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What is your favorite game?

A topic by NotExplosive created Dec 01, 2015 Views: 16,211 Replies: 94
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(1 edit) (+8)

So here's a question I don't think has been asked yet. What's your favorite game? I don't just mean, what's your favorite right now since that's basically just asking what have you been playing recently, (at least for me it would be) and while I would also love to hear about that in this thread I'm asking a different question: What game is and always will be your favorite? That one game you keep coming back to after years and years? Tell us about it!

I'll start.

For me it's Cave Story. Which if you haven't played it, it's free (you'll want the Aeon Genisis Translation), or if the chiptune/graphical style isn't for you then you can get a version with better graphics and remastered music for about 15 bucks on steam. Or if you don't wanna play it on your computer it exists on a few different platforms.

I played this game for the first time when I was around 11 or 12 (holy shit it's been that long.) I had heard things about it from my brother, namely that it had multiple endings and multiple primary weapons to choose from. But I didn't really know much else beyond that. But it wasn't until that time that I got my first gamepad, a shitty Logitech controller that looked like a PS2 controller. With this new controller I sought out games that I could play with it, my brother suggested Cave Story and I thought "what the hell, it's free!"

I expected some nicely paced platform-shooting. What I did not expect was an AMAZING video game soundtracks that has been remixed to death, a really awesome story arc with characters that are interesting and memorable, a secret ending with an awesome payoff, and more polish and attention to detail than anything I've seen since ... all produced by ONE GUY IN HIS SPARE TIME.

There's just so many things that this game does right I can't even begin to describe it.

So what's your favorite game?

(edit 1: words)


This question gets really tricky if I drop some of the nostalgia choices (Golden Axe, Fighting Force) or my recent "hooks" (Awesomenauts, Terraria, Don't Starve). And I don't even game that much!

I'll have to go with Worms 1. I remember writing down condensed strategy guides from gaming magazines to my notebook before I even had a PC to play them on. Later came failures trying to "carry" a pirated version in a bunch of floppy disks to my 486 beast. I can't put a finger on what exactly fascinated me about the game, but I think it was a mix of turn-based strategy, awesome characters, battling my friends, crazy weapons and oozing charm + humor in every aspect of it.

Never got any good at it, hah.


It's really hard to pick just one game, and if I started listing favorites it'd go on forever. The ones that most consistently come to mind are Wario Land 4, Symphony of the Night, and Metal Gear Solid 2. You can tell by the first two I really like pixel art, and MGS 2 did a lot of really neat themes and ideas that work well in the game medium. Usually when people think of 4th wall breaking they look at that goofy psycho mantis fight, but MGS2 did a lot by commenting on game sequels in general and subverting expectations.

Wario Land 4 I love the personality and pacing of, as well as it's sound track (too bad GBA isn't that good at outputting sound). SOTN I think most people know is great already, I love all the options it gives players for how they want to go around the castle and play.

I think I chose these three because of all the games I like, these are the ones that I would like to make something most similar to one day, or at least let influence me the most. I don't think I'm skilled enough for it yet though (maybe for Wario Land 4, but definitely not the others).

MGS2 was my favorite in the series if only because I spent 100+ hours in the VR missions :P

Eric Neuhaus (@donkeyspaceman)

How did you add a signature to your messages or are you manually doing that every time?

I'm doing it manually every time, sorry to get your hopes up. I share this account with my teammates so we're signing posts with our personal info to make it clear who's posting.

Eric Neuhaus (@donkeyspaceman)



Michael Calvert

One of my favorite Games of all times is a rather unknown one called Deadlock II: Shrine Wars. It's old but still very good! Furthermore, the "slow" pace of the Game suits me better than my old Counter-Strike addiction.

Deleted 6 years ago

+1 for Majora's Mask, I'm wearing a Majora's Mask shirt right now :D

Eric Neuhaus (@donkeyspaceman)

Deleted 6 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Final Fantasy 6 (3 in the USA)

As in Final Fantasy 3 USA?




Gotta be Super Mario Bros 2 (the US one) for me. Great game, great music.

Also it introduced basically all of the things that make the modern Mario games (Shyguys, bob-ombs, etc) and practically made Peach's character in Super Smash Bros.

(2 edits) (+1)

I used to maintain a list of my top 100 or so because I'm awful and I play way too many games, but I finally found my #1 a few years back: Spelunky HD.

I could ramble about it for hours, but I'll just leave you with this long thing I wrote instead: Why Spelunky is the best game I've ever played

Eric Neuhaus (@donkeyspaceman)


Ahhh, Spelunky HD is definitely a tie with TBoI in my head, but this write-up is so good, I'd definitely read you on some other games I don't already know about and love!

