sometimes on multiple mindreads on captured bandits after a battle. i.e. clicking mindread on a 2nd or 3rd bandit will suddenly crash the game for some reason.

4b) I also have experienced crashes in trying to capture a rare nereid monster girl

5) Great work. Love this game.

happens to me, too.
macOS 10.12.6
strive2 v0.5.2.2
Also the game sometimes doesn't dispel sprites of Adya or Maple and keeps showing them in other regions. Going back to mansion resets that.

(1 edit)

Hi there! Great game, found a few bugs. Public version (, Windows 7

- I was looking through, and on line 1058, "func countluxuty():" should that be "countluxury()?

- When I'm in the Alchemy Room, making potions produces an error "_on_brewbutton_pressed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function "on_alchemypanel_visibility_changed' in base 'Control ('," the potions are produced as normal, but the quantity on hand in Alchemy Lab window doesn't update unless you leave and return

- very occasionally, slave traits (Courage, Confidence, Wits, Charm) start above stated maximum (happened with Chloe and one random)

(1 edit)

I think I found this one., lines 63-72 & 187-190, it looks like the stat range for new slaves lets Commoners exceed their caps. Lines 63-72 give the base range a maximum of 65, lines 187-190 gives a commoner up to +15 for 80 total (or 85 for Charm). The same thing happens with Rich slaves and Confidence, with a possible total of up to 90.

Still exists as of v0.5.3.1d

1. v0.5.2.2 

2. Windows 10

3. Everytime I press Portrait to set the portrait of either a slave or the players character my game freezes. This wasn't so in earlier versions.

okay never mind it's just really..really slow (to the point of freezing)

(1 edit)

1. v0.5.2.2

2. Windows 7

3. Bandages do not seem to work in the mansion, either through the main "Inventory" interface or the "Use Item" interface. The dialogues work as expected, but no bandages are used and no health is restored.

1. v0.5.2.2

2. Windows 7

3. The Nympho specialization seems to be costing the slave extra energy instead of reducing the cost. It looks line line 493 of "" subtracts extra energy instead of refunding it?


(1 edit) (+1)
  1. v0.5.2.2
  2. Windows 10
  3. The "End Day" button stopped working on one of my saves. It no longer brings up the daily report, restores pc energy or counts down the days slaves are away on training. However the current date it the top left is still affected.
  4. SCRIPT ERROR  _on_end_pressed:  Invalid get index  'I93'  (on base:   'Dictionary')
  5.   At: res://files/scripts/
(1 edit)


2. Windows `0

3. Custom names are not staying

4. N/A

5. Whenever I try to customize my character's or first slave's name, it shows as what I chose but changes back to its original once I actually start the game, making it so I cannot give them a custom name. I've tried many times, and even re downloaded the game once, but nothing's seeming to help.


2. Windows 7

3. Frostford sacrifice event did not kill sacrifice

4. N/A

5. I tried to sacrifice Yris, but she doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effect at all.


2. Windows 7

3. Away slaves don't release their jobs.

4. N/A

5. For exclusive jobs like Cooking or Head Girl, if the slave isn't reassigned before being sent for training, vacation, etc, that job can't be done by anyone who remains. Discovered with Cooking on the assignment to Ayda in the Gorn story arc.

OS: Windows 10 Version 1703 (OS Build 15063. 729)
Bug: contains a typo on line 1815 that makes it impossible for you to claim Chloe for your mansion, meaning you can only turn her over to the Brothel.

var chloe = globals.characters.create("CHloe")
Should be:
var chloe = globals.characters.create("Chloe")

Version 5.3.1d is unplayable, where can I download 5.2.2?
OS: windows 10

You used to be able to get mana by raping bandits, now you can't.
When healing people outside of combat, you get a big popup every time that does nothing that I can see.
There are more popups that don't go away in 5.3.1d than there were in 5.2.2

1. v0.5.2.2

2. Windows 7

3. (unsure if bug) swapping actions cost energy from both participants, plus the player

Yeah i noticed that, if it didn't take your energy too it would be very spam-able.

Whats more, after selecting a new partner for your slave, if you then click a different one in the residents list, the game remembers the partner you previously selected. This means you can make a slave with "swing" unlocked sleep with anyone, even themselves.

Old sex system becoming obsolete and won't be supported for long as new one has been introduced in 5.3.x versions.

1. v0.5.2.2

2. Windows 7

3. Slave prices for Scylla aren't receiving multiplier


5. Looks like a problem on line 1134 of, it's spelled 'Scyalla'



sexuals.unlocked never seems to be getting set to true for any slaves, save for in some specific quests, the "fickle" event and when a new slave is created via the cheat button.

(2 edits)

1. v0.5.3.1d

2. Windows 7

3. Beastkin Wolves' description says they get an Awareness bonus, but that doesn't seem to be anywhere in the code. EDIT: literally, a "Detection bonus".


2. Win 10
3. Save files from v0.5.2.2 are not working in this version
End of day button counts next day and mansion cleanliness goes down but no change in stats for residents and all sexual options, job selectons, sleep room settings are reset

Yes, starting from 5.3.x version, saves from previous versions are not supported.

Windows 10

move to the sea (deeper), run into a gorn patrol (apparently according to the error)

"SCRIPT ERROR: buildenemies: Invalid get index 'gornnpatrol' (on base: 'Dictionary').          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: encounterdictionary: Invalid get index '0' (on base: 'Array').
          At: res://files/scripts/
SCRIPT ERROR: enemyencounter: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'String' in operator '+'.
          At: res://files/scripts/"


2. Win 7

3. Majorus concoction doesn`t work on penis at all


2. Win 7

3. Description window on consumables outdoors doesn`t disappear sometimes


2. Win 7

3. Battlegroup inventory appears on using heal with the message of "u`ve been healed"


2. Win 7

3. Can`t learn Geisha specialisation for slaves. Got all conditions done.


2. Win 7

3. Choosing as swing another partner consunes my energy  and energy of two partners for action, but giving affection points only for one of partners


2. Win 7

3. Not a bug, actually, but i can`t tatoo self(


2. Win 7

3. I`ve attached penis to my character, but my gender in interaction mod still "female" icon

(6 edits)
macOS 10.12.6

  •  the new interaction menu does not lead to obedience or loyalty decrease nor to stress increase if 'Likes it rough'-trait is active but sexual interactions have not been achieved yet. forcing those through the old menu still results in severe obedience and loyalty decrease.
  • virgin option when starting a new game is no longer greyed out if the player character is male and does not do anything.
  • Emily does not have the sex menu activated even though the 'Spike with Aphrodisiac'-event got triggered (this worked in 0.5.2.x).
    Also her new sprite isn't as cute as the old one. Option to revert to that would be nice.
  • no explanation what what the values in the new interaction menu do and what they influence. (arousal, wetness, lust)
  • also theres no explanation anywhere what exactly the special rules of the advanced brand do and how -for example- enforced nudity differs from just don't giving any clothes or if there is any way to effectively use the no masturbation rule without risking stat drop by developing a sex crazed trait.
  • sometimes buying an item as stack takes the money but only one apears in inventory and only one is usable.
  • interaction allows for selection of non-available characters in abuse mode. i.e. Emily after she has gone with Tisha
  • bug with the old sex-menu. even though petting and classic sex is already unlocked through the bathing-event with Emily neither fingering nor fucking her pussy is available. It's not unlockable either. That problem sometimes rights itself after restart of the game and loading of the save.
  • Slave guild in Wimborn bug. Slave description begins with defeated bandits description "tied and bound..."

1. v0.5.3.1d

2. Windows 7

3. Downgrading a slave doesn't bring their current mentals down to their new maximums.

4. N/A

5. Not sure if bug or feature.

  1. v0.5.3.1d
  2. macOS High Sierra 10.13.1
  3. Sometimes, when capturing, mindreading or just defeating enemies, the game crashes to desktop. The error message is, the app quit unexpectedly.
  4. Just normally play the game using rope after mindreading (often the cause). Sometimes is just crashes after defeating enemies or mindreading after defeating them.
  5. I think it's only a bug in the macOS game part.

Still happens with And this happens quite often. Not every time, but maybe 10-20% of the mindreads.

  1. v0.5.3.1d
  2. macOS High Sierra 10.13.1
  3. When using the spell Mutation, in 4 of 5 cases, nothing happens (or at least nothing is being displayed). Only sometimes a window is being opened stating what actually happened during Mutation spell.
  4. N/A
  5. The slave just loses stress and nothing happens.

1. v0.5.3.1d

2. Windows 7

3. Had a crash after End Day, looks like a daily event was broken.

4. Not sure, I've had other daily events occur without error.


Windows 10 x64

No option to use items shown either in mansion or combat. Clicking on the character box in combat displays a blank square on the left of the screen. 

Attempting to capture escaping mobs during combat freezing the game. 

Can you provide a save with unusable items?

Windows 10 x64

I probably broke this. I already had 28 slaves and ended up capturing about 70 slaves in a run and got the error, repeating, with a game lockup. It's when I tried to enter the mansion with all of these slaves in tow. I'd love it if I could just keep the few I want and quicksell the rest when I get to town, but I have to either sell them all or sort through them in the mansion (and then differentiate the keepers by assigning them a job, as they're jumbled in the slave sale display). 

1. v0.5.3.2c

2. Windows 7

3. It seems that, unless my slave is a Pervert AND isn't Sex-Crazed AND does have Confidence > 40, they're embarrassed and stressed out by not having clothes (nothing in costume or armor), but if any one of those isn't true, it doesn't bother them. Seems odd that it would bother a Pervert to be naked, or that those all have to be true for them to gain stress.

4. N/A

5., lines 659-660

very annoying bug in 5.3.2c on macOS
Removing plain underwear leads to not being able to re-equip it without modifying the save-file. The equip-menu does not show up after removal of plain underwear. It does however if it is merely swapped by lacy underwear. If you then remove that, however the plain underwear icon is shown on the remove button instead of on the plain underwear button and clicking it leads to the same situation of not being able to access that menu.

Gotcha, thanks for the report.

Game version: 0.5..3.3 on Windows 10.

Was selling my weapons in the market and noticed that the weapon did not disappear, but instead remained and gave me gold. Did try other items and so far it's just the swords that causing the glitch. 

Also When capturing any person in the wild I get this text, "[color=green] New captive added to yourgroup.[/color]" Every time.
Dominance Value not shown anymore when using Mind Reading.

(1 edit)


2: Win10 x64

3: multiple "resource loading" failures at startup

4: unknown

5: although not game-breaking these errors seem to constantly occur right at startup causing the game to take a abnormally long time to launch.

i have reinstalled the game and this still occurs

EXEC PATHP??: E:\itchdotio\Games\Strive for Power\Strive 2.exe
EXEC PATHP??: E:\itchdotio\Games\Strive for Power\Strive 2.exe
EXEC PATHP??: E:\itchdotio\Games\Strive for Power\Strive 2.exe
Boot splash path: res://files/buttons/loading.png
ERROR: ImageLoader::load_image: Error opening file: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack.png
   At: core\io\image_loader.cpp:53
ERROR: Failed loading image: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack.png
   At: scene\io\resource_format_image.cpp:116
ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack.png
   At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:210
ERROR: ImageLoader::load_image: Error opening file: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack2.png
   At: core\io\image_loader.cpp:53
ERROR: Failed loading image: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack2.png
   At: scene\io\resource_format_image.cpp:116
ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack2.png
   At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:210
ERROR: ImageLoader::load_image: Error opening file: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack.png
   At: core\io\image_loader.cpp:53
ERROR: Failed loading image: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack.png
   At: scene\io\resource_format_image.cpp:116
ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack.png
   At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:210
ERROR: ImageLoader::load_image: Error opening file: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack2.png
   At: core\io\image_loader.cpp:53
ERROR: Failed loading image: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack2.png
   At: scene\io\resource_format_image.cpp:116
ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/buttons/abils/Attack2.png
   At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:210

5.3.3a on Windows

When a slave needs a specialization to advance in level, going to the guild to browse available specializations and canceling out of the specialization menu fulfills the requirement and the slave advances a level without actually having selected the specialization.

(1 edit)

1. v0.5.3.2c

2. Windows 7

3. Because of how encounters are coded, it seems that the only way to find Dragonkin or Seraphs or Gnomes is to attack slavers to steal their catch.

4. N/A

5. Not sure if bug or feature.

I've got a couple of bugs for version on Linux 64-bit.

Bug #1: Game crashes with a segmentation fault when I try to change the underwear of a slave who isn't wearing any.

Reproduction: Remove a slave's underwear. Then try to put new underwear on them.

Related note: If I remove a slave's underwear then save, the save file says they're still wearing plain underwear but after loading the game shows them to have been de-underpantsed and it is impossible for me to put new underwear on them without getting an instant crash.

Bug #2: Lone Strangers in the mountains or the deep forest are sometimes announced as $race $child or $race monster $child instead of something like elf boy or harpy monster girl.

Reproduction: Go to the mountains or the deep area of the forest and proceed until such an encounter appears.

Related note: I haven't actually tested what happens if I fight one of these, so I don't know what happens then.


Windows 10 x64

Regression potions do not work and generate error text in the console:

SCRIPT ERROR: trait: Invalid get index '(conflict:[]), (description:$name is still naive and can be swayed one way or another...

[color=aqua]Has room for changes and growth. [/color]), (effect:), (name:Pliable), (tags:[mental])' (on base: 'Dictionary').
          At: res://files/scripts/
SCRIPT ERROR: slave.add_trait: Invalid get index 'name' (on base: 'Nil').
          At: res://
SCRIPT ERROR: trait: Invalid get index '(conflict:[]), (description:Due to some circumstances, $name's mind reversed to infantile state. $He's barely capable of normal tasks, but $he's a lot more responsive to social training.

