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That was even more exhilarating than watching Plinko on the The Price is Right! I think this may be the most easy to get into and most addictive game I've played in the jam, and I've played more than 90.

The gameplay loop is super tight and polished. The music fits very well and the sfx are satisfying. I also liked your insults from the Plinko machine. I could rave about this game for paragraphs, but I hope feedback is more helpful. Some suggestions:

- Make the enemy attack a moment. Build anticipation that he's winding up or something, and when he hits, add some screen shake, make me watch my health bar shrink down. The attacks seemed to come out of nowhere and I had no idea how much damage I'd taken. Same applies for dealing damage.

- Add some small UI touches and sfx to when players select a card. A simple two sprite animation can make it feel like I'm clicking the card button or refresh and sfx, even if it's the same for all cards (randomize the pitch), would make the selection portion more enjoyable. Let me hear me losing the cash I just spent.

- I love the roguelike nature of the cards, but would it work if you also altered the board every few turns with different peg placement?

- This one is asking a lot, but voice acting for the Plinko lines. I think it would make those insults sting a little more and further motivate me to take him down.

Overall, what a wonderful game and excellent solo dev entry. Great work!


This was waaaay too nice, thank you so much!! :)
I definitely think I am going to progress and do more with this, so I also really appreciate the feedback and suggestions... thanks again!! <3