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A member registered May 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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It seems your save is modded, and also kinda outdated

need .sav, not .dat

Please provide a save file when it happens if you don't use mods

Try to go into more details, specs, crash logs, save files

Back up your appdata and delete it. If that fixes it, send me the backup data 

I've just fixed the second part of bug report, no guarantee it will anyhow help with the modded part tho.

Hmm have the game been working properly before? What are your system specs

You might wanna try to do a full reinstall on second issue

Due to how apple manages things on its OS, you are required to basically confirm that any 3rd party software not downloaded from app store is safe to run. You can search for related information on how to do it here

There's 'Rest' option over the other services, make sure its unchecked.

Changelog can be seen in main menu. Otherwise its posted in discord

Okay actually there was a bug with intimate talk in dating on low sex factor, just fixed it and reuploaded

Try intimate talk during date

You can also try win32 version perhaps

This is weird. Maybe try app. There's not much else I can recommend besides reinstalling

Please backup your appdata strive folder and try deleting it. If that helps pass me the backup

Its currently somewhat bugged with its prices, should be fixed on next update

Try to explain this again

Thank you. If things go well we should get dungeon exploration revamp on next month.

You can check logs or run game with console but i think one of them is fairly outdated

Should be fixed in latest version

The amelia one is kinda tied to rejecting her, the rest should probably be addressed

I don't think its a good idea to change the main project font, we should rather implement font replacement inside of the game tbh.

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoy the game. There's still more stuff to be implemented and adjusted in the second game and certainly a lot more story content to appear.

These fonts seem to be copyrighted, not sure its a good idea for us to use them.

Need to edit their current activity and maybe location. Try to copy from other characters just back up before doing so

You can attempt manually editing save file. Hopefully this shouldn't be an issue on latest version anymore

Weird, have you tried 7zip or winrar? Also you can try running it from itch app

Serious can be adopted from 'Warn' action, bold from 'Serve' (or 'Abuse' for caster)

It should be Strive for Power 2

It should be at appdata. Any logs with relevant errors will do.

You might've missed the actual service occupation in the list, you need to check off the rest, it works for me.

Can you post any crash logs with it?

Are you using an older save file? you should probably reimport it then

The old save will have old obedience drain reduction bonuses from loyalty tree (which are worse than the current ones since bonuses from swear loyalty perk has been redistributed among them)
Otherwise it seems we could use some rebalancing for later game upgrades/prices/slaves I already have an idea what to do about

You should be able to make them shift personality by using training skills

Are they perhaps on neutral personality?

2. It would be nice if you go a bit more specific
3. Might just be an RNG issue
4. Not sure about every class but bard only weapon can be a fun idea
5. Not really have much to add plus with 6 new specialties its a bit hard to fit many more in there
6. I don't think it would be a fun experience changing multiple work clothes depending on the task you need to do at the moment