[color=aqua]Social jobs disabled. [/color]), (effect:(code:regressed)), (name:Regressed), (tags:[secondary, mental])' (on base: 'Dictionary').
          At: res://files/scripts/
SCRIPT ERROR: slave.add_trait: Invalid get index 'name' (on base: 'Nil').
          At: res://

Another bug for 5.3.2c Linux 64-bit:

Nympho training works exactly backwards. It increases the slave's energy usage for sex by 50% instead of reducing it.

after updating from to, it seems like all slaves in a save from a different version are broken. the sleeping conditions for all old slaves is "0" and can't be selected, their abilities and traits are blank, their occupation is missing, their inspect and customization tab are all default, their sexual action tab is reset and actions cannot be performed, and end of day report is blank and doesn't appear, even when set to always.

this happens when selecting a broken slave.

Saves from before 0.5.3.x versions are no longer supported.

(1 edit)

1: version

2: win10 x64

3: Cali seems to be really horny.... i mean really REALLY HORNY

4: male or futa character, have Cali in your household with high obedience and/or loyalty, have Cali set to Your Bed with intimacy unlocked. (possibly "clingy" trait as well)

5: i am not sure if this is intentional or not but after unlocking Cali in one of my saves i had set her to My Bed to free up a private room.

eventually i got a headgirl notice that said "Cali appears to be pregnant." at first i didnt think much of it so i ignored it. eventually Cali gave birth and i had a new slave/servant aging. approximately 20 ingame days later i receive the message again "Cali appears to be pregnant."

this time i had not used the sexual tab on Cali prior so i was a little confused but shrugged it off.....

... ... ... ... ... ... this happened 5 more times and i was confused as i had not used intimacy with her at all prior to these.

i decided to do a little test.

loaded up a sandbox game, got Cali and did her mission like before, and through the supporter menu maxed everything but lust, set her in my bed again. unlocked intimacy, and proceded to skip days checking Cali's statistics as well as the secondary report on the end day screen each time... like before Cali would randomly get pregnant within 20-25 days of giving birth.

when looking at the secondary reports i noticed that each day would flip between "Cali keeps you company at night and you grew closer." and "Cali went down on you unable to calm her lust."

after this i checked with the other slaves i had and none of them have this problem. i even got a slave from Cali with almost the same stats and this didn't occur with her either.


A non-virgin slave in your bed rolls impregnation if player has proper sexual equipment

The download page is currently unavailable for patreon members

The link has been changed recently. Check out latest post.


2. Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (xDark)

3. Crash upon launching

4. Launching the program (Itch app)


Have you tried direct launch (with exe file)? It seems like there's some problem with your OS. Were you able to launch it without crashing previously?

I haven't been playing for a few version, so I can't tell how far back this bug started at. I was able to play it before the picture changed though, and maybe even a bit after the picture changed. I tried the exe, and the game crashes, but that's from the itch installation, i can try manual installation.

I'm not too sure what the problem could be, however.. Some of my other programs seem to be doing the same thing. [Sakura Fantasy, for example, which is installed on the same external hard drive] 

Yeah, seems to be an issue with your OS. I can suggest checking any weird installed programs. I've heard that some sound software can cause issues with the game.

Well, its not sound, least as far as I could tell since I removed my sounds completely. As for weird installed softwares, i'm not sure abotu those either, can't see anything in the list that i don't have an idea what it is. 

I also scanned my hardrive for bad sectors, and even attempted to run it from the desktop with a fresh download. 

I still don't understand what the issue is, or even why it seems to affect a lot of my visual novels.


,green, ; appears incorrectly formatted and breaks bandage application, item is consumed; removed color call and script appears to work as intended.  Great little game btw!

if item.code == 'bandage':
if slave.effects.has('bandaged') == false:
get_parent().infotext(slave.dictionary("Bandage used on $name.")) += slave.stats.health_max/2.5
get_parent().infotext(slave.dictionary("Bandage used on $name with reduced efficiency.")) += slave.stats.health_max/5

1. (version #58310 (osx-public))

2. macOS 10.13.2 

3. Around day 11, with 7 residents, "Leave to Town" stopped working. Clicking the button or pressing C does nothing. 

4. Not sure how to replicate it, it just stopped working. 

5. Saved, closed the game, loaded the save, same thing. Now on day 76, still can't leave to town.

Can you provide a save file?

Seems like an issue with equipped item you have on your character. Not even sure how that happened, but I'll try to figure.

Sounds good, man! Thanks for the help and happy Holidays! :)


2. win64

3. Food sometimes inreases even though it should have decreased

4. I tried testing this with a new game and bought 2 slaves causing the total daily food used to increase to 40. Sometimes whenever one of them has lack of courage  the total amount of food grew by what they brought plus 40, adding the daily food used. This happens whenever theyare foraging or hunting.

(1 edit)

A person (with no modifiers) consumes only 10 food per day (including yourself). I don't think its possible for this value to inverse. 

(2 edits)


1. The farm in the mansion can't be accessed if you have yourself or a slave's description up. (Seems legit.)

2. The gear menu will stay on your screen if you switch to another slave. The menu will still be for the slave you brought the menu up for. The changes will be saved to the original slave. If you leave the mansion while the gear menu is up, the menu will still be there. Closing the menu will result in the background changing. None of the options are affected. (Still love that lacy underwear.)

3. After a while, the random events will only activate for the most current slave gotten. (I want my other slaves to still whine about being horny.)

4. Clingy slaves will still complain about wanting attention, even when they're being used in the farm. (It got annoying, so I sold them. That was after hunting a Tauros for 6 hours.) As a side note, they complained about not getting enough attention while they were on vacation, so they could unlock their potential. They are so persistent!

5. Guards for low reputation are beyond over powered. They can one shot a 40000 hp character that has 200 armor. (I screwed around with a save.)

6. Spamming the "End day" button will crash the game without fail. (You don't need to close the report.)

7. Lab assistant asks for a few days off and is granted said days, but the lab is still usable. (That's some vacation. They're needed so they're called back and they respond, without complaining.)

8. When finding more than one monster girl it appears as something like "You have found a lone rare $name" bla, bla, bla. The lone part is incorrect and the $name is a bit weird. (Gotta catch them all! I love them slime girls.)

9. The costumer requests can be refreshed if the save file is reloaded. This can easily be exploited. (Guilty...)

10. Sometimes when a trait is gained, the stats go up. If these stats are already maxed, they will add it to exceed the max. When these stats would be affected again, like with a job, the stat reverts to max. (I'm fine with that 100 courage, but let me keep that 125 wit. That way I know just how devoted that guy is. Look at him, learning more than he should. Kill him.)

11. Giving a male character a vagina and removing the dick will still cause it to say "he" and "his." (I even tried making the "mind-blowingly huge tits" lactate and hollowed out. What a weird guy.)

12. Characters will become bisexual if they're a male and a futa does frottage with them, or a female and a futa does tribalism without penalty for the same sex problem. (Preparing them boys to grow a hole.)

13. When I ran from a fight, the one slave was still there with 0 HP. (Way to keep going, buddy!) The next fight I encountered immediately killed him upon starting. (Never mind...)

14.  The interactions tab in the mansion can be used to start an orgy with anyone who unlocked intimacy, even if group wasn't unlocked for a single person. (Time to get some beers and some babes. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE GUYS IN THIS ORGY!?)

15. Changing the options to not be on the receiving end of sex after starting with it on, does absolutely nothing. (Sounds like life. I'm always on the receiving end of nothing but a punch to the face.)

I only was able to find this many bugs due to the fact the game kept me interested the entire time. Keep going! I'm going back to the game and fapping. (Goddammit! My tissues fell!)

Edits were made to fix typos!

I've been stuck on the main story since, updated to

Frostford Quest - Zoe requires 15 Nature's Essence, 5 Fluid Substance and 500 food. There isn't a way to put food into the party's  backpack nor does the game register that I have over 500 food in storage. Just keeps saying "You don't have everything Zoe asked for" despite me have the 15 Nature's Essence and 5 Fluid Substance in the party backpack.

You don't need to use party's backpack, just have it in mansion storage.

Thanks for the reply, but my mansion food upgrades are maxed and I have over 2900 food in storage. It just doesn't register that I have over the 500 food required for the quest.

Other ingredients should not be in backpack as well.

It's worked, thought I'd already tried it without them in the backpack, but I guess not.

Thanks a bunch for the assist.


After completing the main story I'm able to talk to Melissa over and over again that also means she gives me each time 10 mansion upgrade points.

Is this meant to happen ?

Windows 10, version

Continuous actions during Interaction persist between encounters, even though the participant(s) are no longer present.

I believe the ongoingactions dict is simply never cleared.

Deleted 272 days ago

1. Can you elaborate what steps you can use to recreate it? 
2. She should come back soon if you can't assign a new one
3. That means someone stole a bit, generally due to low obedience

Deleted 272 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Confirmed, just happened for me on Linux


At the end of the main quest, Melissa provides the player with 10 upgrade points. After going through with the dialogue, you can keep clicking it and get infinite upgrade points.

Version, Windows 10

When, as a random event, a lost girl is brought in the button to imprison them doesn't work and you can only ignore them or send them back.

(2 edits)

2. 64 bit Windows 8.1 Pro
3. One of my favorite servants suddenly loses energy constantly and is now stuck at 0, even after resting for 2 or 3 days.
4.  N/A
5. Tried selling him to the slave guild and buying him back, which didn't help.

EDIT:  I moved him to a personal room and clicked on "kissing" in the sex menu, since it's the lowest energy option, and something I did seems to have fixed it.

A couple bugs so far

Windows 10 x64

Bug 1
Description: Slave with "Nympho" specialization spends 50% extra energy, not less
Repro: Do any sex stuff with Nympho
Details: Futanari Main character, Slave-grade female Fairy with "Pretty voice" and "Bisexual" traits

Bug 2
Description: Slave being trained as "Tamer" can Tame slaves while away on training
Repro: Have (many) uncivilized slaves in jail. Send another slave away for training as a Tamer. With luck, a uncivilized slave will be "elevated" while Tamer is away
Details: Happened to me on the first day that I sent slave away for training

(+1) / Windows 10 x64. 

specialization  lvl up requirement,

gets reward too soon ,  i dont need to pick one, just selecting slave in slavers guild , pick specialization  and leave  without picking one is enough , no need for 500 pay , no 5 days  in slavers guild.

Game version:  0.5.4
When defeating the golem to get the scroll, game freezes.  This shows up in other window.
(1 edit)

Game Version 0.5.4 played on Windows 10

Word wrapping errors: In multiple parts of the game, such as the splash warning and areas in Wimborn, the large text area's don't seem to be applying word wrapping for text correctly. It is noticable at size 14, and at font size 16 which I use it makes a lot of information get hidden (example attached image at slave market).

I have also noticed that it only happens when resizing from the default screen. From what I can tell it seems the word wrapping and the text box doesn't scale together properly (When screen is close to default launch size, the text will wrap properly, but the wrap location will extend faster than the text area). EDIT: My mistake, default seems to be 14, not 12.



This gonna be fixed next version as this is resolution issue we had for some time. From we gonna have fixed game screen size

Thank you for the information! I'm looking forward to it as well as what else is in store!

(2 edits)


You can open chests without a lockpick/the energy to smash it open. All you have to do is press 1 and, even though the option is grayed out, it opens the chest. You can repeat this IN the chest to infinitely open chests and get whatever you want from them. 3 claymore, 3 plate mail, countless ingredients/costumes/valuable gems/etc.

Also, while I'm posting this, I went to the marsh and ran around a bit, decided to attack a bandit encampment, and got an empty battle, hit f for an instant win, and then all my options were gone when I got out of the battle. I was stuck. Could click on control, quest log, etc. But there was no option to continue exploring or leave. I didn't have any way to leave the screen, so I lost all the progress for that day.

EDIT: Apparently my save is just broken. I just had a fight in the prairies, and it broke too. I'll probably have to restart to fix that.

EDIT2: Just thought to check the console, and it had 2 errors.

Script Error: start_battle: invalid call. nonexistent  function 'armor <via call>' in base 'Control <>'

Script Error: enemydefeated: invalid get index 'state' <on base: 'Dictionary'>

Sorry for the double post, but it happened again. I don't know what I'm doing that's causing it, but after a while my game just breaks. Scratch that, I just thought of an idea to check. Figured it out. It's the armor/weapons with enchantments. I went to Wimborn without any weapons/armor equipped, fought some thugs, no prob. Equipped my armor and long sword (armor had +5 armor, and sword had +3 damage) and I got an empty fight.

From the console, it's the armor error, so the armor enchantment that adds armor is broken. I FIGURED IT OUT! yay for me...but boo for not being able to equip the best armor in the game...>.>...

This shall be fixed next release.

This might be related to my problem I just posted....  I also have some enchanted gear, but Winborn area fights seem to load fine for me?

Course I don't know how to check any of that console stuff?

(1 edit)

In the bandage is spelled bondage in the effect and thus bandages do not work. version .5.3.3awin64; checked is still in win64 the bondageeffect() of line 1227 needs to be bandageeffect()

Use latest version.

(2 edits)

1. Version 0.5.4 (64-bit)(current download)
2. Win 7 (64-bit)

3. a) minor bug: During Emily's initial quest line, used the aphrodisiac to open her sex interaction options.  'Classic Sex' is unlocked, but the button does not show up for normal/vaginal sex. (I am at the part where her sister is missing. I also used this option to open Emily's sex interactions, in case it didn't unlock properly from the aphrodisiac.)

3.b) major bug: In the Ancient Forest and you go to fight, no enemies or characters show up on the fight screen and you're stuck. Have to close the program and re-start the program. Still, repeated attempts same thing. Have not tried the other areas. Only sort of starting out in the story and fist time leaving the starting area. Wimborn area's fights proceed as normal.


On a different note; Your game rocks.

to open the questline for which character? at what stage of the mainquest?

Thanks...I thought I had already put Emily's name in there..but I must have messed up.

(3 edits)

Emily/Tisha is a sidequest line with special situations including a 'no sex' tag. emily.sexuals.unlocks.append('vaginal') is before emily.sexuals.unlocks.append('petting')    ----unlock petting before vaginal and all is good

also missing the emily.unlocksexuals() line

3.b) Check your armor. If it has the +# Armor enchantment (green words) it's broken. There's a bug with the enchantment that doesn't properly call the effect, and thus fails to properly load battle. You can get out of the battles by pressing F to auto-attack, but then you're stuck after the fight unless you can teleport to the mansion from the control menu.