Thanks! I don't write nearly as much as I'd like to (keeping busy with game dev, which I suppose isn't something to complain about!), but I'm hoping to do a "game of the year wrap-up list" like I did last year. Keep an eye out for it!

Eric Neuhaus (@donkeyspaceman)


If I had to pick a favorite game ever, it would be Super Mario Bros. 3. I guess it's more accurate to say Super Mario Advance 4, since that's the version I had, but it's pretty much the same thing. I've always really liked how Mario handles in that game, and the level designs are really solid. I bet a big part of the reason I like it so much is because I played it as a kid, so it felt like a huge game since it took a long time to beat since I wasn't as good at video games. But it still holds up pretty well today!

As far as more recent games go, Ori and the Blind Forest is up there because of how pretty and polished it is, and Undertale is up there because it's Undertale.


If I were to just pick one, I'd have to say Spelunky HD.

If I were to pick more than one, I'd say Spelunky HD, Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, FEZ, Hearthstone, Nuclear Throne, and Monster Hunter 3 in no particular order. There are so many others, and so many more I haven't even played, it's hard to narrow it down.


Wind Waker will always have a special place in my heart. <3

Spelunky and FEZ are two of my favorites as well.

I've always wanted to get into Monster Hunter (I even got a PS2 modem for the first one, that and the weird online co-op Resident Evil game) - the Souls series is one of my favorites and I recognize kinship at least in the combat system between the two series', but I've never really been able to stick to MH.

Yeah I'm certain I'll love souls whenever I get the chance to actually play one of them. Monster Hunter seems to have similar combat and difficulty, which I'm totally into. Monster Hunter is a lot easier to play if you have a friend or two to do online play, although I've gotten hundreds of hours in solo play.

Majora's Mask for all time favorite. I also recently added Downwell to my top ten, which just recently replaced Shoot First as my favorite indie game


I think I have an evolving list out there that goes somewhere from top 10, to top 50. Bear in mind I have a large game collection (my backloggery: , reports over 1000 games, though admittly I have an odd way of counting them, and I haven't necessarily played then all yet either, still, bigger then most people's collections.), and having more games equals a more dercerning attitude, but also finding just a lot of favorite's that can't compare to each other.

However, I'd rate most of my tope 10 as "6/5" because they went beyond being a good game, and gave me something to really remember, sometimes emotionally.

But this october, I played a game that goes above even those, it stands on it's own for many singular honours, not other game does what it does. It's a 7/5 for me, although, it still has flaws, possibly serious ones, but they did not remove what I experienced.

The game is a free anime style rpgmaker game on steam, called Eternal Senia

Yeah.......that doesn't exactly sound special, does it?

I thought this too, when I saw it suggested on steam's front page, but being that I'd started to feel a little more curious in these anime-ish games out there, I thought it looked interesting, as I found the artwork used in the ad VERY striking.

(Huh, putting in the link embed it, sweet!! :D )

I mean....just look at those eyes! There's something so innocent.......yet, holding something deep and hidden within them, my sub-consciousn reconized this, though I have only gotten aware of it in retrospect, looking at the image now; and at least from my perspective, this promotional material is flawless in attracting eyes but comunicating what it's about, even if only on a deep level (as opposed to suggesting what the actual game is like, but oh well. you do see her wearing armour, which is very telling, at least.)

I still was going to ignore it, so it scrolled by, then I scrolled down....but wait a minute.

it said it was free to play.

I immediately went ahead and got to the store page, I found the gameplay trailer, and the user reviews extremely convincing, so I downloaded it and tried it.

And WOW.

You know what NotExplosive said about cave story?

Characters music, made by one person in thier spare time?

Yeah, that's exactly what my exerience with this game was like. When I saw that post......I had to say this.

In addition, sorry Tesselode, but undertale (or so it seems to me.), abuses it's determination theme by just saying "everything, or at least all these save points, fill you with determination!"

Eternal Senia, meanwhile, plays the determinator trope straight, then subverts it, then deconstructs it, then reconstructs it back together, and all within a short 3-5 hour time frame (it was 7 hours in my case, but I play games very, very slowly.)

......and it only uses that word in TWO instances, yet it has it as a central theme, "determined" and "determination" once each, that's it. It plays with that theme in a subtle......but extremely profound manner.

And it's a game that has filled me with more hope and encouragement then any other game that I've played in the past 15 years, or in other words, ever.

