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A member registered Jul 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks so much! Yeah, we’re really sad we didn’t have time to add more levels (and music + sound effects). We unfortunately were only available for a couple of days during the jam, so we were just about out of time when we were done implementing the core.

But don’t worry! We have already made improvements and are working on creating more levels and sound! We will update the game page once the voting period is over and we are allowed to!

Haha, yeah, we would have liked to include some kind of cutscene or something to explain why you are back to being separated from your body again, but didn’t get around to adding that in time, thus the abrupt transition.

Glad you liked the game!

Wow, wattagame! This was honestly excellent. I loved the personality you added with the “memories” and how the different puzzle mechanics interacted.

My only complaint is that I kept getting stuck on walls unless I moved very deliberately away from them before moving parallel to them. I think reducing the friction would make it much easier to fit through half-open doors and generally move around when you are close to a wall.

I’m super impressed you managed to make so many puzzles that all worked well, and I like the idea of including the “memory” as an extra challenge for each level.

I loved the slide-jump! Surprisingly tricky game, but the room variety kept things interesting.

Thank you! The controls were a tricky balancing act, since we couldn’t use the normal look + strafe controls for obvious reasons. In a way, the tricky controls were intentional, but I agree that it could be slightly frustrating at times.

We had a bunch more puzzle ideas for future levels, but unfortunately ran out of time.

One of us will definitely try out your game soon!

Delightful game! The movement felt very fluid and I liked the sound effects. It took me a little while to figure out how to effectively use the glowsticks (I originally thought they would delete the darkness, but I guess they just make an area that they avoid?), but that was part of the challenge!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Re: no audio, I know :( We really wanted to add some audio (and a bunch more levels), but ran out of time after implementing the core gameplay and those first two levels. We also ran into technical difficulties getting the mirror and lighting to work properly with the web build, and ended up submitting with less than five minutes to spare. Let’s just pretend the robot head’s audio processors are malfunctioning :)

Totally fair. Originally the mirror you start looking at was bigger, which made it even more confusing, so we shrank it.

We wanted to quickly convey that you were a head separated from your body, and to be able to show the player a bunch of tutorial text, which is why we start you looking at that wall with the mirror. We hoped the text on the left “your body is just behind that door to the left” would alleviate any confusion, but if we had more time we would definitely tweak the way the initial tutorial information is delivered to the player.

Glad you liked it otherwise though!

Thank you! Glad you liked the “boss fight” :)

This is such a clever twist on the Frogger concept! And so polished! It’s simple but so satisfying to play, and I kept coming back to try to beat my score!

It took me a few attempts to realize that you could click on cars multiple times, so I thought there were unwinnable scenarios (e.g. when a car is going to hit you right before the frog jumps but if you make swerve the frog will jump into it). Turns out I just need to plan further in advance and move it twice :)

The only thing I would suggest you add to this would be a high score display.

Thank you! Glad you liked the voices! Fun fact: All three characters use the same voice SFX but pitched differently. This was originally intended to save development time, but as soon as we heard the uncle’s voice the first time we decided it would have to stay forever.

Thank you!

Really great job! This felt almost like a professional puzzle game! I’m super impressed that you put it all together and made so many satisfying puzzles in just 48 hours!

I do have a few nitpicks, but overall had a really good experience:

  • On level 5 I couldn’t buy a wizard. I figured out that this was because the wizard wasn’t needed for the solution and you wanted to simplify the solution space, but the UI indication was the same as when you just couldn’t afford a unit, so I thought it was a bug at first. Perhaps some sort of crossed out indication rather than just grayed out would have made that clearer.
  • When you retry a level, it would be better if it kept your army configuration. I usually just needed to change one or two things, but had to place everyone every time. (Looks like you’ve already have said in other comments that this is on the full version to-do list!)
  • I suspect this was just due to time constraints and you have already thought of this, but the explanations of each unit on the game’s page would have been great as tooltips in the game when you hover over the unit button (or somewhere).

Awesome job, and I hope you make a full version!

Thank you! Yes, that internal struggle between the gamer instincts and the actual objectives was exactly what we were going for :)

Yeah, the platforming physics could use some work. That’s first on our list of post-jam improvements if we keep working on the game.

I loved the framing device of the definitely-not-EA game company (FU Company, lol). All the emails were excellent. Even the description on the game page was great! The idea of an underpaid employee at the company manipulating RNG to give you exactly what you don’t want is super creative!…and frighteningly realistic, haha :(

Really impressive work for a 48 hour game jam! I loved the way you combined the 3D characters with the 2D facial expressions. Very expressive when they were angry about not getting the loot they wanted. The UI in general was very slick.

Just so you know, the game doesn’t work perfectly on a 21x9 monitor. It was perfectly playable, but the extra loot boxes were close enough to the top of the screen that the item name was off-screen. This is of course more than reasonable for a game jam, but wanted to let you know.

Thank you! Glad you liked the way the achievements and the narrative worked together!

Thank you!

Wow, thanks so much! And really appreciate the super thorough review!

Glad you liked the game loop! That was exactly the experience we were aiming for (and hoping people would enjoy). To answer your question about the last level, there is a unique line of dialogue if you get no achievements (so < 5 coins), but no extra content beyond that. Sorry to hear that the relationship struck a chord, but glad you found the narrative compelling! And glad you liked the art and animations! The music wasn’t original, but we felt like it complemented the fight pretty well. We’re hoping to create original music if we keep working on this after the jam!

