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Don't Text and CycleView game page

Cycle to save your house from a wild roommate!
Submitted by hoistbypetard, DantonSlip (@DTS_GameArt), Aziz, Marocaron (@marocaron) — 11 minutes, 4 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 54 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
your bike is hard to control while you text, and stress makes it even harder to control

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all audio during the game jam

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Interesting idea, but even at the best of times, controlling the character doesn't feel great. I don't like the fact that I'm locked in to the phone screen whenever I bring it up, I think being able to flick back and forth between the phone and the road and having a time limit on text replies would be more satisfying and lead to the same sense of being 'out of control' while still leaving the player with some agency.

On a positive note though, I'm a big fan of the art style, it's a really interesting aesthetic - cycling underwater? And with an old brick cell phone to boot!

Congratulations on getting it done, I hope you keep at it in the future!


Great concept! I would like to see the text conversations tied into the primary gameplay mechanics, like maybe asking friends for more health or upgrades etc. by having to make the right conversation choices. Good job!


This game makes me go YES!


Ι liked it a lot! Just a note: after playing for some time, the bike stired too much and after some more I couldn't control it at all... i pressed left and it went right... I don't know... maybe it was intended...

Overall it was a nice game! Good Luck!


I had never seen anything like it. I loved it!


The game is beautiful, the music fits the aesthetic and is a fresh take on the theme. However, I see some problems in the design, I feel that the game did not give me a goal or challenge to pursue. I don't know if it was intentional, but the easiest strategy was to just get off the road and keep a straight line, and I can't send any messages back (tested in Firefox). In general, the concept is very interesting, well done.


Really great presentation. I would recommend slowing down the player's horizontal control so they can't zip across the whole screen that fast. Also it looks like nothing spawns on the left side so you can just hang out there no issue. Maybe add some sort of penalty for being off road. Lastly, does the response to the text matter? if not you can just span the first question to get it off screen. good work on the jam!


This is like Paper Boy way back. I like that you have to dual task and watch the road and send text messages at the same time. (It also really drives the message home, it just can't be done!)


I had no idea what was going on, but don't worry, I mean it in a positive way ahahah. The craziness of the game and just the fact of how ridiculous the whole situation is, it all is presented so nicely! The music theme and sound design are also satisfying and complement visuals so much. Really impressive for a short period, keep up with it
A little suggestion for the future is to increase the size of the text, it was kind of small


Very funny concept, especially like the phone cracking as your hit more!


A nice little game! It's a little unclear how well you're doing with the texts without a score of some sort, and as people have said, the controls get weird after a few restarts, but the presentation is nice, and the way the theme is implemented is very cool. Well done!


Cool concept man. "What is love?..." hahah

And the art is concise. Congratz


Love the unified general feel and theme. The music, art and sounds all tied so nicely in together! Also really enjoyed the narrative woven in through the texts on the phone! I found after a couple restarts that the left/right controls got a little weird. Felt like replicated inputs or something? But felt very in tune with the theme!


It was fun to play! Visual style and direction is cool, I really like the part that it takes place somewhere under water. The only problem I encountered is that character is moving way too fast, but it waas still fun :)


Fun game! For some reason though I could send one text and then it wouldnt let me send anymore (the screen/helmet was cracked, does that affect it?)

Fits the theme nicely :)


Thanks! I think you ran into a bug. The screen cracks are supposed to make them harder to read but still let you send.


Oh! Makes sense that it was a bug, but I still thought it was a great game :) 

great concept loved the helmet breaking element and level designing ! Keep creating !


Bonkers! Is this game set underwater? just nuts :)


Good concept that fits the theme. But got a black screen after clicking on restart, and could not move forward.


It seems like you have a cool concept for a game here. However, it doesn't seem to matter what answer I pick for a text, so I don't have to spend any time reading it, I can just cancel it as fast as possible. Perhaps if the point of answering the texts was to select a coherant response out of some weird responses, it would give me more incentive to actually read the texts. The more I played, the more "loose" the left and right keys felt. It got to the point where I was traveling halfway across the road with a single frame of a button press. I had to refresh the window every time I played a new round to fix this. Often, I was too focused on the road to notice that I had a text waiting for me. If there was a text alert sound, that would be super helpful. Also, I had to check previous comments to see how your game controls because on the page, it says you have to press ENTER to answer a text, but you have to press backslash in the game. If those comments werent there I would have assumed your game did not work.
Overall, I liked your concept, but the delivery wasn't quite there.


I can only agree to this comment. I was also annoyed that the controls were not as expect (you can change the websites text POST deadline ;) ) but I didn't mind too much because I much more enjoyed reading all the weird texts your friend sent me... Of course I have my Pizza in the oven... but sadly I couldn't handle my bike in the mean time. And actually only concentrating on my bike alone was hard enough. But whatever. This game wasn't supposed to be a too deep gameplay, you had only 1/3 of your time working on programming, the rest was doing art and music which were well integrated. I especially loved how you put the game in a fitting frame (if you don't play on fullscreen) that was amazing!


Thank you! I have updated those instructions :-). I'm glad you had fun.


Thanks for playing and commenting! The "looser" steering as the game goes on happens when you get the wrong answers to the text (because you get angrier, faster, more stressful replies) or when you get stressed out from ignoring the alerts and using your willpower not to look.

 Also, thanks for letting us know about the instructions on the page. It should have mentioned keypad enter or slash. I have updated those instructions to make it clearer.

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