(1 edit)

baby is born but is still listed in the savedata babylist[]

 in around line 2203 (version win 64

   globals.slaves = baby
    globals.state.babylist.erase(baby) #new line inserted
    baby = ''

this seems to fix the savedata babylist

Thanks for the help

Me again. Beat the game, loaded an earlier save, quit to main menu, started a new game, looked in inventory...had a ton of stuff. all my alchemy ingredients, provisions, etc. The only thing that didn't stay were the equipables. So I have 10k provisions...Just gonna go sell those for 10k gold right from the start.

Visit Sebastian fails when you have less than 100 gold - Linux 64

1) Speak in Winborn's local bar with Jason (mercenary) about Cali
2) Have less than 100 gold
3) Visit Sebastian, game segfaults
4) After you get 100, the visit goes well (Ask Sebastian about mercenary - Jason) - Linux 64
- does not suffer from the issue

(8 edits)

using strive-for-power-win64-public-v0.5.4.1e

1. When you level up a girl's endurance, her max HP rises but her current HP doesn't rise, effective making her wounded from leveling up.... I had a girl miscarry overnight because I raised her endurance and it dropped her health to red (since it is percentage based). This is also exploitable with a new capture that comes with floating points. Capture them, they are now in jail with 5HP. heal them with spell for +obedient +liking you. raise their endurance by 1, heal them again. repeat with as many points as you have available for rapid early prison gains.

2. The game needs to be more clear that a person has unspent attribute points, especially the MC.

3. There needs to be some way to quicksell some of the captives but not others. So that you can keep one or two you actually want but sell the rest. At the moment, even though you are at home town, you still need to buy teleportation trinkets to teleport the ones you want to keep and then hit quicksell.

4. when you return to your mansion with captives, the game should warn you and let you choose what to do with them. On occasion I forget and returned to mansion with 15 captives. it put 1 in prison, 4 in rooms, and auto-released the rest because I couldn't fit them into the mansion.

5. I think the starter girl should already start out intimate with the MC. after all it suggests you have had her for a while and you desperately need a source of mana.

6. If you disable furry the starter girl race options still show furry choices.

7. Speaking of mana, combat spells cost so much mana. that magic is simply not viable for combat. You need to spend a week doing nothing but sex to produce enough mana for a few battles. And you still suck at it compared to just pumping up agility, wearing decent equipment, and hitting them with a sword.

8. when selling items at market to merchants, they don't recognize magical items. it shows up as white colored text instead of green, doesn't tell you what it does, and they pay you the same as a non magical version. (I am talking about things like "dagger +3" that has 4+3 damage vs a non-magical dagger that has 4 damage.

9. when buying items from merchants, you don't get a full description. for example armor just says its armor... only when you buy it do you get details such as "40% damage reduction and +5 armor"

10. ok, I need enough rope to bind captives, fine... but why don't I get the rope back when I sell them or bring them back to my mansion?

11. Slave guild repeatable missions give mansion upgrade points. moreso than selling the same slave. but it doesn't explicitly say so. Also, how much extra? is it always 50% extra or does it depend on the mission difficulty?

12. When selling a well trained slave it says "will give you mansion upgrade points". but it doesn't say how much. (although I am thinking slave grade = 1. poor grade = 2. common grade = 3. rich grade = 4... noble grade ???, probably 5?)

13. For some reason, every time I turn in a quest, the window which shows the NPCs replies and the rewards automatically closes itself after a fraction of a second

14, Saved games are sorted by date, where the newest save is at the bottom of the list. the more saves you have, the longer it takes to scroll. This should be backwards, where new saves are at the top so that you can load the latest save without having to scroll 7 pages worth of old saves first

15. I think it would be neat if in the mansion library  you could look up the race writeups (even on races you don't have in your mansion). And also city info. And see the character gallery

16. Race is underlined and looks like a hyperlink, and if they are a slave in your mansion then it is a hyperlink and opens a new window with a description of that race. But if you are inspecting them after battle to decide if you should capture them or not then it still appears like a hyperlink but doesn't actually work.

17. If the cook is unavailable for X days for some reason or another, then I cannot assign someone else as the new cook until they return. I accidentally sent my cook to the gorn alchemist for 15 days... had to manually buy food every day :(.

18. If you had intimacy with cali before sending her to her home. then when she comes back her special scene doesn't trigger. And remains locked in the character gallery.

19. The Tisha Hale scene "older sister will have to "stay up" for the younger" remains locked in the character gallery even after being acquired and watched. (took me a while to figure out how to get that one even with the hint!... of course i was doing it on a temp save because I would rather be nice. still want to unlock it for gallery)

20. During special character scenes, the buttons to continue/make choices cover the bottom of the text. and as such the last few sentences in each scene are unreadable.

21. By default pregnancy is vastly accelerated. being done in about a month instead of 9. It would be great if there was an option to disable that and have the normal duration pregnancy.

22. Food spoilage depends entirely on quantity and not on day. Buying 500 food at once will see a bunch of it spoil overnight. a way to keep track of it, is that whenever food is bought what would get put into your inventory is "food - 0 days old" and every time you hit the finish day button add 1 to days of all the different stacks of food. Then afterwards calculate spoilage based on age. Also prioritize older food for use by the cook first. Food can also be hidden in regular inventory to avoid creating a mess.

23. when the cook is buying food in market every day it would be great if they actually calculated how much you need based on your current reserves, population, and perks such as luxury dining. And then bought exactly how much is needed. They still can do it if you manually do the math and then input it mansion settings and then modify it manually every time you change quantity of slaves or quality of food... but I think it would be better if such math was automated.

7 is an easy fix. Just have a bunch of sex in the interaction menu. If you do 3 at a time (4 if you count yourself) you can get a minimum of 180-ish per interaction. And you get more interactions as the game goes. I don't know the requirements for it though.

My usual is:

Written this way - Give+Take - Action

Me+1st - Missionary(>>)

Me+1st - Kiss(>>)

2nd+3rd - Kiss(>>)

2nd+3rd - (putting on strap-on if needed) Missionary(>>)

All+Me - Fondle Breasts(>>) (I play as a futa most of the time. I like breasts and a feminine figure, but having a penis makes sex easier xP)

All+1st - Fondle Breasts(>>)

All+2nd - As above

All+3rd - >>

This, generally, leaves me 11 'turns' of repeatedly doing this(12 if you don't need to make one put on a strap-on). Gives multiple orgasms per participant(seems to be about an average of 6-8), and, as I said, about 180-ish mana without the specialization that boosts mana production/racial bonus.

Repeat for as many interactions as you have (I've had a max of 3-4 by the time of beating the game last time I beat it I believe) and you have a TON of mana.

(9 edits)


There is no such thing as "give+take" action for a male MC using the latest public version. I have no idea if you have it because female MC or because you are playing the latest patreon version.

Also, there is no such thing as specifically a foursome option, only "threesome" and "all" (which could coincidentally end up as a foursome if all has exactly 4 participants unlocked).

As for all, it explicitly warns you that it causes permanent damage to the slaves and also costs a magic potion that you won't be able to get until late game, and even then costs money to make. If it didn't cause permanent damage and didn't require a potion then it would have been an actual viable strategy.

Furthermore, it takes a very long time to unlock a bunch of participants for the "all" option and then grind their affection to the point you unlock group sex with them.

By the time using "all" to grind mana becomes viable you would have already gotten your team to be amazing melee killers that instagib all enemies in melee, equipped from head to toe in supreme gear... so while this late game strategy makes it possible to cast spells in combat without grinding sex for a week to pay for it, by the time it becomes available you have no reason to actually cast spells in combat at all.

It is also worth mentioning that even with unlimited mana, fighting with magic is very inefficient without first raising agility which raises both your offense and defense. So once you do that you win combat anyways and the magic is redundant beyond roleplay value. It also deals way too little damage for the fact it costs mana and can miss... so there isn't even that strategic aspect of "ok, day 2 of the game, I am getting my butt kicked but I can salvage this if I burn mana to repeatedly mindblast them". even with a few levels in magic affinity you are too weak to blast them effectively.

... that all said. it sounds to me like you are playing latest patreon version and that it simply happens to addressed that issue already by allowing far more mana generation.

It's not patreon version. There's different sex system accessible through 'interactions' button on the mansion screen, which will completely replace old sex system in next version.

thank you, I found it. wow, it is indeed a completely different system and it is found side by side with the existing system. Just need to know where to look

Yeah, sorry, wasn't clear on where the option was.

For those that don't know: Mansion screen bottom right corner has a button called interactions. That's where this feature is.

(3 edits)

using strive-for-power-win64-public-v0.5.4.1e

1. in the slave guild's special requests, I sometimes get a request for a "drow". the problem is that they are called dark elves in the character sheet, so these missions are impossible to fulfil

2. weird stuff happens when casting domination on a newly captured slave. it says obedience ++ but it is stuck at 50. some time and effort needs to be spent breaking that 50 barrier before you can then cast a second dominate to push them to 100 obedience. which is fine if intended, but the feedback should be different. It shouldn't say obedient +++ if it didn't actually change obedience. Actually it will sometimes lower obedience when cast "successfully" and tell you obedience+++ but actually lowering it

Dark elves and drows are different races.

Newly captured slaves might have rebellious mood which caps their obedience

2. All (far as I can tell) newly captured slaves have a cap on their obedience. Give 'em a few days to a week and you'll get a notification that they've 'gotten used to their new servitude' or something similar. That's when you are allowed to get them to 100% obedience.

I treat all my slaves well. I never beat/dominate. I just scream at their faces when they start feeling a little rebellious. Aren't I nice? All my slaves love me. *screams at a slave that did  absolutely nothing wrong but was feeling a little unhappy with the luxury I provided* Love ya~! xP

(1 edit)

Thank you for explaining about the cap and and race difference. Where can I find drow? I am curious about the difference but I guess I will just look it up in game once i acquire a drow. Incidentally, I earlier reported that the race hyperlink only works in mansion and not when capturing people during adventuring. I can now say this also applies to slaver guild auctions. I can see the race name with an underline on it making it look click-able, but it is only click-able once i take them home

In regards to dominate, I never use it on my own slaves. only when farming mansion upgrade points... capture some slaves, dominate to rapidly get them over 90 obedience. now I can turn them in to the guild for points.

Although lately i stopped doing that, instead i just teleport between all the towns looking to match a slave being sold with a request being posted.

Incidentally there seems to be some sort of disconnect in terms of beauty. The average beauty seems to actually be between -20 and +20. 30s is actually uncommon. 40 is very rare. 50-60 ridiculously rare... I literally never saw anything higher than 63. missions often ask "average beauty, at least 40 / 50" or "pretty, at least 70". Which is not really doable with how low actual beauty scores are.

... unless temporal effects from beauty potions count? or maybe I am supposed to modify them in the lab to be more beautiful? even if that is the intent the naming scheme is a bit irking. using "average" to describe very rare beauties.

Also, "brothel needs a new whore" type missions ask for 25 lewdness. Using mind reading shows no such stat to exist... is it perhaps the lust stat? or is it a stat so hidden that even mind reading doesn't reveal it? (like toxicity, I have no idea how much toxicity anyone has... actually would be nice if the lab had an upgrade that let you examine toxicity levels)

For beauty, you can do a few things. First is the mixture, as you said, this is temporary, though. The next is the lab, where you can boost it permanently. And the last option is the Beauty Parlor facility where you can put tattoos on them. The nature tattoos increase beauty, but you only get a benefit from up to 3. I can't tell you if any of these count towards the quests, as I never actually do them. I generally just get my slaves to max Courage/Charm and set them to Public Entertainer. It's not a ridiculous amount of money, but it's enough that I can have a few set to that, 1 on cooking, and pretty much never need to worry about money. Since I don't use money too often, it builds up pretty well.

(2 edits)

Thank you. I will have to test if those methods count towards fulfilling such quests. I should note that I am not selling them for the money. By the time you have trained a slave to be loyal enough to sell like this they could make you a bunch of money from a job.

The reason I am selling them is for the mansion upgrade points. It doesn't matter how much money I have, I can't upgrade the mansion without upgrade points. which you only get from completing quests or selling a slave of over 90 obedience. I prefer the repeatable slave request mini quests since they give out more mansion points per slave

That's true. I just spam catch a few, scream at them until they like me, and then sell 'em. Easier than worrying about requirements for the missions. I don't generally want for points, plus a bit of story progression gives a pretty good number of points. And, finally,  you can, at a cost to reputation, sell slaves to Sebastion after you've properly unlocked his services. The don't have to be high obedience, but there is a requirement, as I've had him say they were too rebellious. But they seem to give the same points and I can sometimes sell 'em without any training at all. And reputation's pretty easy to gain. Vigilante night anyone?

Another suggestion, when mind reading it would be nice if it indicated both current value and maximum value on obedience

(1 edit)

During Yris's quest you need to use a specific potion... however, it only works if you left it at home, if you actually thought ahead and took the potion with you in your backpack, then it won't be detected by the game and won't be available for use in her quest.


Ikr? Kinda funny to think of how it actually happens.

Yris: Just a sec, let me get ready (heads to other room)

Player: Ok, time to...Crap! I forgot it! *quickly dashes out to the portal, heads home, grabs potion, heads back through portal, into tavern, to the back room, uses potion, and relaxes just in time for Yris to walk out* You ready?

Yris: Yeah!...Why do you look so sweaty? You nervous~?

Player: Uh....yeah...let's go with that. / MacOS 10.13.3

Game sometimes crashes when performing Mindread after combat.

(3 edits)

I don't think the changelog background is supposed to look like that in 0.5.5c. It seems the options menu has a similar problem.

When I sent Emily on vacation to level her up, her image was still showing.

