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(1 edit)

I got the same bug as Monotreeme

It's from  a new game in story mode

1. Game version


2. Your OS or if you are playing 

windows 10 version 64-bit 

3. Bug description (from Monotreeme) + complemental information

"The "end of day" button fails to work properly specifically, when I click the button food is consumed or added, gold from professions is added, health is regenerated, and all of the other things that change because of the end of a day change.   EXCEPT that no end of day  report is generated,  the masters energy is not regenerated. and the game doesn't save".

 I can access the job report by clicking on the button near the finish day but the global report remains empty.

4. (if complex)Way to replicate it 

Not sure how to reproduce it. I was exploring the sea when I attacked a bandit camp, got my slaves KOed. I won the fight and retreated, on my way back I eated and rested (energy at zero at the end of battle) (It seems my supplies are at zero but it's still visible in the backpack at the mansion) 

Here is a save with the glitch :!83YACSYT!j3EGLvS2eI5eBDhJiK_I21cZrLsgPBwCxd81NMsDuNk

Here is the pic of the log screen when hitting End of Day button:!JjBm2AjY!C3vOScfya8z_4vGLHCthj7VdGs_sDd-KAxxeJnTNslM


I came across another bug, it's a duplication type of bug for consumable items

4. (if complex)Way to replicate it 

From your inventory send it to your backpack, for example a rope. Go to your backpack, click on the crate icon send it back to your inventory, THEN click on the bag icon, the rope will be visible again (with a value of zero) and click to send to your inventory, each time you click on it it adds to your inventory. It doesn't work for armor, weapons and clothes.

Here is a screen of the log screen :!xnZHGKjS!pPLVJcm6-ITcxBXe-ccKibPBrPrkcOLxScma_U9qRMY

First one should be fixed now. Thank you for reporting the second one.