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A member registered Mar 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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Can't wait for the full game! Keep it cooking! <3

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I don't see any breaks of this rule --> So it should be ok to grant keys for pre-purchasers outside Steam (on You just need to contact Steam Support and clarify that question. Until that - all above mentioned is considered as lies. IMO

Updates, UPDATES! We need updates! More, MORE!!!

P.S. Awesome game. I really like the visual style and atmosphere overall.

Hi, in my opinion the game needs to have difficulty curve (to begin easy and become more harder and harder). As example - the first platforms should be passable through and after some time more and more unpassable platforms appear. Just my humble opinion. Visuals and sound are cool.

Great graphic. Visually game is very pretty.

Good entry.  Game is simple but can be played for a few hours straight. Great concept.

Hello, not for the C# projects.

Thank you for playing and for the review! I appreciate any review.

I would like to see a list of the necessary objects to find cause game pushed me to just click on anything. Some objects looked like they are hidden but they were just props but real object which needed to be found was not even hidden. just laying in the middle of the screen. Sound and visuals are strongest part of the game and I liked them very much. Good entry for the Jam. 

Great game. Atmosphere is really catching. 

Fun game. I liked the audio and visually game also looks pretty.

I don't know if it's a bug or what but after talking to NPC and killing one slime nothing else happens in the game. Anyway, I would like to say that music and graphics are very pretty but from gameplay side - there is nothing. 

Good game. One thing that in my opinion could solve difficulty problem (game is pretty easy) to add a "preparing" option/function where you choose which units you would like to use on this exact level, and units should be different cost each. It would give players a possibility to experiment and retry levels if they fail.

(2 edits)

5 stars for all. Amazing experience. Every detail is so well developed. I experienced so great feelings when playing the game I had a thought - "game gets boring" and exactly on the next screen appears the bird which gives a game second  wind, and after, game begins to punish you for not being accurate (for example when you enter new room with long-jump and not small one. Great, great game. 5 stars.

Cool game, but I would like to have some difficulties in the gameplay, because now game allows you to move anything, anytime, anywhere. Just a simple limit to move counts would fit great in there. But overall I liked it and completed hardest level.

Great entry.  Game have a good potential to grow to something bigger. Good job!

Great polished game! I would like to receive a review from you guys about my game, thank you in advance.

Very simple blackjack simulator. Visuals and music kept me for a few minutes playing it.

Simple, fun and in some places challenging game. Best part of the game is visual design/graphics.

P.S. I would be appreciated if you would try my game ❤️ I couldn't export it as web-build because there is no HTML export for C# projects in Godot 4 

P.S.S. You are creating awesome game "Dart Racer" . It's trailer gave me nostalgic memories about the cartoon/anime "Oban Star-Racers" which I was watching when was young.

Thank you for playing and the review!

Agree with you that game could be more polished but it was my very first completed game and I was focused and spent all time on implementing main mechanics: screen "glitch" - which took me couple of days to pass basic shader course, power-ups, difficulty testing and tweaking, and also having a couple game prototypes in my pockets I never before were creating an UI/menu, it also took a few days because Godot's tools for it felt very unintuitive for me.

(1 edit)

After understanding what you need to do game feels soooo fun, challenging and keeps you for a quite a time. I didn't count how many retries I tried but there were a 20 at minimum. A few thing which I really needed for my better experience as a player:
- possibility to turn off the grass and leave only squares with colored sides according to plants

- possibility to "store/keep" a one tile for future

- may be some visual hints or tutorial what the game objectives/goals mean, because I didn't get what this objective:

is asking me to do...

Overall perfect idea, good realization, simple yet hard puzzles (in good manner). I really like games which  forces your brain to work 😂👍🔥

Hi, looks like a great idea and concept. But while I was playing I didn't fully understood what is a good "combos" and how really they should interact with each other. Some in-game "tutorial" or some kind if hints would be great. Also for the game which is needed to be downloaded, next time, please implement replay function in-game. Is it bug or why 9 out of 10 humans were setting everything on fire? And that one who was not - was dying because of hunger (if I got it correctly). Could you please explain how really game was meant to be played? Thank you in advance.

Visually game is pretty, music and sounds also are very implementing into the game.