  1. Game version
  2. Your OS or if you are playing web version
    64-bit windows 7
  3. Bug description
    the "end of day" button fails to work properly
    specifically, when I click the button food is consumed or added, gold from professions is added, health is regenerated, and all of the other things that change because of the end of a day change. 
    that no end of day  report is generated,
    the masters energy is not regenerated.
    and the game doesn't save
  4. (if complex)Way to replicate it
    I believe its replicated by expending all of your energy in combat or on an expedition.
    here is the last autosave before I noticed the issue
    here is a manually saved file with this glitch
  5. Any details you wish
    I like all the aesthetic and UI changes that have been made since the last iteration I played.
    can I have a combat system that runs on the numbers pad?
    I use my mouse with my left hand and its really awkward to use the number-row keys as hotkeys...

The thing is that one of your slaves equipped with an item which no longer exists. Try to go through them all to fix it. I'm not sure what causing it in first place though. 

I have unequipped all items from all slaves and the main character. error persists these error messages popped in as I did

Should be fixed now


(1 edit)

I got the same bug as Monotreeme

It's from  a new game in story mode

1. Game version


2. Your OS or if you are playing 

windows 10 version 64-bit 

3. Bug description (from Monotreeme) + complemental information

"The "end of day" button fails to work properly specifically, when I click the button food is consumed or added, gold from professions is added, health is regenerated, and all of the other things that change because of the end of a day change.   EXCEPT that no end of day  report is generated,  the masters energy is not regenerated. and the game doesn't save".

 I can access the job report by clicking on the button near the finish day but the global report remains empty.

4. (if complex)Way to replicate it 

Not sure how to reproduce it. I was exploring the sea when I attacked a bandit camp, got my slaves KOed. I won the fight and retreated, on my way back I eated and rested (energy at zero at the end of battle) (It seems my supplies are at zero but it's still visible in the backpack at the mansion) 

Here is a save with the glitch :!83YACSYT!j3EGLvS2eI5eBDhJiK_I21cZrLsgPBwCxd81NMsDuNk

Here is the pic of the log screen when hitting End of Day button:!JjBm2AjY!C3vOScfya8z_4vGLHCthj7VdGs_sDd-KAxxeJnTNslM


I came across another bug, it's a duplication type of bug for consumable items

4. (if complex)Way to replicate it 

From your inventory send it to your backpack, for example a rope. Go to your backpack, click on the crate icon send it back to your inventory, THEN click on the bag icon, the rope will be visible again (with a value of zero) and click to send to your inventory, each time you click on it it adds to your inventory. It doesn't work for armor, weapons and clothes.

Here is a screen of the log screen :!xnZHGKjS!pPLVJcm6-ITcxBXe-ccKibPBrPrkcOLxScma_U9qRMY

First one should be fixed now. Thank you for reporting the second one.

another bug 
it seems I sometimes cannot un-equip the blue objects(enchanted?) to unequip them I have to sometimes equip a non-enchanted object in its place.
and sometimes the non-enchanted object leaves my inventory and is never seen again leaving the blue item where it was 

(10 edits)

"tries to look away, beginning to feel aroused in spite of herself as {^both of your:your} bodies entwine."
"quickly edging toward her peak as {^both of your:your} bodies entwine."
"You come across a pair of thugs bullying a bystrander." <-- bystrander -> bystander
"No, after I was kidnaped" <-- kidnaped -> kidnapped

When I rescued a bystander and asked for a material reward, they gave me a weapon and I'm 99.9% certain I added it to my backpack but when I checked, it was nowhere to be found (including in my storage). I had over 40 weight remaining so that's not it.
Edit: The weapon appears in the party inventory screen that shows after a fight, but not anywhere in the mansion. It's the blue aura(?) dagger that gives +4 speed.

When hovering over the Headgirl job while someone else is already assigned to it, the tooltip has no background and the text is black so it's hard to read.

When I chose to return Tia, I left to town and it said "Wimborn [Deep Area]".
After I went back for my reward, I chose to decline the gold but I didn't get any extra communal room beds.

  1. 0.5.5d (although this bug carried over from the last version through a save)
  2. Win64
  3. After capturing slaves and returning to mansion, slaves no longer show up
  4. ~~
  5. ~~

    Is there any clues in the console

    No, sorry, I accidentally deleted the save so I can't go back and check. I'll include the console in the future.

    (5 edits)

    I got the event where a slave shows up to your mansion and you can choose to keep them. Selecting the slave gives this error:
    SCRIPT ERROR: updatestats: Invalid get index 'person' (on base: 'Dictionary').
    At: res://files/scripts/slave_tab.gdc:815

    Some event from hunting where your slave brings back a lost person:
    "What would you like to do with $him?"
    Choosing to imprison them gives this error and they aren't added to your slaves:
    SCRIPT ERROR: captureslave: Invalid get index 'names' (on base: 'Dictionary').
    At: res://files/scripts/exploration.gdc:1151

    "She then continues with a slight change in tone.[/color]"
    "meet her in the same place as last time in 10 10 minutes to the"

    (7 edits)

    1.   0.5.5d

    2.   Win7 64bit

    3.    "The "end of day" button fails to work properly specifically, when I click the button food is consumed or added, gold from professions is added, health is regenerated, and all of the other things that change because of the end of a day change.   EXCEPT that no end of day  report is generated,  the masters energy is not regenerated. and the game doesn't save".

     I can access the job report by clicking on the button near the finish day but the global report remains empty.

    4.  I think I found the problem in my case and how to replicate

    At first i thought it depends on some "phantom" equip of captured slaves.  Some Gear Slot pictures dont show up under equip (I mean the grey char picture with the equip slots). This happens to all races, some work and others dont, even if there are same race (example Human).  But furter testing shows that´s not the problem which leads to the broken daily report. In my case it´s related to two specific race typs: Demons & Slimes.   As soon as I get a demon or slime slave inside the Mansion (except Jail), I get this broken daily report.  All other races seems to working fine, even if there is a missing equip slot picture.

    edit: the error show´s "Invalid get Index ´luxury´(on base: ´Nil´).  At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:791"

    edit 2: I´ve also  registered something strange in Mansion Upgrade Screen:    "Free Upgrade Points: 19.65601"  ??  .65601 ??

    I hope I could help - excuse the poor english, I´m not a native english speaker

    Have you tried updating to 0.5.5e?

    (1 edit)

    strange thing. show´s still 0.5.5d on the site, but the downloaded S4P is 0.5.5e

    But unfortunately the daily report is still broken in my save as soon as a demon or slime joins from jail into the mansions other rooms.

    I try now to start a new game... hopefully this problem is only in my save (from 0.5.5c)

    btw. thanks, you made really a great game, I enjoy playing it

    (5 edits)

    1.  0.5.5e

    2.  Win7 64bit

    3. broken Daily Report

    4.  startet new game but unfortunately the report is still broken if I put a demon or slime somewhere else in the mansion than the jail.

    the error show´s:

    SCRIPT ERROR: person.count luxury: Invalid get index 'I41' (on base: 'Dictionary').

    At: res://globals.gdc:1180

    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'luxury' (on base: 'Nil'').

    At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:791

    Edit:  I tested some more. Maybe my first thought was correct, it seems that "phantom" gear is responsible for the the broken daily report. example: a nereid with missing gear screen (this one with the grey char pic and equip slots) leads to a broken daily report if the slave isnt inside the jail. A other nereid with functional gear screen dosnt lead to this bug. Unfortunately I got not a single demon or slime with working gear screen to test furter (only offspring). In my game (fresh startet with 0.5.5e) all arachna, demon, slime, lamia, harpy and partially some other races (goblin) wich I captured in the lands have a missing or broken gear screen and placed inside a mansion room (not Jail) gives the broken daily report. But in total -> missing gear screen -> broken daily report if inside a mansion room. I also found out that I can place or replace some gear on them (even if I´m not seeing it), EXEPT weapons. No matter if they are in jail or a mansion room. On the other hand, offspring of those "broken" slaves (tested with demons) works fine, functional gear screen and no broken daily report. 

    I hope this helps.

    1. 0.5.5e

    2. Linux 64-bit

    3. Several pieces of displayed text look like they got damaged by a global search-and-replace of "slave" with "person".

    4. Examples I've seen so far:

    The guild in Gorn is the "personr" guild.

    Branded slaves talk about being "your little person".

    (1 edit)

    windows 10

    Ordered a dragonkin slave from Sebastian, once he was unlocked. The slave did not have a grade, being considered a "person" instead. After obtaining the slave, keeping her anywhere but jail caused the daily reports to be skipped. (Global, Job and Secondary). Food would still be added/consumed as well as gold changing, but I wouldn't actually get the menu to tell me what happened. As long as she was in jail, I'd get the reports as usual. Also, the slave caused an issue with scrolling through slaves in the gear menu. Had to manually move the order of the slaves so that they would appear near the top. It was further compounded when I got Ivran. Once I sold the glitched slave, it was all fine.

    Game version: 0.5.5e

    OS: Windows 10

    Went on a hunting trip with two slaves who needed to win a fight to upgrade.  Won the fight, captured one slave, put in jail.    Now when I end the day, I don't get the "how things went" dialogue.  I also cannot see my new slave in order to assign stuff to them, like the maid outfit.  Doesn't matter if she's in jail or communal, still can't see her.

    Haven't tried to replicate.

    If the new slave is a dragonkin, that might be it. They seem to be totally broken. Otherwise, if the slave doesn't have a grade and instead called "person", that seems to be the number one cause for my glitches. Try selling the slave you just got and if that fixes it.

    Not a dragonkin - she does have a grade of "person" though!

    So I sold her, but I still don't get the "how things went" dialogue at the end of the turn.

    trying to equip fairies with clothes fails to bring up the new menu with the shilouhette. selecting another race first doesn't change the picture when selecting fairy afterwards allows to eqip dresses but does not properly unequip them resulting in duplication of items.

    Quite weird. Is there anything in the console?

    On selection of fairy via gear

    SCRIPT ERROR: slavegear: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').

       At: res://files/inventory.gdc:330. 

    Same error when trying to equip with clothing and also same error when unequiping clothing from another character.

    also same error when unequipping, hence duplicating from fairy by selecting character with same clothing fairy wears, then changing to fairy and unequiping without actually doing so. fairy only get's unequipped after unequipping different charakter with same clothing.

    Make sure you properly updated your game.

    (1 edit)

    Edit: best guess is that I was being derpy with the new interface. Please disregard

    v0.5.6a, Windows 7

    I'm having some odd potion behavior. I purchased a few potions to my backpack (beauty and hair dye), and used them on slaves I then traded/sold. A few days later, when I checked my backpack, they were still there. Not sure if they weren't properly used up in the first place (though they did disappear from the interface upon use), or if they were somehow refunded when I sold the slave. I'll try to test this further.

    (1 edit)

    Game version: 0.5.6a, Windows 10

    Bug: I'm going through a new story mode playthrough where I start in Gorn. After returning with some captured slaves, they don't show up at my mansion which is unlike my first playthrough at Winborn. I've tried it again around four times and the same thing happens, I capture some bandits who don't show up when I return. I don't prefer to quicksell as I'd like to see their stats first and see if any of them are worth keeping. Hope you can tell me what I should do, thanks!

    Do you have anything in the console?

    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_mansion_pressed: Invalid get index 'gear' (on base: 'String').
              At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:1643

    I have another bug to report. I started another game in Frostford which was doing well until my character stopped gaining energy. The window that pops up when you end a day doesn't show up either so I'm not sure if it's related. Here's the error on the console:

    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'I66' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:492

    Based on the error, I'd say it might be an enchant on your gear that isn't working properly. I could be wrong, but I've had it happen before, though mine was an error that made fights not load properly. Check for any gear with bonuses and try removing them. With any luck, that might help. If not, then you'll need to wait for a response from the creator.

    I sold all my enchanted gear but with no luck :( I did see a new error on the console tho, I made another playthrough in Winborn which was going well until Chloe joined my household (didn't tamper with her antidote):

    SCRIPT ERROR: person.cour_set: Invalid get index 'person' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://globals.gdc:930
    SCRIPT ERROR: person.calculateluxury: Invalid get index 'person' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://globals.gdc:1190
    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'int' and 'Nil' in operator '<'.
              At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:795

    v0.5.6a, Windows 7

    No slaves I capture have any unspent stat points, even if they should. I just captured a level 11 lamia with no points banked.

    v0.5.6a, Windows 7

    When in the field, you can cast Invigorate on yourself for free energy.

    (1 edit)

    v5.6.a Windows 10

    It seems the previously reported issues about "slave" being "person" is still persisting. I suspect for some reason, a large portion of the word "slave" was replaced by "person" for some reason.

    This includes the quest log for first quest about buying a slave for mage order, slaver's guild is now personr's guild.

    More importantly also in the combatdata script, "finaleslavers" is misprinted as "finalepersonrs", leading to bug that prevents the slaver enemies from spawning when you do the main quest at the mountain cave.

    Most of those issues should have been already fixed. Make sure you are using latest version.

    Deleted 3 years ago

    What errors do you mean?

    (1 edit)

    I don`t know what he mean with error`s with $himself and $him but the minor problem with the portait`s has something to do with the events at the beginning of a day. Every slave with portait`s have the same problem it can be temp fix if you reset the protait but next event of the char the bug show`s up again (Ayneris don`t work with temp fix). then next another minor bug the slave spreadsheed button don`t work

    Game Version 0.5.6a

    Windows 7
    in the Storage and Gear" window when I click on a specific one of my slaves, their window for worn items does not pop up. All the rest work fine.

    in the <drive>:\Strive For Power\Strive.exe window I get
    SCRIPT ERROR: slavegear: Invalid get index "Null' (on base 'dictionary').

    At: res;//files/

    I've been playing for a while and this is a noble slave, any way to fix this?

    (1 edit)

    I recommend to try clean reinstall, if it does not help let me know. Also would help if you can provide me a save.

    I'd be glad to send you a save file, where to/how?

    This has spread to three other slaves as well. Here is a link to the save file in my drop box. I've also tried installing a fresh copy to a new folder, but problem still exists in saves.

    Okay, I figured out the issue. It will be fixed in next patch. 

    Basically game misses some items which should be equipped on your slaves. Not sure how you lost them. You can try manually edit out the gear equipped by said slaves in notepad.

