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(2 edits)


1. The farm in the mansion can't be accessed if you have yourself or a slave's description up. (Seems legit.)

2. The gear menu will stay on your screen if you switch to another slave. The menu will still be for the slave you brought the menu up for. The changes will be saved to the original slave. If you leave the mansion while the gear menu is up, the menu will still be there. Closing the menu will result in the background changing. None of the options are affected. (Still love that lacy underwear.)

3. After a while, the random events will only activate for the most current slave gotten. (I want my other slaves to still whine about being horny.)

4. Clingy slaves will still complain about wanting attention, even when they're being used in the farm. (It got annoying, so I sold them. That was after hunting a Tauros for 6 hours.) As a side note, they complained about not getting enough attention while they were on vacation, so they could unlock their potential. They are so persistent!

5. Guards for low reputation are beyond over powered. They can one shot a 40000 hp character that has 200 armor. (I screwed around with a save.)

6. Spamming the "End day" button will crash the game without fail. (You don't need to close the report.)

7. Lab assistant asks for a few days off and is granted said days, but the lab is still usable. (That's some vacation. They're needed so they're called back and they respond, without complaining.)

8. When finding more than one monster girl it appears as something like "You have found a lone rare $name" bla, bla, bla. The lone part is incorrect and the $name is a bit weird. (Gotta catch them all! I love them slime girls.)

9. The costumer requests can be refreshed if the save file is reloaded. This can easily be exploited. (Guilty...)

10. Sometimes when a trait is gained, the stats go up. If these stats are already maxed, they will add it to exceed the max. When these stats would be affected again, like with a job, the stat reverts to max. (I'm fine with that 100 courage, but let me keep that 125 wit. That way I know just how devoted that guy is. Look at him, learning more than he should. Kill him.)

11. Giving a male character a vagina and removing the dick will still cause it to say "he" and "his." (I even tried making the "mind-blowingly huge tits" lactate and hollowed out. What a weird guy.)

12. Characters will become bisexual if they're a male and a futa does frottage with them, or a female and a futa does tribalism without penalty for the same sex problem. (Preparing them boys to grow a hole.)

13. When I ran from a fight, the one slave was still there with 0 HP. (Way to keep going, buddy!) The next fight I encountered immediately killed him upon starting. (Never mind...)

14.  The interactions tab in the mansion can be used to start an orgy with anyone who unlocked intimacy, even if group wasn't unlocked for a single person. (Time to get some beers and some babes. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE GUYS IN THIS ORGY!?)

15. Changing the options to not be on the receiving end of sex after starting with it on, does absolutely nothing. (Sounds like life. I'm always on the receiving end of nothing but a punch to the face.)

I only was able to find this many bugs due to the fact the game kept me interested the entire time. Keep going! I'm going back to the game and fapping. (Goddammit! My tissues fell!)

Edits were made to fix typos!