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A lil duck learns that there are some things in life you just can't control. (Visual Novel)
Submitted by NK13 — 22 minutes, 13 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 97 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
When I thought of out of control I thought of how in life there are lots of things out of our control. How we end up fixating on the things we can't control rather than on what we can control.

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We used pre-existing audio

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Super cute art and love that you took the prompt in such a heartfelt direction.

Gameplay wise, I thought the pacing was a bit slow, and the dialogue could have come in quicker (lots of fades between sentences even in the same scene).

But overall, nice work!


Thank you ^^!!!

Okay that's pretty fair o: It's funny cuz I was worried the gameplay was too fast and sudden but a lot of people are saying the opposite, so I'll be sure to keep that in mind!


The art and concept of this is unbelievably cute 😭 loved it!!


thank you so much c: !!


Pretty nice vn :) And the art is super cute!

PS: I trying the jam games and tweet about them. I will tweet about this one as well! Check it out:


Thank you so much ^^ !


This is an amazingly touching story and a special way to interpret the theme.  The art was adorable! 
I really liked the message of the story and I think it's a relatable and important one to kids as well as adults.  Great job (:


Thank you so much >w< !!!


Wow, was not expecting something like this! So glad I gave this a shot, the story was so down to Earth and relatable, and the art was just so beautifuly drawn. And I love this interpretation of the theme, I've played some great games this jam but there is definitely a skew toward games that mess with the actual controls, so it's nice to see a game do something different with the theme.

Really well done!


I'm so glad to hear that! Yesss same, I worry that people assume this game is just a visual novel with messy controls, when it's more about mental health and has nothing to do with the controls. 

Thank you so much ^w^ !!


Don't see many visual novels in a game jam, this is really cool! The art style is very nice and cute and the story was very touching. Amazing work for a 48 hour jam!


Ahh thank you so much ;w;;;


What a good game!


Thank you c:


I normally don't play visuel novels, but the art style caught my attention and hooked me a bit ;P

Then i got to playing it i liked all the cute drawings + music fit well. 
But what i wasn't expecting was actually a story that you could actually relate with, since i could see many of the same things i also felt at some points in my school life.
So to that i feel like you really succeeded in making a story that was down to earth and felt real :)

But if i were to give it one critique it would probably be how the decisions was a very cut and dry, bad vs good without too much middle ground.
Other than that, Great work! :D


Glad it hooked ya in :D

Yesss, I'm glad it was relatable (the story was based off of some of my exp in highschool, so I'm glad others can understand the feeling or see themselves in it)

Yeah, that's pretty fair o: I need to improve making choices 

Thank you so much * _ *


The game is pretty deep, didn't expect something like this to show up in a jam. Very well done.


Aye i tried my best to give as much depth as possible - thank you c:


I cri everytim,
This story is so adorable and relatable, Thanks for this its awesome quack :D


thank you so much ^w^


Hits close to home ;-;

Art is super cute and I'm impressed by the amount of drawings you made in such a short time. The story is also inspiring and just made me feel better about things. I also like your interpretation on the theme. It feels like something you wanted to write about. Using ducks was super cute too. This game feels like something that was made with a lot of love and I really appreciate that. Thanks for making it!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you so much! (my arm is still kinda ache-y tho ohoho)

Ahh, I'm glad it resonated with you and you felt better about things - I was hoping it'd click with someone, so I'm truly glad it did ;w;;;

Yesss, this game is somewhat based off of my highschool experience, so I tried to put a lot of thought and care into this story, since it really did feel personal to me.

Your comment is filled with a lot of love and I truly appreciate it T_T <3


What a fantastic art style! The level of polish here is excellent. Congrats!


Thank you so much ^ _ ^


This game is so cute ! And so much options for a 48h jam :O
I liked it alot !


thank you very much - highly appreciate it ^w^


A nice little story! I liked the uplifting message, and the advice people can use in real life. The presentation was beautiful, and the ducks were adorable. Good work!


Thank you very much ^ w ^


What a cute little story ^ w ^


Thank you so much * _ *


I love the math jokes "the limit as help approaches me = please" XD  Very cute and I love the art style of the game, SOOO pretty!  My favourite part was that I found it thought provoking.  I personally was that terrible kid in class that you suspected was asleep most of the class but the teacher also stopped calling on because I knew all the answers, so the game gave me a new perspective.  It reminded me of a lecture I saw a few weeks ago on impostor syndrome. 

Thank you!  This is definitely one that I want to share and talk about with my friends!


Yessss my hand was dying more and more so every time there was a scene with the board I made sure to beg for help xP

Thank you so much * _ *

Ohh, glad to hear you had a new perspective :D This game is inspired by my experience in high school (not 100% accurate, but more of the low confidence everyone is better than me perspective).

Ahh I'm glad to hear that * w * Love that our games had similar energy of mental health!


agreed. This was my first game jam but my team and I really enjoyed it so we will probably do it again next year.  I hope to see you there :)




My favorite art style yet! I love how expressive the emotions of the ducks are in your character art. The great art paired with the well-timed music made for a great emotional experience.


I'm glad to hear that - thank you so much!! 


This game was amazing, and the tips for controlling anxiety are actual tricks used in the real world. The art is beautiful, and there is a lot of it!
Congrats, really well made!


yesss, this story is partially my experience so some things are actually real :D

thank you :D


I typically don't really care for visual novels, but because of your art style and the fact you made it in 48 hours convinced me to have a go, and I'm really glad I did. I loved the aesthetic, and the story was touching. Overall a really good submission.


it means a lot that you decided to give it a shot - thank you ^w^

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