    Thanks, BTW I love this game, thank you for the hard work.

    You were correct, I just copied the gear of a working slave over the gear of those that did not and that fixed them, thank you.

    I added it to my dropbox. (I think I'm up to like 4 slaves with this issue.)

    (1 edit)

    Can't go outside anymore. Console throws the following error:

    SCRIPT ERROR: progress.calculateweight: Invalid get index 'I51' (on base: 'Dictionary').                        

       At: res://globals.gdc:482.                                                                                   

    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_leave_pressed: Invalid get index 'overload' (on base: 'Nil').                                 

       At: res://files/scripts/outside.gdc:107.  
    This error occured after ending the day after which  the slave I tried the next bug on should return.

    Demoting a slave from grade slave is possible and leads to grade noble in one go.

    EDIT: FOUND THE CAUSE - Taking problem fairy (see below) into party caused the going into town not working anymore

    About the equipment problem with the not showing shilouhette. I caught another fairy (a male one) to test it. The male on did show no problem. It seems to be something with this specific fairy. Or at least this specific save. It's very strange.


    Not really a bug, exactly, but I used mutation on a female virgin slave and she became pregnant. After giving birth, she was still considered a virgin.

    Trading screens all break, with black backgrounds and no goods, when you talk to sebastian for the youthing potion quest

    (3 edits)


    WIN 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

    The unique characters lose their portray (becomes blank) after random event where they are injured and need rest. Not a deal breaker since I can easily print screen, cut their full body back into their portray and give their portray back but still would be nice to get fixed.

    Also not sure a bug or new design choice, but custom description no longer show up in their inspection screen anymore. Kind of making the purpose of writing a custom description for them self-defeating since that screen is really hard to read with it stretch infinity to the right side.

    Noticed something else, sometimes the interaction mistaken spank with rope. Might be the order I use the actions but sometimes the text for rope shows up instead of the spank action I choose. My usual order is:

    Player character give, servant take

    Blindfold.. -> Kiss.. -> Fingering.. -> Fondle Chest.. -> One of the anal position.. -> Milker.. -> Clit Clap.. -> Rope -> Spank till I run out of turns.

    The Communal Room bed upgrade in Cali's quest doesn't happen. I had 9 bed in Communal Room when finishing that step of the quest and it didn't get the 2 extra beds like the text implied. Might be the engine has problem calculating the correct number of beds when different players have different upgrade level? I suggest add the 2 upgrade points into the house upgrade point so different players can choose what they want to invest in.


    after my first child is born i can no longer scroll through the slave list 

    also the game will close it self after going to the main menu then trying to go back in ether by dieing or by exiting to the main menu

    Is there anything in the console? can you provide a save?

    not sure if there is anything in the console and i dont know how i would be able to provide a save

    There's an option in game to "open folder" while in the save/load menu. Copy the save file and put it in a dropbox and then link that here?


    Played this on my Win10 computer.

    Needless to say the bug is rather self explanatory. Basically the ending cutscene decided to loop so I started hitting my keyboard and mouse to speed things along. This had the unintended effect of...well as seen below, somewhat amusing but at the same time...

    Whoops, will fix it


    OSX 10.11.6

    a) I'm getting mansion upgrade points in decimals now. I'm not sure whether this is from selling slaves or from quests. 

    b) The mountain cave fight, siding with the elves, I was matched against a single harpy, instead of the slaver crew.

    c) Aphrodite's potion doesn't go away after orgy

    d) This is hard to describe, but I fought some wolves and when my mouse went over one, a box came up that only said, like "Wolf 4", but then I pressed F to quickly finish the battle, and then in several future fights, there would be a "Wolf 4"  box just hanging out randomly. It went away eventually, probably after I quit the game.

    e) After beating Hade, Melissa shows up and calls me [PlayerName]. She also cherry picked a slave who happened to be in my final battle group. Kinda weird, not sure if it's intentional, but :shrug:

    Not sure how to reproduce any of these!

    I really like this game! 

    (1 edit)

    0.5.6a windows 10 x64

    A few slaves are getting extra stats that make them surpass their class limitations (for example I have a Nereid with 4 STR 6 Magic 4 END) even though they are not wearing any items atm. These extra stats show up green.

    The opposite is also true, red negative stats that I can't fight against even though I have unspent ability points. At some point I saw a level 1 slave with literally -1 STR. Worse is that the same happened to my MC he has 6/7 END with 17 unspent points that I cannot use.

    I tried to figure out if this is some sort of ailment status or something but there's no notification of such thing as well as no potions that would cure them as far as I am aware. My guess is this is some bug related to the new  enchanted items system which btw I would love to see more randomness in the stats. I'm no programmer so my guess is uneducated but I don't think it would be too hard to implement enchanted  item drops/rewards with up to 3 bonus  and a lot more randomness in the stats they can have.

    Also not a bug but I would love to be able to assign my non-humanoid slaves to prostitution related jobs aside from the Umbra ones that seem useless.

    Love your game, please keep it up!

    Can you provide a save file?

    Of course

    (1 edit)


    Is it normal that slaves go in minus?

    It's because of the scarred trait. I don't know the exact number for sure, but it seems to lower the base beauty of a slave by 30. So if you find a slave that would have been 19, minus 30 would make that slave -11. I'm saying it lowers the base beauty by 30 because -30 is the lowest I've seen.

    All that aside, I don't know if the game is supposed to go below 0 and into the negatives, just my assumption on why.

    Yeah, its a bit of weird trait performance I can't quite decide what I want to do with. 

    It does seem to be rather common for the kind of damage that's implied. I wouldn't mind seeing a second trait (blemished?) that does -10 or -15 to base beauty that is more common and the scarred trait being a bit rarer.

    Oh its ok then(intresting)

    BTW will there be (tempreory) traits like  bruised (if you beat them to much)  or stuff like that later on.

    That makes so much sense. Maybe also when their health is low.

    (1 edit)

    Mac High Sierra OS 10.13.4
    game version 0.5.7d

    So I wanted to change my stats after I entered the new game creator, while I was on the servant stats, and I ended up with double the dresses (I chose noble human) and two lovely stronk orc ladies who are now my guards.  I like this bug but felt it needed to be reported


    WIN 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

    Food income calculation seems a bit wonky whenever I get a new servant. Sometimes I have positve food (up to 40 something) income despite no servant is put in actions that give positive food (hunting and foraging) and I have 'Better Food' ticked for all my servants. It seems to go back to normal after a few days.

    Game Version 0.5.7d

    I am using Windows 10 64 bit

    Every time I hit the cancel button in when it comes to branding it prints this out in the little black box and refuses to let me cancel changing the brand. not really major, just annoying -
    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_cancel_pressed: Invalid set index 'visible' (on base: 'null instance') with value of type 'bool'.
    At: res://files/scripts/

    (1 edit)

    Game Version 0.5.8

    Win 10 64bit

    For some reason the rank does not increase to adept when I hand over the slave to Melissa. Also the panel closes immediatly afterwards, so it is not really possible to read the text?

    Savegame , just hand over Gertrude


    while I'm at it:

    -not really a bug, but if you close the program and restart it all the custom orders and slave markets are reset. Which is nice if you are farming for cash, but not necessarily behaviour as planned?

    -more of a balance thing: if you really want you can blitz through most of the story in a few days using only your main character because even without energy you can easily deal with most of the encounters (maybe not the endgame least not without A LOT of level grinding;) and coupled with the above slave market reset you can relativly easy get all of the required slaves.

    V0.5.7d win10 x64

    Bug1: When casting the "Dream" spell the slave instantly becomes unavailable for the rest of the day (as it should) however, the slave menu does not close on its own and you can keep casting the spell over and over again, making it possible to completely remove any amount of stress in 1 day.  

    Bug2: Got a bugged dragonkin slave from Sebastian (through special request). It costed me 0 gold to purchase when she got available and her stats menu is a mess.  Here is a save in case you need.

    Bug3: I'm at the third stage of the Yris quest line, the one in which you need 1000 gold + 1 Deterrent Potion to proceed. I meet the requirements and yet when I try to speak with Yris, the button to advance ["Accept (1000 Gold)"]  is always greyed out whether the potion is on my inventory or backpack. According to the wiki this is because I haven't advanced enough in the main quest line but its a bug if it doesn't at least notify of such. Ideally you should only be able to meet Yris again and receive her final challenge when you reach the necessary story's point.

    Bug4: Slaves will show up with anywhere from -30 up to 89 beauty (from my experience) and yet many times when groups show up (bandits or when I open a slave guild market that I haven't checked in quite a while) , there are 2 or more slaves with the exact same beauty (showed right next to each other on the slave list).  While this should be a possible occurrence it shouldn't happen nearly as often as it does for me. As an example, last time I opened the Umbra slave market the top 2 slaves on the list had both 86 beauty... Perhaps the odds are just odd for me.

    Once again, love your game, keep it up!


    Changes to Constants don't save. I'd done a fresh install before anything else and changed the constants before starting a new game in story mode. Realized after a few minutes that the settings I chose didn't carry through to the game. Saved and went to the main menu and checked, they were back to the original values.

    Also, the Leather Slave Collar is called "Leather person Collar." I wanted to wait until the newest update to see if it was fixed before mentioning it.

    Looks like recent changes broken constants saving. My bad.

    I can't even begin to imagine how complex coding is, but I'm pretty sure things slip pretty easily. Looking forward to the game's further development. ^^

    Deleted 6 years ago

    Could you provide more information?


    Did the emily and her sister scene few (ingame)days later scene reapeard and crushed the game

    Living suit causes lust to go over limit, resulting in eventual crash if left unattended

    Error stopped as soon as living suit was removed. The wearer was getting daily aphrodisiac doses as well.

    SCRIPT ERROR: lust: Invalid get index 'lust' (on base: 'Nil').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: person.dictionary: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
              At: res://
    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: lust: Invalid get index 'lust' (on base: 'Nil').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: person.dictionary: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
              At: res://
    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: lust: Invalid get index 'lust' (on base: 'Nil').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: person.dictionary: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
              At: res://
    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: lust: Invalid get index 'lust' (on base: 'Nil').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: person.dictionary: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
              At: res://
    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
              At: res://files/scripts/

    Deleted 6 years ago
    Deleted 6 years ago

    will be fixed in next patch.

    My energy won't regenerate even after several days. And in my last save I was pregnant and never had the baby. Time just kept passing and it never happened.

    Can you pass the save file?

    The problem is it wasn't just a bad save. This energy issue seems to happen with every save. It reaches a certain point and I just stop regenerating energy. For the last save I thought it was just me being so close to giving birth that caused the energy issue, but in my new save it was earlier in the pregnancy that it happened. 

    one of your slaves or  player caracter have living suit?

    What do you mean

    The living suit is glitched.

    I've yet to use it since I've heard it's bugged, but I also have had energy issues in the past, after getting Zoe.

    I haven't gotten that far. I started a new save with a male character this time, and that seems to have fixed the problem. I haven't had any energy issues, when I have had energy issues in the past with my other two female characters.

    on your desktop go to search bar and input %appdata% locate strive or strive 2 (its one of those to me probobley juat version change made 2 of them) you will find saves there upload the gliched save on mega or something else ur useing just make it downloadible so creator or someone who posseses the understanding of it can help solve the problem

    0.5.8 Combat encounters don't seem to load at all.

    Had this happen to me, too. When I chose to attack two thugs, this is all that appeared:

    Is this bug repeats every time?

    (1 edit)

    It does. Every time I leave town and try to fight. I tried it on a lone girl, bugged. I tried going out solo, bugged. I tried a random new game, bugged.

    And this is version 0.5.8. I did a clean reinstall. I do that for each update. 

    This is the only thing that appears, and it does so at loading:

    SCRIPT ERROR: hidetooltip: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_node' in base 'Nil'.
              At: res://

    Here's a copy of the save, even though it's not just this save: File

    This seems really weird. I've doublechecked everything but this issue does not happen to me at all, although I've might heard about it once. 

    I just did a reinstall and went straight into a random game, encounters work fine. I think the problem came when I tried to change and save the Constants. It's the only thing that was different, and the only time this has bugged out on me was this version. The Constants would save and be usable in a game until I exited the game, next time I boot up the game, the Constants reset. So I think that should be the problem.

    Alright, thanks for the note, I'll look into it.

    Actually, do you know what constant change broke it? 

    No, I'd changed just about all of them. Also, I did a new install, didn't touch the constants and the combat still glitched out. I don't know what changed. I always delete all Stive related files, so I know it's not from previous data.

    Weird, can't quite find out what might have caused this issue. Are you using windows?


    Yes, Windows 10.

    It seems the combat glitch happens if you have "use animation on screen change" turned off. For now, keep it on and you can play normally.

    THIS WAS IT! I turned on the animation option and loaded the save that didn't work and now it works!

    Deleted 6 years ago

    Can you upload a save file somewhere

    Deleted 6 years ago
    (1 edit)

    Hey, um, I downloaded the latest public version, but I can find the sexual tab on any of my slaves pages, am I'm looking in the wrong area? Or maybe I'm just being an idiot.

    try in interaction

    Uh, I meant with the affection points, and which uses energy.

    It has been removed some time ago.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    Sebastian caught a pokemon.

    (1 edit)

    0.5.9 running on Win10

    If you cancel out a sandbox new game creation at the end, after setting up your initial slave, and go back to new game, you will be put at the end of new game creation, but finalizing creation and starting there will kick you into campaign mode, even if your master and first slave are of races that would be unavailable in campaign creation.

    Update: This appears to be caused by the game trying to force a reset of the New Game settings. If you cancel the warning about resetting your character's appearance both when cancelling the first New Game at the end and when you return to New Game, it will shadow reset the game mode to story, even though it still appears as Sandbox and it preserves all other choices for PC and first slave even if those choices would not be available under story mode creation options. This also occurs on 0.5.9a

    (1 edit)

    0.5.8 windows10
    Like Qinlongfei I also see something weird with the food count at the end of the day, I sometimes get more food than I should.

    I think it may be linked to the "you notice some food is gone" event when slaves steal from you.  But instead of substracting food it adds more.

