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Plinko Panic! - DEMOView game page

A Pachinko-themed roguelike strategy game
Submitted by AcidicDuck (@acidic_duck) — 25 minutes, 14 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#283.7143.714

Ranked from 28 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game apply the limitation (and optionally, the theme)?
You begin the game 'on the edge' of death.

Team Size

Solo (1)

What main engine/tool/language did you use to construct the game?

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Cute game! I really like the idea and it's definitely one of my favorites, but i'm either dumb or the game's way too difficult. There's no time to damage the boss and you just gotta keep healing or you're dead. Overall i think with a little more balancing this'd be a great game!


Oh pinball games, so lovely, its a very modern take on such a classic, this can become quite clever. I kinda wish to have more control over the movement, but I guess it is intended to be that way. I see so many ways this could evolve.


That was even more exhilarating than watching Plinko on the The Price is Right! I think this may be the most easy to get into and most addictive game I've played in the jam, and I've played more than 90.

The gameplay loop is super tight and polished. The music fits very well and the sfx are satisfying. I also liked your insults from the Plinko machine. I could rave about this game for paragraphs, but I hope feedback is more helpful. Some suggestions:

- Make the enemy attack a moment. Build anticipation that he's winding up or something, and when he hits, add some screen shake, make me watch my health bar shrink down. The attacks seemed to come out of nowhere and I had no idea how much damage I'd taken. Same applies for dealing damage.

- Add some small UI touches and sfx to when players select a card. A simple two sprite animation can make it feel like I'm clicking the card button or refresh and sfx, even if it's the same for all cards (randomize the pitch), would make the selection portion more enjoyable. Let me hear me losing the cash I just spent.

- I love the roguelike nature of the cards, but would it work if you also altered the board every few turns with different peg placement?

- This one is asking a lot, but voice acting for the Plinko lines. I think it would make those insults sting a little more and further motivate me to take him down.

Overall, what a wonderful game and excellent solo dev entry. Great work!


This was waaaay too nice, thank you so much!! :)
I definitely think I am going to progress and do more with this, so I also really appreciate the feedback and suggestions... thanks again!! <3

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Fun and relaxing!


This is such a cool concept for a game! I absolutely adore it. There’s so much potential here. I love the presentation, though for some reason I didn’t hear any music on mine, been having a few glitches like that recently on games. The boss taunting you was great though I could read what he said in time usually. Would have loved some more healing balls! At the beginning when I needed them most they didn’t seem to be anywhere around and I wasted all my money refreshing. 

Anyway, fantastic job. Would love to see where you go with this. 


This is so awesome. Loved every minute and will visit this again later. But it becomes unbeatable if you wait too long with attacks.


Wow, I'm in love with this idea. Was this inspired by Luck Be A Landlord? I took inspiration from that idea myself for a previous gamejam (Escaping Winter, if you're interested). One thing that really would've made this game pop would've been to add store upgrades. As it is, you quickly end up in a situation where you have a ton of gold, because it's only used for rerolls. Making gold required to upgrade the store (and allowing you to get better cards) would've added a fun risk/reward  aspect.

Obviously, in a gamejam, your scope is limited, but I honestly think this could be a fun $5-10 Steam game if you add store upgrades, some more content and polish, etc. And honestly, hit me up if you want to discuss ideas, because this kind of game is exactly up my wheelhouse, haha


Appreciate the feedback man! Main inspirations definitely were Luck Be A Landlord and a in-progress game I saw recently called 'Peglin' for sure :D Once I figure out how to go about it right now, I definitely want to (and plan to) create it into a bigger thing where possible... Been writing down almost all feedback because I really enjoyed working on this game and definitely see potential in it! 

Either way, thank you so much :) if you really did wanna talk about it, add me on discord or something: AcidicDuck#4815 :)


Honestly this one was such a smooth combination of two different things, well done!

I just with the boss theme was more emphasized.


I think this game was pretty fun, I played a few runs, and spent more time on it than I do with most jam games. But I will say, starting on 1hp, whilst an interesting direction to go in, I found to be quite frustrating. The healing of the balls was just too low, and mixed with the RNG of plinko I eventually gave up unfortunately :( However this is a great, polished submission. Well done!


This game has kept me playing for the longest out of any on this Jam so far, music and sounds worked well and were balanced so I didnt have to mute/turn it down. The concept was simple to pickup but fun to play even after 5 long games. Really good Job :D




fun. would have liked for the board to change somehow during a run, through player choice or rng or whatever, and, at first, i thought my choices were going to stack somehow, more like a deck building game.


Amazing, would love to have on my phone, it's the kind of games I can spend hours into. The management between attacking and healing was tough but kept it interesting. Very nice job!


This game definitely deserves more exposure. I was thinking this game can be added a feature where the player can alter the board (with a limited number each turn).


This game is phenomenal! I'm so impressed that you made something with such thought-out and polished gameplay, on top of really pleasing visuals and a nice soundtrack. It was a great take on a strategy game. I kept replaying it and replaying it to beat the boss!

It's strange, though, the last time I played it, I thought I was about to seize victory and dealt a "finishing blow" on the machine, but it just showed me that the health went into the negative, and I still lost because I had also taken damage that round? Is the win condition not to deplete the machine's health bar?

I'm a big fan of this game, though; fantastic work!


I really like the concept here ! (I'm a big peggle fan, so this tickles my fancy). I only wish the pegs were moving a bit up-and-down or left-and-right or something. Now every shot feels the same. With that I would have enjoyed the game even more.

Nice concept with a lot of potential !


Actually beaten the machine yeah !

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is incredible on every level and matches the theme so well. I love the types of balls and the different attributes they have, it's amazing. I think it would have been cool to have a ball that does health and damage at the same time. 

I also think the board could have been altered throughout the game somehow, either by swapping out with different boards or changing things with your ball as you play. Overall this is one of my favorites and the concept and design is flawless. So creative!!


You have no idea how stupidly happy I was reading that, thank you so much for taking the time out to play the game to begin with... super happy you enjoyed it!!! :D
I made 3 different boards that were randomly chosen whenever a game starts, but that's as far as I went with it! Had plenty of ideas and no where near enough time to implement half of them lmao
either way... thank you so much <3 :)


Oh I didn't know there were 3 boards, as I only played twice and got the same one :P And yeah it's funny how even when you're given 10 days you run out of time and have to drop half of what you wanted!


Woow this is very good game. Got me playing for a hour and I want to play it more. 


Thank you so much! :D It's great to hear you've enjoyed it so much, I really appreciate you checking out the game!


Really interesting game, It took me like a few mins to get whats going on but, I like it allot its super addicting I haven't beat the Plinko Boss yet but


I didn't stop until I finally beat the Plinko boss. Very addicting and fun to play! Love the strategic thinking behind which pinballs will do the most for you in a given turn and the balance between having to manage your health, money, and damage.

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