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A jam submission

Ghosts of Futures PastView game page

Contribution to BRACKEYS GAME JAM 2020.2
Submitted by DeviantDog, Flygalaxies, Dohbelisk, Triscal — 7 hours, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#733.9593.959

Ranked from 98 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
In the game the player is rewinded back in space and time and can see their previous selves play out what is now their past actions.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
All code was done by ourselves, majority of assets where purchased.

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Wow, the best game ive played in this jam by far (period).

The balance between not taking too long, thinking about what path you need to take yourself so that you can minimize the consecutive runs is brilliant !!

The story is icing on the already delicious cake. I bet you can polish this up just a bit more and sell it on steam. 

The levels might be a little too hard though. Reminded me of the rage when playing super meat boy. loved that game too.

Submitted (1 edit)

Awesome game but time was fast and there was no way of coming back from the tutorial level i was struck !! so had to restart the game .....

if u have time pls check my game and rate !


The Good:

  • Menu - good job for creating a main menu where I can select which level I want to play and tweak the music volume
  • Clarity - it was clear and easy to understand the controls and objectives with the help of the tutorial
  • Design - the levels could be beat in different ways. It was fun and challenging trying to complete them
  • Art - the art is really good and fit for the game. There was a lot of different decorations so the levels always felt unique

Could Improve:

  • Way to restart - it was frustrating to wait for the level to fail after I messed up, and knew I had to start over
  • Variety - the gameplay loop of having to pick up cards to open doors got tiring pretty quickly. In the tutorial you showed a type of card that could open both doors. Would've been nice if something like that was used
  • Small bug - there's a bug where you can fail the level and win at the same time. I suggest preventing the fail screen from showing after the player has already won


A really enjoyable and well designed game. It's missing some quality of life features, but it's one of the best games I've played so far from the jam.


5/5 team! great game, one of the bests. I couldn't finished yet! Great amount of levels, great number of sprites and decorations. The movement of the character and the animation are awesome. He even has a dash and stick to walls! great! Is really fun, I was jumping on my seat saying "OH NOOO" when I was one movement away from portal and one of the ghost cached me! Great!

I would really appreciate your opinion on mine as well if you have a moment.


This was a good fun game, the mechanics were solid and challenging and the art-style was nice and consistent. My only complaint is that the sfx were a little loud

Good job!


One of the best game from this jam! Simply concept, not to hard but still challenging, easy to understand and get in to, Good Work!


Thanks so much!!


I loved the music, really suits the game. And the difficulty of every level is also perfect. The only thing I would probably change is the wall grab mechanic it can sometimes wallgrab when I don't want it to, which can be quite annoying.


Very nice, did you use CorgiEngine for this? It seems so.

Solid game overall with a good art style I very much liked. The whole premise is nice and the game has a good air of polish to it.

The timewarp mechanic is nice, but a little more spawn immunity would go a long way to minimise frustration.

Good job!


nope all our own code, corgi engine would of been much faster tho, its very expensive. We prefer to code ourselves as much as possible otherwise you can never know what's under the hood :)


So, I played your game I liked the idea in general. The settings and environment were great. My only critic is to watch out for those collisions. Its hard to make a good platformer game, in 7 days is even more harder. Still, great submission. Hope to see more of your future games.

If you have some free time, check my game :)


Just gave it a jam. Also really enjoyed it. One bug noted in the comment I left on the game page. Thanks!


I'd say that's one  of the best games that I've played during this Game Jam. I like that you have to take care not to collide with yourself. But because of that at some point I couldn't finish the level because the time always ran out. Time is really short in each level what makes it a lot harder to succeed.

Anyways, I couldn't find any problems in this game and I like the concept a lot  :)


thank you so much :) once the game jam is complete we will definitely balance the game a bit more.


I loved this game, it's very well done, I love the fact that you're  not allowed to touch your past self. Also, unlike many other games from this game jam, this one has a nice tutorial that introduces you to the theme very nicely. Only thing that I didn't like about this game is that the first level was maybe a bit too hard to be the first level :)


Thanks! Will have a look at that first level :D Sometimes we're a bit biased when we've played the levels 50 times during building them :D


I completely understand you :D My colleague for this game jam made one level for our game for which he thought was super simple, but I still haven't solved it good enough to get 3 stars hahaha


Super cool concept and execution! The game felt polished, and the movement was also extremely smooth! My only piece of critique is that the timer makes it a bit hard to play the game- I feel like this game wants the player to really think about where they want to move, but the timer being so short kind of keeps the player is a constant rush to move. In a way, this game has two timers- the one in the top-right, and the player's rewinding ghost. 

But other than that, superbly fun and well thought out game! Good job! 


Cool game, I like it. is quite difficult but it is fun.. also the idea to avoid your clones is cool..

Good job.

My game is a casual game if you wanna rate is , Thanks


sure i will rate your game first chance I get, watched the YouTube vid looks super cool will review asap.


I really enjoyed this game! It felt like a well polished game, excellent work!


Very nice game! Really enjoyed playing it! You did a great job on the visuals and gameplay!


awesome thanks so much :)


Very nice visuals, though you did buy them so that is to be expected. The puzzles were well-crafted, the gameplay is very gripping and the game has an overall great feel to it! Good job!!

Hope you had fun making it as well!! ^^


Your game is so cool! I really like the music :) and the levels are well made! Good job!


Very polished! The player ability to stick on wall is actually a difficulty by itself. surprised that you got only 26 rating so far!


Interesting game great puzzles but double jump not explained


Really cool game! Really like the fact that you use the theme as an enemy, and the implementation is really cool.

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