Awesome entry. Cool "3D", nice graphics, art work. Good music and sounds.  Unfortunately game crashed after second level but as I see on screenshots there is at least 3 more levels what is great and inspiring that someone can create such much content in two weeks!

Awesome entry. Cool "3D", nice graphics, art work. Good music and sounds.  Unfortunately game crashed after second level but as I see on screenshots there is at least 3 more levels what is great and inspiring that someone can create such much content in two weeks!

Wow, cool concept. But... it needed some more work around - because when I played I was just moving both magnets equally and it makes game too easy. In my opinion It would be great and more difficult/challenging to make one of the magnets movements in reverse (when you press W it goes down and vice versa). I was not struggling  with Camera movements and took it as the game's feature. Great concept, fun to play, unfortunately no sounds.

P.S. check very easy tool to make music and sound effects. I used it to create music and sound effects for my game.

Perfectly polished game! Great sound design, graphics and gameplay.

Great game. Completed it on first try (eating enemies kinda OP 😂). Can't agree with others about spikes - you did great adding boxes so that game can self-explain that props are destructible there. Every detail in the game was intuitive.

Good idea. Haven't seen anything similar yet on this Jam. Completed two puzzles and was struggling about how to launch Fire and Air levels 😂 So I went to walkthrough and sadly they weren't implemented.  Impressing that this game was made only using HTML. For me it looks that you have game designer talent.

Thank you for review! Bad rating is also a rating. 

As I mentioned in game's description : I suggest to start with Easy difficulty (it's default if you just press "Play" in the menu) to get used to controls because game was meant to be hard. On Easy difficulty there is only 1 enemy and starting "Goals" are not high. I don't know had you get your first power-up but game becomes more and more easier after completing each "Goal".  I suggest you give it another try and begin with "Easy" difficulty for more relaxing and less punishing gameplay.

P.S. Also some of my play testers were mad about clicking all the time Mouse1 to shoot so I even added Auto-Shoot power-up which you randomly could get after completing your current "Goal" to make game after getting it even more easier/less struggling. 

Thank you for trying it and for the review!

Good peaceful game. Spent time can't be regretted but as always for such the good entry I wished that game would be longer.

(2 edits)

He just stays there and sprite is flipping left-right-left-right.

Very challenging to play and hard to not rage-quit.  I understand that it is your chosen theme with self-destruction but in your game it is too much punishable to restart from the beginning.  You needed to implement checkpoints at least.  

Great entry. Game kept me for quite a time.  Great art and sound, also gameplay - simple but still difficult.

5 stars. I can't say more... Really really simple but still catching idea. I felt great while was playing, I had fun and laughed when stomped rabbit to the ceiling and saw blood appearing on the pillar (I was not expecting that you can stomp/kill rabbit by yourself 😂) also I had "AHA" moments in some levels which took me some time to realize how to pass them and also I felt genius completing "hard" (on first look) levels by some cheesy/easy way. 5 stars for me.

Cool graphics, but controls felt unpredictable. I feel that astronaut needs something to control or speed up rotation more than just switching rotation. May be he could wave his left or right hand, like a bird, to rotate a bit faster? I see it would be silly and fun 😂 I really wanted to play more but game was stopping me and forcing to wait while astronaut rotates to the needed direction.

Very catching concept for first 10 minutes. After a few battles I found spells that work the best and every further enemy encounter wasn't difficult at all. I had no possibility to end the game because there is no explanation what to do or where to go.  Good entry if it really was made in two weeks but lacks some hint system which would help player to navigate through game.

I agree with Eric Alfaro about controls being a little struggling to use. But overall good concept. One thing that I would like to change - that sword works as a magnet. You throw it in the middle of the room and it magnets all surrounded metal objects to itself what prevents player from being hit and does more damage to enemies.

Great Graphics and catching Promo Image. Sadly gameplay is not well developed because it appears that if you just move all the time nothing happens and you complete the game when 5 minute timer ends. Even for 72 hours build looks like you could make only player's bullets being affected by time mechanic. So overall - good concept, not so good realization.

Interesting concept. Game lacks some difficulty - for example another bees (like competitors) who also flies and collects nectar what forces you to fly farther from the Hive. Or may be people with bugnets who chases you for a some time. Long story short - game is too simple, not bad - just simple.