Muito obrigado pelo feedback, Fall! Fico muito feliz que tenha gostado do jogo a ponto de querer chamar amigos para jogar.
Boa noite, Gabriel. Joguei o seu protótipo, aqui vão as minhas observações:
1. Primeiramente, parabéns pela iniciativa e progresso com o jogo e por decidir já postar um protótipo, essa parte de mostrar o jogo pra todos é bem importante
2. Quanto à jogabilidade: mesmo num protótipo, você precisa apresentar algum *desafio* ao jogador, especialmente em um jogo de tiro. O inimigo que tem no jogo não causa dano/ataca o jogador, então tecnicamente você é invencível, logo não existe desafio -> o exemplo mais básico seria do personagem perder vida caso o monstro toque nele
3. O cenário é muito pequeno pro próprio personagem. O inimigo é muito grande. Jogos de tiro precisam de espaço o suficiente pra correr/desaviar, e pra comportar múltiplos inimigos. Eu aumentaria logo, de cara, o tamanho do cenário, pra não ter que re-pensar essa parte depois
4. Parabéns pelas múltiplas artes. Ter que cuidar tanto da programação quanto da arte dá trabalho e se você fez, isso mostra o empenho que você tem em criar algo com a sua própria personalidade. Na demo, eu contei 6 painéis de arte única (os de enredo) e vi que tem mais desenhos já feitos também
5. Apesar dos múltiplos painéis de arte terem ficado legais, a arte do jogo em si ficou mais simples. Isso mostra que você tá focando primeiro na narrativa antes de mais nada, o que é um caminho a seguir, mas minha sugestão é mesmo assim dedicar um tempo pra incrementar as artes de gameplay (o chão, a arma, o armário, a fase do boss, etc)
6. É uma boa adicionar um Menu quando o jogador apertar Esc, que tenha pelo menos os botões: `Continuar
`, `Voltar ao Menu
` e `Sair do jogo
Alguns bugs que acho que vale à pena mencionar:
7. É possível atravessar as paredes. Inclusive o Boss pode lhe empurrar através da parede e acho que não dá pra voltar mais
8. Se você atirar enquanto anda, é possível que os próprios disparos do jogador empurrem o personagem principal. O ideal é as balas ignorarem completamente o personagem
9. Alguns textos só passam ao apertar `z
`, mas outros passam automaticamente e pode não dar tempo de ler algumas partes
Quanto à narrativa, a escolha do tema é boa por ser bem atual, com a questão da saúde mental e dos medos internos de cada um. Celeste pode ser um bom jogo pra usar como inspiração pra esse tema
É isso, acredito que dar uma sacada nesses pontos que falei (especialmente 2, 3, 5 e 6) já ajudam bastante
Parabéns pelo progresso
Pessoal, para instruções de como jogar o jogo, visitem a página oficial no
Aqui um vídeo de gameplay em grupo também:
I'm absolutely impressed by the quality of the levels. Very nice job, 10 levels and none of them felt boring to me. And it's impressive how you carefully crafted it in a way that you don't get "hard stuck".
Very clever idea and level design! Art and sound also set the mood nicely! Great jam game, congratz! It's my favorite so far!
Thanks a lot Ian! Yeah, since the beginning we thought about adding some sort of lightning system as the game was already planned to be in a "torment night", so the lightning system was there mainly to create this tensions where you have to run from enemies which pops up from the shadows! Then as suggested by Narciso (our artist), we added a rain effect to create an even more dark mood.
I'll surely take a look at your game!
Wow, thanks a lot for such kind words! Yes, we did all that in 48 hours. It was a great rush!!!
We originally wrote the text in Portuguese -- our mother language, but for participating in a jam, it needed to be in English. David and Margella were responsible for all text and translations.
I was the soloist programmer in the jam, and as you saw, there are lots of intricate systems that I needed to code. Lightning, Combat, Movement, AI, Dialogue, Morales system, Game Design, Level Design, it was craaaazy. Unfortunately, there are some things that could have been better polished if I wasn't coding alone. But I'm very happy that you liked the Warrior AI! Yes, I tried making her to not bother you too much! Also, as she is a warrior, she has more HP, so she can deal with some monsters on her own for a while, and sometimes she will indeed help you.
The artist also had to model loooooooots of stuff, and all 2D art (characters pictures, dialogues, UI) was all made by him.
The musician created 2 musics and lots of SFX, which fit perfectly!
We are very proud, even though I would lake to have done a better game design.
Again, thanks a bunch for your kind words! =D
Thanks a lot, we're happy that you liked it!
Yeaaaah, the systems are not polished, it was a lot of stuff to do, so we had no time to iterate many times over the stuff! With a slightly bigger team, we could have made it! The original Combat design was focused on "kidnapping" -- some monsters would carry the characters away (like Resident Evil 4) and the other sister would have to help.
I also wanted to create a lightgningbolt (stun in area) and a ground wall (protection), but yeah, it was a lot of stuff already for the 48 hours.
Again, thanks for the kinds words! =))
Nice that you're gonna update it.
So, by thematic art, I mean choosing some specific themes to build upon. Perhaps having a futuristic theme? Then the scenario could be made of iron, the player objects could be robots, the enemies could be enemy robots, etc
Or perhaps the game happens on a mountain? Then the scenario would be pure ground and rocks, the characters could be animals which live on the mountains (one inside a ball and the other on top of the rocket?)
Things like that
Hey! Yeah, I added some code for blocking characters from moving out of the screen, but there were issues regarding the AI. As a soloist programmer in this jam, I had Movement, AI, Dialogues, UI, Lightning, Combat, Moral and most of the Game/Level design on me, so indeed there are low polishing in some parts! Like this camera thing
I'm sad to hear that the Warrior didn't return do you! That's a rare bug, I was hoping it wouldn't block anyone
Thanks for playing our game and for your feedback! =))
It's a bit hard to play, but perhaps it's just because the first level is already with some enemies. A suggestion would be to create 1 or 2 levels which would be very straightforward to solve, for people to get used to the controllers.
Besides of that, I liked the level design potential, it could look very nice with more thematic art =)
Nice job, art style, audio and overall flow felt relaxing. It seems to be a game with good narrative openings, right? Like, choosing to whom a character will be talking to, and this leading into different outcomes on the game, like saving a relationship depending on how you connect the calls, stuff like that.
Interesting concept!
Interesting concept! As a programmer, I found my self seeing "spaghetti code" on the last level, where there are many wires connected everywhere hahaha. The character animation is adorable!
As feedback, I would just take the camera a little big farther, just so we can see more logical ports on the screen. Good job! =)
I'm amazed with how smooth the experience of playing your game is. Graphics and music has set the mood very well. Game mechanics are direct to the point, and the learning curve is well balanced. I managed to finish the game.
I also loved the game theme...Gods and the elements. Very well done, team! I'm rating this very well
Thank you for the feedback!
Yeah, it ended having lots of systems in the game. I was the solo programmer so it was hard to tie it all together in such small amount of time.
We were satisfied with the result, but I agree with you that it lacks polishing! We could have reduced the amount of intricate systems, or I could have found another coder :P
Anyways, we're happy that you enjoyed playing it =))