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A jam submission

Black BodyView game page

A juicy arcade like bullet hell shooter orbiting a black hole
Submitted by ACB_Gamez
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#673.5813.581

Ranked from 43 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game utilize the limitation and theme?
Powerups as collectables; There and back, swinging round and round a black hole!

What was your team size?


You worked alone

Which of the following content in your game is NOT 100% newly made for the jam?


Affirm you have followed ALL jam rules. (Select all below or your entry will be disqualified.)

We have credited all assets used in the game including our own name(s) or team name(s)

All original game code and original assets were made during the jam period

The game does not include NSFW or hateful content

The game works on the web or as a Windows 10 download

We have answered all submission questions honestly and completely

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Cool arcade-style shooter! The controls were a bit hard at first, but once I got used to them I had a lot of fun. The graphics are really nice. Overall this was a very well-rounded game. One minor problem I had was that at some points there were long delays between enemies spawning. 


Thanks for playing!

Yeah the spawning thing is a known issue I can't fix because of the jam :(.  I put it in the description, but I know no one ever reads those haha.  I'll be uploading a bug free version after the jam with a lives system and sound and difficulty settings.


Pretty fun game, but I didn't really get how you used the theme


Thanks man.  There and back going around and round a black hole.  powerups were collectables.  I also planned on having achievements with unlockables, but didn't end up getting that far.

Submitted (1 edit)

Got it! Could you try my game?


What an amazing arcade space shooter game!. This was really fun to play, and the visual effects were pretty simple but look soo good on the game. Sometimes when I died and played new game, enemies wouldn't spawn or take like 1 min for the first one to spawn so I had to refresh browser each game, but ignoring that fact, the game was pretty impressive. Congrats on your entry!


Thanks for playing!

Yeah that is a known issue I can't fix because of the jam :( I'll be uploading a bug free version after the jam with a lives system and sound and difficulty settings.  If you upload the HTML version of your game else where and link me to it, I'd be more than happy to play.  Your game looks awesome from the screenshots!

Submitted (1 edit)

Ok, I'll make a new project - let you know and will remove project after.

EDIT: Link to html version here:
              Link to Vimjam submission here:


The graphics are beautiful and I love how punchy the effects feel. Controls took some time getting used to but once I did it was fun outmaneuvering the enemies! I do think it's a little too difficult though, so one thing I'd add is starting with three lives instead of one. I'd also add an indicator that shows enemies from outside the screen, like an arrow pointing at them, because I often found myself ramming into enemies that I couldn't see.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!

I am already at work on a lives system! and I like the indicator idea, I'll see how hard that is to implement.  I also worry because the screen is already pretty busy as it is, but I think I could drop the opacity down and they wouldnt be too gawky.  I'll check out your game!

Edit: can't check out your game cause I'm on a Mac :(.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Congratulations for having an awesome first game! The feedback from the shooting it's so satisfying, the glowing of the bullets fits pretty nice and the music and sound effects are very rewarding to hear. My only complaint is that the enemies take a little bit too long to spawn, so maybe a few tweaks on your spawning system could do the work. By the way, the power ups are another win for this game.

(Edit) It seems the spawning rate I had in my first play was different in my second play, the first time enemies took like 10 seconds to spawn and now they spawn in a more fluid way, so for now I find the problem solved.


Hey Spiderhead!

thanks for playing.  The spawning issue is actually a bug that I can't fix because of the jam :(.  but all you have to do is reload the page after each death.  essentially there is a counter for how many enemies are spawned and the game wont spawn new enemies if it is over that number, but when you die right now it doesn't reset that number to zero! it was something I implemented last minute and didn't test out so my bad haha.


Very punchy game! Love the cool effects. It takes awhile to get used to how the controls work, but it actually isn't terribly difficult. My high score as of recording was around 1100, don't remember the exact number.


Dude! Thank you for recording yourself playing that was super interesting to see someone go through playing the game for the first time and deal with the controls.  And anything above 1000 is pretty darn good for just playing for a few minutes!  I am working on a practice mode for players to get comfortable with the controls and stuff as well as a lives system basically exactly like Galaga's.  Also gave the bullets just the teensiest bit of spread so you don't have to position yourself so perfectly in order to get a kill.

Again, thanks for playing!


Simple premise very well executed and super addictive and I think the difficulty definitely was about right, not insanely difficult but hard enough to be similar to those arcade games you took inspiration from. So beautiful and nice choices of audio they fit right in! Only feedback is I don't think it fits the theme super cohesively with the game which is a shame because I really enjoyed playing it.