It's a game that has changed me, for the better, where I saw a hole in my heart become filled because of what I reconized from this game (no, the game didn't literally do that, it just helped me do that myself.), and the more I think about it, the more I reconize the themes I must have noticed sub-consciously.

It's my GOTY of 2015 and well.....ever, because not only is it a good game (with dare I say....FUN gameplay), but I also think it's an Important game, because it takes a look at humanity's nature, and it's struggles.

But if I had to describe it all simply, I can count on one hand how many games, nay, how many pieces of any fiction that have been able to make game,hed a tear.

Eternal Senia?

.........that game made me cry out, almost uncontrolably in excess of 3 times.

(Noteworthy: I'm a male, I am not usually sensitive, but that's because I sub-consciously blocked that and became stoic to avoid the emotional pain, this game along with a few things beforehand, unlocked the floodgates, and that's what has helped me feel better and happier then I ever had in years. I now fully except that emotional side of me, and, and yes tesselode and anyone else who knows in that discord group, this has everything to do with my recently discovered gender fluidity.)

But not only that, but thinking about it afterwards, listening to the music and remembering the scenes where it plays, even writting about it now still causes such a strong reaction from me that I usually shed a tear.....yes I seriously just about did just now. XP

And thus, as a result, amoungst other things, I wished Senia were a real sister of mine. Thus,she's my one and only onne-chan, which isn't that different from a waifu admittly, but she's a teen in-game, and I'm a 22 adult that would just be creepy otherwise. XP

And my discord avatar is from that steam picture/banner, with her face cropped out from it. XP (might use it here, maybe?)

Anyway, I could go on for hours and hours about this game, but it'd be better if you just tried it yourself. I SWEAR, you owe it to yourself to at least try it. Don't let this chance go to waste! Try it NAW!

(Any feedback on how I worded this would be appreciated, I'd like to become a games critic of some sort one day, wether asas a hobby or job.)

I played dis game.

For me its probably the original Legend of Zelda. There was no other game that sparked such a sense of wonder, adventure, and discovery until I played Dark Souls decades later.

That's a really interesting choice! How old were you when you first played it out of curiosity?

I think I would have been around four years old. I distinctly remember playing before I entered Kindergarten. I remember being at my grandparents for some family-get-together, and my uncle was living with them at the time had a TV and NES hooked up in a side room to avoid having to interact with the rest of the family. I watched him play and I recall watching him bomb a mummy and get a key.

My parents are gamers as well, so we picked up an NES pretty early on and I was able to convince my uncle to loan us Zelda after he had beaten it. Racing through it against my parents and then NG+ is still one of my fondest gaming memories.


It's hard to pin down one favorite game for me, So I made a list in no particular order:

  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Deus Ex (the original, not a fan of Human Revolution)
  • Shatterhand/Tokyuu Shinrei Solbrain
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Drill Dozer
  • Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • Solatorobo
  • Fallout 3
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Corpse Party
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
I'll probably end up making a longer list than needed, so I'll end it there.

borb the birb


question authority

What is this and why do I love it so much?

perhaps it's your favorite game as well.

(1 edit)

Well.....that's a rather curious....and cute little thing. XD


Hey, Listen, Pick your battles, Trust your instincts.

Do a barrel roll!!!

and of course...question authority.

...Get a load of this.

scream into the internet


almost certainly gone home. i mostly play (and make) small, arcadey action games but when i play a really well-made narrative game (like gone home is) it just gets to me. i couldnt stop thinking about it for like a week after i beat it

(2 edits) (+1)

Of all the games i played so far, i will perhaps always Name VTMB Bloodlines. I cant tell you wha may top 5 or ten would be exactly, as i would have to think and compare. But i always will know that Bloodlines will be Number 1.

A lot of games got close, but none was better in my opinion. Honorable mentions: System Shock2, Deus Ex, Arcanum, Minecraft, Starcraft, Planescape Torment, Gothic, Fallout 1/2, Witcher, Hotel Dusk, Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Castlevania, Zelda :Links Awakaning, The Riddle of Master Lu

Starcraft is on my list =) ! It's one of the first video game I saw, when my older brother was playing it. Since, I often play it.

I'll also put Diablo II in the list too. Even if I don't usually play hack'n slash, I can't get enough of it =). I think the game that stick the most are those who let us express ourselves so we can "digest" the game and make it our own.

What do you think fellers ?


My all-time favourite game is as it's always been and always will be: Grim Fandango. This is followed by other LucasArts point and click adventure games of the '90s, being Day of the Tentacle and Monkey Island (the whole series). After these, Portal, Minecraft, Don't Starve, and others follow.