    I can't 'leave to town'. I keep doing the command over and over and it doesn't work anymore. :/

    Nvm. Apparently I can't take a halfkin fox, a dryad, and a slime out. I even tried one at a time and it didn't work. However my other slaves work just fine.

    Do you have any error in the console?

    It did say something about an invalid error, but I can't remember what all it said. I'll have to try it out again later and type that bit of coding here.

    (1 edit)

    umbra just gave me the option to battle slavers after exiting the slave market

    Can you upload the save file?

    Also, please try to do clean reinstal. 

    (1 edit)

    i went to the area before caves bougth slaves from slavers  went a little further teleported back and the glich happend dont know if it will happen if its steps are  repeated

    (1 edit)

    Considering the dangerous people Umbra is supposed to be harboring, I'd kinda like to see this become a feature instead of a bug. Just make the slavers really tough since it's their home turf.

    Edit: I haven't experienced this glitch myself, just stating it seems like a neat idea for the game if the glitch can be stabilized and doesn't hurt anything else in the game.

    0.5.9 on Win10

    Font size settings are not retained. They have to be set each time the game loads, and the default font size is a lot smaller than the initial setting is set to. Default setting is 10, but the actual initial font size is about 16-18.

    All other settings are retained normally.

    This has actually been an issue for a number of versions on multiple versions of Windows.

    Deleted 5 years ago

    It requires high wimborn reputation, not quest progress. 

    0.5.8 on Windows 10

    During the main quest arc in Amberguard, you have to provide one elf and one drow to the witch to access the tunnels.

    Previously (pre 0.5.8) I had no issue with that part, but now it seems impossible to turn in the drow. I tried with various dark elf slaves but none seem to be acceptable. 


    Dark elf and Drow are two different races. If I remember correctly, you can order a Drow from Sebastian.

    you can also buy one in the slave market (but you need to buy portal stone from sebastian wich is 500 gold i think.forgot the name of the place. XD


    (1 edit)

    Umbra. The teleport stone for it is 500 gold.

    If you have the "Allow all possible races in slavers guild" option active, it's possible to find one randomly in Wimborn's slave guild.

    you can buy drow in unbra its cheaper then sebastian just before you go to wich put him in household (cant give slaves from jail)

    0.5.9a on Windows 10

    After approaching Melissa and handing her quest requirements (e.g. fairy, youthing elixer, taurus), the reward dialogue screen flashes briefly before closing automatically.

    After handing Melissa the taurus, my order rank is also still Journeyman instead of being promoted to Adept.

    0.5.10 on Windows 10

    The flashing of the reward dialogue screen has been fixed, but I'm still not being promoted to Adept after the taurus quest.

    Hi Guys wondering if any of you know know what role preference is and how to meet that requirement, some Detail on this would be appreciated

    Thank you in advance for any help given

    The only thing role preference seems to do is be needed for that one custom slave request. All I know about it is that Elves have the racial trait that "role preference depends on their confidence." I've no idea how to alter this in the other races, aside from having them "on top" or initiating everything. Which might be easier now that females can face sit.

    Hi Guys wondering if any of you know know what role preference is and how to meet that requirement, some Detail on this would be appreciated

    Thank you in advance for any help given

    (2 edits)

    0.5.8 on Windows 10

    Nothing happens when pushing start at Interactions window, even though there are still interactions left for today or they change to negative.

    Do clean reinstal

    (1 edit)

    Actually found the reason why this happens, if animation on screen change is turned off window doesn't open.

    (4 edits)

    Having too many residents seems to trigger the end of day bug where no message will pop up and energy is not restored.

    Attached save file.  Click end day to see that it is working properly.  Move the centaur from jail to communal and now the end of day will break. Not sure exact cause. Edit: This was due to the centaur being of grade "Person".

    Also in that save file, cannot access gear for some of the last few characters.  Try to access gear for "Lorelei" or "Centorea" and the UI won't pop up.  I'm guessing it has to do with the "change order" and how it interacts with characters in the jail.  Centorea was moved way up in the order but went to jail due to the end of day bug.  In a later save I moved her to the bottom and it seemed to fix it.  It could also be related to her being "person" grade.



    I haven't tried your save file, but this sounds like something I encountered several versions ago. I had ordered a dragonkin from Sebastian and she didn't have a normal grade. (It was person instead.) And when I got her, I couldn't scroll down in the gear menu. When I moved her from the jail to the normal manor, the daily report wouldn't pop up. I can't remember if my energy restored or not. But check the slave and see if that one is the problem.

    (1 edit)

    Good catch.  I believe she was from Sebastian and is "Person" rather than a grade.  Any idea how to fix?

    EDIT: You can elevate a "Person" to "Slave" at the slave guild (for free, too!)

    Oh, I didn't know that. I just ended up selling the slave. This is good to know!

    Going from the character screen directly to the farm doesn't clear the character screen.  Have to go to another room in the mansion to clear the character screen and then to the farm.


    I found something that might be a potential error and one that most certainly is. Potential because I changed the costume enchantments to be slightly more effective (mineffect = 10, maxeffect = 40 for Courage, Confidence, Wit and Charm).

    For example, Slave A has 70 Base Charm and 75 Max Charm. I equipped her with an enchanted Kimono that adds 15 Charm. Total Charm= 85. I had her work as Public Entertainer.

    Next day I found another Kimono with +23 Charm and decided to change. I removed the +15 and equipped the +23 but instead of her Total Charm be 93, it became 83. 

    After some tests, I found out that when you equip a slave with an enchanted item that increases one of (Courage, Confidence, Wit and Charm) stats and the result is above the Max, then you let the slave work with something that increases that stat, the slave's total stat will be forced to the Max, and when you remove the item, the result will be a smaller stat (Max - Bonus).

    The other one is: The status enchantments on items counts towards specialization required stats. 

    Do private-place piercings not work at the moment?

    I got several slaves on lewdness 120 and sexual actions are unlocked, but still they refuse. Any ideas?

    It's currently bugged, will be fixed next patch.

    Thank you very much. For everything, never saw a game that has such fine topics made THAT good. Really - thanks, thanks, thanks.

    (1 edit)

    0.5.9a on windows 10

    Flirting with maple, she gives a blowjob, text says you gain 15 mana but it's not added.

    Second quest bring a fairy to melissa, you can bring her a fairy boy and she'll accept him saying "what a cute girl". Also, the text flashes and disappears without clicking anything.

    Edit : also sometimes when you sell a slave to sebastian, your reputation increases with a town instead of decreasing.

    Awesome game overall, congratulations !

    0.5.8 windows 10

    I was demoting someone so I don't have to provide luxury to them, when at the slaver's guild, it said I could demote further past slave and it would turn into noble. It didn't stop me at any point saying it's not allowed or this could not be completed, and when it did complete in one day, I could turn in a "nobleman is looking for a bride" quest with a Slave demoted to Noble.


    Windows 10

    I have found a few bugs:

    MAJOR: 1. Sometimes, when you try to end the day, the day count goes up, the food and gold is used, but nothing else happens. There is no gold gain from the slaves working. There is no decrease in the countdown to make the vacation slaves come back.  This affects game play in so many ways. Timed events will be granted an extra day. Vacations take longer. Toxicity keeps building. Stats stay the same. The slaver guild doesn't get new stock. Newer saves get destroyed with the lack of money. Energy stays the same. Health decreases on all slaves regardless of food (doesn't always happen).

    2. When a slave is out for whatever reason and they were the lab assistant the lab still works despite their absence.

    3. When the save menu is opened, the music cuts off. It only comes back on by loading a file or leaving the mansion.

    4. There are times when searching for a wild monster girl, it will pop up as a $name instead of what monster it is.

    5. A guy turned girl, will still be  a "he" and will show the male symbol in the interactions menu.

    I can't think of any of the others that I've found off the top of my head, but there are still more that I've encountered.

    The end of day bug can often be attributed to obtaining  a glitched "person" grade slave. If you obtained a slave and then this happened, altering the slave's grade or getting rid of them should fix it.

    Lab Assistant needs a lot of work. You can also assign a prisoner to the position.

    Version 5.10a on Windows 10

    Have the weird bug that i can't assign 2 of my dragonkin my combat group anymore. Happened after enhancing them in the laboratory. tried with letting them rest for a day, still not assignable. will keep an eye on it, hope it fixes itself. don't want to get new ones XD

    another bug apparantly: i only meet harpies in the mountains in the "wild"

    Vers.0.5.7d on Windows. At one point in all my saves, daily events stopped picking a random slave and started using only one specific slave for all events. Example: Till day 30 (random day), I've got three different events with three different slaves, but after that, all my events had to do with Cali, if I loaded an old save file, everything would be fine, until this happened again, but now with Emi. 

    (1 edit)

    Version 0.5.11a windows 10:

    casting mutation is completely buggy it seems.  ingame a window appears with the following text : "This is a text dgahpofkjerso hoepdhj". Spell still uses mana, and gives stress to the slave it got casted on, has apparantly no function whatsoever.

    The console says:

    SCRIPT ERROR: mutateeffect: Attempt tp call function 'rebuild_slave_list' in base 'null instance' on a null instance.
    At: res://files/scripts/spells/gd:1186
    SCRIPT ERROR: person.dictionaryplayer: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
    At: res://
    SCRIPT ERROR: popup: Invalid type in function 'set_bbcode' in base 'RichTextLabel'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to String.
    At: res://files/scripts/

    A visual problem. Sometimes the boxes explaining mental stats are too small for the text, and the text shows up out of the box


    Sold a just captured slaved to Sebastian, and instead of losing reputation, I seemed to have gained some. The slave was a bandit caught in the deep region of Wimborn area, so I have no idea how I gained rep with Amberguard.

    For some reason when i enter sex mode there is no option in any tab. It happened in a 4.something and the last version aviable. The strange thing is that before there were options, and i'm using the computer. I dunno how happened.

    Try to do clean reinstal

    I deleted it (including roaming folder), redownloaded last version from twice and still doesn't work


    did you choose, who gives and who takes the sexual actions(on the right side)? maybe you forgot?

    And this what happens when you don't play for a while and is infected with human stupidity. Now i'll jump for the window (i live in a 2nd, i'll aim for the grass). Thanks Xeltosh and i hope this game keeps on improving, and away i go.

    (1 edit)

    0.5.11a win10 64

    If you venture outside with 3 supplies and consume them through the rest option without obtaining any extra supplies, when you get back to the mansion it will say you have "0" supplies on your backpack and you can press the "move" button to send it to the inventory increasing your inventory amount of supplies by 1.

    Edit: another bug. if you close your "Storage and gear" menu with the backpack selected when you open it back it will show up your inventory but the icon that's displayed is the backpack one. This bug also happens on the market though it may not replicate through these exact steps.

    (2 edits)

    Mac save on 0.5.11a is bugged. I created a new save file since I started Cali's quest and it set me back probably a hundred days. I think it might have actually set me back to the point my previous save was at, though I kept my progress in the main quest and Cali's quest, I lost a TON of items and gold I'd gotten as well as a lot of noble/rich slaves and upgrades to my manor. I think the game is absolutely fantastic, but man is getting all this stuff back gonna be annoying. When I entered a fight I also died first turn against bandits around the starting town. That might have been me neglecting to check my guy's HP and accidentally setting out without healing though.

    Edit: to be more specific about the saving issue: I just had one file up until the point of Cali's quest, but then decided to make a new file ("1" & "1 - 2" respectively). I think when I created "1 - 2" it instead saved the staff and items I had at "1". I then closed the game, and when I later opened it and loaded "1 - 2" which is way ahead of "1" in quests, it loaded the progress of when I saved at "1 - 2" but the items and staff of "1".

    Can you provide a save file?

    hi i'm currently having a problem running strive it gives me a blank screen with the corner being a white box.

    i am currently running windows 7 professional and i was able to run this game about a year ago on the same computer.

    Unless its your GPU issue, try to do clean reinstall. 

    Thank you for the reply. i was able to ix the problem by upgrading my computer to windows 10. finally i can enjoy this masterpiece again

    (2 edits)

    EDIT: Turns out i'm having the same problem as the person above (I'd guess that windows 7 is the problem with the current version)

    EDIT2: SOLVED, Updating to Windows 10 has solved my problem, and it also worked for the post above so if any one cant open the game and is running windows 7 a way to fix this is to update to windows 10

    (1) Game version

    Version 330 (According to command prompt line 1, if this isn't it then i had downloaded the game on May 6th)

    (2) Your OS or if you are playing web version

    Windows 7 Home, Windows 64

    (3) Bug description

    Fatal Error on starting the game (was playing on my PC from my HHD and it was working perfectly fine, moved to my laptop did everything the same and it crashed)

    My PC is windows 10 if that makes a difference, and more importantly my laptop doesn't have a sound card so maybe that's the problem? well the error is a shader so probably not.

    (4) (if complex)Way to replicate it


    (5) Any details you wish

    The game tries to load twice (Black screen first, grey screen second) (Unless there's a paste bin for CMD then i can't show all the text it spat out but these were the only errors)

    Does your Laptop's GPU support GLES 3? If not, you'll have to wait until engine updates to 3.1

    (2 edits)

    [SOLVED] by enabling animation on screen change

    Version 0.5.11a / Win10 / Fresh install

    Not able to access [Mansion Upgrades], the button is clickable but nothing happens (I neither get an error).

    If you haven't tried it in my case that bug was tied to disabled animation in options.

    Just go into settings and try to tick option Use animation on screen change.

    In my case its 100% reproductible just by enabling and disabling that option.

    My harem and I are thanking u, kind person, as from now on I can upgrade the bed capacity again. ^^

    (1 edit)


    WIN 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

    There's a typo in the scene where Tisha is back to collect Emily, when Emily says:

    - No, Tisha, you got it wrong, [Player] is a good person and you's kind to me!

    Pretty sure Emily's supposed to say he or she, instead of doing a house elf impersonation.

    Not sure if a bug, or intended design decision, but right now I can select the same character multiple times for non sex interaction. And moving to garden give 5 extra action turns. I'm not complaining since it makes it easier to farm loyalty/learning point for a single character, but it still comes off as a bit odd.


