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TreematesView game page

Rejoin the mates of the room with their powerful items
Submitted by Darthbeeblebrox — 31 minutes, 7 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 129 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You rejoin "important" "items" to their soulmates... and they join to you!

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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The art style and dialog in this game were very cute and the experience overall is something enjoyable! This game is definitely unlike all other submissions. Cheers!


So glad you enjoyed it! We definitely tried to be unique!


I think I won?

Anyway, the art is charming, but the gameplay could have a bit more to it than going around moving items to people. I guess if the moving was made more interesting or if there was some more difficulty in figuring out who wants what it could be made more interesting. I’m not sure what to suggest as a mechanism for that, though.

The movement and interaction could use a bit of polish, and it could be signaled a bit more clearly which parts you could actually go through, but it didn’t take long to figure out what to do and where you could go. So it’s already pretty good I think.

Overall, it’s nice and relaxing and I like the art, but wish there was a bit more to it. This sort of game seems difficult to make content for quickly since there’s such a huge amount of things to draw and every level or segment you add means a ton of time spent creating art assets.


Yeah, definitely a lot of time for the art so there weren't many possibilities for expansion. If we had more experience we could have done a lot more with animations instead of just static objects... next time! THe only easy thing was a lot of text options for each character, so we went in that direction.

As for difficulty, we talked a lot about adding other mechanics, but in the end we decided they didn't add anything. We didn't want people distracted with failing a jump (look at the art instead!), or even just to add that tension. If you think of any suggestions though let us know!


It was different from everything i've played this game. Nice game ^^


I'm glad both of you liked it :)


Really original!  Haven't seen anything like it on the jam. Nice work!


Yay, we tried hard to be unique!


Loved the art, the controls felt great and the narrative was very entertaining. I would buy and love a longer version of this for sure! The art for the level reminded me of a children's book my mom used to read me and that made my heart fill up with happiness 


That's such a lovely image! I'm so glad we had that connection! Also, really glad you liked the controls, we wanted to do something slightly unique but still smooth.

We'll have to keep you updated if we make a longer one!


The art is unique! This can be expanded to a big story :)


Thank you! We had so many extra thoughts we couldn't put in that we want to finish!


haha so adorable, I loved it. felt super relaxed  playing it!


Thank you! We value that evocation so much!


Nice little game ! I liked the art, you created a small cute world in only 48h, that's really cool =) ! The music is simple, but is fitting : sometimes you don't need anything complex =).

Good job !


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! We really wanted to make something sweet and cute and I'm glad that you felt it! Thank you for playing!


The art style is very good and the game is also really funny, the "I guess I will settle for ultimate power" line killed me.


The judgemental lemon is scary!

I'm glad you had fun and liked the art! It was my first time doing anything digital in over a decade! So it was quite the challenge!


Cute little game! Loved the art style and snappy simple controls. Very well done, had fun playing: )


Thank you! We were worried the controls might be weird, but we wanted it to be as simple as possible, and be obvious that it wasn't a platformer. So glad you had fun!!


This was so wholesome and cute! Big props to you for the extensive artwork and all of the cute dialogue! Great job especially considering you did this all in 48 hours! Nice game!! (:


Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


Fun little game,

The gameplay is pretty straight forward and there's not that much to it other than talk to people and give them something wich is a shame but considering the amount of time spent on the art it's understandable.

I'm not a big fan of the art to be honest but I can recognize the effort put into all of it (it's pretty big).

Overall a very simple but nice game :) 


I'm glad you had fun even though it's not fully your style! If we had more time we were building to a sort of reverse-katamari, but I think we stopped at about the right scope (mechanically) of our abilities.... for this time :)


This one looks so highhhhhh


Glad we evoked some emotions :)


Very detailed illustrations. You must spend a lot of time on it. The link between the objet and their owner is sometimes hard to fine. The theme is poetically traited. 


I'm so glad that you liked it and enjoyed the art! I haven't made any digital art in over a decade and never used the program Krita before so it was very difficult to do it all in such a short time! But I feel proud! I'm glad you found it poetic! Thank you so much!


Cute game! The art looks like you spent a lot of time on it, the world is so full with objects! Also some advice, you should include screenshots of the game on your itch page


So glad you think it's cute! That was the feeling we wanted people to have and maybe some silly and a little confusion/whimsy. And I really appreciate the advice and think you are correct! We wanted to do more of that but didn't have time! But for next time we will absolutely do so!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Firstly, art was super cool. It had a cute art style, with some polish you can probably make a really good looking game with it. The gameplay was a bit wonky at times and it sort of crashed at the end.

ps: I dig the castlevania reference



Also if by crash you mean everything disappears and it's just the speech bubbles saying victory, that was an intentional but sort of last minute "payoff" and we needed some sort of ending. But if this is what you mean it is very good to know that it kind of feels like a crash rather than being transported to the fairy realm and trapped forever lol.


Oh no, what I meant was everything disappeared and just an orange gradient strip remained. But no worries, my game also robbed some people of victory cookies


Ah yes, you encountered our half complete victory screen and might have been too high up to see everything but basically that was how we ended it because time!


"what is a man but a miserable mush of secrets" lm ao what a cute little game! such a quirky world full of fun characters. i wish i had more of a clue of who to give what, in my playthrough only the glasses dude gave a clue ("where are my glasses").  otherwise, great job; what a unique twist on fetch quests, ive never quite seen anything like this done before.


I'm glad you liked it! It was my first time ever drawing anything digital (I usually do woodblock printmaking and other studio art) and it was a huge challenge but I tried to make it cute! Also I wanted it to be silly and random and have some red herring clues but there wasn't enough time to really build it all up. Thank you for playing!


Hi Darthbeeblebrox!

This is a really cool game! Great artwork and music!

One thing I would suggest is adding something unique to make the game harder. Maybe have the roommates quarrel with one another if you give their belongings to someone else, and you have to find not only someone who wants the objects, but also the correct objects so as not to anger the other residents. It could be a puzzle with multiple solutions.

Great start!


Brandon from TheIndieDream


Thanks for the feedback! I'm so glad you  liked the game!

We in fact wanted to implement a mechanic to give the items to the wrong character and add more drama - all we had time for was the love letter between the two of them and the judgemental lemon lol! But I'm glad that our idea for a harder game would have been welcome! Thank you so much for the review and the play!


Great style! Loved it! Good job


Thank you so much!


This art style is so cute! The music is great too. It's a little hard to understand where you should go up or down, but I got it after a while. For some reason it reminded me of broken age. Congrats on the work!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

We were thinking it would be good next time to make the doors and ladders and pathways a little more obvious! Thanks for the feedback :)

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