Dialogue line for zero achievements on final level:

Instead of saying the line about the guild disqualifying you for “violating the sanctity of achievements” your dad just says “Wow, 0 achievements. I would be impressed if I wasn’t so disappointed.”

Neat idea, and I really like the art style! This is one of the best-looking 3D games I’ve seen this jam!

I really wish there was a way to invert the camera controls, as I was fully unable to wrap my mind around controlling the position of the camera instead of the look direction. Also, some of the hitboxes seemed a bit wonky.

Very cute game! I loved the art! I would adopt every cat!

Some of the descriptions of what the cats wanted were a bit hard to understand and/or didn’t seem to particularly match any of the people, but I managed to get good matches each time I think.

Really great art and music! I think the difficulty might have been a tad too high (for the non-battle part). One time I came back from a battle and insta-died of hunger. Also one time I got stuck in the food mini-game while dying of fun. I’m not sure if I did something wrong there or if it was a glitch.

But man, being a Pokémon is hard work!

Super cute art, and I liked the music! One suggestion: I wish the animals had some “last chance” indication so I knew who to prioritize when there was a crowd.

Thanks! Glad you had fun! Yeah, apologies for the platforming physics, it’s first on our list of things to improve post-jam.

It would! I think I just reached a certain point where I had done them all so many times that I thought that the game might repeat them all indefinitely and I just had to stop when I felt like stopping.

Wow, I have never seen a tutorial incorporated into the level quite like this before!

Simple and charming overall. I love Push the Cat!

I thought the role reversal was really clever, but it did start getting a little bit repetitive after a few levels. I think with a few more mechanics (more obstacles, for example?) it would be an excellent puzzle game!

Well, this was a weird one. I think I liked it though :)

One of the most unique takes on the theme I have seen so far. The aha! moment when I realized what my owner was asking me to do felt pretty good.

It got a bit repetitive, so I almost didn’t see it through to the end (I thought it might not have an end) but I’m glad I did. A few more types of commands/interactions would probably have helped with that, but you only had 48 hours so fair enough. I’m impressed you got so much in already!

Super cute game, excellent sprite work, hilarious voice lines, just an overall great package!

I encountered one issue that was a bit frustrating: When you grab a tree to move it, you can only move it until your mouse hits the edge of the screen. As a result, if you grabbed too far from the top of the tree, you can’t always move it far enough to avoid the bird hitting it without releasing and regrabbing. I think you could probably fix this issue by replacing the system mouse cursor with your own and using the mouse velocity so that the mouse can leave the screen. I’m not sure I explained that well (or if that’s even the best way to fix the issue), but hopefully it made some sense.

Anyway, that was literally the only issue I had with the game. It was simple but super well polished and highly addictive! SUET!

Thank you!

Glad you like the “voice acting”! Fun fact: originally to save development time, but then because we thought it was funny, all three characters use the same voice sound but with different pitch adjustments.

Thank you very much!

Thank you! Yep, tightening up the controls is definitely a top priority for post-jam if we keep working on it!

Glad you liked the concept though!

Thank you! Yep, tightening up the platforming and adding some juice/crunchiness is definitely near the top of our post-jam todo list! Glad you enjoyed it anyway!

Thanks so much!

Haha, that celebration that is immediately replaced with “wait, crap” is exactly what we were going for with the positive sound effect on achievement get! Glad it landed!

Thanks! It takes talent to be so mediocre!

(1 edit)

Loved the changing music between modes and the creative sprites for different platform shapes! Also, the little player sprites are very cute!

It would have felt a bit better to play if you could drag the pieces directly off of their spots in the menu. I also think that there should have been a way to reset the position of the players without removing all the placed blocks. Often I just needed to move a platform over by a grid square or two, but the game made me have to re-place everything again. Coupled with the extra click to spawn the piece, starting over each time felt like a lot of work. Pre-specifying how the players would move would also reduce frustration, for example when introducing each player for the first time (“this guy loves to jump”, etc.)

Super creative idea! Also, very nice art and presentation in general! The reflection of the screen on the glass of the pinball table in the menu was great attention to detail!

I think the tutorial could have been extended slightly to explain that you had to fire all the balls and not run out of money. From the original tutorial text I thought we were just testing it and then “the user” would play the game after we were done, but I figured out I was wrong when the level didn’t end after the first successful ball. Also, the tutorial text was super cute, but I found it a bit hard to read. I think this has been mentioned already, but there is a glitch where whenever the level select loads “Splitting hairs” is selected, so I loaded that level by accident a couple of times.

Overall, super unique and well-executed entry! I hope you keep working on it!

Super polished, game, and nice and crunchy! The music was also perfect for the game.

I fell into a strategy of just firing as many of the uranium grapeshots as I could afford at the cities towards the end of the game, and that seemed to work pretty well. However, the medal mechanic mostly fixes that exploit, since I definitely wasn’t optimizing for money left over, haha.

If I had to suggest something, it would be that the selected status on the cards could be a bit more obvious, but overall this was really good!

Thank you! Yeah, improving the platforming physics is on the top of our post-jam todo list :)

Very charming concept, and loved the artwork, especially on the menu!

The fact that you have to herd Pinch towards health potions while also swatting away monsters that he will walk into is surprisingly challenging, and adds depth to the gameplay.