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Plague OverflowView game page

An arena game where your own creations are out of control
Submitted by Bruno Gat Car (@GatCarBruno) — 3 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 74 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The creations(enemies) of the Plague Doctor are out of control; The player can't control when or what kind of basic shoot will be shoot ; The enemies multiplies until it became out of control.

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all audio during the game jam

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Music and art were great!  The amount of enemies quickly got out of hand if I didn't use the special ability - very fun!


thanks :)


Interesting! The enemy multiplication with the automatic attack leads to interesting risk / reward based gameplay as I'd try to see how many enemies I can have on the screen before blasting them all with the special attack. I think there's a lot of potential to expand this!


thank you! I’m thinking about expand this project after the jam


Solid game!  I could definitely see this in an app store with a little polishing <3 good art and audio! im really impressed its ALL original! How many people were in this team??


Thank you very much! Its just me in the team hahahaha


Awesome game,
Visual and audio are great and fit the game neatly,
controls are simple and you get right into the game without much of a learning curve,

Maybe a few more camera effects would be great, 
like a screenshake and a red color for when you're hit
or a little border when the special is ready,

I'd wish for a multiplicator for hitting more enemies at once.
I love to have them multiply to a huge number and then hit them all at once,
thats just more fun to me

Only the really fast enemies were a bit annoying,
as I just could not outrun them and seeing them comming with so many others was a bit hard.

Those were just minor things I had in mind after playing.
Creating something like this in 48 hours with selfmade Art and Audio is awesome,
Overall it was a great game, and I might continue to play it from time to time,


Thank you for your feedback! The game feel ideas are awesome, I'll certainly include them in the game :) I didn't had time to make different enemies, so I decided to make them get faster if you don't kill them, that is why there are some very fast enemies, but I want to fix it too. Thank you again for your feedback, and I'm glad to hear that you liked it :)


Presentation is great! Gameplay is simple, maybe too simple, but could be fun. It was really easy for me to lose sight of the cursor.


Thank you for your feedback :)


I think I might continue playing... but wanted to say this was really fun! Nice concept and then really smoothly executed with great juice and all - well done


Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it :)


Very fun! Its hectic and the art is great!


Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it.


The visuals and audio are really good! I really enjoy when things get really challenging when there are tons of enemies on screen.


Thank you :)


Whilst the game itself isn't overly deep, the art, audio and chaotic nature made it an enjoyable few minutes. My main suggestion would be to have either a dash mechanic, or a slightly more accurate aiming system, mostly because it was basically impossible to kill the fast green monsters at times. Good job overall though!


thank you for your feedback! I will add more mechanics to make the experience better after the Jam.


Really fun to play when a lot of enemies spawn. Well done!




I really like this! Good art and the motion felt good. I hope you'll take this further and add more distinct enemy behaviors and maybe some other obstacles or whatnot. This has awesome potential and makes a very good jam game!

Developer (1 edit)

thank you! I’m planning into continue the development of the game :)


The games art style is phenomenal and sounds are really fantastic too. The one gripe I have with the game is that the gameplay can get pretty repetitive and I found myself just repeatedly running around the horde in circles - this could possibly be fixed with more enemy variety. Overall though it was very polished game.


Thank you! Yes, it becomes repetitive real fast, I couldn't manage to add elements to mitigate this feeling, but I will after the jam ends :)

Deleted 3 years ago

Thank you!


Maneuvering the enemies to group up and then explode them is satisfying. Visually it looks great too. I agree, some simple dash or maybe something to manipulate the movement of enemies in some small way could be fun.


Thanks for your feedback! Dash is something I completely forgot to include in the game during the jam, but I'll try to include it after the jam ends :)

Deleted 36 days ago

Thank you!


i really like this game! the art style is Amazing and i love chaotic games! please keep working on it after the jam, i want to see more!


Thank you! Yes, I'm make updates in this game after the jam! I'm glad you liked it :)


This game makes me go YES! Love the art!


Thank you so much!


The sound design of the enemies is so silly but fun and fits so well XD
The visuals are absolutely on point, the colors, the character skins, everything is great. Especially all the particles and effects, I just wish there was even more blows and impact from killing a lot of enemies at once. It is already satisfying to explode them, but a little bit of more impact would make the abilities even more rewarding. One suggestion would be is to add a custom bigger cursor, I was confused where my mouse currently is (I was playing on the laptop, maybe that't the problem). And maybe some outline for bullets to distinguish them from everything else? Apart from that, really cool finished game!


Thank you for your feedback!


Really nice art and good take on the theme. The game is a bit to easy once you figure out how to use the special (literally got them in a corner and could survive indefinitely, I reached 500+ point that way and could of had more).

Overall though, it's a good execution for a twin stick. Maybe have a fixed wave system instead of an infinite game loop.


Thanks for the feedback! Yessss I figured out this problem today, certainly will be the first thing I'm gonna fix after the jam. I'm thinking and randomize the spawn, and maybe make them spawn even when there still are enemies alive...


Also good idea for a fix :)


Hahaha complete chaos, cool little game, it does gets hard pretty quickly so I couldn't last long  maybe add power ups o something to prolong the game, but it was pretty fun overall.


Thanks, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it! More power ups and more special attacks are things I wanted to include in the game, but the deadline didn't let me do this :(

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