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Baba YagaView game page

He was the one you sent to kill the Boogeyman
Submitted by Gad, MOMONGA — 7 hours, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Authenticity (or, Creativity in use of resolution)#284.2074.207

Ranked from 29 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Our theme was "Frick Around And Find Out" which seemed perfect for a beat-em-up game about vengeance where every other breathing character in the game is begging to get punched in the face!

We built this entire game from scratch within the given 2 weeks, in the late evenings after work and family! The 64x64px canvas was a really fun challenge, especially for a game where you need real estate. Everything was made from scratch, every line of code, every music, piece of art, etc. We used Unity/C# for our game engine, Aseprite for art / animation, FamiStudio and JSFXR/Audacity for music / SFX. Unity is a real pain for 2D pixel perfect projects, and we had to constantly find workarounds around those limitations. I'm thrilled to see better web export coming to Godot very soon!

Web exports are always tricky, there are always unknown unknows that are discovered too late in the game (in my case, some shaders incompatibility causing the game not to load properly). Better to export early and often to not spend the last day figuring it out.

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Wow, amazing work. Everything in this game is just top-notch. I love the art, the music, the cutscenes, everything is so good. Loved the two stages as well. I really loved the different items (the knife and the gun) and the enemy variety for such a short dev time. Rushing down the gun/knife-weilding guys for their weapons always felt super good. You nailed it! Probably my favorite entry so far.



Thank you so much for the kind words! <3 Glad you enjoyed it!


This is short & sweet beat-em up game! The visuals, audio, and story setup are executed perfectly. The combat feels great & impactful when you land hits. It is awesome when you dodge a knife, and it strikes another enemy. I think the addition of a back-fist attack to hit enemies approaching from the rear would enhance the combat greatly.


Thank you so much for playing! I would have loved to address the enemies in your back, either through a back attack or by throwing enemies on the other side :) We ran out of time but hope to do it for a post-jam version!


I really enjoyed playing your game! The theme of “Frick Around And Find Out” was spot-on it’s impressive how well everything came together given the 64 x 64  canvas.

Despite the struggles with Unity and the limitations of pixel-perfect 2D projects, the game turned out great. The art, animation, and sound design all contributed to a fantastic experience. We faced similar issues with Godot 4.2, so I can definitely relate to the challenges you encountered.


Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot! :)


I loved the game! The sprites, the animations, the music and gameplay are all fantastic and nostalgic and (very importantly) they fit so nicely together. I think this is the perfect entry for the jam! Creating all of this in just two weeks is awesome and I am sure you need a rest now :)  (And huge thanks for the "Continue?" prompt and for not taking my quarter :D)


haha thanks! guess what game I purchased yesterday as a result of playing your game? :)


Haha, I also bought Shapez 2 as soon as it was available :D I played the first one and Factorio a lot, too! I might borrow a few more ideas from this one... :)


Not sure if a known issue, I somehow have kicked the first boss up on the wall, and he got stuck and the game didn’t progress any further.

I also got stuck in the last frame of the jump animation unable to do anything else, until getting hit to reset the animation.

Otherwise these two issues, the game is a gem and I really love it! Reminds me of my childhood spending hours on River City Ransom and Mighty Final Fight! Amazing work here!



It looks like someone else reported something similar :( I think I have a bug with how I transition states. Thanks for reporting!


Oh wow, it’s just like Double Dragon! Really impressive to pull this off in just 2 weeks! I would play this thing until I run out of quarters.


Well that's a NES reference that doesn't get brought up often!! (as well as the quarters lol!) Yes I spent hundreds of hours with Billy and Jimmy Lee when I was young, I guess they still live in me somewhere lol :D 

Thanks for playing!


Nice graphics! How could you create such good animations on a 64*64 canvas? I think that you have a superpower! What I didn't like was that it wasn't clear that the game was "finishable" at first. When I died for the first time, I thought that by deciding to continue, I'm just starting over with a 0 score. It looked like an infinite fighting game. But then I found out that I was actually making progress and that it is possible to finish the game. My question: why is it possible to die if you can just continue afterwards? That doesn't make any sense! Good job otherwise!


I think in a typical game, we would have provided the player with a limited but generous number of lives to start with. For a jam entry, where I don't expect people to restart anything, losing a life costs you 1000 points, while every HP at the end of the level (27HP max) gives you an extra 40 points per HP. Doing combos also provides bonus points on top of the enemies that you beat. So overall in this jam, the life system just impacts the score. It's pretty difficult to get above 5K points.

Thanks soo much for playing through it!


Oh, OK. I think that you should explain the score system in the description.


Awesome entry!

