It seems like the success of the Emotional Mech Jam did a lot to get itch on the map of indie games and analog games on the map at itch. Seems like the ball is still rolling on those with March of the Wizards, Short Rest, Roll to Craft and Short and Easy. How was it participating in a jam, for those that did?
I posted my first game on itch for the #sadmechjam and It was a huge confidence boost to actually get direct sales for something I wrote. My wizard game idea went through about 20 iterations before finally resolving a day too late. I'm still working on it though, and I'm in love with the idea and grateful to the jam hosts for evocative prompts that were clearly inspiring for a lot of designers. I'm really curious about what kind of events we'll see in the future, since game contests/jams are a way a lot of designers get their start. Maybe existing design events could find a home here as well...