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Moving GoalpostView game page

Run away, 'cause YOU are the objective!
Submitted by TMikirog (@TMikirog), fil — 33 minutes, 43 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 91 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It's a Capture the Flag match, except you're the objective and the goal is to not get captured by the enemy.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Hard but real fun. An expanded version of this for a few dollars on Steam would be cool



that went hard, I managed to acheive VICTOR Y after about 15 minutes of playing (& some malding to keep me going)

music was a lil quiet & perhaps when the enemies charge you without regard they could have an indicator to warn the player.

Overall very polished; solid platforming, good game design & some solid pixel art, well done for getting it done on time :)

Deleted 177 days ago

Well, you ain't wrong! Quick reading and assessing the situation is key to victory!
Thanks for checking out the game and writing a comment!


I had a great time playing this game! It was both challenging and fun. The artwork is truly stunning. Are there any plans to expand the game by adding more maps and power-ups, like decoys and mines?

However, I also appreciate the simplicity of the game.


If I do end up expanding the project into a full game, I probably would do so by making the battlefield and what happens in it more interesting and varied. I would lean harder into the "participator" appeal, which not many games try to accomplish. Being a neutral party and experiencing the chaos without being directly involved in it is what I think games don't do often and some playstyles in multiplayer games were born BECAUSE of that desire, like being friendly in shooters. Because of that, I'd probably stay away from player objectives - you're a flag, you aren't helping the team as much as you are a goal, one part of a giant simulation. The game would have a bit of a different appeal, yes, but I think it's an angle that's still fertile ground.

Thanks for the comment still, I very much appreciate it!


But what if i want to get captured by blue team? These red guys are terrible!

(nice work! really fun and polished game)


Nice and simple, I like it! The sound effects and game feel are top notch, and it works flawlessly. I found the best strategy was hiding within your own ranks so they could protect you, which is cool and very creative. I think in future versions, it could use some more depth, but this is great for a game jam!


It is brillant! very cool idea !

too bad we cannot see how much time was remining before getting caught, I never managed to stay alive 90 seconds, is there a trick ?

well done!


There is two timers: at the top (the winning condition) and when almost grabbed you have a health bar above the flag, which you shouldn't rely on, it's a split second, more of a warning and a leniency feature. 

As for strategy, well, it changes constantly, there is not one dominant strategy that will guarantee victory! Some do get close, but the AI is designed to keep you on your toes. It's a game where you have to adapt to the current situation at hand. Sometimes it's worth it to stick around your teammates and look out for cheeky aggressors. Sometimes it's better to bail and run as far as possible. Sometimes you have to do do something risky and jump above the enemies and abuse slow motion to make it easier. Sometimes you also have to use platforms to your advantage to slow down your pursuers. Sometimes you have to rally the team together in order to help them win a team fight and so on.

Thanks for your comment and checking my game out!


Wow! Impressive animation! Like how smooth the flag moves! It took me a while to understand that the red is my team mate! (I just keep running to the blue one and wonder why I failed!) But it's fun to run while stay close to the team! Great job!


So much done right here!
1. The AI for the players seems very natural, and must've been pretty hard to write!
2. The capture screen effect and slowdown creates the exact sense of urgency that is needed!
3. Platforming feels great!
Excellent job!


Thank you for your comment! We were pushing hard to make the platforming fun on day 1 and we kind of took a gamble on AI that paid off. If you're interested in how it works in the broad strokes, I made a reply earlier.


This truly felt like a game of capture the flag, in the sense that I was constantly going "Where is my team???? I guess I'm carrying" XD

This game was super well polished! Great sound effects and visuals, especially with the slow down effect that happens when an enemy approaches you! 

I think having an indicator of when your teammates are going to respawn would be helpful, and well as giving the player just a bit more jump! The timings for the platforming are super tight, which makes it pretty easy to fail jumps when you're panicking and trying not to get caught! But I'm also pretty bad at games, so it could just be me!

Great work!


Thanks for your comment! For the jumps, I already thought the jump buffer was excessive, but I guess not xD


Awesome! This is really fun to play! i love that you can have different strategies to not get caught (always tun, be near your friend, lure enemies...) good job!!!


Really fun! A bit frustrating at times, if the AI doesn't want to follow, or gets overwhelmed too hard by blue, but that's part of the charm :)


This is a refined implementation of an idea I have not seen before in this jam! It would be one thing to only have the opponents chasing you--I think there are a lot of games where you play as a "goal" that is being pursued--but this game is very unique in that some of the "players" are still on your side. That said, the game is still pretty hard. I wonder what abilities the flag could have in addition to running and jumping? It might be cool if there was an enemy flag that you, as another flag, could interact with in a unique way.  Super cool and polished game!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Game basically as a Pac-Man platformer (which it kind of was) without the collectibles. It was already fun in the prototype with only enemy AIs, but I'm glad we had the time to implement the allies. I think it turns the game into a reactive action platformer RTS sort of.

A lot of mechanics were planned for the flag, such as collectibles that spawned more allies, but were left on the cutting room floor, because I felt the game should be more about you being a neutral party in a chaotic environment, where you yourself aren't a hero or anything, but you're just placed in the middle of an interactive battlefield and you get to experience the carnage first hand without being directly involved. The flag is never supposed to help, it just sits there. You're prey, not predator. The world just reacts to your presence, which is something that I don't think is common in games. Having an enemy flag that does its own thing could be the next step towards this type of feel, with yet another variable that makes the world feel more lively.

Thanks for the insightful comment!


Amazing, honestly its very addictive and an overly creative premise based on the theme. The animations of the flag running are great and the control too. It was a tad laggy but that may have been more on my part than anything.


Wow this game is really worth top 100, I gave it 5/5 beause the art is amazing and it's very well polished, the audio is really fitting to the game, I enjoyed it a lot and the interpretation of the theme is amazing. Well done!


Love the game, it's a creative take on the theme, also i had one of the blues 360 noscope two reds, he's probably one of those pro gamers. Also the feedbacks are very very well done and the game is overall very polished. Good job!!


awesome game, the presentation is incredible and it's super fun to escape from the hordes of enemies. well done !


Wow, I clicked for the extremely charming cover image, and I did not expect this gameplay, but I am 100% here for it.

I don’t think I’ve ever yelled “shoot him you idiots” at a bunch of friendly NPCs so much before playing this game. I feel like I’ve formed lifelong bonds with some of those little red-team idiots!

Super great artwork and animations, platforming felt great, my only complaint is that 90 seconds is an eternity, but I should probably just git gud :)


Thanks for your insightful comment!

I had no idea people would resonate so much with the allies, always thought of them as cannon fodder willing to die, a gameplay mechanic, but I guess giving helpful mechanics faces and cute noises makes them more relatable xD


Crazy role switch for this! And the artwork is very pleasing, I had so much fun!


I love the feel of this game, from the gameplay to the art work. Well done!

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