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A member registered Jul 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh something I just noticed, there is a missing enemy on that level for you! I dont know why.

Thanks for the detailed review, I appreciate that. I'll check on those points you've mentioned.
Regarding that level you are sharing, you can step over the enemies once they are frozen, so the idea would be to jump on the neareast enemy to go ver the platform on the right. Then there calculate the shoot to freeze the enemy behing the wall. You need to freeze both enemies to win the level. The gun going over the wall is a bug, the idea is that you are not able to shoot to the second enemy from there.

Thanks to everyone for playing and for the feedback! 

I encourage you to reach the end if you haven't yet because there is a boss level!

sorry i was unable to go over first level. But I say the art is nice and the camera character looks pretty cute! 

nice game! always a fun action type this one!

nice game. it mades you think a few times yes! I liked the sounds and art also! rated!

nice game! I liked the way you guide the player trough controls, the best way to learned how to play something is by playing it. Just a comment, it was hard to understand the slip mechanic on the first time. nice game really, rated!

haha very nice! Snow vs Zombies, quite fun! rated!

Very fun, I like the background and the character animations. rated

very fun, and challelging, I needed a few times on some levels! I liked the transitions as well. rated

nice game! very classic, just the kind of game that the nokia would have. Rated!

very nice! and fun! great ambient on the boat. The mechanics works really well, the gameplay is fun and challenging. rated!

great game, fun, the art is 5/5 and all the animations are great. 
Even the game page looks great. rated!

by now, for me, the best game of the jam. Super complete, smooth, interesting, mysterious, long. You can save it and continue. Im not done yet, but I lovet it. The art is great, all the creatures look very alive just with a few pixel. 5/5 rated.

fun game, i got to 190 on first try nice! but how do you know which enemy is frozen? I like the numbers and 3 positions approach, quite intuitive. rated!

hi! niceh game 5/5 innovation I said. This is truly a nokia 3310 experience! nice memories with those dials haha rated!

hi! nice game, it's challenging and fun! I like the character animation when walking, kinda 3d blocky. Does the sun change the on/off interval time or is fixed? rated!

The palettes change was great, I played your game before voting started. Looks really really good and you do it quite fast

I played before voting time and I came back to do that haha very fun game! I think it was the first one I've played

very nice. I was a little bit lost at the begginig but I always admire the stop time mechanic, I like the character simple cute, effective. rated

pretty nice art and quite fresh idea. rated! 

Hi, thanks for playing and for the review! That part you need to transform the enemy in front of you to jump that blocker. Then, that enemy type will return to its initial form, allowing you to use it again to reach the door! :-)

Sorry I think my browser failed and IDK why it posted so many times

Really fun game, thanks! I like the art and that is quite simple to play but efffective. It runs very smoothly that is something I appreciate on games with restrictions like the ones on this jam. rated.

Very nice game, simple and effective design. It runs very smoothly. Rated!

congrats, very nice game and really fun. I've tried it several times. The difficulty curve is well handled and I like that is a game that you start and just play, like truly old games were. Graphics are great and animations make it well smooth. 

Very fun game and cute. I agree with some comments that the momentun it was a little bit hard, but perhaps im just bad at it haha congratulations, good game! rated

Very nice! I was a little lost at the beginning. But the game increased great and the waves are very well  managed regarding difficulty! 

Forget about the rules, it was a great game haha I loved it. It's a challenge as well but its super intuitive.
I really like how you acomplished a very clear gameplay with a minimalist pixel art style! 

Very nice and smooth game! At the beginning I was unable to play it I do not know why, it got stuck on loading a few times. But perhaps it was my browser. 
The pixel art is great, I admire you on that! 

Loved it, great game! Completeness 120% 

Good game, fun! I think sometimes the collision is a little bit thin. But perhaps im wrong, I loved the graphics! 

Nice, it works great and the idea is simple and fun, rated!

Really good, it was a lot of fun! It could be 100% a Nokia 3310 game! Nice implementation on those secret areas, it surprised me.

Hi! I´ve submitted my game, here it is: Little Thomas saves the World by Danton19 for NOKIA 3310 JAM 6 -
It says that is part of this Jam, but I'm not seeing it on the Submissions list. Am I missing something?

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! es, we had a few bugs that we thought we fixed. The collision on the floor objects was something we decided to leave there yes. running in the dark you eventually crash into something

Thanks a lot for playing! Yes, two confirmed bugs those two, I'll update it after Jam!
The got stuck was kinda something natural that happened on development, and I liked, many things in the way makes running on dark more interesting for me. There is a final, kinda boss level!

Super smooth and fun, art is great and the kick concept is awesome. Rated!

Great game, super fun and natural! Many details in simple grapichs, I like that

Truly amazing, innovation 5/5