Hey Aero!

Thanks for playing and your kind words.  And yeah I agree. I think it fits there and back but not collectibles super well.  I intended to have powerups AND an achievement system where you would unlock different customizations like different ship and bullet colors, but didn't get around to it.


This is a beautiful game both in terms of visuals and audio! It's very polished with a strong focus on game feel.  It can be hard to control but it's something that takes time to get used to. Overall it captures the arcade style very well and is very fun :)


Thanks man!

Thi was my first time making audio so im glad you liked it!


Great Game!

It took me time to get the controls right, maybe you can experiment with other kinds of movement to see if this can make your game even better.


Wow, your game was amazing. Really polished and enjoyable.

The visual effect were on point, the juice feels good and balanced.

Great job! :D

I'd love to know what do you think of my game !!


And I want to play it.  Parece asombroso! Pero yo tengo un Mac OS.


:( Quería exportarlo a Mac también pero no pude :( Gracias por la intención aún así :D


Beautiful game, loved the bloom lighting in space!  A clever interpretation of the theme and a fun concept.  The laser cannons were very satisfying to use.  PEW PEW.  

My only critic, which I know others said, was that the controls were a little difficult, but with a little practice I think one could get used to it and get higher scores!  Maybe a fix could be a bigger space around the ship so you don't fly off screen as easily would help?   All in all it was very fun and satisfying though, fantastic job!


Hey Annuke!

Thanks for playing! yeah I felt like the screen needed to be bigger but I didnt want the ship to get any smaller and it was already getting pretty big at like 960x960 haha.  I tried to make the death boundaries quite a bit wider than the screen to give you some leeway tho.  Maybe I could add a cursor pointing to you when your off the screen?


Nice game, but controls are a bit hard to use.


This was very well made, pretty, difficult, good use of theme and fun!

I only made a score of 535, couldn't get past the 500, controls were good but very hard and need some practicing, will try again later :D


What a beautifully visual game!! Kind of found the control tough to adjust to but it was alot of fun playing!


A bit of a mind bending control scheme, makes it a bit hard to hit any of the enemies. However this is a very unique way to implement the jam's theme. I also feel like the centrifugal mechanic is a great quality of life feature and the music and art is pretty well done. I feel if I spent more time playing this, it would really open up for me.


Liked it!  The power ups were fun and the glows/special effects really make this game stand out.


very fun game you have here :D

I liked the game mechanics and concept a lot ;) 

and as fellow godot user , I am more excited to see you game succeed :D

couple of comments though:

1. I can totally see how the game  meets the "there and back" limitation of the jam, but I don't see how it meets the "COLLECTABLES" theme ?

2. when you press left and right instead of only going in circle and geting pulled to the center , the ship get pushed outwards very fast and causing me to lose the game >_<

other than that awesome game ;)

Please consider checking our submition as well ;)


Hey 3koozy!

Awesome that you use godot too, I love it!  

As for 1: Yeah my plan was to do powerups AND achievements but I realized that was out of scope for the jame time unfortunately :(.  But powerups are collectables right? lol

As for 2: yeah I spent quite a while trying to fix this but couldn't quite get it right, but I also realized that if you hold both the forward and either side buttons you get a smooth orbital movement and so I thought it might actually be nice to have a lil centripetal force pulling you outwards.  Once you know to expect it, it becomes an asset and lets you evade enemies, but then I found myself using the actual back button much less often.  idk, definitely something I would like to work on, but vector math hurts my brain!


cool very nice

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very cool game, the controls with the whole orbiting situation definitely take some getting used to, but it's consistent and makes sense given the concept. Only issue for me is the difficulty : the 1 hit (or collision) = death gameplay feels too punitive, but maybe that's just me.

Most notably, the graphics, effects and sounds are amazing ! Great job !


Hey Seldon,

Thanks for the awesome feedback.  Yeah it was difficult to tell how hard the game was without having anybody to playtest it.  I was very close to adding a lives system like galaga where you start with two lives and get another every 2000 points or something.  If I keep working on it I will definitely put that in.  I also was going to have a "how to play" mode  where you where invincible and there was no score just to get the hang of it, but ended up not being able to complete it cause of jam limitations.

Ill make sure to go check out your game!


What a great game! I love the particle effects and the satisfying sounds. The music was great as well.


Thanks for playing!

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