(1 edit)

your favorite right now since that's basically just asking what have you been playing recently, (at least for me it would be) and while I would also love to hear about that in this thread I'm asking a different question: What game is and always will be your favorite? That one game you keep coming back to after years and years? Tell us about it  auto clicker word unscrambler

(1 edit) (+2)

Not gonna lie, it's Undertale. It's everything I love about RPGs and gets rid of all the things I dislike. It's infinitely charming and clever, and should be a benchmark for intuitive and responsive game design. And on top of that, you get to date a skeleton.

you get to date a

a pug ?

Show post...

A dog that like to have a pun-tastic time.

I have a few games I really liked, but haven't thought about them much since. These are Portal, Bastion, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Megaman X and some others I don't remember.

But if I'd have to pick a favorite, I'd have to pick two (or three). Civilization V, Fallout: New Vegas and Undertale. Civilization I probably love so much since it was the first 4X I properly got into, and still play to this day. Fallout: New Vegas was just such a good RPG, and the graphics didn't bug me as much as in FO1/2.

Undertale seems like just the greatest game. I guess I can't judge it as a game, since I've only seen let's plays and streams, but man, that game is something else. I'm kinda disappointed that I didn't play it by myself, but I really wish I had. It was a great experience even though I wasn't the one playing the game.

It changes a lot over the years. First it was Kingdom Hearts, because I'd never played a game that felt so large-scale before then- The world was also really detailed and the environments were small and tight, sort of like an adventure game. Everything about the way that game was built stayed with me in my future work.

Then it was Psychonauts, which apart from having really great, imaginative worlds, had such great writing. The plot moved forward because of the characters, not because it "had to", as was often the case with the games I played before then. There was no filler, either, and it was completely unpredictable and weird not only in terms of story, but the layout of hub worlds/collectables/quests etc. That game really showed me what games were capable of and pretty much changed everything for me.

After that, I got into indie games out of a desire to see just how much story you could cram within a small game. Iji & Cave Story were the games that represented that ideal to me the most.

Nowadays I can't pick one. It's often things I can just pick up and play whenever I feel like it. Skullgirls, Nuclear Throne, Downwell, and so on.

Until this very year, that had been my general attitude, I couldn't really classify games as being better then one another, as they did very different things, and I liked each of those different things, a lot. It was more of a case of "what cool thing am I playing this week? it feels like a new favorite!"

That's one of the things I hoped to address in this thread. I too have a new favorite every week/month/day/hour. But (for me, at least) there's always been one game that sticks out.

I did say until this year though.

I've changed how I look at my favorites now, such that at least I can nail down the top 10.

Which ones had the most profound impact on me in some way? since not many manage that.

And of course as I said before, Eternal Senia blew me away, so it was obviously #1, but that was only this year.

Maybe a thread on "what really sticks with me from games." might put a light on the matter.


Final Fantasy VI.

That's easy! (old gamer here) - Played tons of games back in the 386/Pentium days, but for 10 years plus I played one game - Paradox's original Victoria An Empire Under the Sun (and I'm counting the revision Victoria: Revolutions in with this) That's right. Only game I played for a decade plus! Probably put in a dozen hours every week. Thank goodness my son convinced me to check out Steam last year at this time. Now I'm sitting on 3200 games to make up for that lost decade.

My favorite is Godshita:

(1 edit)

My favorite game of all time is first edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, which I first played in 1982. The game is so much my favorite that I bought the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manuel for my 13 year-old son.

It is because of the grandfather of roleplaying games, that I make RPGs. Playing a Neutral Good cleric, might also explain why I am also an ordained minister.

(2 edits)

long time since anyone has responded to this post butffor me it's hard to really say. I guess it's between these games (no order)

  • Illbleed
  • Zettai zetsumei toshi series
  • Crono triger
  • Psychonauts
  • Silent hill 2
  • Shadow of colossus
  • Mother 2&3
  • Haunted grounds

But somesome game I seem to play over and over again aren't exactly my favorite but there fun and I keep coming back to it

  • Berserk
  • Lady bug
  • Communist mutants from space
  • Pacman
(1 edit)

I most like the Path of Exile (PoE) I play PoE all the time, so much that when going to the store I convert the prices on PoE Orbs ^^ The patch will be released in a month. Best PoE Shop what I know is

My favorite game is The sims 2. I spent so much time on it... I even drew a comics about the adventures of my families... Great memories =)

My favorite games of all time are Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and Robot Arena.

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