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The Long NightView game page

GMTK 2020 Game Jam Submission
Submitted by trmrddr (@trmrddr), matthemagician, giraffalope — 35 minutes, 20 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 68 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Herding cats is a famously difficult thing, even more so when the aliens are trying to get them.

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all audio during the game jam

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I loved it! Really well done.

The issue is that in my first attempt the alien kidnapped my cat and myself. SoI had to restart the game XD
To improve I recommend to put some cats sound (and maybe some hearts) to improve my connection with them.
Well done!


I love it! :D


Nice game and a great take on the theme! I really liked the spooky vibes, it was a smart choice to go with kittens as it made the demons feel 10x more evil.

The controls are ncie and responsive and the game looks amazing. I found it a little hard to tell when I was blocking the demons from grabbing my kitties --- maybe adding a small sound effect when you succeed at that would improve feedback to the player a bit.

Awesome game though, great job!


Fun game!


Fun idea, once i also got pushed out of the map, but overall expererience is quite nice, great work!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Nice game! I got myself captured though, the aliens pushed me out of bounds and I couldn't go back. The cat hitboxes bothered me, I don't understand why they should block the player. Everything else is perfect.


A fun little minigame with a nice look and sound to it! I liked the look of the demons trying to ruin your fun time, and that very much is an accurate representation of herding cats. Been there. A nice difficulty curve, though I absolutely sucked at the game. :P The mood is good, very coherent which is always a plus. Nice work! :D

Also, have some bad fan art:


This isn't bad fan art at all! This is GREAT fan art! Wow! I'm so honored! Thank you for playing it :D


This is my favorite one so far


Pretty fun, I really liked the sound effect for the aliens, and I feel like the difficulty ramps up at a good rate. I just barely made it at the end which felt really nice!

I wish there were some way to save a cat once it had been snatched. I kept trying to grab it out of the aliens hands but it never worked D:


The concept is fine, but execution is great, very fun for a short game.


I have played two cat herding games this Jam which I find mildly hilarious.   They are literal polar opposites of each other too.

The graphics and flow of this game are great.   The frantic feeling of the game play is cultivated well with the graphics and the sound effects.   Everything about the game flows well into the concept and I very definitely did not feel in control :)


Ooo, do tell what the other cat herding game is. Always on the lookout for more cat herding games.


This is great, I really like the feel of urgency running around grabbing cats just to see other cats running out. 

Good concept, the art and music  fit well too. It's also very easy to understand the game conditions. I like this one a lot!


love the visuals and i felt guilty everytime a cat would get taken ;w;


Love the visuals, amazing job with the pixel art, it just looks so polished. Game is super intuitive too just very difficult to keep the cats alive! Only had one alive by the end


Ok, this is really great! I really love the art style and concept, the only nitpick I have is that the controls can feel kinda weird at times, and the player can get stuck on the kittens at some points. Otherwise, a 5-star game! Good job!!!


Well done, simple and easy to pick up. Had a lot of fun playing it :)


Simple, but good game.

It fits the theme very well. During one game, I formed a bond with one cat, I protected her all game and the game ended just a moment before he was taken out. So looks like your game has now interesting story. ;-)


I always love when these small narratives come out of people's experiences with a game. Glad you enjoyed our game!


Cute aesthetic and idea! It's pretty hard to save lots of kitties tho :(

Cheers, Laura


Nooo i wanna save you all!
Love this game. I get fairly hectic when playing it, but it's super cool. Sometimes the player will collide with one of the pets in the light circle and you lose time, which is a little bit frustrating.
Nevertheless I really enjoyed it.

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