    The garden bonus is due to the slave being in a "fresh" location. Using this about four or five(?) times in a row will cause it to no longer give that bonus. The streets and bedroom also give bonuses if it's the first "fresh" location you switch to in the interaction.

    Pretty sure there's a bug in this case... since I been doing non-sex interaction at least over a hundred times. Often 3 times in a row for the same character in one day and multiple days in a row. It always give +5 action turns.

    There also doesn't seem to be a check to make a character refuse intimacy since I can literally have a newly enslaved character accept my intimacy proposal on the first try where both their obedience and loyalty are in the red zone.

    hey ma game doesnt work and this is the error none of the charecter models are loading 

    ERROR: Resumed after yield, but class instance is gone
       At: modules\gdscript\gdscript_function.cpp:1490

    Try to enable fading animation in settings

    A woman approaches me and offers me her services. A sentence later she is "tied and bound and is looking at me with fear and hatred". :D

    Whoops, there's also a typo left over from the "slave" to "person" issue. "she's ready to become a person to have some stability" should be "to become a slave".

    Or servant

    That also works. I say slave because a few versions back, something changed a lot of the game text where "slave" was changed to "person". It's only fairly recently that the "Leather person Collar" was corrected.

    [Minor spoiler alert]

    The second time I ordered a slave from Sebastian (a Taurus for Melissas Quest, the first time it was a male :P), the slave's rank was "person", not "slave" or "poor" etc. I could not interact with the slave.

    Changing ["origins":"person","originstrue":"person"] of the slave in the save file to ["origins":"slave","originstrue":"slave"] fixed the bug. I ordered 2 more times since then and could not repeat the bug.


    This has happened to me, as well as others. I've been told that you can take a person grade servant to the Slave Guild and the grade can be changed to slave for free, and that will fix the problem.

    Hm ok thx, that works faster than editing the save file ^^

    Yeah, I just hope Maverick can figure out to how fix it for good in the future.

    (1 edit)

    BUG: When the captured person wishes to repay you, selecting "Ask for material reward" and receiving an Item (not gold) the proceed through area progress bar resets if its at the last encounter before choosing a path to take

    This has happened a lot to me although the chances should be sooo small. Needing a bandit and bystander encounter, then the bystander rewarding you, then an item reward, and finally all this on the last encounter for the area.


    BUG: When starting the game from Frostford then eventually getting to Winborn and purchasing the Teleport Gem, will result in -500G then removed from the shop (all normal) but when opening the Portals tab at the mansion, Winborn isn't there (I've also been to Gorn and bought that Teleport Gem as normal it does appear as an option to teleport to so it seems its just Frostford to Winborn)

    (1 edit)


    WIN 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

    Background music would stop playing when opening up the menu or in some events like rescuing Tia, which requires loading a save to restore.

    Also in battle, when cursor lingering on an enemy a text box with their name pops up. But this text box doesn't disappear after the battle ends and keeps on obstruct the screen. The only way to close it is to either load a save, or get into another battle and wave the cursor on another enemy to make the text box disappear.

    I have also had the background music stop working or it turns itself down almost all the way when ever I save but when I go outside it fixs it self

    Dunno if that was already mentioned.

    Minor spoiler alert.

    Win10, happens in the latest version and the one before.

    Upon recruiting Ayneris u receive here sword aswell, her personal quest grants u the same weapon a second time.


    Windows 10 home

    When ever I equip a accessory or armor that adds health to a character then cast a heal spell on them the game drops the health of that character back to normal and if I take the item off of them the game will then drop their health down the number said item added and will stay at that lower number for about a week  

    I Just found this game a week ago and I'm looking forward to see what else you're going to do with it

    Can't open mansion upgrades or teleport when animation on screen change is off.


    how to get two melissa's with one step

    press [ESC] once  during the end game and once it shows you the option to continue the game or go to the main menu click continue and it'll show you the end credits again 


    ver. 0.5.12a

    changes to fear, obedience, stress,  and loyalty  aren't showing . ex. raping someone who doesn't like it rough it doesn't say +stress but they still do gain the stress

    Stress now shows in logs only after certain limit is reached. 

    Ver 0.5.12a

    Unsure if this is a bug or a broken feature.

    For some reason a mental breakdown from stress has a 100% lethal outcome. and there is no warning about this in the end day report from Alisse. but it still shows up in the side log. "XXXXX is deceased", followed by "You no longer own XXXXX". This has costs a pretty penny in expensive farm girls. As well as an accidental mental snap of my own sister so it is a bit of a bummer having this happen.

    Are you sure its 100%? It should only deal certain amount of damage.

    (1 edit)

    Out of 20 slaves i tested on, some with over 150hp, they all died.

    Edit: Would also be nice to be able to change damage amount in constraints, which would allow for people to make the game harder or easier in terms of mental breaks.

    Just from single breakdown?

    Stress turns red. go to next day, their dead. there is no message about breakdown from stress but i get the death message.

    Can you provide a save file just before that happens?

    I just tested this myself, 120 stress on a just caught slave, 75 hp. Died from the breakdown. I did, however, get warnings of the stress and breakdown.

    (1 edit)

    With the warning i mean the end day report never did say she had a mental breakdown. Mine may just be on my side for that part. but im glad someone else can confirm this bug

    Yeah, there's nothing in the daily report that mentions the slave suffered from a mental breakdown, which I believe it did in the past, nor does it even tell me the slave died. Not even a generic "Slave has died during the night."

    (2 edits)

    I didnt manage to fully fix the problem like how you wanted it to work. but no matter the values added, if its set to health_max it always outright kills. if i just set it to health/5 she just drops down to 5hp every time. no matter what i tried with the values health_max is a death sentence.

    Edit: Without the entire line that messes with health. they still drop down to 6hp out of 100. so something else may be tied into this issue.

    Try to do clean reinstall

    (1 edit)

    I got the same outcome. its still odd how they seem to take 96 damage from a mental breakdown despite altering the file to do no damage.

    Edit: I also deleted saves and such to make sure it was a clean install, and got the same outcome on different saves after this.

    (12 edits)


    bug:sometimes in marsh and sea u can meet monster who invincible for simple attack. -  Thats because bug:rogue armor have 89 defence =D
    bug:dont closed popup with description of enemy\item\ability after battle\loot screen if u use keyboard button instead of mouse clicking
    bug: description for slave spec didnt show for other slaves window in outside
    bug:without "fadeanimation check" laboratory dont show up upon current page if this not mansion page.
    bug:if u have in backpack lot of item(full page) they who in bottom haveflickering popup
    request:add check box for show\hide body image in inspection page - because when looking for suitable for quest slave, their bodyimage overlap slave sheet
    also here is a bug:sex with boys(fondle chest and nipssucking) break time limit.

    also there is mistakes in one of libraries books. - "History of MankindAt the begining of time..."


    in double 'Halfkin Bunny' in gorn and frostfords races

    in no 'Beastkin\Halfkin Tanuki' in common or rare race(is u just forgot about it?), $himself in quest 001, cirus in quest 018, code = '010', and avoidhusband's in quest 019.

    in eleven land. (mb something else, dont remember =/)

    in Bonus HP dont working in combat =/

    in and slave_tab check above: rogue armour and relatives

    in Sebastian have 'person' instead of 'slave' in origins of requested slave

    in combatdata: Old: description =  "You come across a rare $race monster $child. $He hasn't spotted you yet. ", steel need coloring D=

    also in "deep" locations enemies counting almost always wrong

    Here realy fixed relationship: Mega Spend all my day with trying to fix and now finally done =D

    insside and also with fixed Quick start bug when player id = 0

    CRC32: B160B732
    MD5: 53F787E76AAA1EDF4B0AD4C1252B9D08
    SHA-1: 9EFCC155C2A0309C76ED4B3DE84AD10329595028

    unpack in you $gamefolder/mods/

    absolutely no need in new game, all working. =3

    Update 07.06

    When someone sended to vacation, their tab didnt closed, so i can manage their work/inventory/sleep etc. (see screens)
    deterrent potion didnt remove sex-crazed

    Forgot to mention: with new stress system - captured slave might dead in next day bc: first they have suffer from stress higher than 33, than 66 and in final 99 their health set to 1 and they suffer from damage =/

    there also lot of minor bugs and mistakes but i dont remember them all correctly =D
    album with bugs(gonna upd reg)

    to fix traits sheet in slave descripion add in

                elif i.tags.find('sexual') <= 0 && i.tags.find('detrimental') <= 0:
                    text2 =  "[color=1]" + text2 + '[/color]'

    and change:

            text += + text2


            text = "$name has trait(s): " + text2

    Update 09.06

    Sell dude from jail, place anorher dude in jail, buy back dude from jail - ??? - jail overcrowded =D (see screens in imgur album)

    Others specialization didnt show correct especially when looking about yourself(i have traper and ranger in group)

    Headgirl collect xp too fast. Really.

    Really need to swap purchase and cancel button bc after checking first in city quests/slaves - (cancel fortreit accept) accidentally often press accept/purchase when check slaves/quests, and in Slave services too

    I dunno why but at least 3 days i didnt recieve full money from slaves work >.<(see log screens from one of days) later i recieve full income

    Are all those bugs have been on the 5.12a?

    (2 edits)


    i mean some of them new in 5.12a

    and most unfixed from older versions

    (3 edits)

    Post updated ^^^

    Another little update, nothing too serious.

    1) 0.5.12a (as far as I recall)

    2) Windows 8.1

    3) Ending is bugged, got 10 identical characters, each with same name, stats, traits, portraits etc.

    4) I think that I pressed "1" to move between events. Maybe causing the ending script to go multiple times, giving me said character multiple times? It did repeat each scene multiple times.

    5) Time to make each of them obedient and abuse their "Authority" trait, have everyone be obedient forever. Unless that doesn't work.

    Please update on whether the Authority trait stacks.

    (2 edits)

    Update: got a noble from umbra, already branded, set her residence to communal, set head girl to patronage, improved noble's mental stats to 100 for courage, confidence and wit, cast Domination to lower obedience. Next day, increase in obedience: 9->30. next day: 30->??. Next day: ??->80ish.

    It's safe to assume that the Authority trait doesn't stack as no 50+ increase in obedience happens. Unless daily obedience increase is capped. Which I'm pretty sure it isn't.

    Oh well, thanks for checking!

    1) 0.5.12a (as far as I recall)

    2) Windows 8.1

    3) Special order from Sebastian, a Taurus. Got someone, who was of "person" origin.

    4) Try to constantly order from Sebastian?

    5) Apparently, "person" origin is below "slave" origin. The guild "elevated" said person for 0 G, costing 1 day.

    1) 0.5.12a

    2) Windows 7

    3) console errors on group sex acts

    4) was tested with female + futas, "spitroast" and "spitroast anal" actions

    5) seems to also disrupt actions counting down (though doesn't seem to lose them, the timer just doesn't increment

    (1 edit)

    1) 0.5.12a

    2) win 10

    3) conflicting traits

    4) no real way to replicate as its up to rng to cause randomly generated characters with 2 or more traits that conflict with one another

    5) while not major it could cause some issues. a slave i obtained from the random event where a tresspasser was found ended up having both "Mute" (cant work at occupation requiring speech)  and "Pretty voice" (vocal occupations more effective)

    ver. 0.5.11a

    windows 7 x64
    I get a error when starting it with the win64 public version: "Can't create an opengl 3.3 rendering context", not really sure its a bug on your end, when searching it seems to have something to do with the engine itself.

    I'm playing with a notebook, possibly the cause has something to do with optimus technology, just figured I'd let you know and maybe help someone else who gets the same error.

    Is not a fix, but win32 version works fine.

    great game btw :)

    Updating to Windows 10 x64 seems to fix it as well, hope this helps you narrow down the search for a fix.

    This is an engine issue related to GPU not supporting opengl 3 (perhaps because you didn't properly updated your drivers if you managed to launch it after all), not game's fault.

    1) 0.5.12a

    2) Windows 8.1

    3) Found a cloning bug.

    4) Sell everyone, goto Gorn's 2nd main quest, encounter Hade, defeat Garthor and return to mansion, the servants I sold got cloned within the slaver's guild I sold them to.

    5) N/A


    Is there a limit to two children in the nursery at a time now? I have plenty of room in the communal room for the addition.

    U forgot about 500 gold for raising them =D

    I guess I never noticed it cost that to raise them. All this time, I've thought it was 500 gold to send them to another dimension, and raising them the slow way was free! (Well, free plus food consumption.) A re-write on that would be helpful to explain it, especially since I just got over 1000 gold and yes, it lets me raise the baby the normal way, but I don't have the option of instant maturity like the text implies.

    There's no option to raise baby normally because I dont think anyone would spend tens thousands of days of waiting for them to grow up. 

    I always thought the maturity was the wait, and the instant was an option to immediately (or maybe after a day) grow up in exchange for a higher price. I know it's difficult to put down a good balance of what days represent, which is why I'd made the suggestion of adding it as a constant like the pregnancy time.

    Also, I've currently got the pregnancy set to 22 days, and my headgirl's updates on the pregnancies are behind. Can you tweak that in the future so that it reflects the stages better? She literally gave birth and then my headgirl told me that said slave was likely to give birth soon.

    Yeah, I sort of forgot about that. Will fix. 