The only thing that bothered me was the “go” SFX which was in some way not playing well with the music. But it’s a nitpick for the great game! :)


you've got such an awesome ear to notice this! and you're absolutely right that they're not in the same key, it creates a dissonance when it plays. I had never noticed it before you mention it, most likely because during all the playthroughs I ended up turning the music off as it had become very repetitive. I'll fix this, thank you!!


a lot of work for this game you can feel it when playing it. I was surprised by the impacts that I found very successful and very appropriate in the beat them all style. Suddenly the game is very satisfying, we want to punch everything. The supremacy of the jumping kick is respected as well as the sending of objects across the screen. The graphics are very successful, the cut scenes, the animations are well worked it's very cool. The itchio page is also very well done and complete. Personally I liked less that it takes place in the universe of John Wick but hey ... great job overall


thanks so much for playing the game, glad you enjoyed it!


Perfectly polished game! Great sound design, graphics and gameplay.


thanks so much, glad you liked it!


This game is pretty awesome. Great Graphics, great gameplay, great audio, inspired by a great movie (which is something I definitely haven't done...).

Only problem for me is that the game stops working after I defeated the first boss. The boss is just stuck in some hit/die pose and the game doesnt continue. I tried multiple times using firefox on ubuntu and never made it further, though I don't think browser or OS are at fault, seems more like a bug.

I'll try again some other time as I would really like to play through the whole thing.


Oh no... If you were able to play it halfway through, I agree it's most likely a bug rather than a browser / os issue :( ive never seen it but I know my animations can be out of sync with the character states, so I'm not surprised by what you're mentioning unfortunately... Well if you give it another go, you'll get a special medal 🏅:)


Well I suppose I get my special medal. I managed to get past the first boss, the difference was that I didn't require a continue. Maybe that's what caused the bug.


thanks so much for reporting, I'll see if I can repro on my end


This game is awesome! The artist did so much with such a small amount of space and while the combat is pretty simple it manages to keep itself fresh with different weapons and mechanics. Very cool!


thanks so much for playing through it!


A nice classic fighting game, good for letting out some steam. Strong NES vibes in here, well executed. :)


so glad you liked it! 


This is super cute, such great pixel art and graphics! Well done!


Thanks so much! I'm excited to try out your game!


Great work here! A great beat em' up experience that didn't outstay its welcome. I liked the variety between gun, knife, and fist enemies. I also liked figuring out the two bosses (though I found it a lil tricky to dodge the kick attack on the second one).

I encounter a  couple weird control soft locks from inputting two many jumps in a row (I think?). I can't tell if you are buffering inputs and the buffer is too long, or if you aren't and its doing some sort of weird interpretation, but I found jumping pretty unreliable in general. I also found I frequently was getting double punches and weird stuff like that.  Fine for this length of game, but for something longer, more polish would be appreciated.

I really appreciated the permissive continue system. If I had to restart when I died midway through stage 2, I would have stopped.


Thanks so much for playing!

Yeah I think the main issue is with Unity's animation controller which created some buffering between what was happening on screen and the inputs entered by the player. I'll take some time to rework that part, it's definitely noticeable when you smash the buttons quickly.


Yeah, I could definitely see that!

How are you using the Animator? I'd be tempted to use the Crossfade() method to directly change from one animation to the next and give yourself the ability to quickly cancel into another one if you need to.


Yep, that's exactly what I should be doing. Currently a lot of those animations are forced to complete before transitioning the player state, and it actually makes the controls feel sticky and unresponsive. It'll be a good fix for the post-jam version!


100% enjoyed playing through this! What a great love letter to beat-em-ups, John Wick, and NES styling all at once. The movement never felt too slow or too fast and the animation/effects when hitting someone always had the right amount of juice.  The game itself is also the perfect length for a jam. Incredibly well done sprite work and cutscenes too! All of you really did an amazing job.


Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed playing through it!


This is incredible, and my first game of the jam to score perfect 5s across the board. What's not to love? Really excellent intro that led into a solid beat em up. Great graphics, great sound. It's the unoffical tie in game the movies deserved. Seriously well done. The only critique I could possibly have is wanting more of it to play.


Thank you so much! <3


Love it! I'm surprised this works on 64*64, but you pulled it off quite well! Fun to play, great music, love the cutscene, and the low-rez jojo pose is amazing


Thanks so much, I'm thrilled you liked it! 


I really loved playing this one. Everything fit so well together - reminded me of playing some old teenage mutant ninja turtles beat'em up as a kid. Really great storytelling and art. Loved the cutscenes and dialogue, added a ton of flavor to the game. I appreciate not completely losing when I died. I like knowing I died, but continuing where I was for these types of games :) Fantastic job!!!


Thanks so much for playing! I was a huge fan of those ninja turtle games as a kid! (although I got sooo frustrated with the first Ninja Turtles on the NES because it was so hard!)


Nice game, specially for a 64x64


Thanks so much for playing! I'm excited to try your game!