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Mizjam ShockView game page

A System shock inspired game for Miz Jam 1
Submitted by Nuvares — 1 hour, 1 minute before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creative use of art assets#54.4854.485
Overall polish#973.7273.727

Ranked from 33 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I  don't even know what to say. Fantastic work. Really really impressive.


Very funny.


I really like the meta aspect of the game and I had a lot of fun going through the cutscene at the beginning. I also really appreciate the alt-F4 feature and the whole game had a genuinely interesting atmosphere. Nice work!


thanks, the alt-f4 feature bugged a bit but I think it still worked effectively :) thank you for playing


Fun twist and clever mechanics like the username and system file dumps, I enjoyed it!


Thank you very much :)


It ran too laggily on Linux for me to give a numerical rating, but I have to say that I loved the visuals, mood and options as-is. I'm sure there was more to it than the first few minutes, so I wish I could run it :)


:( I'm sorry you couldn't. I'll have to see if I can figure out what was causing the lag.


The visuals are really impressing and it creates a good mood for your purpose, moreover it reminds me of games like portal and undertale. I didn't read any review before playing, so your game knowing my name was a total shock that built the atmosphere and I loved when the AI took control of my screen. Sometimes the camera was a bit weird, but it wasn't something to bother my experience. Enemies are cuter when they are above their buddies.


lol yeah that was a spawn glitch that I forgot to fix. The murder robots just kept wanting to show you how well they stood on each other's shoulders.


I enjoyed the twist to this!  :)


:D thank you

Submitted (1 edit)

One word. EPIC (I am speechless)


No I used unity...

:) Thanks a lot I love hearing that people enjoyed it.


The futuristic aesthetic was done really well with the bright lights, and the dialogue kept me playing to find out what happened next, really nice idea and for the most part solid execution. I found the same stuff as others below so I will stick to the positives, really nice  concept and a good play. nice job :)


Awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I can't wait to see how I can expand on the ideas in future jams.


"Hello Allie" Uh-oh.

That was great! The file crawler didn't have the intended spook effect I think you were going for though, it mostly just listed the pile of files I'd been messing with to make my own jam game, lol. You had me genuinely curious what it would say next so I kept going. The payoff for sticking with it was retroactively completely predictable, but also super novel and fun to see at the time.

Let's see, criticism. There's not much, this was a pretty complete experience. Having tooltips when mousing over items in your inventory, or when selecting the item, or when looking at the item in the world would be good. I thought the health stims were keys at first.

There's a fun glitch where you can double-hit with the wrench if you click fast enough. That made the loops a lot quicker, and honestly I don't know that I'd fix it - it's a nice little moment of "haha I'm outsmarting the game" that doesn't really impact balance in any majorly meaningful way.

The wrench would disappear from my screen after interacting with doors at times. Clicking to attack would bring it back. Not sure if intentional.

Of course I have to compliment you on the flying-away effect with the tiles. You've probably gotten a lot of them and you deserve them all.

Thanks for the good time!


Thanks for the feedback, I'll have to add the wrench bug to the list of ones I need to look for in the future but I did know about the double click bug. there are ways around that but time is no one's friend.

Submitted (1 edit)

Love games that breaks the fourth wall! Interesting game. Did not expect that endind either lol. Also nice animations with the faces sprites!


lol There are 2 endings, can you find both?


Awesome entry! Like the others I had a "how the heck does it know my name" moment. Really interesting.
Also I tried everything to escape the main route and going up slopes is really messy. Otherwise great immersiveness!


I'm glad it had the impact I was hoping for.

Which ending did you find?


Expected something completely different but got surprised in a good way


Thanks for playing and I'm glad I could give you a good surprise

Deleted 333 days ago


Thanks for playing, It's just reading the username from the System. Hope it made for an eye opening segment.




The computer always knows. It's always watching. But it never judges your porn folder.

:P hope you enjoyed it


Very impressed. I have to admit, I was very shocked to see my name on the screen. I thought, maybe just an insane coincidence. And then all my files XD Very nice touch to have a rogue AI. I died on about the 5th loop out of Infinity. When I restarted, I found that I couldn't skip through his spiel :( When I tried to close out, he responded--that's a nice touch! Haha. But also, if the user wants to close the game, you really ought to let them XD I ended up Alt+F4'ing to close.

Very nice submission. I'm amazed by how much you were able to get done visually in the time span!


Thanks for playing :)

If I had time I would have done a second speech when you met it after death, thanks for the review.


Really, that user name scrub was pretty slick 😂 I'm still thinking about how spooked I was.


Thanks, I'm just glad it worked out well. It's one of those things that could have crashed and burned so easily.


Best 3D game of the MizJam hands down. Loved the whole Flowey undertale vibe from the smiley.... Seeing my list of hentai scroll across the screen and have him NOT judge me for it made me like him instead of hate him like I imagine others did. Anyone who doesn't diss my collection is A-OKAY in my book! 

PS Bless you for putting in Mouse Sensitivity.


I would never make fun of someone's choice in hentai, that's just not cool.

As for mouse sensitivity I always hate when I can't adjust mine in a game so it was high on my list of things to work on.


Sounds like we're friends now


Gosh darn it! i hate when my video games force me to go away ;-;


Yeah, unfortunately the AI might have a problem with patience. Thanks for playing.


Like the others mentioned, this game felt very sinister and creepy, but I think that was your goal so nice job! Really interesting game. Didn't find any issues while I was playing, very nice polish! I got a bit concerned during the data mine and used the task manager to close the game, perhaps i'll try later in airplane mode :D


-It was great that I could adjust mouse sensitivity afterwards

-Wall sprites were really creative and cool

-I liked the green boxes that told me what I could interact with

-I liked the visual and SFX from hitting enemies

-The data mine and program lock was hella creepy, nice job lol


Thanks for the review.

It's not actually data mining, just grabbing some meta data available to windows. Nothing is saved or transmitted.

Glad you enjoyed it :)


Looked very creative, but unfortunately none of the text loaded and the framerate tanked so i didn't get to play. This was the mac version on a Macbook Pro


hmmm that's not good. It does seem like the MacOs target didn't build correctly. I don't own a Mac so I can't debug it unfortunately.

Thanks for giving it a try.

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