    (3 edits)

    0.5.12a x32

    windows 7 x64

    some typos and bug

    typos repeatable quests:

    description = "An elegant note describes the search for a young male to act as squire for a newly knighted lord.\nMust be well behaved and physically able. ",
        reqs = [['obed','gte', 80],['sex', 'eq', 'male'], ['sstr', 'gte', 2], ['age','neq','adult']],

    edit 3

    it says a young male, one would assume its a teen or even a child, I sugest to remove "young" or change age requeriment to "teen".

    as crazy said below, if neq is supposed to mean not equal, something has gone wrong:

    for age requeriment is showing aldult and is currently is accepting males of any age.

    end edit 3.

    shortdescription = "An anonymous woman desires a real man to satisfy her.",
        description = "A sexually frustrated wife is looking for a male slave to give her the attention is desperately craves. Looks should not be very high, to avoidhusband's suspicion. Must be well endowed with good stamina! ",

    reqs = [['sex', 'eq', 'male'], ['obed','gte', 80],['send','gte',2],['beauty','lte',40],['penis','gte',1]],

    since any male race will do, man may not be a appropriated word to it, plus you probably will/should add futa there. I'm not a natual english speaker, so not sure on this one.

    is desperately > she desperately (?)

    avoidhusband > my spacebar doesthatalot too.

    shortdescription = "A rich kid desires a new toy.",
        description = "A fairly simple note requests a $race girl from a rich and well-bred background as a birthday present for their son. Hastily scribbled in one corner of the paper you can see 'MUST HAVE BIG BOOBS' in another style of handwriting. ",

    reqs = [['obed','gte', 80], ['sex','eq', 'female'],['titssize','gte',3]]

    you probably should remove "from a rich and well-bred background", requeriments does not ask for it... and reward is too low for a obedient and rich girl.

    shortdescription = 'A local aristocrat wants an obedient servant for his house. ',
        description = 'A local nobleman is looking for an obedient worker for his estate, or someone who will provide one. The semi-famous house name provides some crediability to the customer. A $sex servant must present $himself meekly and have above avearge looks. Only humanoids. ',

    its showing "$himself" to both male and female, you should replace it to $sex$pronouns or whatever you called it, I couldnt/too lazy to find it.


    There is a bug with buying provisions in the market, if the bag is selected it will be added to it as a normal  item, it wont change food value. Its possible to go to mansion and add it, but it wont change food value either, doing this will remove it from inv. After going to mansion and "transferring" it, going back to market  and buying any amount of provision (with the backbag not selected) will add the correct value to food (new amount + previous

    transferred amount).

    I tested it on wimborn.

    I will keep a eye on this thread, let me know if you cant replicate it, and I will upload/send you a save.

    Tisha questline

    After I did Tisha quest line with Emily in the party, all of her equiped items disappeared. I did her quest at once, after going out of the brothel > return to mansion > teleport to gorn > buy her > do not brand > dont ask for anything

    level up required items.

    not really a bug

    when asking for a item, the slave will select any from mansion inventory, this include enchanteds items. Having it in the backbag or equiped on someone else will "save it", but it may "hurt" new players, even olders since some items has some really useful enchantements.

    while we are at it, it doesnt kinda makes sense to me to have a "pet suit" with confidence boost. (yeah, I got one >.>)

    Warnings console

    not sure if its a bug or intended

    not getting warnings when on interaction mode (like learning points gotten, loyalty+, obedience+), they still do get the learning points, obedience+ and loyalty+ though.

    usually I go: go to garden>get slave to high mood>spam teach and sometimes pet head> sometimes when turn is on 3x: go back to bedroom> chat/intimate chat > request intimacy

    Its doesnt kinda make sense to me to lose reputation with the nearest city when capturing a dryad/fairy/(wild race?) after saving it.

    can only remember those, do tell if you need a save or something.

    going to suggestion thread to ask for the things I most need/want in the game now >.<


    as akphantom said above, deterrent potion isnt removing sex-crazed: >

    func deterrenteffect():
        if person == globals.player:
            return('You decide this potion is not going to benefit you at all.')
        if person.effects.has('numbed') == false:
            return('After ingesting the potion, $name starts to act somewhat more dull then before. ')
            return("Apparently, $name isn't greatly affected by drinking the potion as the previous effect hasn't worn off yet.")
        if person.traits.has("Sex-crazed"):

            if person.traits.has("Sex-crazed"):
        return("Apparently, $name isn't greatly affected by drinking the potion as the previous effect hasn't worn off yet.")

    not sure how this language works, but it should be going out of the function before removing the effect, little fix if two potions are supposed to get tid of the trait.

    in combat mod, after using leeching strike, sometimes the hp will show as double/float not integer value:

    edit 2

    popup bug, someone already said above, but here are some steps I found to replicate it:

    after choosing the action of everyone in the group, mouse over any enemy till pop up shows up, after that press f 2x

    it will be there till you over the mouse over some item in "party inventory", choose a action in battle or go back to the mansion.

    to replicate skill pop up keeps showing up:

    after confirm button appear, let mouse over above skill 6 or 7, in my case, above "heal" or "escape"
    give two clicks, holding the button in the second click. It may take more then one try to get it.

    after going past the loot after the battle, I didnt find any other way to get ride of it, Spells cant be selected if its below/covered by the pop up

    I think the first quest is fine. The condition says ['age','neq','adult'] and neq should mean "not equal to", so a teen or a child are fine, while an adult male is not.

    english is not my main language, sometimes  obvious things pass by me :(

    just tested, is currently accepting any male, be it adult, teen or child, so neq function should need some work.

    the descrition requeriments just says aldult, and its accepting it, so... I assumed only adults would do when playing. 

    gonna update post.

    Not sure whats causing it because I don't recieve any errors when it happens but the game is randomly force closing itself after being open for only a few minutes. Could possibly be a memory issue but im not sure.

    0.5.13a windows 10

    If you buy spells and reload a previous save, you keep them.

    I did the first mage quests, bought a few spells but reloaded the "start of day" autosave due to a mistake I made. I still had all the spells I bought previously unlocked and can use them even if they are not available for buying yet since I have to redo the mage quests (tested with invigorate).

    I tested the same thing but reloading a previous manual save instead of the autosave, same result.

    Steps : (in the same day), do first mage quest, buy spells, save, reload previous save.

    1. 0.5.12.a
    2. Windows 10
    3. Everytime I use any item with +Health <x> description, it will not increase my character max hp. And after I unequip it, my character's max HP reduced then it before, now it left with left my character with weird number instead of a number dividable with 25 (default hp per Endurance)

    Current bugs found in: 5.13a(well honestly mindread from bearded time and - stat from 5.12)

    Any item with additional for stats after capture and erase enemy inventory leave negative value in slave stats like -1 agility if previously own elven blade or -1 endurance if previously wear magic item with bonus. I think same for courage/wit/etc =/

    Mindread at loot screen always can be casted at captive. Without mana and learning

    Oh, and relatives steel broken =D

    Have you gotten the slave in 5.13 or 5.12? I believe this issue has been fixed recently. 


    I have one like that too (started a new save in 5.13a) with -1 magic, I was wondering where it was coming from.

    (1 edit)

    5.13a windows 10

    There is currently no limit to the number of times you can have social interaction with a slave in a day (unlike sexual interaction which is limited to 1/day/slave). Not sure if it's intended or a bug ? As it is, that means it is possible to make slaves go from "just captured, hates you" to "fond of you, agrees to unlock sex" in the same day by talking to them multiple times.

    Also not sure if working as intended or not, if you end a social interaction with "request intimacy" and switch to sexual interaction, it will not count in the limit of sexual interactions you can do per day. (it will however count as the limit of 1/day for that slave). So for example with 3 social and 3 sexual available/day and enough slaves, you can in fact have 3 social and 6 sexual in total.

    (1 edit)

    1: 0.5.14

    2: Win10

    3: auto-attack not targeting properly

    4: toggle auto-attack.

    5: during combat if auto attack is used for some reason it will attack the enemy farthest to the left and once they are dead will not target any other enemy.

    this is the following error recieved per party member.

    SCRIPT ERROR: combatant.health_set: Invalid get index 'rect_global_position' (on base: 'previously freed instance').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    ERROR: Tween::interpolate_property: Condition ' !ObjectDB::instance_validate(p_object) ' is true. returned: false
       At: scene\animation\tween.cpp:1011



    Elven Grove. Encountered error after a battle against wolves to save an elf. The elf wanted to reward me after the battle. I tried choosing option 4, to join me. I pressed the key on my keyboard and clicked the option on screen, neither worked. Also tried no reward, same results. Kinda pressed randomly between 1-4, and it registered as me asking for money, which I then received. Below are the error scripts.

    Boot splash path: res://files/buttons/loading.png
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/
    SCRIPT ERROR: capturedecide: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary').
              At: res://files/scripts/

    This hasn't been an issue in other areas, for me.

    I have never met any village needing help in Elven Grove... its the chance too low, my reputation in amber is never positive, or just a bug?


    (1 edit)

    It's fairly rare. It's also possible to miss, as there's no difference in appearance aside from the additional text stating a human/elf/drow/tanuki is being attacked. I've gotten into the "groove" of 1 and 2 key pressing and missed a few at times.

    EDIT: Doing some more farming in the deeper region and after about 8-12 full cycles, came across it again. Didn't have the option for reward this time.

    my bad, I didnt meet any of them in the 0511 and 0512a versions, in like 2-3 playthroughs... and I aways farm drows  there.

    I did meet it in the 513b version, maybe it was a bug after all?

    I've seen them for a while, and the changelog says these were added in 5.8. They might have been tweaked more recently or you just had terrible luck.

    win 7 64  512a and b  mountain caves frequency almost always.

    0514b win 7 64 bit same sawe need file?

    Update to latest patreon version


    win 1064

    Just assuming you have 1 personal room available. If you send a slave out on a quest while using personal room, no one will be able to use it.

    (3 edits)

    v 0.5.14d windows 10

    If someone is pregnant and then aborts or loses the baby, it will still appear in the relations screen ( as a daughter that will never be born).

    I tried "updating" by going to the next day, same result.

    The entry in "see relatives" appears as soon as the mother is pregnant, not at birth. And if the child dies before birth, the entry stays.

    Edit : If a slave dies in battle, she also stays in the relatives screen. Not sure if intended or not. Tested with starting slave = sister.

    v0.5.14d windows 10

    It seems herbal contraception no longer works in this version. Unless it's been changed to require more than 3 days before it takes effect ?

    Also, when you raise a slave's endurance or give them +health gear, it only raises max health but not current. Unless it's an intentional rollback, this was something that had been fixed a while ago iirc and came back in this version. For example if you give a slave with 50/50 health +2 endurance, health changes to 50/100.

    Contraceptives are to be fixed in next patch. As for health bonus gear its intended.

    0.5.13 win10

    During intercourse using a milker (tool) will grant stress to the slaves regardless if they have the "like it rough", "masochist" or "pervert" traits.

    windows 7 (32)

    dont know what version (newest public at the time of writing)

    game dont work


    This is exactly what it means: your gpu does not seem to support current engine version. Or your drivers are outdated. Once godot 3.1 comes out this should be fixed.

    so... what i need to do now?

    Update your gpu drivers, or upgrade your gpu, or wait until godot 3.1 will be out.

    5.1.4d win10

    Bug - after going through the guild portal to Wimborn to fight Hade, if you have the screen change animation option switched off, the background and the explore UI load but the event won’t start. There is no text or error in the console to suggest that something went wrong, simply nothing happens at all.

    1: 0.5.14d

    2: Win10

    3: finish day does not bring up summary report

    4: happens randomly

    5: randomly during play the "finish day" button (pressing F) will advance the day but not bring up the summary report screen nor will jobs occur usually resulting in mansion cleanliness degrading. it for some reason rights itself if an event such as birth occurs and will be fixed but will reappear later on.

    when this bug occurs i noticed the same error constantly getting replayed.

    SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid call to built-in function 'rand_range'. Expected 2 arguments.
              At: res://files/scripts/

    Part of the end day routine is crashing.In this case the rand_range function has been left empty. This has been fixed in most recent version. If you have a text editor (notepad, notepad++, or the like) you can fix it yourself. In the Strive folder, go to files\scripts\ Open this file in your text editor and find line 823. This line should read: 
    person.lust -= rand_range()
    Inside the parends type 30,40
    This should fix your issue.

    (1 edit)

    Patch : 0.5.15d 

    OS : win 10 

    I tried fiddling around with the new Relatives system. it seems to be working for the most part, but i did find some wierd parts and one thing that just seems like a bug :

    Bug - if YOUR character has any children with a slave, it just says "unknown " under father in the children's family tree. this will always happen.  it will only be the father, the mother will show correctly

    weird parts : 

    1 - if a miscarriage happens, the character will still appear in the family tree.

    2- if you choose to give away a child, the character will still appear in the family ( this one does make sense, but are sometimes confusing)

    that's about it, for the most part it works perfectly :)

    There is one other thing, that i don't know if it's a bug or not, but whenever a character became " horny " or " very horny ", the trait would never dissapear, and they would just have a permanent debuff for combat. i tried a few things to make it go away but it wouldn't work. 

    just rape the defeated enemies for the last one... one time should get ride of the debuff... it wont lower loyalty if its above yellow.

    Patch : 0.5.15d 

    OS : Win 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

    Bugs: The sex action 'Relax Incense' give the same flavor text as 'Nipple Sucking' and doesn't appears to be a constant effect modifier like 'rope' from SM tab. And it also doesn't appear to decrease stress which is what I suppose it should do from the name.

    Engaging in a Mode: Meet with a character and enter into intimacy would still make the menu default into Mode: Sexmode which if memory serves was present even in 0.5.11 build.

    Something I'm not sure is a bug or not, 1 male vs multiple female sex action makes 'Clit Clap' disappear. Which considering it doesn't happen to other items based action from tool and SM tab (not even the similar named 'Nipple Clap') makes me think it's a bug. Also, characters with 'Grateful' trait doesn't have additional food and gold deducted even if I give them better food and pocket money. I know this technically help me, but I like to role play a more fair slave owner so I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen.

    Another thing that's definitely not a bug, but I don't know where to talk about (other than making another topic). I kind of wish there's an option to toggle Emily's portray/full body image between the old and new one. It doesn't make a lot of sense she has an over 40 beauty status difference from her sister Tisha when their portray look nearly identical for the old one, but I think I prefer it anyway because the aesthetic looks more consistent. Nothing wrong with the new version and I think whoever the artist is did a fantastic job, but it looks like it's draw by a different artist which is something I want to avoid with unique characters. Not to mention her new portray just doesn't fit the CG scenes.

    Patreon version.

    After talking to Sebastian, youthening and maturing potions aren't added to alchemy list. I went back and tried several different methods and none of them worked.


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